Geoff and Marie Go Visiting

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Has Geoff found the secret to their success?
17.1k words

Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 02/22/2024
Created 08/23/2022
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Through a series of increasingly improbable events, Geoff, our narrator, and his wife, Marie, find themselves in a polyamorous relationship with eight other women. Geoff, Marie and five of the women are over sixty years old and retired. Samantha, an NHS paramedic is in her forties, and schoolteachers Margie and Sue are in their fifties. All the sex is between this lot.

As a matter of interest, for my own interest, I just spent a couple of hours playing with an imaging AI to produce 'photographs' of the above characters, as well as a couple of the others. Imagine, dear reader, my disappointment to find that Literotica has implemented a new policy prohibiting AI generated images. Still, I have the pictures now and, if the policy changes, I will publish them when I can.

Note. Obviously, there will never be pictures of the two under-age characters. I'm being very careful to exclude them from anything more than witnessing non-sexual displays of affection. Even innocent school photos of them would be inappropriate in this context.

This episode begins one Friday evening after my married pair and their fiancée, Angie, returned home from a dance with Margie, Sue and Lucy.


"Oh, fuck it!" I thought, resigning myself to my situation. "Lucy, suck my cock." And she did.

That's how, on that Friday night in October, I found myself with a talented local artist on her knees in front of me, enthusiastically sucking my cock. My wife wouldn't have minded, even if she hadn't been having sex with a schoolteacher called Sue in the spare bedroom at that moment. Sue's colleague and friend, Margie, was being similarly entertained by my submissive sex slave, Angela, in our other bedroom, which Angie was now occupying as our fiancée: us being Marie and me.

Lucy, by way of thanking me for reassuring her she was still attractive and that her genitals were truly delightful, had decided to offer herself to me as my sex toy. My wife, Marie, confirmed that was within the terms she had agreed with her friends when she offered my services as a bed mate. And so, there we were. Did that all make sense? No? It's okay; this is my life we are talking about and much of it still confuses me.

Now don't get me wrong. I like oral sex; both giving and receiving, but usually there's more, I don't know, emotional context. However this was more detatched than my usual sexual encounters because Lucy was an artist and she wanted to help me find and express my inner sexual urges. As a scientist, I am more pragmatic and just wanted to put my cock in a lady's warm and wet special place. But it seemed important to my girls that I got in touch with my inner self, and did things that excited me rather than just satisfying the woman, or women, in my bed. So, with that in mind, I gathered Lucy's long blonde hair into a bunch and used it to pull her further onto my cock and fucked her face.

Normally, I'd let the woman decide where I ejaculated: tonight I knew Lucy would be disappointed if I deferred to her. She coped magnificently until I felt my orgasm about to burst and I pulled out at the last moment. The first spurt was into her mouth, the second on her face and the rest onto her small but lovely breasts.

I looked down at her as she gazed up at me, my semen on her lips and chin. She was smirking, delighted that I had used her entirely for my own gratification. I released my grip on her hair and told her to go and clean herself. When she returned from the bathroom, I held up a pair of handcuffs. Initially, I had just wanted to make love to Lucy but, seeing as she was spending the entire night in my bed, I relented and decided that a little playtime was acceptable.

Her face lit up. "Ooh. This looks like fun. Where do you want me?"

"On your knees in the centre of the bed, facing forward," I told her. "Hands behind your back."

She complied without question. "Now," I continued. "Put your face on the pillow, bum in the air." Again, she did as instructed. I took her hands and cuffed them behind her knees; now she was exposed and helpless. I went to the toybox and took out a wand vibrator and switched it on. First I decided to use it on her delectable breasts. Cuffed as she was, she was entirely at my mercy as I experimented on her. As on the previous Wednesday, over a period of twenty minutes, she passed through the stages of arousal, through frustration and onto rage when I cheerfully ignored her pleas to actually have sex with her.

I was more relaxed about this by then. The girls, and Lucy in particular, wanted me to find the inner me. So I had and, as illustrated by my behaviour that evening, I had found that my inner me was a bit of a twat. I still liked giving women orgasms, but the dark side of me enjoyed it even more when it was on my terms. Oh, Lucy was going to come tonight, of that there was no doubt, but it would be when and how I chose.

