Getting By Ch. 03


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Of course Winona was allowed to move into her grandparent's home. They did make it very clear however that she was expected to be polite at all times and help with any and all work she was asked to perform. Over the course of the next three weeks the adults, well the older adults could see the struggle Winona still had coming to grips with her new circumstances. She had to do many tasks that she had previously believed beneath her.

After she filled out some from eating better her health improved. Between Pete and Winona's help all the jobs on the farm were finally caught up. Winona began complaining about being bored. Finally Pete snapped in his exasperation. He said, "If you're so damn bored get your ass into town and find a job."

For a moment the old Winona came out. She looked horrified and even said, "There's no job for someone like me in this little hick town. What do?" Winona stopped and slumped to the couch. She looked up at a visibly angry Pete and continued, "I'm sorry Daddy. That just slipped out. I know now I'm really not much but I want to be. I mean. Oh, I don't know what I mean. Do you really think I can find a job here? I couldn't find one in St. Louis."

Pete thought about his answer for a moment then decided Winona needed to hear the full truth. He said, "Bullshit. What you mean is you couldn't find a fancy job you and your snobby friends thought was appropriate. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt you could have found some type of work in St. Louis if you hadn't been so worried about appearances and position. Well here you take what's available and you are glad to have it. You may have to shovel shit in a barn or get your pretty little hands dirty but I guarantee if you are willing to work you can find a job even if it is part time."

Winona was crying. She hung her head and said, "I know Daddy. And you're right. If it wasn't a proper job I wouldn't even have tried to get it before. I'll do better now Daddy. I promise."

Pete handed her his truck keys and waved her to the door. He turned and headed for the shop. Winona went into the bathroom and began cleaning up before she embarked on her job search.

Pete grabbed his parent's car keys on his way through the kitchen. He quickly drove into town and went to Jack's farm store and feed mill. When he entered a very harried looking Jack looked up at him with a grin. "Hey you old fart. What're ya doin' here this time of day?"

"I'm interfering in my daughter's life. You still need someone in the mill during the day now that school's started?"

"Hell yeah. The last asshole I hired was drugged out and Jimmy had to go back to school. Why. Got someone in mind?"

"Yeah, maybe but I want you to make her sweat before you offer her the job. Winona's complaining about being bored. She's on her way into town to look for work. I don't want you to keep her if she just plain doesn't work out but I would appreciate it if you would give her a chance. She needs to learn how to work and to learn responsibility. Cindy nearly ruined her and this may be my last chance to make her grow up and learn how to be a responsible adult. I need for her to realize there are really good people who do hard physical work. I need her to learn what it means to work hard for your pay."

"Well Pete I don't need help in the store. You know that. She'll have to work in the back lifting feed and cleaning. It's dirty work and there's no heat or air. Are you sure she can handle that?"

"No Jack, I'm not but I am sure she needs to see what it's like to work until you ache then get up and do it the next day. I don't even know if she has the guts to do it but I hope so."

"Well ok if she comes in I'll take her on as a favor to you but if she doesn't work out I will have to let her go. I don't want this to hurt our friendship here Pete."

"That's fine and I understand. All I ask is you work with her for a while to see if she will work for you. If I have to I'll help you with her pay until we see if she can hack it or not but I want to try."

It was the day after Pete and Jack talked before Winona made it to the farm center to ask for work. The first day of her job search she had applied for work in all the businesses that might need office help or sales clerk help; the cleaner and more high prestige occupations. Of course she was unsuccessful so finally lowered her sights and went to the less desirable places.

True to his word Jack appeared hesitant to hire Winona. He made her beg for a chance then, reluctantly he seemed to agree. He said, "Well I don't need anyone in the store or office. All I have is a job on the loading dock and in the feed mill. It's dirty always and colder than hell in winter and hotter than hell in summer out there Winona. It's heavy dirty work. I just don't think you can do it. Hell, most boys I hire can't do it. No, I don't think so."

Winona's eyes flashed. She raised her head and said, "That's bull shit. That's also against the law. It's illegal to discriminate in employment situations. You have a job and I think I can do it. You have to give me a chance. I want that job sir. I know I can do it. How hard can it be to lift a few bags of feed anyway?"

Jack just smiled then he said, "Ok Missy. I'll give ya a try but don't come running to me when you break a nail or if your muscles hurt. You'll need heavy gloves and steel toed boots too. Wear heavy jeans and a cool shirt and be sure you wrap your tits so they don't get hurt too."

Winona flushed when Jack told her that. She almost told him off for his vulgarity then remembered her plight. She clenched her jaw and said, "Thank you. When can I start?"

"Oh, tomorrow's soon enough if ya have the boots and gloves. We sell them both here if you need to buy some."

Winona wilted and said, "I don't have any money. I'll have to see if Daddy'll loan me some."

