George and Germaine


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"Yes, love your cock sucking!" he said.

"Mmmm, thank you," she said and captured the crown of his cock with her mouth and squeezed with her lips.

"Aaaaaawwwwwe!" he moaned.

"Enjoying yourself, Georgie?" she asked innocently.

"Best mouth in town!" he said.

"Now how would you know that?" she wanted to know.

"Research," he said laughing, and she leaned over and bit his thigh.

"Owwwwww!" he said, "I take it back; no research, none at all."

"Better," she said and went back to his cock, getting up on her knees now to be able to take more of it into her mouth.

At that point, she began in earnest, moving her head quickly to bring him off. She had him moving with her in no time and finally, he tensed up and began to shoot his load into her mouth. She swallowed at a furious pace to keep up with him.

"Hmm," she said, sitting back on her haunches, "Tasty! My George is tasty!"

She leaned in and kissed his wilted cock then and said: "George, run away to Florida with me? We can take the mermaids with us and all; just run away with me!"

"Yes, I will!" he said and watched as she worked his cock over again, getting it hard once more.

"May I have it this time?" she whispered.

"Yes, you certainly may!" he said, as she got up from her knees and placed herself gingerly down onto his erection.

"Ahhhhhhh!" she sighed, as she got into place.

As the lay in the dark, later, George said: "By the way, my Mom wants to meet you. Adrienne and Suzanne have been singing your praises to her and she's gotten interested."

"Oh, I'd like that," she said.

Then he turned serious and said: "Germaine, I've gone ahead with Gail Graham and have filed for divorce."

"Oh, good for your sake!" she said.

"Yes," he answered, "It'll make things more simple." But then he said to her softly:

"Also, good for our sake."

"Yes," she said, snuggling against him.

The following Saturday the girls were out for a great part of the morning. When they arrived back to George's, Adrienne and Suzanne were all excited and a-twitter.

"Bathing suits," Suzanne said. "We all got new bathing suits!"

"For Florida, for the beach!" Adrienne added.

Germaine was just smiling, but the girls weren't finished with George yet:

"You stay here," Adrienne said.

"Yes," Suzanne added, "We're going to have a fashion show, a bathing suit fashion show.

"Oh good!" George said, "I can hardly wait.

The three of them went off and soon they came back all wearing one piece bathing suits. Adrienne was a plain red, and Suzanne was a plain blue. Germaine's plain yellow was simply a knockout!

"Wow!" George said, "All this beauty in one place!"

"Nice, Uncle George?" Adrienne asked.

"Wonderful from where I'm sitting," he said.

"More," Suzanne added.

"Hmm, more!" he said, "What could be better."

They went off giggling and came back only this time each had on a two piece suit.

"They insisted," Germaine said, as they trooped into the room.

Adrienne had a two piece dark blue and Suzanne had a two piece stripped one. But Germaine's two piece red, bikini was a show stopper!

"Doesn't she look fab, Uncle George?" Adrienne asked.

"Wow, I guess!" George said.

"Uncle George likes his girl friend!" Suzanne sang out, as though taunting.

"Come on, gang," Germaine said, "Change now and naps, we spoke about it."

She turned to George, who had been reading and said: "I'll see them put down, and be back in a bit." As she turned to go, she said: "With a bit more clothes on."

"Drat!" he said, making a face.

"Your time is coming, pard," she said, as she was about to follow the girls through the doorway and up the stairs.

She came back in a moment and said: "George!"

He turned to look at where she was just in time to see her pull the back of the bikini bottoms down to show him her ass. She bent over and wiggled!

"I'll swat you, woman!" he said with a grin.

"I'll let you!" she said, winking and was gone.

She was settling the girls down for their nap, each of them by now had their own bed, and the room decorated.

As she was lying there, Adrienne spoke up: "Germaine, may I ask a question?"

"Sure, honey," Germaine answered.

"Well, we've been talking, Suzanne and I and we're wondering about . . .about what we should call Uncle George."

"What's the problem?" Germaine asked, stroking her hair and at the same time holding Suzanne's hand.

"Well, it doesn't seem right somehow," Suzanne said.

"What might be better?" Germaine asked. "Maybe 'Poppa'?"

"Oh, yes," Adrienne said, "That's it; he is now, you know. Don't you think so?" she said looking over at Suzanne.

"Well think about it," Germaine said, "I think he might just like it."

They didn't say any more about it just then but that night, when all of them were gathered to put the girls to bed, during the prayers, that they were saying together, they both said:

"And God bless Poppa George!"

"What?" George said, his voice husky with the emotions that the name had caused.

He simply went to them each at a time and said: "Thank you love! I'm so happy to be your Poppa."

When he and Germaine were downstairs again, he asked: "Did you know?"

"They asked my advice and I gave it; that's what we lawyers do!" she said.

