Geek Meets Gamer Girl

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A story of geek meeting a gamer girl.
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/29/2024
Created 04/11/2024
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I was out getting lunch one day when I came across a new restaurant in town. It was one of those new trendy types for all the college aged kids in the area. They specialized in wings so I figured I would give them a shot. I was just sitting there minding my own business when I seen this cute woman walk out from the kitchen area.

She immediately caught my eye. She had long brown hair and you could tell she had a nice physique under the apron she was wearing. We made eye contact for a brief second before I got chicken and looked away. Right before I was getting ready to leave, she came up to my table as I was putting on my jacket.

"How was everything?" she asked.

"It was great. Thank you!" I replied. Before I could say anything else I got cold feet and made my way to the front door.

I couldn't get her off my mind for the next few days and decided I should go back. This time I told myself I wasn't going to wimp out. I went back that next Friday evening. There was a big football game going on, so the place was packed. I wasn't even sure if she was there but thankfully when I went inside, I noticed her through the opening in the kitchen window. I sat down for a few minutes and talked to the server when they came over. Right when I was finishing up, I noticed she was coming towards the table again. In both of my visits I never noticed her go to any of the other guests.

"How was everything?" she asked.

"It was great. Just as good as it was the other day." I answered.

"I thought you looked familiar," she said, a smile forming on her face.

I've always been a shy person, so this was pretty drastic deal for me. "Well, to be honest I actually came back to see you." I told her.

"Me? You don't like the food?" she laughed.

"Oh, no the food was great." I stuttered out. After a couple of seconds of calming myself, "I was just going to ask if you wanted to maybe go get a drink with me?"

To my surprise she answered rather quickly. "I would love to. I get off in about thirty minutes or so. We could grab a drink afterwards if you'd like." I agreed & waited for her at my table.

We went to a bar not far down the road and had a few drinks. We talked the whole night away. She was amazingly cool! We liked a lot of the same things. She was into foreign martial arts films, good music and even video games. We stayed at the bar until they closed up and forced us out.

Making our way towards the cars, "I had fun. We should definitely do it again." I said.

"No doubt! Let's do something fun next time! Maybe I can come over and kick your ass at a game or something!" she laughed.

"You're so on!" I fired back.

The date was set. She came over to my house the following Monday around lunch. I watched her getting out of her car and make her way to the front door. She had on a black t-shirt, a pair of grey exercise shorts and her hair was up in a ponytail. I had on my usual geeky t-shirt and khaki shorts.

I opened the door and gave her a hug. I could tell she was fit when she was working but I just now noticed how big her breasts were in her tight t-shirt. I made sure to hug her hard enough to feel them press up against my chest.

I showed her around my house before ending up in my office where I kept all my movies, books, albums and video games.

"Dang! You got quite the collection!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty geeky." I laughed.

"I like that," she answered, smiling.

"What games do you have that I can beat you at?" she teased.

"Let's see. Looks like Mortal Kombat, Fifa, Mario Kart, Madden, Tekken or Street Fighter."

"I don't really like sports games. Hmmm...let's play Mario Kart!"

We walked back to the living room and popped it into the Switch. She made her way over to the middle of my L shaped couch, directly in front of the TV. I took my usual place where the two pieces come together so I could be lazy and lie down.

To my surprise, she was really good! After she beat me the first time, I chalked it up to beginners' luck. After the second loss I told her we should play a best two out of three.

"Shouldn't it be a best three out of five since I've already owned you twice?" she laughed, looking over at me.

Realizing I needed to win to save face, I moved myself up to a seated position. We started up the third race. We were pretty even for the most of it. On the last turn of the last lap, I moved over and put my right hand up in front of her eyes, making her drive off the side of the track.

"Hey!" she yelped.

"I win!" I joked, after crossing the finish line.

"You cheated!"

"Sometimes you have to do what you have to do!" I laughed.

"Oh, really? Let's go again!"

We started another race. Roughly around the same time on a different track, I put my hand up to act like I was going to block her again. She swung her left arm up to block me so instead I began tickling her on her left side. She fumbled about dropping the remote to the floor. Before the race was even finished, she pushed me over, jumped on top of me and pinned my arms to the couch.