Jack smiled. He said, "Oh, don't worry about that. You can buy them on credit if you'll sign an authorization for us to deduct the cost from your paycheck."

Winona glared at Jack then said, "Ok, fine. Where do I sign?"

For the next three weeks Winona drug herself out of bed and to work. Her body constantly hurt. Her hands were rough, her nails damaged enough she cut them as short as she could. Slowly, so slowly she learned the job and toughened up. One day she woke up and realized she didn't hurt at all. She looked at her stomach and saw muscles. Her legs were even toned better than they had ever been. She had spent hundreds of dollars at a gym in St. Louis to get a body like this and had failed.

Winona began coming home in the evenings and talking about some of the people she saw at the mill. She discussed many of them with respect. Of course she also had some she had no respect for. They were the ones who were disrespectful to her, who propositioned her or got fresh. In most of the cases Pete agreed with her assessments of the people she talked about.

One Friday afternoon Winona rushed into the house and ran straight to her bedroom then the bathroom. They heard the shower running. In less than thirty minutes she was back in the living room clean and dressed in her best jeans and cowgirl shirt.

Pete looked at her and grinned. "Big night planned honey?"

Winona blushed and said, "I hope so. Bradley asked me to supper and then we're going to a dance. He's going to teach me to do something called the two step."

Of course all during this time Pete and Becky were still working on her car. Now it was a Saturday routine. Work on the car. Stop about three or three thirty, she would go home and clean up then she and Pete went out for supper and a movie or dancing. Some evenings they stayed in Van Buren and had burgers then hit the local bar. Others they went to the Bluff. Some evenings they stayed at Becky's house.

Finally Thanksgiving arrived. It was Pete's favorite holiday. It was even better this year. Winona was back and seemed to be straightening up. He had Becky in his life and Randy was coming home for the holiday too.

That day was perfect as far as Pete was concerned. It was the first time his whole family had been together in almost ten years. He was in the living room visiting with the menfolk while the women cleaned up after the traditional meal when that thought hit him. He heard the women coming into the living room and turned to greet them. He gave a pensive smile when he saw them. To his everlasting pride Winona was finally blossoming into a fine young woman, one he could finally be proud of. He even approved of her current boyfriend. He was head and shoulder above the vapid posers she ran around with in St. Louis. Of course he still had a soft spot in his heart for Jerrod but that ship had sailed. Bradley and Winona would never be well off if they should happen to marry. They both had no degree and would probably work hard in labor jobs for the rest of their lives. Having said that, there were worse things they could do. At least they would be hard working productive members of society.

Apparently his face showed some of the thoughts he had running through his mind. Becky moved across the room and without and false pretenses plopped into his lap. She wiggled her beautiful ass until she was comfortable then leaned against him with a sigh.

They all sat visiting and basking in the camaraderie of this special day. After a few moments of conversation Winona stood and held her hand out to Bradley. He smiled and took it. Winona looked around and said, "I am still stuffed. Bradley and I are going to walk off our dinner so we can enjoy our coffee and dessert later."

A few minutes after Winona left Randy and his wife stood and moved toward the door for their walk to settle their meal. When they left Pete decided it was time to take Becky on a little walk also. Pete led Becky out the door into the yard. They immediately moved to wrap their arms around each other. They walked for a short time then wandered into the shop to look over Becky's car. It was beginning to come back together and they were almost as proud of it as they were the beauty Pete's car had become. Strangely enough Becky's car was numbers matching also and had even been painted the same color as had Pete's when it left the factory. They were both a beautiful electric blue color. They both thought they would look really nice lined up beside each other at shows.

While they stood looking at the cars Pete turned to Becky. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a gentle kiss. After the kiss broke he stood looking at her and said, "Becky I had decided there would be no woman in my life after I divorced and moved back home. You have proven me wrong but I want more than we have. I want you with me all the time when you are not working. Will you marry me please Becky Potter?"

Becky looked shocked for a moment then she smiled. She stood on her tip toes and gave Pete a gentle kiss then said, "Yes. Yes Pete Youngblood I will marry you. Even after I first met you at the car show again I thought I never wanted another man in my life after the way Sherman did me. You have proven my thoughts wrong also. I desperately want you in my life always."

Pete smiled and reached into his pocket. He pulled a ring out and held it toward Becky. "This is a pretty plain ring but that is the kind of guy I am. I'm most comfortable with plain and common. I love you and this town and to me this ring symbolizes the way I look at life. It symbolizes my love and commitment to you and to simplicity. If it isn't good enough for you we can try to find one you will like better though Becky."

