Ghost Detectives Bk. 01: Discovery


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"Whatever we capture it'll be highly unlikely it'll be admissible in court and what they are doing is not illegal but what we do would place us on the wrong side of the law and is illegal."

"The leverage is exposure and not with the law. We'll never use it unless they attack us first, it'll act as a type of double indemnity. I could ramp thing up a level with Courtney, providing you are comfortable with me having a few trysts with her."

"We have John's material. There's little value in what you can add, if she is exposed so are you."

"What if we can get the three of them together without me in the picture?"

"That'll be of value, but how to achieve that without compromising yourself will prove to be difficult. Look, I have no problem with you having a little one on one fun with her but to expose yourself to embarrassment is another matter. We could bug Cortney's flat but we would have to break in and fix cameras without them knowing, far too high risk as far as I'm concerned."

"I agree, but what if it was in our house?"

"How can we make that happen?"

"A tryst or two with Courtney will leave her open to bring in the other two. When she suggests it, and she will, I will feign reluctance but invite them over to our house when you are supposedly out of town and see what runs from there. I'll say I'd like to watch, faking a fetish for a little voyeurism before I'd take part in the action."

He shot her a sharp look giving her a wicked grin. "Don't go there, love," he chuckled, "knowing the strength of your libido, you'll be out of camera range masturbating using one of your three, or perhaps all of them." Referring to her three vibrators she had named little, medium and large george.

She gave him a sheepish look. "I can control myself but I can orgasm just watching them, but this is work not fun."

"You'll still get hot and have an orgasm, god, Carolyn, I know you will. Your fingers will be between your legs within the first minute," he good heartedly laughed."

"Alright, you know me so well but seriously, we need to catch the three together doing what they do full on with their toys and games without me in the frame."

"We'll run it past John and if he's fully on board we'll set it up as extra insurance. One thing, initial trysts you have with Courtney happens at our house so we'll have full video evidence."

"Of course, that goes without saying, and you are happy with it?"

He smirked. "I'll be able to watch the video, besides, I'm sure John is capable of disguising your face and location if needed."

The following afternoon Carolyn phoned Courtney eulogising over how pleasant the evening they spent together went and how much James liked Brian, telling her he was a little fractious with her developing a closer relationship with her and Simon, but now that he had met her husband and Simon's wife, he felt comfortable - laughing as she spoke - intimating the pressure was now off them to pursue their own agenda with impunity. Last night, she informed, had alleviated any mistrust he may have held, especially where Simon was concerned. He even suggested inviting the four over for dinner. She had no doubt from the excitement in Courtney's voice she was telling her exactly what she wanted to hear. The trap had been set when she informed her that James was out of town the following Thursday on business and not returning until Saturday evening and asked if she was available, just the two of them, to have dinner at her house on Friday evening.

Just after six she turned up wearing a brown pleated skirt just above the knee accompanied with a white blouse showing just a hint of breast, light coloured stockings and wearing four-inch high heel shoes. Hair neatly arranged in ringlets making her appearance younger than her years, looking more school teacher than seductress.

Carolyn ventured an altogether far more daring outfit. A black dress way above her knees, low cut, with an open back and no brassiere. Pure black stockings complemented with the same coloured high heel shoes. Her dress sense conveyed only one message, I am here and available. Upon seeing her for the first time standing in the doorway, Courtney did a double take, her eyes opening wide as she drank in the vision of the woman standing in front of her. Kissing each other lightly on the cheek, they entered the house and closed the door.

"You look absolutely scrumptious. I like the dress, like everything really." Handing her a bottle of wine.

"You look rather missy. Dig the hair style. Thanks for the wine by the way," looking at the bottle then placing it on a side table, giving herself a sly grin thinking she'd throw a little spike into the mix. "A thought just struck me, I should have also invited your husband, you must think me terribly rude, I do apologise."

"No, no, not at all, I'm glad you didn't invite him, anyway, he's away for the evening. I am meeting up with him tomorrow night for dinner, so up until then I'm free," putting on display her most seductive smile.