"I can't see!" I laughed.

"You cheated again!" she laughed, bringing her face closer to mine.

The first time I met her I could see she had pretty eyes but now I really noticed how nice they were. She had those big, bright eyes that if you looked into long enough, you could get lost.

"You have really pretty eyes." I told her, trying to wriggle free.

"Thank you! But you're not getting up that easily. You still suck!" she answered.

She eased up & let off my wrists just enough to allow me to overpower her. I flipped her over and found myself on top of her.

"You were saying?" I bragged.

"Well, someone moves pretty fast!" she laughed.

I felt bad and moved back, allowing her to get back up. "Aw! You're blushing!" She giggled, making her way back to a seated position. I brought my hands up to my face.

"I wasn't talking about up there!" She said before winking at me. I looked down to see my erection tent-poling my shorts. She laughed hysterically as I tried to cross my legs.

"Let's make a deal. We'll race one more time. Winner takes all! No cheating! If I win you have to take me out to dinner wherever I choose. If you win, I'll help you out with that."

Confused, I asked, "With what?"

"The situation in your pants!"

My jaw dropped. "Really?"

"No joke. It's my fault for jumping on you!" she giggled.

We started the last race. It was closely contested all the way to the end. Right as we made the last turn on lap three, she looked over at me and said, "You know I can deep-throat, right?"

I looked at her and lost all my concentration, slamming into the wall. She had won again. "I thought you said no cheating." I laughed.

"That's not cheating! And well, technically I didn't see who crossed the finish line first!"

She sat the controller down onto the coffee table, moving over closer to me. With a smile on her face, she began to run her fingers over the crotch of my shorts.

"I thought you were messing around." I told her.

"Nope! I have wanted to do this since I first seen you. I love to give head!"

"Do I still have to buy you dinner?" I asked, jokingly.

"Shut up!" she said, moving her way down onto her knees on the floor.

I unbuckled my belt before she grabbed a handful of shorts in each hand, sliding them down along with my boxers. My hardened penis stood straight up in the air.

"You're bigger than I expected." she smiled.

She took me in her left hand, gently beginning to stroke up and down.

"Lay back." she directed.

I did as I was told and scooted my way up to the back of the couch. I swung my right leg over her head, so she was directly in front of me. I watched intently as she traced the tip of her tongue all the way up and down my shaft and then around the head of my penis a few times. She swirled her tongue around the tip a few more times before finally opening her mouth wider and moving down.

"AHHHH....." I gasped, stretching my arms out on the rails of the couch as she slowly started bobbing her head up and down. A few more minutes passed, and I instinctively leaned my head back, closing my eyes and moving my hands toward the back of her head. I was in a daze and got lost, listening to the beautiful sounds of getting a master blowjob.

I moved my head back down when I felt her left hand come up to run across my t-shirt covered chest. Her hand moved up to my face allowing me to take two of her fingers into my mouth, suckling on them, while she began massaging my testicles with her right hand. I opened my eyes to look down and notice she was looking right at me. Those eyes!

I watched on as she moved down to first take my left testicle into her mouth, while bringing her left hand from my mouth to jerk me off once more. A few seconds later she did the same to my right testicle, her never breaking eye contact with me. Her right hand went back to massaging my testicles as her mouth enveloped me again.

The harder I got the more she would take. The mushroom-tipped head of my cock going deeper and deeper down her throat. I thought to myself, "This woman really knows how to give head!"

She must've known she had me at that point. She sped up the bobbing of her head as she continued to engulf my entire length with her mouth and left hand. I felt that familiar feeling deep in my testicles as I neared my orgasm. The only audible sounds in the room were my moans, her breathing and the slippery, wet sounds of her mouth going over me again and again and again..

"I'M.....GONNA.....CUM.....!" I barely whispered out.

She never let up. I blew my load of warm, sticky cum all in the inside of her mouth. My member convulsed time and time again, but her mouth never left. She took everything I had to give to the very last drop.

A few minutes passed by and when I got my senses back, "Oh my god! That was amazing!" I said looking down at her.

"I told you I could deep-throat!" she said with a smile.

"Holy shit! I'm spent!" I said, laughing.

