Gilligan’s Island, the Rescue

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"They're all (happy) on Gilligans Isle".
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Gilligan's Island, the Rescue

Gilligan hopped out of his hammock and ran out into the noonday sun looking for the Skipper. He ran into Mr. and Mrs. Howell's tent where he interrupted their noonday activities.

"Mr. Howell, Mr. Howell," he said, "have you seen the Skipper?"

Thurston Howell the third was dressed in a yellow wool sweater over a green button-down shirt, he was wearing a straw hat, and brown leather loafers, but no pants.

"Gilligan my boy," he said, "we have talked about knocking, just because there isn't a door--"

"Be a dear and come back in ten minutes," Lovey said, "Thurston almost has me there."

She was wearing a white dress that was flipped up over her back exposing her naked rear end, and a pair of very nice white patent leather pumps. Her hands and ankles were tied spread wide apart to the base of a vertical bamboo frame, and she was bent at the waist over a horizontal bar also tied to the frame. Thurston appeared to be enthusiastically buggering her.

"Uh, okay," Gilligan said, as he backed out the open doorway.

He looked in the Professor's hut but found neither the Skipper nor the Professor. Although he did pause for a moment to take another cup of the delicious Liqueur that the Professor made from fermenting coconut water. Then he went to the girl's hut.

"Skipper, Skipper," Gilligan cried as he burst in on them, "I just had this horrible premonition or dream... or a dream about a premonition...Or a ... Hey, what are you guys doing?"

"We are playing Parcheesi," said the Skipper. "What does it look like we are doing?"

It did not look like they were playing Parcheesi, all four were naked and the Skipper had his penis down Mary Ann's throat while the Professor seemed to have his penis buried in her vagina. The Skipper and the Professor were moving in in unison and moving out in unison as Ginger was kneeling and sucking on the Professor's scrotum.

"Hey," said Gilligan, "you guys said I could play too!"

"I tried to wake you Little Buddy," said Skipper, "just how much of Professor's Liqueur did you drink at brunch?"

"Well, I--" Gilligan said.

"I told you that it was stronger than the last batch," interjected the Professor, "the yeast really seems to like my improved process for refining Erythritol. This is the strongest batch yet, even though I cut the sugar by five percent."

"Yeah, yeah," said Gilligan, "we have a problem, I just had a dream about the island melting."

"Come, come now Gilligan," said the Professor, "I wouldn't worry. Although the island is made of igneous rock, which is of course cooled and solidified molten Lava. It would take sustained temperatures in the neighborhood of 2,000 degrees or so to melt the island, at which point we really wouldn't even notice it was happening."

"So it couldn't happen," said Gilligan, his eyes searching for an affirmative answer.

"No of course not," said the Professor as he continued to spit-roast Mary Ann.

"Well that's a relief," said Gilligan.

"Well, not unless the dormant volcano was to explode."

Gilligan screamed, "Ahhhyyyy," as he backed away and ran from the girl's hut.


"Count Von Siegfried," said the black-uniformed aide, "Fearless Leader will see you now."

"Danke," said Siegfried, "Shtarker, now, jetzt."

Shtarker rose from his seat and followed Siegfried and the aide into the palatial office.

"Vee haff a problem with zee first test of zee anti-Moose and Squirrel Thermonuclear Ballistic Tactical Neutralizer," said Fearless Leader.

"Ja," said Siegfried clicking his heels, "und how kann KAOS be of assistance to Pottsylvania?"

"Vee lost missile," said Boris Badenov.

"Vee didn't lose missile," Natasha Fatale said to Boris shoving him, "missile blew up."

"Not all of missile."

"ENOUGH!" Shouted Fearless Leader, "am I Fearless Leader, or are you two idiots Fearless Leader?"

"You are Fearless Leader, Fearless Leader," Natasha said.

"Yes, you are Fearless Leader," said Boris.

"Very well," said Fearless Leader.

"But he is not Mister Big," Natasha said softly under her breath prompting a smile from Boris and Sigfried.

"Wasn't Mister Big killed by the KAOS death ray?" Asked Shtarker, softly.

"No," said Natasha in a whisper, "was Potsilvanian manufactured death ray."

Shtarker looked puzzled.

"She mean it not work," Boris added helpfully.