She yelled imprecations at me, slandering my parentage, my masculinity and, for some bizarre reason, my dress sense. That offended me because Marie guides me in sartorial matters and my wife was, therefore, insulted by proxy. So I took out the flogger, the one with the forty eight leather laces, and laid it on Lucy's bare backside.

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. You've upset me now," I murmured menacingly in her ear. "You know I'll have to punish you." And I gave her a gentle stroke of the flogger across her rump. She snorted in derision. The second stroke was harder and the third harder still. The fourth generated a cry of pain so I decided that was the intensity I was aiming for. And so I laid into her, using only a little less force on her breasts and genitals, for a full two minutes.

She was whimpering quietly when I finished and to make amends I restarted the wand and applied it to her clit. Unfortunately for Lucy I was still in Darth Geoffrey mode, so the application was remorseless. Despite her writhing, her pleading and her threats I held it there until I was good and ready. By then my erection enhancing tablet had long since kicked in and I was hard again. I knelt behind her, slowly ran the wand one final time from her anus, between her nether lips and onto her clit and then, without warning, I penetrated her. Well, it was what she'd been shouting for after all.

She was so wet inside but still delightfully snug. I grabbed her slender hips and pulled her onto my cock to meet my every thrust.

"That's it!" She yelled, her voice only slightly muffled by the pillow. "Fuck me! Use me! Come on you bastard! Harder!" I reached forward and grabbed her hair again, pulling her head back as I pounded. "Yes!" She cried. "You fucking love this; don't you? Pull harder! Hurt me! Make me yours!" She carried on in this vein for the next five minutes.

I have to admit, in hindsight, I was lost in the moment. If we'd been playing asphyxiation games, it could have gone horribly wrong. That night, though, the pair of us shared the most brutal mindless fuck either of us had ever experienced. I'm not claiming that it was the best sex we'd ever had, but it was the rawest. Lucy came first, of course; she'd been well primed by then. Her demands now replaced by screams of, "Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh! Fuck! YES!"

Given her forced immobility, she was unable to relax after her orgasm even after I had finally, and with great satisfaction, streamed another teaspoonful of sperm onto her cervix. I knelt, hands on her hips, still pulling her butt cheeks hard into my belly, breathing hard and thanking any deity willing to listen for the privilege of having sex like that at my age.

There was a tapping on the bedroom door. I grinned to myself at what we must have sounded like to the others. "Yes," I called out. "Who is it? Is there something you need?"

"Well, it's all of us Geoffrey," came Marie's voice, muffled through the door. "We're sort of worried and yet oddly excited by what we were hearing." She paused, presumably waiting for me to respond. No chance! I wanted them to say it out loud. "Geoff, Lucy, please may we come in?"

I almost asked Lucy before I remembered. She was mine and therefore had no vote. I answered, in keeping with my adopted dark nature. "Certainly; as long as you're naked."

I heard Angie's brief laugh and then the door opened, slowly, as if that alone could mitigate the horror of what they might find. My wife and Sue were first, suitably attired, nude that is: two buxom women holding hands for reassurance. Angela and Margie followed, taller, more slender but similarly undressed, leaving a small pile of dressing gowns in the passage-way behind them. They gazed at the tableau in front of them: Lucy, also naked, face down in a pillow with her hands cuffed behind her knees. Me, upright behind her, cock still embedded in her cunt, her hair gripped in my fist, both of us glistening with sweat.

I smiled at our audience as my wilting dick slipped out of my spent little fuck toy. "Angela. Uncuff Lucy." I commanded, careful not to make it a request. Angie complied and, after looking to me for approval, helped Lucy stretch out on the bed. I stood and stretched, ignoring my nakedness.

"Are you okay, Lucy?" Asked a concerned Sue.

"It's like a drug," mumbled Lucy. "It's uncomfortable, it's degrading, some of it even fucking hurts, but I want more." She looked at the other women pleading for understanding. "Why?" She asked simply. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

"Perhaps, Sir, if I tried it, I might be able to help her find the answer," Angela suggested, trying to look innocent.

"You'll get your turn, my pet," I promised. "But first I'll need to think of a way for you to earn it." I turned my attention to Sue and Margie. "Does this appeal to either of you?" I offered.