"I'm going to wash my mouth out. You still owe me dinner!"

"I thought I won?"

"Nope! Plus, it'll give you time to recover. Maybe you can use this again later." she smiled, still holding onto my dick.

She went to get cleaned up and I pulled my shorts back on. We went to a restaurant just a few miles down the road. We got some drinks and some burgers and decided to grab a movie from Redbox.

We made it back to my place in a couple of hours. We walked in and sat our leftovers on the table. She must've been thinking the same thing that I was. She turned toward me with a smile. I lifted her up into the air, my hands under her butt.

Our first kiss was explosive. Tongues meeting in a harsh crash. I walked us over to the couch and lay her down on her back. I grabbed hold of her shorts, pulling them off in one smooth motion. She lay back, moving her arms up above her head. I pulled off her panties next, right before launching myself in between her sexy thighs.

"MMMMMMMMMM.........." she moaned as I dropped to my knees, burying my face in her juicy treat.

I ran my tongue from the bottom all the way to the top before settling over her clit. After a few strokes with the tip of my tongue, I used the pointy fingers of each hand to spread her lips, flicking my tongue out as fast as I could. Almost animal like I shook my head back and forth, devouring my meal. I got so lost in how delicious she tasted, when I looked up, I noticed she still had her t-shirt on, her hands now caressing her big, covered boobs. I decided to slow down a little and make this last. I moved my hands up to rest under each of her knees. I stuck my tongue out as far as I could, darting it in and out of her, her wetness now covering both my cheeks and my chin.

"OHHHH.....FUCKK.....YOU'RE.....GOOD.....AT.....THAT!!!" I heard her moan when I began slurping on her delectable snatch, suckling her lips into my mouth over and over. By this time, I felt her hands come down to the sides of my head, running her fingers through my hair.

I released her knees to slide up to a better position on my own knees. She pushed herself up to a sitting position, grabbing me by the face to pull me in for another passionate embrace. I know some women are a little apprehensive about tasting themselves but not her. Not only did she accept a kiss she pushed her tongue deep into my mouth, getting her wetness all over her face as well. We swirled our tongues together for what seemed like forever.

"Lay back down. Let me finish you!" I begged. She resumed her position as I moved my face back to her moist opening. This time I used the middle and ring fingers of my right hand to trace circles over her mound. After a few passes I slid them both down to her slick entrance, sliding them in easily from her wetness.

"PLEASE.....DON'T.....STOPPPPPPP..... KEEP.....GOING!!!!" she cried when I clamped my mouth over her bud, swirling my tongue counter-clockwise, as I pumped two fingers in and out of her. With my fingers and the tongue assault on her clit, I noticed her legs begin quivering. Her breathing became very shallow, her grip tightened in my hair, and her legs squeezed hard around my head.

"OHHHHHHHHH.....MY.....GOD.....YES.....YES.....RIGHT.....THERE! I'M.....GONNAAA.....I'MMMM.....GONNA.....I'M.....CUMMMMMING!!!" she yelled as her body let go and her orgasm over took her. She came hard and I licked up every drop of her that I could see.

After a minute or two of letting her come down from her high, I climbed up onto the couch. She moved her body up a bit, so her legs weren't hanging off. She watched intently as I moved myself in between her legs. I leaned down for another kiss. I could tell that orgasm had taken a lot out of her. I broke the kiss to move down and nibble on the right side of her neck, placing soft kisses and licking all the way from her collarbone up to her ear lobe. I repeated the same on her left side, taking a second to suckle her ear lobe into my mouth.

"I want you inside of me!"

Not knowing if I heard right, I raised my head up to lock eyes again.

"I want you inside of me!" she begged.

I moved my face close to hers once again for a quick smooch. I felt her hands move down to my shorts. Together we were able to get them off in short order.

"You want me to go grab a condom?" I asked, but before I got an answer, she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I leaned back down to kiss her once again. I could feel the head of my hard cock rubbing up against her wet slit, me wanting to feel her tasty honeypot. I moved my hips back and forth a few times, rubbing my shaft over her sensitive bud. A few seconds later I moved forward, spreading her lips, slowly entering her.

