George and Shawna Ch. 02


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"Can you taste her Shawna? I came in her three times. Do her juices taste good? She wanted me to stay longer and do it some more Shawna, but I wanted to hurry home and give you a taste of her while she was still wet on my cock."

He pulled out of her mouth and got off the bed and as he was leaving the room he said, "Good night Shawna. Sleep tight."

He debated being gone in the morning and eating breakfast at the Village Inn or sitting across the table from her and glancing at her face from time to time as he sipped his morning coffee and read the morning paper. He decided to stay home. He was curious as to how she was going to take what he had done. He remembered her howl of outrage as he left the room. "You bastard! You miserable bastard!" she had cried as he closed the door behind him. She apparently didn't like the shoe being on the other foot.

He had the coffee made and was sitting at the table working on his second cup and reading the sports section of the paper when she came down. It would be another twenty or thirty minutes before the girls would get up so they were alone. Shawna poured herself a cup of coffee and then sat down across from him. She stared at him in silence as he read the box scores from the previous day's games and then she said:

"I want to thank you for last night George."

He looked up from the paper and asked, "For what?"

"For setting me free George. After last night I know that we are dead. I know that there isn't any hope for us now and I can get on with my life. I can put an end to trying to get you to come back to me. You aren't coming back and I know that now."

"What does last night have to do with it? You knew, or should have known, that when you woke me up the other night you killed any chance there might have been that I would come to forgive you. The first time was bad enough Shawna, but after the other night? No way in hell!'

"Nothing happened the other night George. I went out to pick up a man and get myself laid, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I called Marie and asked her to meet me for drinks and conversation. All that I had in me when I came to you in the bedroom was a pussy full of KY."

"I'm supposed to believe that?"

"Call your sister and ask her."

"Why would you do that? Load yourself up with lube and then tell me that it was another man's leavings?"

"Shock value George. I was desperate. I wanted you back and nothing that I did was getting me anywhere. What was supposed to happen, what I hoped would happen, was that when I got off the bed and left the room leaving you all hot and bothered you would come after me. You were supposed to yell at me that I couldn't just leave you like that. We would make love and then I would tell you the truth about the night with Marie and we would fall asleep in each others arms. Stupid idea looking back on it now, but as I said, I was desperate. I hoped that by pretending I had been with some one else would make you jealous and make you want to fight for me. Like I said, a stupid idea, but what the hell, nothing else I tried had worked. I loved you George and I desperately wanted you back in my life."

She glanced at her watch and said, "Time to get the girls up" and she got up and left the room.


As he drove to work he wondered how a woman, a usually smart woman, could possibly think that telling her husband that she had just come from fucking another man and then rubbing his face in it could make him want to fight for her. But then he thought was it really so far fetched? He had almost gotten up and followed her. What would have happened had he done it? Could it possibly have turned out the way she had hoped? Was she telling him the truth? She had to be. She knew he would call Marie and ask. Besides, she had never lied to him before. She had even told him everything about the night she had screwed up and if she wouldn't lie about that, why lie about going out with Marie? He would have to call Marie. If what Shawna told him was true could he finally get past what she had done the night of the party? Would the hours that he had spent with Carol do what Marie had suggested? Would his screwing Carol cancel out Shawna screwing the guy the night of the party? He loved Shawna and he knew it, but he had just not been able to get by what she had done the night of that stupid party. Now that he had spent some time with Carol were they really even? Had one offset the other?

She watched him as he backed down the driveway and thought about what she had just done. She had lied to George for the first time since she'd met him. She thought back to the night she had left the house to meet Glen. He had been waiting in the lobby of the Marriott and they had gone straight up to the room that he had already arranged. There had been no preliminaries, no foreplay; they both knew why they were there. Just strip, get on the bed and fuck.

Glen had fucked her hard and she'd had orgasm after orgasm until he finally came in her. He pulled out and she scrambled for his cock and sucked it into her mouth and in minutes she had him hard as a rock. She turned and got on her knees and elbows and he laughed and said:

"I knew you were a nympho and I knew I was going to fuck you again."

"Just shut up and do it" she had cried and he had driven his cock hard into her. She had three more orgasms before he came in her and pulled out. Once again she had gone for his cock and had gotten him up again and then he had put her legs up on his shoulders and fucked her hard and she'd had orgasm after orgasm until he finally came. He started to pull out, but she had clutched at him and had tried to pull him back in. He laughed again:

"Oh yeah baby, I knew what a hot bitch you could be. You were a slut just waiting to be set free."

He reached for the bedside phone and punched in a number. "Who are you calling" she had asked. "A friend of mine. I'll get him up here to help me out. Between the two of us we should be able to give you all that you need."