Carolyn opened a bottle of chilled white wine poured two glasses and offered one to Courtney and sat opposite, crossed her legs showing the top of her stockings with just a hint of flesh peeping out at the top. Courtney likewise followed and closed her legs and could feel her heat slowly building and rising to a tingle increasing into a solid itch. Unconsciously she uncrossed her legs and re-crossed them the opposite way none of which was lost on Carolyn who deliberately copied her movements.

The first glass of wine was soon emptied and the glasses refilled. Carolyn excused herself to lay out the meal in the dining room she had previously prepared and sat opposite talking as they ate, each sip of wine slowly lowering their natural inhibitions, each paying little attention to the other's words more concerned with each other's physique. Their body language and eyes hungering over what their bodies craved, Courtney's itch changing into a painful longing for satisfaction with Carolyn quickly catching her up, feeling her sexual arousal juicing between her legs.

Carolyn stood and drew her hand down from her breasts over her dress looking all the while at Courtney, sauntered to the television and played soft hypnotic music. "I play this music when I need to relax." Holding her eyes to hers. "How thoughtless of me, let me refill your glass," taking it, refilling and returning it into her hand at the same time lightly tracing her fingers over the back of her arm.

"Dance with me Carolyn," her voice almost pleading to be held as she stood, placing her glass on the floor next to her chair.

Carolyn took Courtney's hand and pulled her body towards herself, their breasts closing together as their arms connected around each other's backs, their bodies moving leisurely to the rhythm of the music. Courtney slowly lowering her hands downward rubbing Carolyn's back gently with her open palm; reaching the globes of her bottom she palmed both and pulled her body into hers gyrating her left leg against the warm wetness flowing out from between Carolyn's legs who started to nibble and suck Cortney's right ear lobe.

The connection had been made, their libidos were out of control and there was no going back. The wine, the music, the unique sexual bouquet of their arousal wafted outward hitting their nostrils, awakening their dragons. The fire burning in their bodies needed release as their lips met searching each other's mouths, tongues like daggers, in and out, in and out, probing deep inside seeking and searching for their own mutual satisfaction but needing each other to make it happen. Courtney strained against Carolyn's body then stiffened and exploded as her orgasm surged through her, causing her legs to tremble. Carolyn pulled her closer, using her partner's leg to gain friction. Deep inside her loins the pressure surged, causing her to shudder violently. Holding on to Courtney's shoulders for support its intensity washed over her and she whispered unintelligible breathless animal sounds as wetness pooled between her legs.

She looked at Courtney, smiled and kissed her fully on her lips as her organism receded. "That was something, my legs are still shaking."

Courtney unbuttoned her skirt and threw it over the chair exposing her stocking tops and garter belt, her panties wet and discoloured. She let them fall to the floor and stepped out revealing a clean-shaven vagina and opening her legs, she inserted two fingers inside, brought them up to her nose and offered them to her partner's mouth who eagerly sucked upon them for a few seconds, grabbed her hand and directed it downward placing her hand inside her thong and moving her partner's fingers in and out of her womanhood making garbled sucking sounds with her mouth.

Without warning, she grabbed Courtney's head and in one seamless movement virtually forced her head between her legs and held it in place as she fell backwards into the lounge chair, legs splayed apart held there by her hands. Instinctively, Courtney knew what was expected and went at the task with the same enthusiasm as she did a little earlier when kissing her mouth, this woman was on a mission to please, immediately her tongue finding her hot spot gently probing and caressing her erogenous zone as her arousal increased until her orgasm swept through her body in spasms of delight. Changing places, Carolyn returned the oral ministrations with the same level of gusto having Courtney performing her own version of the saint vitas dance against the onslaught of her moving tongue and mouth until her body bubbled over into delightful cessation.

Carolyn placed her hand under the settee and held it up showing Courtney big george simultaneously licking the top of it. Courtney's eyes opened as if a child in a toy shop finding her favourite toy, opening her legs holding them wide apart in invite.

