All Comments on 'Gaming: D&D Pt. 11'

by AspernEssling

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CPauloCPauloalmost 7 years ago
Absolutely phenomenal

Had me going there for a bit, as he pondered his options. Wasn't sure Ian and Sim would get the happy ending they deserved. But you always come through with your conclusions. Bravo. Can't wait to reread the series 100 times while waiting for your next project.

FormerReaderFormerReaderalmost 7 years ago

Fantastic ending! I would have had them getting married but that's my romantic soul talking LOL. Unlike the previous commentor I knew they would end up together because of all the "love vibes" given off while they were apart. I was just thinking the whole time "Marry the girl, fool! Problem solved " LOL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Your Best So Far

I really enjoy your stories. I think you are one of the best authors on Literotica. This story had interesting characters, some great twists and turns and an excellent ending. Well done and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Wow! What a fantastic ending, it was beautiful without being saccharine. You are easily one of (if not my favorite) my favorite writers on Literotica. I related to this story so much, including playing D&D in the eighties (you nailed that part in my opinion). I can’t wait to read your next story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Reading that was an extraordinary experience. Kinda makes me feel sad that it's done and now I've got nothing else to read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Another great story is yours comes to it's conclusion. You're a terrific writer, this was another great story. I hope you're planning to publish more in the future.

KnightofoilKnightofoilalmost 7 years ago
This was real good ending

Had me worried that the good prof was making the move on our boys cinnamon girl...

Love the stories around games.

Will be waiting for next batch.

cliqueggecliqueggealmost 7 years ago
Once again

Superb - I really need to expand my vocabulary - but that does sum up your writing.

Please don't leave us waiting too long for your next epic journey.

Once again thank you for taking the time to entertain us.

DrizdartDrizdartalmost 7 years ago
Outstanding ...

weaving together so many strands is an extraordinary feat.

Can't tell you how delighted I was that you didn't chase after some of the possible lines of distraction. Or work hard to complicate the relationship beyond some of the basics. Or drag in extraneous descriptions of sex.

There are a few glitches along the way, things that would consider "Goofs". Things that made me hesitate and sometimes back up to make certain I had not misread something. A good editor would likely identify them and point to ways to emend the story.

I will be looking forward to future writing with great anticipation.

insert_nameinsert_namealmost 7 years ago
excellent work.

Thank you. Thoroughly enjoyed the whole saga.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Loved the writng

I read your stories with pleasure because I love your voice and I have the occasional burst of laughter. The gaming, the sex, are much less important to me than your storytelling and the good feeling I get from you. Thank you!

JusticeMonkJusticeMonkover 6 years ago
Very realistic

Great job on addressing the personality conflicts in a gaming group. I’ve been gaming since the early 80s and related to the story quite a bit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent series

Excellent work definitely earns every one of those five stars. Been gaming since 81, nice to see gamers portrayed as something other than social rejects. Outstanding characters.

KelteriserKelteriserover 6 years ago

I have read all 11 chapters in one sitting!

Loved the storyline, loved the characters. Think it is very well written.

As another comment referenced I have also been a gamer for years and it is nice to see gamers represented as normal people.

I have made you a favourite author and look forward to reading your other work

Really enjoyed this - thank you

DogFuzzDogFuzzabout 6 years ago
Okay, you got me

You are really an interesting author. Yes, not a “writer” but an author. You really define your characters so well. Then you make your readers “know” them. After reading 3 of your novels I see you always have the same basic main character. Always smart, caring, falls for attractive ladies very quickly and loves sex. What really holds me after your first couple of chapters though is your delightful story endings. Love it and keeps us wanting more. Thank you. Top marks.

FuddyDuddyDudeFuddyDuddyDudeabout 5 years ago
I just discovered this story yesterday....

And I read them all.

I laughed, I cried, I got massive goosebumps a time or two also.

