Game Night Pt. 03


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He dipped his tongue into her belly button and though she tried to fight the reaction, her back arched pressing her stomach against his mouth. She wanted to laugh and moan at the same time. It was a strange tickle, a feeling of being over-stimulated but being unable to make a sound. He nipped her stomach and was rewarded with a throaty moan.

Owen moved lower feeling the ripple of her abs beneath her skin as he traced phantom designs on her belly. Her scent surrounded him and he lost himself to the feminine musk. It was a light scent, a fragrance that only existed after you had smelled it and was gone just as fast. He gulped madly at the air until his lungs burned from lack of oxygen. He'd hyperventilated as he hunted her scent.

He kissed her pubic mound, the smooth, hairless skin silky beneath his tongue. He looked up at his sister, keeping his mouth firmly planted, and for a heartbeat they saw only each other. He closed his eyes and lay upon his stomach between her legs.

He didn't dive in, he didn't want to rush. He nuzzled her thighs with his cheek and mouth as she draped her legs across her back. He brushed his lips against hers and came away sticky with her arousal everywhere she touched. He moved against her again and again wanting her scent to seep into the fiber of his being.

She stroked her fingers through the tangle of his hair and silently begged for him to give her what she needed.

Owen kissed the core of her sex and she inhaled sharply, loudly. He did it again. And she flexed against him until she thought her back might break. The third time he sucked her clit between his lips and she clenched her toes against his back, pinching his skin with her feet. He didn't move, didn't breathe. He knew that she would cum if he did anything and so, he did nothing. He was not ready for the game to be over just yet.

He moved back up her body, her legs sliding around him as he kissed his way back to her mouth. She could taste her cum on his lips and tongue but what drove her wild was the blunt pressure of his cock against her slit. She rocked her hips urgently, grinding herself against him as she sprinted toward her orgasm.

Owen pulled his hips back from hers and rose up on his knees. He towered over his sister and tried to convey as much love and care into his smile as he could. Katerina smiled at her brother, her lover, and nodded one time.

Owen gripped himself with one hand and placed the head of his cock against her sex. To Katerina the rod of his erection looked swollen much too large to fit inside her virgin hole. She'd been told there would be pain and though she wasn't a fan of pain, for Owen, she would endure anything.

He rubbed the head of his cock against her sex until his tip glistened with their combined juices. Satisfied with his work he pressed against her opening.

Katerina gave an explosive hiss as his head stretched her hole. It didn't hurt, yet, but the knowledge that her brother was now inside her left her feeling indescribable joy.

Owen moved his hips causing the thick length to pull out before sliding back in. Her cum glistened on the silver bead of his piercing and she liked the way it looked. He pressed forward one last time and halted as he pressed against her hymen.

He held himself up with one hand and used his free hand to sweep her hair from her face. He tucked the strands behind her ear before capturing her mouth in a soul-shattering kiss. As she opened her mouth to his searching tongue, he flexed his hips; hard.

There was pain, Katerina realized as she screamed into Owen's mouth. It wasn't a slight 'oh this is uncomfortable' or even a 'oh I just cut myself with this knife.' No, this was more 'I stubbed my toe five seconds ago and now I can't think' pain. The saving grace? The pain faded in a breath. Owen, always concerned with her, held still within her even as she locked around him. She could feel her body thrashing around him, her sex milking him as it tried to accommodate his size.

Owen felt the barrier give way as he pressed forward. He swallowed the scream Katerina let loose as he bottomed out inside her. He held as still as possible and was determined to stay that way until she had time to adjust to him. It wasn't easy. Her slippery walls gripped and glided around him pulling on him from base to head, trying to drag him in deeper. His balls ached and his cock begged to let loose inside her, but he held firm. He could feel her cervix slamming against him with every clench of her muscles.

Katerina pried her nails from her brother's back, grimacing as she felt his skin beneath her nails; sorry that she had hurt him. She adjusted her legs around his waist and hissed, certain that pain would follow the movement. At first there was only a stinging, but as she readjusted herself again there came a new feeling. A delicious tug within her which left her breathless.

She flexed her hips again and heard a feral moan escape her lips as a stronger, new sensation coursed through her. She worked herself against him, moving desperately fast, addicted to the feeling of him pressing against that one place. She had thought that intercourse would be different, that she would feel him near her stomach and that she would cum from him hitting something deep within her. This wasn't like that, this was something closer to her opening, something just below her pubic mound, something that liked what was happening.