Becky's eyes glistened and she smiled. She held her left ring finger out and said, "No honey. That ring is fine. I would have been just as happy with none but I do appreciate the symbolism of the ring. I will wear it with pride for the rest of my life." She wrapped her arms around Pete once again and they kissed. After several moments of deep sensuous kissing the couple moved from the shed and returned to the house. Becky was holding Pete's hand when she led him into the living room. All the family was there already.

Becky looked back at Pete then moved to him and wrapped her arm around his waist. She looked up at him then rested her head on his shoulder as he pulled her tighter to his side. Pete grinned and looked at his family and said, "Well we have something else to be thankful for today. Becky has just agreed to become my wife. We have enough between us to get by pretty comfortably here in Van Buren and that is where we intend to stay after we're married."

Winona squealed and rushed to Becky to see her ring. After the commotion was over Pauline stood and said, "Well that calls for a celebration. I think we need to break out the Port to have with our dessert and coffee this evening. Come on you all. Let's move into the kitchen.

Pete and Becky decided to marry in early December. They had both been married before so didn't want or need a large wedding. They had a small affair with family and a few friends. They were going to move into Becky's house but Pete's parents had a better idea. They were getting older and really didn't want to work the farm much any longer. They suggested they trade houses with Becky and live in her house in town. Pete and Becky could live on the farm and work it. There would be room for Winona until she and Bradley married. It looked more and more as if that was going to happen soon too.

Pete and Becky managed to get by very well on her salary, his income from the taxes he did every year and the earnings from the farm. Of course they shared the farm income with his parents until they died but they still got by fine.

They lost track of Cindy. Once in a while Pete would ask about her if he saw her parents around town. Many times they would have no idea where she was or at least would not say. They did say they had not seen her since before Pete and she divorced. They were heartbroken she had cut them out of her life but were thankful they still could see the two children and even Pete occasionally. They had become quite proud of Winona and were proud as the proverbial peacocks of Randy. He was a full Lieutenant in the Navy now and had over 16 years of active duty completed.

Life goes on in small town USA. Happiness and hard work abounds.

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Wolfgang1955Wolfgang19557 months ago

Nice trilogy. 5☆

tonyneatotonyneato12 months ago

Another excellent 5 star story. Thank You Hermit. Keep em coming !

NitpicNitpic12 months ago

So if he loved on tax and farm earnings,what happened to all the money from the divorce settlement.?

pummel187pummel187about 2 years ago

Loved it, even though it had no explosions, Ninjas or gratuitous cursing or nudity... But hey, no story is perfect

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I spoke too soon when I commented on the ending of Jerrod's story. Love that we found out what happened to Pete. Would also love a story where Cindy finally gets her shit together and redeems herself.

sf_operative63sf_operative63over 2 years ago

Great story overall...well written and eady fo follow

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

Great ,great story. The ending is perfect. AAAAAA++++++

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Great conclusion!!! 5 stars again!!!

RanDog025RanDog025over 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A common theme

Women do men wrong, men think solution is at the bottom of a bottle of scotch...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I agree this is a story that could keep going and would have liked to see Cindy come crawling for forgiveness.Plus I think he should have got some sort of payback on Saul.

rfnks2002rfnks2002about 5 years ago
Keep it going

This is a story you can keep going. Tell the story about Cindy. Bring in the X- in laws,

Becky's son and her X-husband. And bring us up to date with Jerrod and his family.

Ok I'll day it again keep it going. Ch-4

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
it's been done before, but rarely

a good story where no one actually cares about the selfish spouse.

even the author didn't want to dirty their hands writing about her.

she does seem functionally sick though, that entitled attitude is very toxic.

she did cheat though, even if no actual sex. kissing and touching is honestly enough.

i doubt she'll actually get ahead now without her ex-husband. he seemed to be a rock she took for granted. she's older now, and probably barren. men wont want her for much, and those that do probably understand how little leverage she has.

i hate to say it, but study after study proves the chliche'. men are both very shallow and very much not. they don't care one lick about status, only youth and health. women, unfortunately, care about all that AND status. You can literally fool us by dressing up a farmer boy in a nice fitting suit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Sorry Anon 11/23/18, but I have to disagree

There's nothing wrong with getting ahead and working up to your potential but if you do that and sacrifice your happiness and peace of mind to do it you're just fooling yourself. I worked as an engineer for a large manufacturing company for years and had many chances to move to management but unless you were a vice president or higher you had to sell your soul daily just to keep your position. Unhappiness and long hours for what? A couple of bucks and time lost with your family was not worth the effort. The idea isn't to get as high on the food chain as possible but to do the job you have to the best of your ability. Like a friend once told me; better to be a happy productive waiter with friends and family than an unhappy restaurant owner who is miserable with no life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I guess just getting by was a very good description of this story. I don't think wanting more and working hard for it is a crime. To me, the crime is settling. Not living up to your potential or chasing your dreams. That's what it seemed these people did.

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