"I have a smaller one."

"I want that one." She shuddered holding the middle of the vibrator with her one hand.

Carolyn jellied medium george and inserted it inside herself in one fluid movement and turned it on. Jellying big george, she inserted the tip between Courtney's vaginal slit while riding medium george herself. She pushed it slowly inside Courtney turning on the vibrator to low. Another inch inside she turned up the speed. Courtney, already lost in ecstasy glorying only in pleasure, her mind focused on her sexual release as her fingers found her clitoris helping along the vibrator now fully penetrated inside her body vibrating at full speed letting big george have full reign as she bucked, tensed, and flopped exhausted as big george fell to the floor. Carolyn, kneeling in front of Courtney her own vagina pulsating, vulva wet and swollen, her body moving to the tune of her own vibrational vibes and hitting home, screamed out her tension and fell forward, her tongue finding a home between Courtney's legs as it snaked out the last of her passion from her exhausted body.

The following morning, sitting at the table eating breakfast, Courtney asked, "are you going to tell your brother about us?"

Carolyn looked at her for a few moments with a thoughtful reflection on her face. "I expect so if he asks but I doubt he will, he never has in the past. Why?"

"No reason, I would prefer it kept between ourselves. Are you comfortable with that?"

"Yes, but I can assure you he wouldn't mind."

"What time is your husband back?"

"Later this afternoon," she lied. James had not left the house, spending last night in the basement in the secret room. "He's not away that often, last night was a rare occasion, he normally works from home."

Courtney raised her eyebrows and shot her a knowing grin. "We could always use my place?"

Time to play her trump card. "Brian, like James often works from home and could turn up any time. I won't feel that comfortable..."

"Wait!" she interrupted, "I have my own flat which Brian knows nothing about. No one does except Debra and Jennie."

"They don't seem the type to play both ways." With each sentence, she was slowly roping in her quarry.

"They do play, we all have our little fantasies. People like us like to play out our darkest desires inside our own secret world of flagrante delicto."

As soon as she left, James appeared. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Got it all on tape. God, you looked hot, I had to tie myself into my seat or I'd have been there with you."

"Steady my bucking bronco," she mouthed at him and grabbing hold of his hand, walked towards the bedroom as he started to slowly kiss her neck and shoulder. His open palmed hands upon her breasts circling over her hardening nipples, his touch delicate and light. This wasn't a time for niceties and she dug straight for his hardness releasing it from its cover and started pumping it with both hands, quickly falling to her knees and engulfing his hardness, hungering to show him, her man, she was his woman. After last night, she wanted it hard and fast. He, the one she loved, the one she worshipped. The love of her existence, pushing him with little finesse onto the bed; for this tryst, he submissive, she the clawing tigress, the cowgirl riding her horse into the sunset.

Chapter Twelve

A few days later at five in the morning, the three of them sat in the library preparing for James to go back into the other dimension. John handed him a passport, driving licence, birth certificate and other papers he may need, two gold chains, a diamond ring and a small gold bar, estimating the value of the items to be around £25,000.

To distinguish him from his double, he had dyed his hair from his natural light brown to black. Carolyn used a botox mixture on his face which gave him a fuller countenance and he wore glasses with a hidden recorder. He stood, kissed her, nodded to John and was gone.

Sitting on a park bench a little after seven in the morning James was reading yesterday's paper which he retrieved from a waste bin searching for flats available to rent. He knew the area he wanted and soon found three suitable, now he needed to wait for the shops to open, the risk of using currency from the other dimension not an option despite its similarity.

By ten that morning he had pawned one of the golds chains and after haggling, had £2,000 in his wallet intending to use a different shop for each transaction. His next port of call was to the agent responsible for marketing the three flats, and as luck would have it, the same agent. The first flat he looked at was far too large, the other little more than a glorified box and he wasn't optimistic of the third, his intuition proving correct. He thanked the agent and as he walked away the agent stopped him saying a furnished flat had just become available but it had three bedrooms and was larger than his specification.