As Katerina moved her hips against him he struggled to rein in his orgasm. His body screamed at him to claim her, to spray inside her, and to keep going until he passed out. Again. But he held himself back. It wasn't about him. This was her first time and he felt she was exploring the new environment, seeking some treasure she could feel.

Katerina rolled her hips and that was when she figured it out. The beads. The beads on his piercing, particularly the top one, was rubbing against something within her and it was loving the attention. In the blink of an eye, one second into the next, she went from feeling deliriously stimulated to an urgent, demanding need to pee. She fought with her mind as she continued her blistering pace and with a last rock of her hips she saw colors dance before her eyes.

Owen held Katerina's hips in his hands as she rode herself on his length. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer and the whimpers pouring from her made him ache to do so much more than cum inside her. He looked down at her breasts, the mounds swaying madly as she pounded herself against him, he let his eyes drift lower just seconds before she screamed his name.

Katerina grabbed something with her hands, she didn't know what it was but she held on for dear life. The orgasm robbed her of every sense but sensation and she knew something big was happening. Her body continued to move against Owen's even as her mind begged for a cease-fire. She felt wetness splashing against her thighs, a light mist sprinkling the lower half of her body.

Her hearing came back first and the sound which greeted her sent her on a new spiral. Owen's breathing was ragged, he grunted forcefully in time to her every move, and he moaned her name sweetly, reverently.

Owen's balls threatened to release and he was beyond fighting it. He gripped Katerina's hips and worked himself with her. He rocked his hips, pulling his cock from her so far that the head threatened to slip free just before slamming back into her. She moaned as he pounded into her and yet, he couldn't cum.

Sweat beaded on his skin as he growled and worked himself harder. He switched his rhythm and allowed his mind to follow every dirty thought, every fantasy, every imaginative corner he strayed from when he wanted to keep from cumming.

Katerina's nails scored his skin but the sting of her nails drove him on.

He imagined her peeing on him as he moved within her. He imagined having her toes in his mouth as he felt her muscles around him. He imagined her belly swelling up with his child as he continued to fuck her daily. He imagined her begging for it, showing him her beautiful pussy beneath her skirt in public. He imagined watching her masturbate before pressing his thick cock into her pussy and riding her raw.

Still, his orgasm eluded him.

"Owen." Katerina moaned as she clenched around him again. He felt her toes clenching against his butt and she seemed to open within. It was like her vagina expanded around him, the walls going rigid as he slammed into her again and again. A flood of fluid gushed from her slit and as it splashed against his stomach he felt himself soar over the edge.

"Kat, fuck, Katerina. . . I'm goin-" He choked on his words, "Ahhhhhh." He moaned.

Katerina had regained enough awareness to feel the movement within her. Owen's cock jumped, twitched within her as he slammed his hips into hers. His moan had gone silent as he jerked his cock back before slamming it home again. Something hit inside her and heat, sudden and intense, spread through her abdomen. Another hit, more heat. Another hit. Another. Another. Another.

With each hit Owen shuddered above Katerina and though she hadn't understood immediately, she realized he was cumming inside her. The realization lit her off and she scratched his back as he body convulsed against his. As he came inside her she sprayed against him; the bed beneath them soaking in her squirt and the overflow of his semen already dripping from her slit.

They both collapsed to the bed. Owen not even having the strength to stop himself from plopping on top of his sister. He breathed her in as his cock continued to kick within her. It was spent of its load but the aftermath of his orgasm left it reeling.

Katerina stroked his back and her hips gently rolled against him. Her clit was sensitive and her opening burned from the use. She felt used, filled to bursting, claimed, completed, and most of all: loved. She knew in that moment that Owen would always be there for her. In truth, she couldn't wait to get him back inside her.

He slid from her as his organ softened and she felt his cum pour from her. It trailed down over her puckered ass and collected in a pool beneath her ass. She didn't care. It didn't bother her. If she could have it her way, she would always be covered in his cum.

Owen looked down at her well-used sex and watched as his cum and the blood from her torn hymen. He liked the way it looked.

"Who won?" Rachel asked in a breathy voice.

"Owen did."

"I did." Owen answered with her. He stroked Katerina's face, adoring her. "But just by a hair."

Katerina pressed her cheek into his touch, covering his hand with her own and holding it to her face. She kissed his palm before letting him go.

"So, what are you going to do with your victory request?" Samantha asked as she pressed her breasts against his side.

Owen looked at her and absorbed the love she radiated for him. He kissed her lips. "I don't know." He kissed her again. "I'll think of something."

Katerina whimpered beneath him and he felt someone's head moving against his ass.