Margie looked horrified at the thought and I knew my wife found the prospect unthinkable following an unresolved unpleasant event in her childhood. Sue, however, seemed intrigued. "Lucy seems to find the experience addictive. I have to admit that I'd like to feel the way she does now, but I'm not sure I have the nerve to go through with it."

"It's like a white knuckle ride," Lucy contributed from the bed. "It takes nerve to get on and, once the ride starts, you're committed." She gave a huge, shuddering sigh. "But the adrenaline rush is amazing."

"She certainly sounded... exhilarated," Sue observed, thoughtfully. "Do you have the capacity to tone this down, you know, for beginners?"

"Lucy is my test bench," I replied, ignoring the aggrieved complaint from the bed. "I'm sure that I could offer a bespoke experience to those who wanted to explore that side of their sexuality." I left the bed and crossed to where Sue stood, still holding Marie's hand. I reached up to caress Sue's cheek. She tried not to flinch. I moved my hand, slowly, under her chin, down where I paused to gently grip her throat and then on to her breasts. "Your body betrays you, Sue," I taunted her. "Your lips say, 'no' but your nipples say 'yes please'." She swallowed nervously.

"I won't offer," I told her. "If this is what you want, you'll have to beg. And." I thought this might add an extra frisson. "There will be no safe words. If you ask for this, once the door is closed everything that happens to you until I open it again, is entirely at my whim."

Sue's neck and chest began to flush. Marie noticed and shook her head in fake despair. "Have we lost you to the Dark Side, Geoff? Is there still good in you?"

I leant across to kiss her gently. "I told you. I'll be whoever you need me to be. Look at Sue." She did. "Sue is as aroused now as I've ever seen her." Sue tried to protest but the truth was obvious. "Take her back to bed now and enjoy her. Ask her tomorrow how she feels."

The four women left, leaving Lucy and I together again. I sat in one of the bedroom chairs and pulled onto my lap. "Remember this, Lucy?" I asked. "Our first intimate moment?"

She leant her head against my chest. "You were so kind and gentle then," she said, reminiscing. "You told me that my snatch was: Oh!" She stopped speaking as my finger slipped between her thighs and into that moist little channel that I had once pronounced to be delightful. My other arm circled her slender body allowing me to caress her breast while I bent to kiss her ear. She responded just as she had in the pub; with a quiet intensity. Her eventual orgasm was similar too. Not noisy, the way she was when I was tormenting her, but serene and beautiful. Her body twitched twice, then three times and she slumped against me until the aftershocks subsided.

"I love you, Geoff," she breathed. "And Marie. You give without expectation and you just care. My husband takes and ignores." She wriggled to get comfy and little Geoff started to recover. She burrowed into me. "Here, I'm warm and safe and loved; at home I'm ignored, exploited and insulted. Thank you for showing me how my life should be."

"I love you too, Lucy." I kissed her, tenderly. "Now, can I put Dark Geoffrey back in his cage and actually make love to you?"

"I think that would be very nice," she replied softly. And she was right.

The next morning was one of the best wake-ups I'd ever had. Marie joined me and Lucy in bed, shortly followed by Sue and then Angie and Margie. Now, even a king-sized bed gets crowded with six people in it, but all the women were in a playful mood and it wasn't long before they got rather caught up in the game of 'Whose Vagina'. I assume you've already guessed the rules. For those of a slower uptake; I had to lay on my back, blindfolded, while the girls took turns to mount me. I had to guess who it was, using only my cock.

Now, though I say so myself, I was rather good at it, though I did get Margie and Angie muddled up. It was also very enjoyable. The first round lasted about fifteen minutes until I ejaculated into a birth canal that I correctly recognised as my wife's. Actually, it was the only round because Margie and Sue had to leave after breakfast and we had some things to discuss first.

It was just after nine when we all finally assembled in our dining room. Angie and Lucy had been first downstairs and had started breakfast. By the time I appeared, the table was set for six people and there were platters of toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and black pudding in the middle for us to help ourselves. As I sat down, Marie appeared carrying a pot of tea and another of coffee; Sue followed with a plate full of croissants and pain au chocolat.

We all piled in and ate and chatted and discussed our plans for the weekend and, eventually, Lucy described being bound and tortured the night before.

It was delightful to sit and listen to the ribald conversations taking place around me. Marie reached over and squeezed my hand affectionately. "You seem more content today, my love," she observed, quietly.