"OH.....SHIT!!!" we both moaned.

She was so tight. Her vaginal walls constricted over me, completely engulfing my hardened member. I wanted to go slow, but she felt so good. I wasn't sure how long I could last but I knew if it was going to be a short round I needed to at least make it a memorable one.

I moved myself up, lifting her legs straight up in the air, her ankles resting on each of my shoulders. I slammed myself into her repeatedly, hearing the thwap...thwap...thwap...of our bodies as they collided. I noticed her licking a couple of her fingers on her right hand before dropping it down between her legs, working over her sensitive mound. Her left hand stayed on her breasts, tweaking her nipples, while I continued pounding into her.

"FUCK.....YOU.....FEEL.....SO.....GOOD!!! I wanna see you riding me." I begged.

I slowly pulled myself out, much to her chagrin. I moved myself back where the sectional came together. She wasted no time. Within seconds of climbing on top, she lined herself up perfectly for my hardened length to penetrate her fully once more. I could tell she was soaked. With every movement I could feel her juices running down my dick and onto the insides of my thighs.

"OHHHHHHHHH.........." she moaned, working her body over mine.

We embraced again for another fiery tongue battle. I moved my hands around her back to remove her shirt. We broke the kiss long enough for me to do so and unclasp her bra as well.

Her tits were heavenly. I took each of them in my hands, alternating sucking on each nipple and tracing my tongue around her areolas. She lay her head back, gripping the back of the couch as she rode harder and harder. I brought my hands down to each side of her hips, helping her keep her rhythm. Her bucking was so furious the couch came apart and pillows began falling onto the floor.

Back and forth, up and down, she rode till she came forward in a tight embrace, wrapping her arms around my head. My face was buried in those huge melons.

Her body began shaking once more and I had a sneaky realization that I just made this woman have two orgasms in one session. That had never happened to me before.

"I'm tired! You wanna do me from behind, maybe?" she asked, sounding exhausted.

"How did you know doggystyle was my favorite?" I smiled back.

She shifted off me, turning around so she was on all fours.

"AHHHHHHHHH.........." she gasped as I maneuvered myself up behind her, sliding my girl-cum coated penis back inside. At this point I didn't just want to cum, I needed to. I grabbed her ponytail with my left hand, pulling her head back, as I slapped her curvaceous butt cheeks with my free hand.

She leaned back into my chest, allowing me to grab a handful of each breast, tilting her head to the right so we could continue our dance of tongues.

Eventually, she fell forward back onto her hands. Not long after she moved down onto her elbows. I didn't slow down. I barreled her from behind until exhaustion took hold of her arms and legs. She fell face first down onto the couch. Luckily, I stayed firmly inside of her as I moved down over her. My hands were on each side of her head as I bucked my hips and continued my assault on her drenched pussy. body slapped into hers. I noticed she had taken two handfuls of the couch cushion, her mouth wide open.

"FUCKKKKKKK.....I'M...ABOUT...TO...CUM...AGAIN!!!" she mumbled.

"ME...TOO! OH...SHIT...HERE.....IT.....COMES!!!" I managed to squeak out.

I continued my thrusting until I heard her yell out and then I blew another hot, gooey load, inside of her. I fell next to her on the couch.

A few minutes later, "Oh my god! That was amazing!" she said.

I leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the shoulder. "Not bad for a geek, huh?"

"Not bad at all!" she answered before rolling over to face me face to face.

She looked at me and once more I got lost in her eyes. "I'm really glad I was brave enough to come talk to you." she said.

"Really? I kept trying to talk myself into talking to you." I laughed.

"Well, I'm glad we did! I haven't gotten off like that in a long time! Three times!"

"Me too. I'm glad you came over."

"Even though I'm better at Mario Kart than you?" she asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Shut up!"

We both laughed and fell asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Very hot

MasterJohn6969MasterJohn69692 months ago

A good story from front to back, keep writing.

rockingtilidroprockingtilidrop2 months ago

Very enjoyable, especially as its your debut.keep writing

KarenCDFLKarenCDFL2 months ago

A well written and lovable story!

hermit3773hermit37732 months ago

The banter seems pretty lifelike to me. And I am a geek.

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