"What th-" Owen started. He looked over his shoulder and saw that Rachel was between Katerina's legs and from the look of her head movement, was busy licking away to her heart's content. Owen laughed and pinned Katerina's hands above her head while Rachel cleaned up their mess.

Katerina groaned as the camera snapped her picture, immortalizing her cat outfit in tandem with her breasts and her gooey, dripping slit. There was a puddle beneath her before the button had been pressed. She groaned as the plug was pulled from her ass.

Without even cleaning it off, Jessica slid it into Rachel's ass and put the ears over the black strands of her hair. Rachel raised one hand and pawed at the air in true cat fashion. She rose up, her ass against her heels, and showed off her spectacular breasts and the barest hint of her slit for the camera.

Sarah waited in line, her ass in the air and she inhaled through her teeth as Owen's hand gripped her still pink butt. He pressed the plug against the pucker and watched as the hole opened and stretched. Sarah groaned and pressed back against him as the plug slid into place. The ears went on easily though the color didn't really match her strawberry color. She turned her ass toward the camera, making the tail a prominent point of the photo though she did manage to get the ears and one breast into the shot as well.

Jessica sneered at the tail plug but didn't fight Owen as he worked his finger against her ass. He moved the plug to take the place of his finger and as he pressed it against her pulsing hole her pulled her hair. She gave a throaty moan as she plug entered her, pierced her. When he put the ears on her she hissed at him and mirrored the pose Rachel had used but opened her legs wider to show off her puffy lips.

Samantha was next and she lifted her hips toward Owen and laid her head and chest on the floor. As the plug slid into her she gasped from the feeling of having anything put insider her body. She kissed his chest as he put the ear headband over her blonde tresses. "Pose with me?" She asked his meekly.

"How?" He managed.

"Behind me, like you're inside me." She pressed her body closer to him. "Pulling my nipples, sliding your cock between my lips so that the head peeks up toward my stomach?"

Owen nodded.

They curled the tail around her side as Owen arranged himself between her thickly coated lips. The light hairs scratched at his cock but the scratch was pleasant, exciting. He pinched her nipples between his fingers and he pulled slowly until she whimpered and wiggled against him.

When the picture was snapped, her face was a tortured mix of pain and pleasure. She smiled brightly and the action danced in her eyes. Behind her Owen looked torn between holding his pose and pushing her down and taking her in any way he wanted. Everyone agreed this picture was the best.

"So, who's next?" Samantha asked.

"What do you mean?" Jessica replied.

"Well, it seems that someone should have to do their challenge next, right? We did it after the first game, the second one got kind of lost, but it seems like we should get back on target."

"I vote for Katerina." Rachel laughed happily.

"I already did mine!" Katerina pounced on Rachel.

"When?" Rachel asked as she tried to fight Katerina off.

Katerina held Rachel's wrists in one hand. "When I rubbed my feet against Owen's cock until he covered me in his cum." She kissed Rachel and made a show of licking the raven haired girls lips.

"So that leaves me, Sarah, Samantha, and Owen, right?" Jessica asked.

"Yep." Rachel replied.

"Well, I've tasted Katerina, Owen, Rachel, and Sarah."

"You only tasted my lips." Sarah reminded her.

"And you haven't tasted me at all." Jessica spread her legs wide.

"So, I'm up then?" Samantha asked with a laugh. "Well, alright then. It was going to happen sooner or later." She looked at Sarah before crawling toward Jessica. She trailed her tongue up Jessica's toned calf and indulged herself between those thick, juicy thighs. Jessica's flavor, like blackberries only slightly too young, was heavy and permeated Samantha's senses. She wanted more, but she also wanted to leave an impression.

As Jessica's hips began to move more frantically, Samantha pulled slowly away. Her face sticky and shiny with Jessica's juices. She looked over her shoulder at Sarah. "Your turn."

Sarah was struck motionless by the sheer perfection of Samantha crawling on her hands and knees, her face showing what she had been doing, her eyes telling what she would soon be doing. Sarah allowed herself to be pushed back onto the bed. Her breath left in a wheeze as Samantha's soft hands eased her knees further apart.

Those grey eyes stared up at Sarah as Samantha moved her mouth closer and closer to Sarah's waiting flower. Samantha sucked one of Sarah's velvet lips into her mouth and scraped her teeth lightly over the flesh. Sarah hissed and gripped Samantha's hair in her hands. Samantha repeated the gesture with the other lip and Sarah's hips flexed powerfully atop the mattress. She pulled her mouth away with an audible pop.

She barely gave Sarah a moment to breathe before she slid her tongue up through Sarah's slit. Lapping at her sex with controlled movements. Sarah rolled her hips against her new lover but Samantha always found a way to keep the strawberry blonde from getting the pressure she needed.

