Genie in a Bottle Ch. 05: Jailbird

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Jason has to find a way out of jail.
6.9k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/10/2024
Created 03/13/2023
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Jason had nothing to do but think about his poor decisions as he sat chained to a bench. None of it had been necessary. He had fucked his enemy's girlfriend and gotten away with it. She had even told him that he was a much better lay, and had a bigger dick. That could have been enough. That should have been enough. But he had gotten greedy. His hatred for Mike that had built up over the years had clouded his judgement. The worst part was that Elvira had told him not to go through with it, that there might be unforeseen consequences. But he had gone through with his stupid juvenile revenge plot anyway. And now he was chained to a bench in a police station.

It hadn't taken very long after getting pulled over to get arrested. The cop knew he had fled an accident, and he knew it had been at a party. The cop had tried to get Jason to do a sobriety test, but Jason refused, knowing full well he would fail it. He hadn't had much to drink, but he drank so rarely that he was too buzzed to be driving. Or at least he had been. Now he felt more sober than he had in his entire life. Getting arrested tends to have that effect on being drunk.

Now he had to figure out just how much trouble he was actually in. The damage to his mom's car was on him, he knew that much. He would likely not be able to drive for a very long time. But that he could deal with. Having to pay for the damages to the other cars he had hit wasn't going to be fun. All of his own money would be gone, and his parents would likely take the rest out of his college fund. That all sucked, but he could deal with it. What really scared him was the drunk driving. He knew how seriously the law took DUIs around here, and he did not want to deal with that shit. But it was out of his hands now. All he could do was sit and wait, and think about his dumb choices.

Jason sat up on the bench and looked around the station. It was a Saturday night in the summer, and the place was quite crowded. The bench he was chained to had three other guys chained as well. One was a young kid like Jason, totally overwhelmed and scared shitless. One was an older guy who looked about as drunk as anyone could look.

And then there was the guy next to Jason, who was rather terrifying to look at. Jason had watched as the guy had been dragged in by three officers, but he hadn't looked his way since they had chained the guy down next to him. Jason knew the guy couldn't do anything to him, not with both of their hands cuffed behind them and chained to the bench, but the guy was still super scary looking. He was a Hispanic fellow, who looked as though he may belong to a gang. His bald head, and myriad of tattoos certainly suggested such. Jason had been making a concerted effort for the last hour to not look at the guy.

The rest of the station was bustling with people. Cops were all over the place, some leading arrested people, some just walking around. About thirty minutes earlier a group of cops had brought in what looked like three hookers, but they had taken them somewhere else. Jason looked around for a moment, saw nothing of interest, and put his head back down, staring at the floor beneath him.

He had spent the whole time since arriving thinking about how much he had fucked up. But he needed to think about what would happen next. He would need to find a way out of this awful place, and he knew escape wasn't an option. If he called his parents, they would probably come and bail him out, probably. There was always the chance that his dad would make him spend the night to teach him a lesson, and he didn't want to spend a night with the fine gentleman sitting beside him. As far as he could tell, the only other option would be to call the girls, and see if they might be willing to help him. Or he could call Elvira.

Calling Elvira brought up a bunch of other questions though. He knew she would help him, but he didn't know how that might go. First he would have to find a way just to call her. As far as he knew she was just hanging out in his room, maybe even in her lamp. He still didn't know what she did when he wasn't around. He could call home, but one of his parents would answer before Elvira, and then they would know where he was, and he would be fucked. And even if he could call her, and she did come down to help bail him out, she wouldn't have an ID. He didn't even know what time she was from. The way she talked sometimes made him think she was hundreds of years old or something. As much as he wanted her to come and save him, he didn't know how to make that happen.

It seemed like the only thing to do was call Jenny or Heather, and hope that they would help him. He didn't know what to say to them, or what they would say back, but he didn't know what else to do. He still hadn't been given the opportunity to call anyone, and movies and TV suggested that he would get that chance at some point. He knew he had to be ready for it. If he called the girls and they didn't answer, he would be forced to call home. He tried to remember one of their numbers, and thought he might know Jenny's.