I fell in love with the characters, and I see my own life somewhat reflected. I loved D&D from the time I was 10 or 11... (Heck n the 1990's I was published twice in Dragon magazine).

What I'm really trying to say is Wow, you wrote an amazing story. And I deeply thank you for it.

Be very well.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Truly superb writing. Thank you for sharing such an amazing story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great Story ..... However

Another Great story - I have read them all but your latest. And I knew that Diane was probably not the girl he ends up with and I loved the way he saw the sneakers and threw the box of condoms at her but the character you built showed showed no tendency to cheat. She was patient And cautious with Ian so I truly felt that was somewhat out of character and you just kind of wrote her off to get to the main plot his cinnamon girl. Kutgw

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Awesome combination

Although I've never played D&D, I loved the combination of fantasy influences, literature in general and science! And of course the happy ending :)

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 4 years ago

Another GR8 story . I get a kick out of how clueless your storyteller is when it comes to women that are trying to romance him . And equally as clueless as to what to do with them . As incredible as these women are described . Even a blind man would pick up on their intentions . A bit of a stretch but hilarious .

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 4 years ago

Another GR8 story . I get a kick out of how clueless your storyteller is when it comes to women that are trying to romance him . And equally as clueless as to what to do with them . As incredible as these women are described . Even a blind man would pick up on their intentions . A bit of a stretch but hilarious .

Vector918Vector918about 4 years ago

I remember reading this a few years ago and loving it. Just finished reading it again and I have to say this is far and away your best story imo. Moreover, I’d say it’s my favorite story on this site. I love the 80s throwback feel, the musical vibe that adds to the flavor. The characters are enjoyable. Then the tie in to the bond gamers can build and how things can fall apart that any gamer can oh so readily relate to. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Thank you for this last chapter! What a beautiful ending to a story that at times filled me with painful longing. You are a true artist! Please publish your books, so I can buy them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Out of character?

A good ending, but...

Throughout the story there was a respect for her parents. Permission to see a late night movie, permission to play D&D, yet when marrying and taking their daughter out of the county, I would have expected him to ask permission from the the father first.

You created a gentleman that invariably put the needs of others above his own. Not asking permission to marry seems out of character.

Still, an outstanding story and you should be congratulated for your effort!

Thankyou for a wonderful read!

Radmatt0352Radmatt0352over 3 years ago

Great ending. You have some great skill writing. You are a great story teller.

golasgilgolasgilover 3 years ago

It's after midnight on a school night and it's all your fault! This old D&Der has moist eyes and loved every minute of your story. Thank you for sharing it.

GoMikeyGoMikeyabout 3 years ago

I've been playing in the same D&D campaign for over 30 years, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I found this story ! You so hit the mark with folks coming and going from a campaign. That made everything so real for me and having character last through the whole story; "the ties that bind"

Thank You oh so much for this GREAT story.

from an OLD D&D'er

vulvatriciousvulvatriciousover 2 years ago

They just keep getting better...

AussieGuy52AussieGuy52over 2 years ago

Truly great writing, poignant, and funny, serious and fun. Thanks indeed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Had me in tears ... So good

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBover 2 years ago

Excellent story and writing.

My sole criticism is that the stories are not linked which caused minor problems

Very well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just tell us already: WAS IT COOP?!

I'm sorry, but honestly, I feel like that's a huge plot hole; like, I find it hard to believe he didn't want to know who and why? Unless, he wasn't that invested in the relationship either and he was just looking for an out to be with Sim, but it didn't seem like it.