"Hang up that phone. I am not going to get involved with a stranger."

"Okay, no stranger. I'll call one of the guys from work. Some one who won't be a stranger. Got a preference?"

She got off the bed and started dressing.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you you fucking asshole."

"Oh come on Shawna. You like to fuck and you like being bossed. I saw that the first time. You have a bit of the submissive in you and you like being taken and told what to do. Now get those clothes off and get your ass back down on that bed."

"Fuck you Glen" she said as she walked out of the room.

By the time she got to the lobby she had realized that the evening had been a bad idea to begin with. Oh she had needed the fuck that Glen had just given her and if he hadn't been such an asshole she would have stayed in that room with him and fucked him all night. The sad part was that she didn't want Glen, she wanted and needed George, but she needed sex and George wasn't having anything to do with her. And after what she had just done there was no way he ever would have anything ever to do with her ever again unless....unless she could convince him that nothing had happened, that she was just trying to shock him. But how to do that?

She had called Marie and had asked for help. She asked Marie to join her for drinks and Marie had agreed to meet her. She had told Marie that she had left home with the intention of getting laid, but had chickened out at the last minute.

"I need sex Marie. George hasn't touched me since the night I got drunk and was taken advantage of. I'm desperate Marie, but I knew that if I followed through on what I was going to do tonight my relationship with George would be truly dead and over."

"George loves you Shawna. We have talked about what is going on between the two of you. His problem is not that you were taken advantage of initially, but that you stayed and kept on doing it. You have to find a way to get passed that. Have you given any thought as to why it happened? And is it something that you could explain to George?"

"I know why it happened, but I don't have a clue how I could tell George and not drive him even farther away from me."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Oh sure. I can see it now. "I stayed and kept doing it honey because I loved it! It was great and I had more orgasms in that one night then I'd had in the previous six months and I didn't want to stop." I can see George taking me in his arms and saying, "That's okay honey. I'm glad you had a good time."

"I see your point. George would not react well to that at all. What you need to do is find some way to make him realize that he is going to lose you if he doesn't do something. You need to make him want to fight for you - to fight to keep you."

"Well he didn't seem too pleased that I was going out tonight. Maybe he does care. Maybe I can make him think that I will be gone if he doesn't do something."

"All I can say is good luck and I hope you can pull it off. I know he loves you and you say that you love him so I'll be pulling for you."

When she had gotten home that night she'd had a couple of drinks in her and that had given her the 'dutch courage' to do what she had done. She was ashamed of herself now, but at the time she was pissed at George for making it necessary for her to do what she had done. She had felt really good sitting on George and telling him he was sliding in Glen's sperm and she had hoped - expected actually - that George would follow her, but he hadn't.

She had cried herself to sleep and the next morning she had hated herself for what she had done. She had gone too far and last night George had given her what she had deserved. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched George back out onto the street and drive away. She had lost him and she had no one to blame but herself.


He managed to make it until eleven before he finally gave in to the need to call Marie. She backed up what Shawna had told him and then she had said:

"You are running out of time George. She loves you, but she isn't made of stone. Last night she dodged the bullet, but sooner or later she is going to do what she almost did last night and when that happens the two of you are toast. I know you love her George and right now you have a chance, but don't wait too long brother."

He spent a long day thinking about what Marie said and by quitting time he had resolved himself to sitting down with Shawna to try and work things out.


"You over your snit yet?"

She looked up to see Glen standing there. "Actually no Glen. In fact, just looking at you is turning my stomach. I'm only going to say this once so pay attention. Stay away from me. Don't even say "good morning' when we pass each other in the hall. Stay the hell away from me or I will file sexual harassment charges against you."

"You seem to forget you were willing."

"Only you and I know that so it will be your word against mine and what I have going for me is that the other day everyone on this floor heard me tell you to leave me alone. The first time you took advantage while I was drunk and why that didn't tell me that you were a slime ball I don't know, but you sure let me know last night. Get away from me Glen and stay away from me."

He started to say something, but then closed his mouth, turned and walked away. As he walked away she thought it was a shame he was such a dirt bag. She had enjoyed fucking him. Now that George was lost to her she was going to need a fuck buddy and Glen had certainly known how to push her buttons.

By quitting time she was feeling sorry for herself. She called home and told Sarah that she and Julie would have to fix dinner for their father and themselves and then she left work to join her co-workers at the bar across the street.

He was surprised when he got home to find that Shawna wasn't there. "She called" Sarah said, "And said she was stopping after work with some of the people she works with."

"Did she say what time she would be home?"

"No. She just said to make sure that we did our homework before we watched any TV."

"Then I guess we are on our own. What do you want for dinner?"

"Julie and I have already started dinner. We are having tacos."