Just then the main door to the station flew open, and a loud ruckus began. Jason looked over to see three big cops dragging a skinhead on his knees. The skinhead looked to be quite high on something, most likely meth, and the cops were struggling to control him. One of the cops kicked the guy in the back as Jason watched. As they dragged the guy in, two more cops followed in behind them, both looking rather disheveled. One of them was a fat bald cop dripping sweat, but the other one was a woman. Jason watched as she walked in, bringing her hand up to her messy hair, and straightening it out. As she stood there, breathing heavily, and trying to get her wild hair under control, Jason took a moment to size her up.

He was quite surprised by her. He had never seen a lady cop as hot as this one was. She was tall, and buff, but not in a manly way. Her brown hair that had been messed up during whatever happened with the skinhead was being pulled into a ponytail behind her, and Jason thought it looked good. Once her hair was pulled back he could see her face better. She had a strong jawline, but in a sexy way. Her nose was slim in just the kind of way he liked. Her lips were pursed in her current state of anger, but Jason could tell that they would look good when she wanted them to. Her eyes were a stunning blue that made Jason wonder why the hell this chick had become a cop instead of a model.

Her officers uniform hid her body well, but Jason could tell that whatever was hidden would look nice. She glanced around the station for a moment, and he watched her eyes stop on him. Jason stared into her eyes for a brief moment, with her staring back. She looked just as surprised by him as he was by her. Then someone shouted, and she turned and followed the other officers. Jason watched her go, trying to get a glimpse of her ass, and then she was out of sight. Jason let out a sigh as he lost sight of her, and then he saw his cop walking over to him with some papers in his hands.

"Alright Landry," the cop said as he stopped in front of Jason, "I have good news and bad news." Jason let out another sigh, not wanting to hear any more bad news. "The good news is only one of the cars you hit is pressing charges. The owner of the car you backed into said she knows you and it can be handled privately," the cop said in a businesslike tone, reading from the paper in his hands. "And that works for me cause that means less paperwork. The car you sideswiped is pissed though. But I saw the car, and it doesn't look like more than a couple thousand in damages, and lucky for you no one was inside, so no bullshit lawsuits. That's the good news," the cop said, and Jason inwardly prepared for the bad news.

"The bad news," the cop went on, "is that drivers under the age of twenty-one aren't allowed to have any alcohol whatsoever in their system. So even though you're eighteen, you're still considered a minor when it comes to drinking and driving. Now I know you were at a party and you only had a few, but the fact that you hit two cars makes it pretty bad. So you will be getting charged with a DUI tonight." Jason felt his heart sink as he heard the words said in such an unmerciful way. "You're going to come with me, and I'll process you, but we have a pretty full house this evening, and you don't need to spend the night here. So do you have someone you can call to come and bail you out?"

"Um, how much will it cost," Jason asked, "I mean for whoever comes and gets me."

"Three hundred," the cop said. Jason let out another sigh, but this time from relief. He had been afraid it would be a lot more than that. He knew his troubles were far from over, but he thought he could get the girls to spot him three hundred bucks. "So," the cop said, looking down at Jason, "you know who you're gonna call?" Ghostbusters, Jason's inner voice shouted out, and he smiled to himself despite his situation. "Something funny Landry?" The cop said angrily.

"No sir, sorry sir," Jason said in his best good boy voice. "I know who to call."

"Good," the cop said, and bent down and began unchaining Jason from the bench. He felt his knees pop as he stood up for the first time in hours. The scary guy next to him was glaring at him as if Jason had wronged him by being unchained first. Jason quickly looked away, and followed the cop down to a desk with a phone on it. Jason took a second to try and make sure he had the right number. The cop was holding the phone out to him, and looking impatient. Jason took the phone, and dialed what he hoped was Jenny's number. The phone rang three times without being picked up, and Jason began to get worried, then he heard a click.

"Jason," Jenny's voice said, and he let out a sigh of relief. She even sounded worried about him. "Are you in jail?"

"Ya," he said. "Sorry for calling you, I didn't know who else to call."

"It's ok," she said, "we were really worried about you. When you took off I thought Mike was going to follow you. But he was so drunk that he fell chasing you and broke his arm. I think he's in the hospital right now."

"Seriously," Jason laughed, not having expected that.