I've never cheated in my life, but I don't think it's completely a one person's fault. People, well at least women (can't say same about men since I know of one who does that), never cheat just because they can or because they have offers (and trust me they do, there is always that one guy who wants to have sex with her), they cheat because they're not happy in their current relationship. It could be that they don't get enough attention, or the sex is bad, or there's something else missing so they try to find it somewhere else; it's not just another notch for women, not with all the stigma about women enjoying sex and having healthy sexual desires. I'm not trying to defend cheaters whether they were women or men, I'm just saying that there ARE signs that someone is unhappy in their relationship, people just tend to care more about themselves so they don't see them or just plainly ignore them thinking it will fix itself or whatever. You even put those signs in your story. For example, when he bought flowers because he felt guilty for having lunch with Sim or whatever (which he SHOULD have told her about since they were in a relationship so she has the right to know if he was alone with another woman somewhere for a longer period of time; I mean, someone could see them and tell her and how could she know whether he was cheating on her with that woman if he didn't tell her about it) and then he blushed when Diane asked him what did he do and she just ignored it. Did she see the guilt on his face or was she putting the flowers away and didn't look at him? If she saw it, why did she ignore it? Was she already cheating on him? When they talked about him continuing his studies, it was obvious she wasn't satisfied with that, but he never asked for her opinion even with all the questions and reactions from her side, so she just stayed quiet. How come he didn't ask, with being so "wonderful" and "caring" and all? Maybe she wanted to get married and have kids, she has her own voice and ideas and plans and choices, you know. Also, I thought Diane was faking her orgasms, I've never heard of a woman who goes off like a firecracker (and it's so hard to believe there is one), so maybe that was the reason. Also, women don't like doggy style, we do it because YOU love it and every woman I've ever talked to about that (and trust me, women TALK about it), always said: HE likes it, it's HIS favorite position or something similar, but they do lie to him that they enjoy it because they don't want him feeling guilty or to suppress his own desires. I personally feel like I'm an animal in that position, or like I'm being used and I talked about it with my husband, but I still endure it for him sometimes and I don't think about it as a hardship if it makes him happy. But, still, it would be much MUCH easier for me to believe that there is a woman who likes it "doggy style" (well, make that women, it's still easier to believe) than that there was one who goes off like firecracker all the time, every time.

So, once again, who was it? Was it Coop? Or was it just some guy she met in that club with Gabby and Gabby covered for her?

AspernEsslingAspernEsslingover 2 years agoAuthor

It wasn't Coop

I have thrown many curve balls in my stories (some of which I am quite proud of), but having Coop be the betrayer would have been awful. No - absolutely not. Coop is a decent, lonely guy who would dare to ask Parvani out because she appeared to be single, but he would not (NOT!) betray Ian like that. Are D&D players more lawful? (even the chaotic good ones?). I would hope so.

It was some guy she met in that club and Gabby covered for her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


That was my second guess and Gabby WAS acting a bit shady at that time. And wow, she covered for her, told her about it that night or tomorrow and still had the guts to go and ask him to forgive her. Shameless, but whatever. I'm just glad it wasn't Coop, I mean, to be someone's friend and have sex with his girlfriend and then later look him in the eye and ask if there's anything she could do so that he forgives her, would be utterly and completely despicable.

And thank you, once again.

HassieHassieabout 2 years ago

Thank you. Enjoyed it immensely. Twists and turns made it the best!

parenthesisparenthesisabout 2 years ago

Please accept my thanks for an excellent story and an easy read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Two months to see London! No!

I spent 6 years living and working in London in the 1980s. I would explore every weekend. Used public transport for a while and in the coldest weather but I found a bicycle was the most efficient tool. Never got to finish my bucket list of the city. I have been back and realise that many places have changed so if I really wanted to do that list it would have changed but be just as long.

I guess every large city would be similar so I would guess you can never see all of London.

If there is one group that would be close to doing this it would be the cabbies who study for years for "The Knowledge" which allows them to drive a cab.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thank you for this terrific story. Even before I had a dnd crew stories about dnd players were always so enjoyable. Now I do have those friends, and your words about dnd gangs ring so true. The critter easter eggs were such a delight. But... there was no Caduceus/Deuce on the show until 2018, so that has really blown my mind!

turtle1969turtle1969almost 2 years ago

Damn that did not end the way I expected it to end. I'm glad you avoided the best friend romance trope in the end, really shows how the protagonist matures later on

striker24striker24almost 2 years ago

Amazing love story that happens to contain D&D. It's too bad the D&D would come to an end when they went to London.