Then with a smile she added: "But come with me now, and I'll model that bathing suit for you again; if you're lucky, I'll model my skin for you too."

"Can't wait!" he said taking her hand.

It was a Thursday, a light day for Germaine. She was having a coffee break, when Betty interrupted:

"There's a Mrs Sweet here to see you."

"Mrs Sweet?" Germaine said with obvious surprise.

Betty realized then and said: "Oh, his Mom!"

"Yes, I've been wanting to meet with her but she apparently doesn't get around well but here she is. Send the cops if you hear a ruckus."

Betty laughed and said: "Will do."

In a few minutes she was back, holding the door open for an elderly woman who had snow white hair and used a cane.

"Mrs Sweet," she announced to Germaine who was up from her desk and across the room to greet George's Mom.

"Mrs Sweet, what a treat this is!" Germaine said.

"Yes," Mary Sweet said, "If I wait for that slow acting son of mine to introduce us, we'd never meet. We need to take things into our own hands now and then."

"Exactly," Germaine said, "Will you sit please?"

"No, let me look at you first," Mary said, looking Germaine over.

Germaine was kind of flummoxed by the request but stood first and then turned slowly around. This made Mary laugh:

"Yes, yes, I guess! You are a gorgeous, gorgeous girl! He certainly has done well this time!"

Germaine was blushing bright red by then, and Mary noticed it.

"I'm sorry, dear," Mary said, "I made you blush. I'm so brash at times but old age is a good cover for that. You get away with a lot more if you're an old lady."

Then she added: "Yes, I will sit."

When they were seated, and Germaine had rung for coffee for the two of them, Mary continued:

"So Adrienne and Suzanne tell me that you're George's girlfriend!"

Germaine laughed: "Yes, that seemed to be a very important item with the two of them."

"Oh, yes," Mary said, "They told me all about it; how they gave you advice to 'smooch' with him."

They both had a giggle about that one.

"I needed to come here and say 'thank you' in person," Mary went on.

"Thank you?" Germaine said.

"Well, it took him so long to get over that no account that he's been married to! And it's such a treat to see that he's met a real woman at last."

"Why, thank you!" Germaine said to the compliment. "It was a really strange meeting."

"Oh, yes," Mary responded with a laugh, "He told me all about it."

"He did?" Germaine asked.

"Yes," Mary said, laughing again, "Including your yellow panties! He was impressed. But then you've got a lot there to impress a man."

Germaine blushed again.

"There I go again, dear; I'm sorry; I'll mind my manners!" Mary said.

"I really wish you wouldn't!" Germaine said with a grin, "You are certainly a breath of fresh air."

"I understand that you're off to Florida for a vacation," Mary said.

"Yes, the girls seem to be excited," Germaine answered.

"They are, and I got a bathing suit report from both the girls and George," Mary went on and then added: "Don't worry, dear, he doesn't tell me everything."

"Well, he's downright marvelous in this girl's book," Germaine said then and Mary beamed.

Germaine took a look at Mary and said: "Mary, I promise that I won't hurt him; I really do."

"Thank you for that," Mary said, and then moved to get up. "Well, it's apartment hunting for me today. I gave up the house long, long ago and have roomed with a friend of mine. But she recently died and the place seems to grim now. So, I'm off."

The thought struck Germaine immediately and she decided right then to act on it:

"Wait a bit, Mary, will you? Let's do a little conspiring here."

"Yes?" Mary said, intrigued.

"How about if you have my house?" Germaine asked.

"What?" Mary responded.

"Of course," Germaine went on, "I'm at George's big place most of the time and only go back to mine to change clothes and all."

"Why how about that?" Mary said.

Germaine looked earnestly at the older woman and said: "I want to live with him and those lovely girls in the worst way. Between the two of us, we can do this."

"Yes, I bet we can," Mary said with a grin. Then she added: "I'm having lunch with him today; why don't you join us and we'll have him surrounded!"

Germaine giggled and said: "Done and done. First, why don't you and I go and look over the house. It's small but lovely."

"Oh, this is the nicest thing imaginable!" Mary said, hugging Germaine.

Germaine told Betty that they'd be out for the morning and she wouldn't be back until the afternoon but she had her cell phone and would be available.

"Don't forget it's your day to collect the mermaids from school!" Betty said.

"I'll be there," and then looking at Mary said: "Or maybe we'll be there."

Mary was enchanted by the house, and, as far as the two women were concerned, it was set.

He was waiting for his Mom at their favorite eating spot and was surprised to see the two women together.

He greeted each of them with a kiss: cheek for his Mom and lips for Germaine, and go them seated and something to drink and said:

"Why do I think that I'm in some kind of trouble here?"

"Nonsense," Mary said, "We were just meeting and getting to know one another; you know that I told you I might look her up."