Thinking he had nothing to lose, he decided to look and closed the deal that very morning. The letting agent checked his passport and asked him to supply three references. John had thought of everything, and James informed the agent he had been working in Italy the last eighteen months, producing his paperwork and the stamps on his passport as proof. When he offered to pay rent six months in advance plus a bond without question, the agent accepted and said he would have the contract ready by the afternoon and he could move in within a few days. He spent the rest of the morning calling into other pawn shops, and soon had the money he needed, returning in the afternoon to pay the agent in cash, asking if he could move in immediately and by five that evening was closing the door to his new furnished flat.

Later, he sat in the local pub enjoying a meal and read in the daily paper about the normal political wrangling of politicians, telling one thing while doing the other, a road rage incident, a car pileup near the border between Carlisle and Scotland, a fire in some factory up North where there were two fatalities, a stabbing two evenings ago of a female judge who was critically ill in hospital but her condition had now stabilised and was off the critical list. This caught his attention especially when the judge's name happened to be Courtney Westley. The article went on to say they were questioning a Frank Ellis but no charges had been laid.

James purchased a laptop computer plus an internet port and headed for his flat. Within minutes, he had the information he needed, Frank Ellis was a cousin to Morris Ellis. Looking at a few twitter feeds and other comments, the intimation implied that the murdered woman Sandra Ellis was having a full-on affair with her husband's cousin and would have left her husband weeks before she was murdered but couldn't because she was being blackmailed by Judge Westley. He wondered where this information had originated and in another article, a few pages into the paper that thought was laid to rest, stating that several anonymous letters had been sent to various organisations with numerous internet feeds published, again nameless, denigrating the judge. A family spokesperson said they were troll rumours and had no credibility and had applied for a gagging order and would be seeking damages from those spreading such malicious lies against a well-respected happily married woman of impeccable character. There were a few other rumours surrounding the case but internet and twitter feeds only clouded the issue further.

He needed to return and discuss this with the others and checked the time. He couldn't risk going back this early in the evening and carried on searching the internet for additional information but found nothing further that added to what he originally knew and turned his attention to Frank Ellis. He lived at least a two-hour drive from where his cousin lived and had been married to an Ann Winters who was killed in a hit and run accident two years previous, but neither the perpetrator nor the car had ever been found and the crime had been filed as a cold case. He also gleaned that the two cousins never liked each other and he looked for any correlations as to why, but again hit a blank wall. That wasn't anything untoward, half the population avoided or disliked their relatives. One interesting fact came to light but he wasn't sure of its relevance. Frank Ellis owned a few pubs, two nightclubs, numerous properties and a building company with his wealth running into millions, so what link was there between Courtney, Ellis, and Sandra, and where did Ann Winters come in the frame, if at all, or was it all purely conjecture on his part?

At midnight, he made his way to the window but there was still light on in the house and he took a stroll around the next street returning forty minutes later to a dark house, entered the garden and walked through the window. The room was empty and he called out. Carolyn and John entered the room together both carrying a mug of tea. His wife placed her mug on the table and went straight toward her husband kissing and holding him as John looked on smiling.

"Put him down sis, you have all night to do that."

She released him from her hold and turn towards John, "Shush you!" Turning back to her husband, "don't ever be this long again," she chastised placing her hands on his cheeks and kissing him again.

"Any chance of a cup of tea?"

"That's all you have to say after worrying me to death!"

"I can't come back in the day the risk is too great, you know that."

Carolyn went into the kitchen, returned with his tea and handed it to him. He sat down, took a sip from his mug, placed it on the table next to him and brought them up to speed on what he had to tell them seeing their faces change into one of disbelief as he finished.

"Stabbed! How many affairs was this woman having? She must have been a bisexual nymphomaniac."

James had it on the tip of his tongue to say it takes one to know one but thought better of it, looking at her at the same time raising his eyebrows and smiling.
