All Comments on 'Getting Even Gets Interesting'

by WilliamRollins

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

After she took off her yellow cotton tank top and bra, what white shirt with zipper was she wearing? Oh, wait, could that have been a white skirt?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

"He offered me a ride home and I excepted."


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Keep writing, please

For a first writing effort, this was damn-ass hot. Good flow, nice job of building the story. I look forward to reading your next story.

PTBzzzzPTBzzzzover 12 years ago
I like it

Keep writing.

No I think you ended it at a good point.

PornguinPornguinover 12 years ago
Take the comments to heart

I generally liked the story, and rated it 5 due to being a first story and foreknowledge that it ill be rated down due to some of the problems others had listed. It indeed ended too soon, and you have to be careful with some words sounding right but aren't. A simple paragraph or two 9 months later with the two expecting their first child, and possibly married, would have added a lot to a satisfying ending.

Chaser56Chaser56over 12 years ago
Story needs a good ending.

Your story needs a chapter 2 just to let people know what happens next instead of leaving everyone hanging. I do agree with the others that there is a talent here for writing, but that it needs to be worked on and refined some.

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayover 12 years ago
Not a bad story

Not a bad story, of course for a first time you can expect some mistakes, keep writing and you will get better the more you write.

I think she will get pregnant in your follow up story.

estragonestragonover 12 years ago
Entirely concur

with other commentators. The editorial missteps really hurt an otherwise engaging story. You can write, no question about it, but the story really needs either a page 2 or a chapter 2. And a copy editor. And, oh yes, take it easy on the beer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Proofread, not Spellchecker

Spellchecker does not catch correctly spelled, but incorrect words. Still, keep writing as your have a fresh approach.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Couple of problems...

First, a woman who is not a virgin, and has received oral sex, yet has never performed oral? I found that hard to accept.

Second, as described, five beers would most likely have been enough to put the narrator to sleep.

Finally, the ending was just a dead stop. No denouement, no exploration of the effect on the friendship... just bang, done.

Not bad. Needs an editor, for sure; and if this is intended to be a multi-part story, it's best to say so up front.

sporcovecchiosporcovecchioover 12 years ago

Re: the first two comments, for your first time out, the story is well written and I think that rather then an editor, you need to proofread your story before submission.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Yes, keep going!

Editing is important - eg, you've used vein when you meant vain, excepted for accepted - there should be no barrier twixt Storyteller (you) and readership (many). But you've incorporated motive, a line, a start, and perhaps a premature finish - (finished the sex, but not the revenge?). More of.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
There would be those who would say . . .

that first timie's the charm. A bit of editorial help would improve things (all good writers use editors, to spot things they miss), but this is a first-rate story from a writer who should do more for us eroticians.

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