"Ya," Jenny said. "Me and Heather were looking for you, and then we heard you hit some cars leaving."

"Ya," Jason affirmed. "But one of them isn't pressing any charges. The cop said its someone I know, and we can work it out in person I guess."

"Ya, that was Amanda Huntington's car," Jenny said. At first that didn't make any sense, but then Jason slowly put it together. He had gone to school with Amanda since kindergarten, but she had never given him the time of day. He didn't think she even knew who he was. But she was hot, which meant that she would now find him hot as well. It seemed the second wish was coming to his rescue on that one. He did wonder what Amanda would want from him, but that was a problem for another time.

"The other car was Brett's," Jenny said, and Jason could tell by her tone that he wasn't going to get off easy from that one.

"Shit," he said, "ok, well I'll deal with that later. Right now I need you to come bail me out. Sorry for asking."

"Its fine," Jenny said. "I kind of figured that's what this was about when the operator said I was getting a call from jail."

"Right" Jason sighed, "well, the cop said it's going to be three hundred bucks to bail me out."

"I don't have that much," Jenny said, sounding genuinely apologetic.

"Well can you get it," Jason said hopefully, knowing that if she couldn't bail him out this would all go a whole lot worse. "Or borrow it," he suggested, "or pool it together. Shit Jenny, I really need your help here."

"Ok," she said, "I'll figure it out. But you owe me Jason."

"Ya," Jason said. "I know. I'll make this up to you, I promise. Just please Jenn, get me out of here. And don't tell my parents," he added.

"Ok, hang tight," Jenny said, "I'll be there as soon as I can get the money." She hung up, and Jason nodded to the cop, who was standing there holding the phone for him. The cop was giving him a slightly amused look.

"Sounds like you have a nice girlfriend there kid," the cop said.

"Ya," Jason nodded, "she's great."

"You know I can call your parents and tell them about this right," the cop added, staring down his nose at Jason. "Technically I'm supposed to, since you're being charged for underage drinking."

"Ya but since I'm eighteen you don't have to right," Jason said hopefully.

"That's right," the cop nodded.

"Please don't tell them sir," Jason pleaded. "I'm in deep shit already. I'm about to lose every cent I have, and owe a shitload to boot. Not to mention whatever comes from the DUI. If you could please spare me the humiliation of having to deal with my parents tonight I would be eternally grateful. Sir," Jason added, giving the cop what he hoped was an honest looking smile.

"Sure kid, I won't call your parents," the cop said. "That is if that girlfriend of yours can bail you out. If you're still here come five in the morning, I am calling them. I'm not dealing with you being here longer than I need to."

"Yes sir," Jason nodded, realizing it was all on Jenny now. If she could get him out, it might all be manageable. If not, then his parents would find out, and this would go from bad to worse. He only hoped that Jenny could find a way to get three hundred dollars and get here before five o'clock. It certainly sounded doable. Three hundred wasn't that much. But it was the middle of the night, and she was drunk. It would be closer than Jason preferred, but it was possible.


"That was Jason," Jenny said, turning to Heather in the car. "He's in jail." Heather let out a long sigh. "We need to get three hundred dollars to bail him out," Jenny added.

"How are we supposed to do that," Heather asked. "I just spent my last fifty bucks on weed. I don't have any money."

"Ya, me neither," Jenny said. "I can't even get any out of the bank without my parents finding out, and I'm not doing that."

"So what do we do?" Heather asked.

"I don't know," Jenny said, "but Jason's depending on us. I told him I'd get him out, so we have to figure out a way to get the money. And we have to do it tonight."

"Its two o'clock in the morning," Heather pointed out, "how the hell are we going to get three hundred dollars."

"The only things I can think of are likely to end us up in jail too," Jenny said. "But there has to be some kind of way. Let's just think, its only three hundred dollars. We can get it somehow."


The cop led Jason down a hallway, and then opened a door and sat him down at a table. He began asking Jason a bunch of questions, and Jason answered them all honestly. What he had done wrong he was already caught for, and anything else he might have done wasn't illegal. The cop seemed mostly uninterested as he filed off one question after the other.