As he sat down to dinner he wondered if he should make sure that he was still up when Shawna got home so they could have their talk. He decided that he would stay up until ten and if she wasn't home by then they could talk the next day.

She couldn't believe it! What had happened to her? Fifteen years of being faithful to one man and then one drunken indiscretion that led to six months with no sexual activity at all which led to another brief session with Glen and now this. On the back seat of a car! She had never been on a back seat even when she was single. And with a guy who was at least ten years younger that she was! She couldn't even blame it on alcohol since all she'd had was one glass of white wine and then she had switched to soda water.

But the kid was good. Well, maybe not good - at least not compared to George or Glen - but he sure was energetic and long lasting. The most amazing part was that she had gone after him. She had picked him out and had gone after him. She still had trouble believing it. That was just so unlike her. She hadn't even stopped at the bar looking to hook up. Her only reason for stopping after work is that she didn't really want to go home and face George. Knowing that it was over between them hurt enough; she didn't need to have it driven home by sitting across the dinner table and looking at him avoiding having to look at her.

She had been there a little over an hour sipping her one white wine and talking to her co-workers. She had danced with a couple of the guys and then the group started breaking up as people left to go home. Pretty soon she was sitting alone and that was when Toby came up to her and asked her to dance. She danced two numbers with him and then he had invited her to join him at his table. He was with two other guys and she had danced with all of them and after fifteen minutes at their table she had decided that one of them was going to get lucky.

Now that the relationship with George was dead she was going to have to do something to insure that she had a sex life. She didn't intend to have it by being a bar pick-up, she would find something steady, but right then she was ready to get laid and there were three guys to choose from. She would give George and the girls a stable home, but she would also give herself a sex life and she was going to start it right then and there.

She looked at the three young men and then she asked Toby, "What are you going to do when you leave here?"

None of the three were stupid and they understood that she had just made her choice and they knew what she intended. Toby said:

"I was thinking of maybe going for a workout, but I think that the gym might be closed by the time I could get there. I'll have to find some other way to get my exercise."

The invitation offered and then accepted was the signal for the other two to say they needed to get going and they got up and left. She asked Toby where his place was and when he told her she realized that it was forty minutes away.

"I need to be home in an hour and a half so your place is out."

"All I can offer is a motel then."

"The nearest motel is twenty minutes away and then I'd have to come back another twenty minutes this way. That's a tremendous waste of time."

"How do you feel about back seats?"

"I don't know. I've never done it there."

"A new experience for you then. Shall we?"

He stood up and offered her his hand and they had headed for the parking lot. They had gotten in his car and he had driven to the back of the parking lot and parked in the darkest corner and they had gotten in the back and done it. Twice! She had cum five times while on her back with her legs up on his shoulders looking up at him and the headliner of his car. She had even sucked his cock to get him hard to do her the second time. The episode had excited the hell out of her. The only thing that could have made it a bigger turn on would have been to look up and see someone looking into the car and watching.

She made a date with Toby for Friday. They would meet at his apartment when she got off work. She really didn't know how she felt about that. A bed would be nice, but the feeling she had on that back!

It was five minutes to ten when he heard the motor to the garage door opener start run. He had spent hours working on what he would say and how he would say it, but the gist of it was, "Let's put this behind us and see if we can't put things back together again." He knew that it wouldn't be easy to get back to the way they were and in fact they might never get back all the way there, but if they both worked at it they might get close.

The connecting door from the garage into the kitchen and opened and then closed and a minute later Shawna walked into the family room. One look at her and all the words he had practiced were gone; chased away by the way she looked. She had that "just fucked' look that he was so familiar with and it was reinforced by the mis-buttoned blouse and the ladders and runs in her stockings.

He shook his head in disgust and then, with out a word to her, he got up and headed for his room. As he undressed he was glad he hadn't called Carol and cancelled.

She saw him look at her and she knew what he saw and she knew what the look he gave her meant and it broke her heart, but as much as she loved him she was not, as she had told him, going to live the life of a nun in a convent. She had needs and if he wasn't going to take care of them she would find someone who would. Someone like Toby.


The next morning he was waiting for her when she came down to the kitchen. As soon as she got her coffee and sat down he said:

"We need to work out a schedule. Someone needs to be here with the girls and while I love them dearly I'm not going to be the one who stays home every night while you go out and fuck. I propose that one of us take Monday and Thursdays and the other Tuesday and Friday. We can alternate Saturdays and Wednesday and Sunday we both stay home and spend time with the girls; time when we can act like a family."

"In the first place don't you dare take that tone of voice with me. I wouldn't go out and fuck, as you so charmingly put it, if I was getting it at home where I should be getting it. You have no one to blame but yourself if I go out. That said, I think your plan is a good one. I'll take Tuesday and Friday. The only amendment I'd want to make to your plan is that whenever one of the girls has an event that parents should attend and it falls on one of the nights on yours or my schedule we have to give up our night out and spend it with the girls."