"Please." Sarah begged.

Samantha sucked Sarah's clit between her lips and worked her lips around the bud as she had worked them around Owen's cock. Sarah's thighs clamped around Samantha's head. She arched her back and her breasts pointed to the ceiling. Her breath, momentarily trapped in her throat, broke free with a piercing scream.

Samantha continued to lick softly until Sarah's breathing became even. She sat back on her heels and looked at Owen.

Owen's breath had been stolen many times through the night. Each time he'd thought things couldn't go much further. As Samantha looked up at him, her delicious ass against her well cared-for heels, her face covered in the cum of her friends, he felt light-headed and his cock was harder than ever.

She looked up at him through her lashes, the pose making her look innocent. "I think I need someone to clean me up." She whimpered. "Can you help me?"

I'm going to fuck her, Owen thought. Before the next game, I'm going to cum inside her. He knew he'd cum a lot so far, but he was determined. Even if it took everything, he was going to have her.

He held out his hand to help Samantha up from the floor. She put her hand in his and smiled up at him.

They both stepped from the room.

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ZephyrwhirlZephyrwhirl11 months ago

This is one of the best written pseudo incest stories I've read. 1 guy, honestly too good to be true, and all these girls/women wanting him. Where's the harem tag? Fab

Decal_lastDecal_lastabout 6 years ago

The games that just keep raising the bar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I'm torn. The writing style is amazing - the sex and details are great. So are the backstories, though they change very little about the present. The story still works, at least as a fantastic flurry of uninterrupted wild sex.

But I'm starting to get tired of how amazingly flawless Owen is and how all the girls are essentially the same (adores Owen, is bisexual, but sex with Owen is best). What started as an interesting setup seems to have reduced characters to sexual stereotypes.

You still have me hooked, which speaks to your exceptional qualities as a writer. But at this point I'm reading to see if we get ANY story- or character-development at all (aside from hymens being torn). Will any two people get closer, to the point they exclude the rest? Any "I'm not doing that", "I regret that", or even "I'm done with sex"? Any conflict at all?

I can't stop reading - because I'm thrilled to find out and because your writing is so good.

GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStoneover 7 years ago
The Cat Tail

First off. I'm enjoying this story. I like how this chapter was illuminated by several flashbacks.

I had some problems with Katrina's Cat Tail. First: you forgot about it while Owen and Kat were making love. She lies down on her back without ever having to think about a plug in her ass, or accommodating a tail underneath her. You describe in detail the feeling of Owen's cock inside Kat, but never how it's rubbing alongside the plug in her ass. It's simply forgotten. Owen cums and their juices flow over her puckered ass. That couldn't happen if her puckered ass was filled with a plug. Finally, the tail seems to get pulled out of one ass and shoved in the next without getting cleaned off. That's fucking dangerous sex-play! Somebody is going to end up in the hospital with a nasty intestinal infection. It's details like that which pull my head out of an otherwise steamy story.

While I'm complaining about minor things, you make some mentions of impregnation fantasies, but you don't mention birth control.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great story

Please keep it going, this has been great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Please continue this story it is amazing and i want to find out what happens next.

vikingprydevikingprydealmost 8 years ago

Please keep this story going. I love it. Part of me is hoping Owen will end up with Samantha, the other part hopes he ends up with Kat. personaly i am wondering what happens if he gets more then pne girl prego... please please please continue this story. There is to much build up to walk away from this

OpthimusOpthimusalmost 8 years ago
Awesome story!

Can't wait to read the next chapter. ☺

art2498art2498almost 8 years ago

Plzzz write more, where's ch4??????

Love it,love the story, love the pace,love the characters

Need many more chapters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
keep it up

Loved all three parts so far. Can't wait to read part 4

SWIM21SWIM21almost 8 years ago

I see you put in an 'impregnation' tag, so can we expect Owen to knock up his 'purr'-fect little Kitty Kat?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapter, soon I hope.

Kessler218Kessler218almost 8 years ago
Love it

I love this story. Things move along at a natural pace. Nothing feels rushed or faked. And Owen finally taking Kat's v-card... That was great to see. The butt plug tail was a very nice touch. Just don't overwhelm poor Owen. But, by the end of this, I expect to see a harem sort of situation. Every girl living there full time, always ready to please the man they love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

OMG, Owen finally fucked his sister's pussy and has left 2 pussies and three virgin assholes to slay. And you really are moving towards Owen having his very own harem of five willing women who will end up sharing him and living with him. Nice. Keep up the good writing.

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