"Good, now then," the cop said, closing the folder in front of him. "Last thing I need from you is a breathalyzer test. I know you refused earlier, but if you refuse again, then you have to stay here until we get a blood sample. Which means you'll be here past five o'clock. Which means I'll be calling your parents. So, what'll it be kid, you ready to blow?"

"Yes sir," Jason nodded, knowing there wasn't any other way now. It had been hours since he had drank the beers, so it was pretty unlikely that he would be over.08. The cop nodded happily, and stood up with the folder under his arm.

"Ok then, good choice kid," the cop said. "I'll see you again before you leave. But that does it for us. I'll send in officer Janowitz to give you the breathalyzer. It's been a real pleasure Mr. Landry," the cop said sarcastically. "In the future, get a ride home when you've been drinking. You don't want to end up here again, do you?"

"No sir," Jason said quickly. "I won't, I mean I will. I mean, I won't drink and drive ever again sir, I promise."

"Good," the cop nodded, and then left the room. Jason was alone in the room, handcuffed to the table. He had an itch on his nose that had been nagging him for the better part of an hour. He bent down, and tried to scratch it with his arm, but it was just out of reach. Jason was in the middle of trying to scratch his itch, looking too much like a dog, when the door opened again. He looked up, expecting to see the hard nosed face of officer Janowitz, who would be tall and intimidating. Instead, he saw the hot lady cop from earlier. She looked down at him with an amused smile.

"Jason Landry?" she asked, smirking as he sat up from his attempted itching.

"Uh, yes mam," Jason said, staring at her strikingly attractive face.

"I'm officer Janowitz," she said, walking over to the other chair, and placing a big box on the table. "I'm here to give you a breathalyzer." She took a tube out of the box, and held it out toward Jason. "Blow," she commanded. Jason leaned forward, put his mouth on the tube, and blew. "Harder," she instructed, and he blew harder. He blew until he felt like he had no more air to give, and then a beep went off. Officer Janowitz pulled the tube back, and looked down at the machine.

"Point Oh Three," she said, sounding confused. "You're in here for DUI right?"

"Yes mam," Jason nodded. "I'm only eighteen, so I'm not allowed to be.03."

"You're eighteen," she said, looking at him in surprise.

"Uh, yes mam," Jason nodded.

"You look older," she said. He noticed her glance from his face, down to his chest, before turning back to the machine. Jason realized that this cop liked him. It made perfect sense. He thought she was totally hot, which meant that she found him even hotter. He was all alone in a private room with a super hot lady cop that found him hot too. He knew nothing would happen, but it felt a lot better than with the other cop.

"Why are you a cop," Jason asked her, deciding to be more daring than he should.

"Excuse me," she said, looking over at him.

"I mean, you must know what you look like," Jason said, purposefully eyeing her up and down. "So why are you a cop. You should be a model or actress or something."

"Well thank you," she said, blushing slightly. "But I wanted to be a cop since I was a kid. My dad was a cop."

"I bet you like handcuffs," Jason teased, giving her a smile and lifting his chained hands.

"Actually I prefer ropes," officer Janowitz said, eyeing him in a much more sexual way than before. "Cuffs cut the wrists; ropes just burn a little."

"So you like a nice burn," Jason smiled. "And some playful binding."

"Is there something you're getting at Mr. Landry?" she asked him.

"Nope," Jason said, sitting back in the uncomfortable metal chair he was in. "I'm just still surprised someone like you is a cop is all."

"Someone like me?" she repeated. "You mean a woman?"

"No," Jason said, and leaned forward again, "I mean an incredibly hot woman." She blushed again, and turned away and began packing up the machine.

"That's very sweet," she said as she stood up. "But I don't pick up guys in jail, or eighteen year olds for that matter."

"You didn't think I was eighteen," Jason said. She looked at him again, gave him an amused smile, and then left the room. Jason let out a chuckle as she left him alone again. Even in jail he could have fun with the second wish. Whatever else it might have caused, or might still cause, it did provide fun.


"Are we seriously going to do this?" Heather asked. They were parked outside Sasha's house. She was still out as far as they could tell, but her dad's car was parked in the driveway.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Jenny said, looking at herself in the car mirror, and fixing her hair up. "But don't expect me to tell Jason you helped when you didn't."