As a Canadian I'm embarrassed by our collective taste in music but that's a very minor point compared to how well the story was written. What is a cinammon girl? Is it a fluff term created in a drug-induced haze (lyrics in the song are also quite weak)? I assume it isn't slang for an Indian girl/woman.

Thank you AspernEssling!

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 1 year ago

Excellent story, start to finish, with only a couple of minor issues that bothered me as I've previously noted. I was very happy for Ian and his girl that things worked out as they did, including the excellent offers (which I'd already come to expect) and the HEA. The characters and situations were (generally) very likeable and some of the events (on both the gaming and romantic sides) were eerily reminiscent of certain events from my early adult years. I think a lot of people could say that since we all have to have certain types of experiences to learn, grow, and mature. AspernEssling did a great job weaving it all together in this story to make it relatable to this reader and many more. 5* for this chapter, 5* overall, and a big thank you to the author for writing and sharing this tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Second reading; better than the first. Can't understand why, but it was. lpw

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

Very good indeed, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading Ian’s transition from school to PHD and from shy, nervous lad to confident (sometimes) young Man that gets the Woman of his dreams and is smart enough to do it in a perfect way for her.. Extremely well done AspernEssling, there were times I despaired for him and others that were close to home. Many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz. 5⭐️ As if you need ask.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing story as always.

GreeneyesIrishmanGreeneyesIrishmanover 1 year ago

Great story! I enjoyed this as much or more than any Grisham or Terry Blackstock novel. This needs to be on lits best authors list if it isnt already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is public publishing worthy. Excellent read!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

struggling to put words to thoughts here. not what I expected.

heart-warming, funny.

the love and friendship of the group was really well portrayed maybe a bit idealistic but hey its fiction after all.

The "twist" was also not too unexpected but it wasnt unwelcome either.

great work.


teasegazetteteasegazetteabout 1 year ago

I started this series right after the other Gamers series and I’m not going to lie, I was a little scarred from it haha

I was fairly apprehensive going into this mostly because I hasn’t sure if a story with so much D&D would be something I would enjoy but you did a fantastic job of capturing the fantasy of those adventures without it overwhelming everything else. Another great piece! Cheers!

(I don’t have anything against D&D… I just enjoy hearing about it in small doses from my friends without playing it myself.)

Voxman314Voxman31412 months ago

A good read. I guess it's important for the story to be good, but also important for the ending to be satisfying.

I think my favorite part is that the pacing and endings of each relationship didn't feel rushed. Like an abbreviated version of Nick Scipio's Summer Camp, but written by a fan of Critical Role.

After reading another author's various nudist spa stories, where most main characters have a downward bent dick, and the female main characters have boobs like Keira Knightley but massive nips, it's nice to read such variety.

Thank you.

GimliOakensGimliOakens12 months ago

I could not stop tearing up the last three chapters. So wonderful. The Heart sings with joy at this story.

KnightofmindKnightofmind11 months ago

'I could be happy, the rest of my life, with a Cinnamon Girl'


RanthoronRanthoron10 months ago

As an avid reader I have to tell the 'idiotic' author:

No fairy tale is complite without the notion of 'happily ever after'.

Even if it ends up in the 'Loving Wifes' category.

But unless you state so, the tale just isn't over. So prepare to provide the sappy ending or be haunted by your readers.

LitCritLitCrit8 months ago

Whoof! What a rollercoaster ride! Up, down, and around every curve you could imagine. Literotica could use this as a tutorial on how to write a Great Novella. Nice use of D&D, developing relationships, well created major and minor characters, just well done all around. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Awe. Some.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wonderful. Truly wonderful. Thank you.

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