"Yes, Momma," he said, grinning.

"And she's a first rate lawyer; solved my housing problem immediately," Mary said.

At this Germaine blushed, and Mary laughed: "And she blushes!"

George just looked on mystified.

Mary turned to Germaine and gave her a questioning look: "You've got the floor, Momma," Germaine said.

Mary nodded and said: "This lovely woman has offered to let me live in her beautiful home."

George just looked at Germaine who smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"So, that means that now she's out on the street with nowhere to go, so, I want you to take her in!"

George's head whipped around again and looked at Germaine, who thought that maybe this effort was about to 'go south'. But George broke into a huge grin and said:

"Germaine, love, come and live with me and the mermaids in my castle!"

Germaine only then smiled truly and, with tears on her cheeks said: "I'd love to."

She got a real hug and kiss from him then and one from his Momma.

The rest of lunch was devoted to plans. They decided that maybe the fence would indeed come down, uniting the properties, and planned for the time when they'd do the moving.

They took a good long time, and finally Germaine called and Betty told her that things were under control, and she really wasn't needed.

"What's up?" Betty said over the phone, "You sound so excited."

"I'm going to live with him!" Betty said. "Whoopee!" Betty shouted before hanging up the phone.

The two little girls came out of the school building, knowing where to look for either their Poppa George or Germaine. They were surprised to see the three of them standing and waiting, and came running.

"Yaaaaaaaaay!" they shouted together as they gave hugs to everyone.

When they got home, after a washing up, Germaine spoke to the girls:

"You know there's ice cream in the 'frig and maybe a few cookies, I baked some, we're here to celebrate."

"Celebrate?" Adrienne asked.

"Yes," Germaine answered, as she had the rapt attention of both of the little girls. "Your Poppa has asked me to come and live here with you three."

"Yaaaaaaaaaay!" the two of them shouted, getting up and running to her for hugs.

While they were hugging, Mary said to George:

"She is so wonderful with them."

"Yes, it's positively enchanting!" George admitted.

"And," Germaine went on, the two girls still standing in the circle of her arms, "Your Nonnie is going to have her house right next door."

"Yaaaaaaaaay!" they shouted again.


The move took place and went smoothly. It was a Friday evening, the girls were in bed just a short while and George and Germaine were sitting in the 'sitting alcove' in their master bedroom drinking wine.

George, with an earnest look on his face said: "Love, I have to tell you something."

Germaine, surprised by the look on his face, asked, somewhat worried: "What? Problem?"

"Yes, I think," George said. "I have to be honest here."

"Please do," Germaine said then, halfway preparing herself for the bad news that was coming.

"Well, it's this way," he began, "I thought that I'd be able to just live with you and it'd be fine but I'm too old fashioned for that."

"Ohhh," she said, the disappointment already setting in.

Then George went down on one knee and she involuntarily shrieked! The yell had various effects, she startled herself and had her hand at her mouth, it made him simply grin, but it got the two girls out of bed, who hurried to George and Germaine's room to find out what was wrong. They got there just in time to hear it:

"Germaine, love," he said, "I adore you as a roommate, but I want you with me as my wife. My decree is about a month away now. Will you marry me?"

Before she could respond, the doorway exploded with a loud:


Both George and Germaine turned and saw the girls. Germaine's arms flew open and she had the two 'mermaids' in her arms in no time.

"Say 'yes'," Suzanne said breathlessly.

"Please say 'yes'," Adrienne prompted.

Then it was Germaine's turn: "Yes, George, I'll marry you; nothing on this earth could make me happier! You three are my family."

"Yaaaaaaaay!" came the joyous response from Adrienne and Suzanne, as George and Germaine kissed.

The wedding was held soon after George's divorce went through. Germaine was attended by Betty, Arienne and Suzanne. It was a small but joyous affair.

After the wedding, Florida was a huge success. The beach house was located on a Florida Key and the beach was fairly private. The girls spent most of the first day on the beach, searching for shells and sharks' teeth.

They swam, snorkeled in the shallow, warm water of the Gulf and enjoyed themselves.

The final piece of the whole drama fell into place, while they were at Florida. On an afternoon, when Germaine was off shopping for dinner, Adrienne and Suzanne told George that they needed to speak to him. The three of them had an earnest conversation about the issue that was concerning the two girls.

It came to light that evening. George and Germaine were putting the two girls to bed and it was finally time for prayers. The two girls said their bed time prayer and finished with the blessings but they were different this time:

"God bless Momma Germaine and Poppa George," was the way the two of them both said the prayer. As soon as they were finished, Germaine, in tears now, hauled them in and hugged them.

"I love you so much," she said, as George looked on, teary eyed and pleased.

"We love you too, Momma," Suzanne said, followed by Adrienne making the same statement.

It was complete: They were a family.

The End

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