"I agree."

He looked at his watch and then got up to get ready for work. He turned just before he left the room and said:

"Just for the record. I'm not to blame for anything here. You are the one who spent sixteen hours in bed with another man. Not just a one time drunken indiscretion that you got up and ran from as soon as it was over, but an all night and all the next morning fuck fest. So don't give me any shit about the fact that you aren't getting taken care of at home so it is my fault that you are going out whoring."

He left the kitchen and so he wasn't there when she started crying.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Should’ve had the wife arrested for sexual assault and rape. She initiated sexual activity without his consent, and exposed him to another man’s fluids, which could give him a STD.

Women need to be held accountable for their choices, instead of being treated like children!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

George is just the latest in the long line of immature LW man boys who can't talk and who just wants to suffer and play the victim card ad nauseum. Either fish or cut bait, dude, but grow a pair and actually do something besides feel sorry for yourself. It gets so damn boring.

PorterrhPorterrhabout 2 years ago

Oh for gods sake - put s bullet in me …. This is a drawn out mess ….

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I think that you should show George how Shawna lied to him again and did fuck her co worker again and lied to his sister about it also just so she would have an albi and if Shawna really loved her husband as she said she did then she should have had Glen arrested for rape because she did tell him no at the beginning and no means no

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

First of all, before she decided to give Glen a second go, what he was doing was classic sexual harassment.


Second, her lie about Marie was despicable.


They really should just end things.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

HDK is one of my favorite writers here . But if He takes her back then the Cucks will be happy . I would have kicked her to the curb

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 3 years ago

Gooooood plot.....

Whore destroys marriage by being a total white.

White gets mad because it's taking a long time for her faithful husband to work through it and goes back to whoring with the same asshole and literally rubs the other man's cum in the face of the man she "loves", thus destroying her marriage further.

He gets her back, finally, and she is so petty that she lies about it and goes out and whores again to come home to a thoroughly betrayed husband that wanted to try to work it out with the whore but she just won't stop being a deranged whore.

Not even close to sane.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
When the Greek Cucklord Kalimaxos approves it we know what's going to happen next

Again it's George and not Shawna who's responsible for the breakdown of the marriage. He should have forgiven his wife's first indiscretion quickly and taken her back like a REAL man. Like something Kalimaxos would do.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 3 years ago
This should have been a five.

I trailed the mouse over 4 to five stars and it registered a 4. Sorry Bob. This chapter was good.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

She is one low life whore. Please don't have him take her back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another weak husband

Is this the only plot device that 95% of LW can come up with to write a story?

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 5 years ago
For the sake of the kids?

The way the’re going about providing a safe and secure home life for their kids, is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. If the kids can cook dinner, they’re old enough to smell bullshit. Just toss her out!

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3about 6 years ago
Total Garbage

Two more repellent persons are hard to imagine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Still a fucking wimp! This bullshit about "staying together for the kids" is pure BULLSHIT! Kick the slut to the curb and be done with her, but NO! You'll drag this out with more wimpish bullshit!

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 7 years ago
Second time through

Shawna is totally without sympathy.

She should have gotten counseling or therapy instead of continuing destructive behavior.

She is without redemption and worthy of nothing but pain for destroying her family.

Moloch_The_MysticMoloch_The_Mysticabout 7 years ago

This story arc is I think some of JPB's best work. For me, it contains more emotion than a lot of his other stuff. It really bugs me that Shawna lied about having been fucked, and even enlisted George's sister to cover for her. This was a sick level of manipulation. Her indignation pissed me off.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 7 years ago
Unsympathetic whore

Shawna isn't worth shit

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Well now they've both gone bat-shit crazy!

Probably no coming back from all this cheating. Maybe a good psychologist might help them, but no way does this end in anything but divorce without professional help. Of course if she gets pregnant or either one of them picks up some nasty disease all bets are off. This is a train wreck looking for a good place to happen. Drive that train Bob,then pick a good place to wreck it.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 9 years ago
Two thoughts:

1. Absolutely no RAAC! (But I fear he'll eventually determine they are even, except for #2 below.)

2. Why wasn't our hero smart enough to ask his sister what time she met wifey at the Hilton?

KarenEKarenEabout 9 years ago

It was bad enough that she went out, making it obvious she intended to get fucked, but then to come home and essentially RAPE him with he sloppy cunt is unforgivable.

And then to try to make believe it was all fake, and to use his sister in the bargain? She's worse than a whore! And then, with her ploy actually working, she goes out and fucks up AGAIN!

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