I returned her gesture. "I, in fact we, have had sex with all of these women." I gestured around the table. "Most wives would be incandescent with jealousy, the more so because, as fond as I am of Margie and Sue, you know how much I love Angie and Lucy." I paused to watch her nod in acquiescence. "And I, dear heart, am aware of your feelings for Sue." We glanced across the table at the lady in question who, hearing her name, looked across at us and shared an endearing smile.

I carried on. "When you and Sue are together, do you mock me? Would you prefer it was her in your bed every night?" I saw my wife begin to protest. "No," I interrupted. "I know you don't. Any more than I do with Lucy." I stopped speaking as my mind began to assemble apparently disparate facts into an explanation of something that had been concerning me for some weeks. Indeed, since my wife had first broached the topic of inviting her friends to share our beds.

Marie knew me well enough to hold her tongue as I assembled my thoughts; though a cocked eyebrow and enquiring look made it obvious that she expected me to spit it out when I was ready. "You know how uncomfortable I was when you asked if you could share me?" She nodded; I had, after all, been quite vocal about my concerns. "I think that I finally understand why it has worked, so far at least."

"Do tell, Geoff," she prompted, gently.

The room was quiet now; the other women picking up on the tone of our exchange. "I love you Marie. You know I would never risk losing you." It was a statement, not a question.

"I have never doubted that," she replied.

"If you had asked me which of your friends I would have liked to sleep with, I would have interpreted that as a test; a trap, even. An invitation to admit that sex with you wasn't enough." I studied her face to see if she was following me. Satisfied, I carried on. "But it was never about my desires, or yours. It was always about theirs; Angie, Lucy, Jo, Megan, Kate and then Sam. Then Margie and Sue. It worked because you wanted them to experience the intimacy that you and I still shared, the intimacy that they had lost. You didn't procure these women for me, you selflessly agreed to share what we had with them."

I thought a moment longer, our guests remaining silent. "That's why you swore that you would never ask me to let you fuck another man. That's why I was so uncomfortable when you suggested that you might invite Jane to join us. I felt you would see Jane as an object of my desire that you were allowing me to have, rather than a woman, widowed at an early age, who sacrificed any love life in order to focus on her son. It's about us sharing with those we care about rather than us looking for new experiences for ourselves."

"He got there eventually didn't he, babe?" Angie commented.

"He did," my wife agreed. "Does that mean that I can invite Jane now?" She asked me. "She has a massive crush on you and she's nice really. I think she only gossips because she's lonely."

My answer was interrupted by my phone; it was my friend, Mike. I excused myself and went into the living room to take the call.

"Hi Mike, what can I do for you?"

"Hi Geoff, I'm not disturbing you am I?"

"No, but you might have got me out of washing the breakfast pots."

"Then you are going to be doubly blessed."

I was intrigued. "Go on. You have my attention."

"My ladies were at a concert last night so I was at a loose end." Mike was married but had recently, at his wife's request, accepted his Sister in Law, Ruth, into their marriage. Despite my initial misgivings, it seemed to be working. "Well," he continued. "I thought that I might go back to the Fox and Hounds where we'd been spying on your friend, Eddie. Anyway, I got talking to the barmaid and I commented that it was quieter than the last time I'd been in and she immediately realised I was talking about Eddie and his crew. I let her vent; she really doesn't like them. It seems she's a little transphobic." Mike paused there, waiting for the implication to percolate through my brain.

"Eddie's not... Ohhhh!" The realisation hit me.

"Yes," Mike confirmed. "Eddie's special friend, Cherie, is very special. Her parents originally named her Frank." I pondered on that, but Mike hadn't finished. "Apparently, or at least according to the barmaid, Eddie and Cherie have been a couple for a few months now."

"Thanks, Mike. Did the barmaid twig that you had a particular interest in them?"

"Can't see why she would," he replied. "I commented on how quiet it was and she went off on a rant. I just sat and listened. Anyway, she can't stand either of them so it's hardly likely to come up in conversation."

I thanked him again and went back to the table. The discussion there had moved on to the new rostering system for Wednesday evenings. As a throuple, we were now in a position where Angie having sex as part of the cycle with the other women made no sense. They were considering alternative strategies, but the process was further complicated by Lucy's insistence that, as my free-use sex toy, I could have her whenever, wherever and however I wanted.