"Zee scientists," Fearless Leader said, "controlling our MASTBTN--"

Everybody except for Fearless Leader snickered at the recitation of the missiles' name.

"ENOUGH!" said Fearless Leader loudly, "Zee scientists activated a self-destruct mechanism when dee missile became erratic, it vass supposed to destroy whole missile, but vee are receiving signal from zee guidance system. Vee need you to recover zee sphere."

"Sphere?" said Siegfried.

"The missile's guidance system is in an indestructible metal sphere a bit larger than a softball," said Natasha.

"Vas my idea," Boris said.

"Not helping things Boris," Natasha said.

"Do vee know where zis sphere is," said Siegfried'

"Yes," said Boris, "vee haff it narrowed down to southern haff of Pacific Ocean."

"Huuuu-we," Shtarker exhales audibly.

"Shtarker... Nein!" Said an agitated Siegfried, "Zis is KAOS! Vee don't 'Huuuu-we' here!"


Running towards the lagoon Gilligan tripped over a metal sphere in the sand.

"What a crummy place to leave a ..." Gilligan said half aloud, as he examined the sphere. "What is this?"

Gilligan hopped up and ran back to the girl's hut.

"Professor, Professor," Gilligan said excitedly.

"Yes little buddy," Skipper said while using his right hand to massage the head of his penis which was in Mary Ann's throat.

"Look what I found," Gillian said holding up the sphere, "what do you suppose it is."

"You know Gilligan," said the Professor, "you really shouldn't pick things up if you don't know what they are. It might be dangerous."

"How can a ball be dangerous, well - I mean I think it's a metal ball - I don't think it's a bomb," said Gilligan, dropping the sphere.

"A bomb!" Yelled Skipper, as he moved he tripped and fell backward, shooting his load all over Mary Ann's cheek.

Losing Skipper's support, Mary Ann tumbled down on top of him, and her unexpected movement caused Professor's penis to pop out of her very wet vagina.

"You know Gilligan, we were kind of enjoying ourselves in here, couldn't it have waited," said Mary Ann, wiping the spunk from her face with her fingers and feeding it to Ginger.

"You know Gilligan, you could have been next," said Ginger sadly, "my butt was all ready."

"Well," said Gilligan "I guess."

"Okay," said Ginger, "but you will have to eat me first to get me back in the mood."

"What do you suppose it is?" Asked Skipper, staring at the sphere as the Professor picked it up and examined it.

"If I had to guess," said the Professor, "I would say that it is some type of a guidance system, it has an altimeter - here see the little metal bellows, and it has a gyroscope, and a small metal air reservoir. Skipper do you know what this means?"


"With this I can create a navigational aid that we can use to sail across open water," said the Professor, I can create a directional antenna from copper wire on the Minnow, and with this and parts of the radio we could navigate our way back to Hawaii."

"Professor," said Skipper, "do you think that we can use the grasses on this island to make a boat like that Thor Heyerdahl guy did?"

"We could certainly conduct an experiment," said the Professor, "we could float a small reed boat in the lagoon and weight it down with a stone and watch it, then we could estimate how far Hawaii might be and determine if we could actually float there before the reeds lost buoyancy."

"You mean we might get off the island?" Gilligan said as he was softly playing with Ginger's nipples while he was slowly but forcefully buggering her.

"Talk... Later... Please..." Ginger said.


During the next week as the seven castaways made a small proof-of-concept raft, and the Professor made an operational navigation aid. He was surprised to find that the barometric pressure dropped suddenly on the sixth day following Gilligan's discovery of the sphere. It was decided that the rising water from the incoming storm could assist their attempt to reach Hawaii, and so a large raft was constructed at the edge of the water that included all four huts lashed together on a large flat barge-like structure.

The storm was more intense than anticipated but the huts were lashed together with their entrances facing one another providing the best protection possible from the wind and the rain. There was no point in keeping watch, there was no visibility, so everyone took to their beds for an apprehensive night's sleep. When they awoke the next morning, they realized that their plan had worked, the high water had floated the raft and they were in open water. A makeshift sail was rigged, and the Skipper used his knowledge of sailing to sail and tack as directed by the Professor's readings from his devise.

That evening as the girls were preparing dinner the Skipper caught a large fish. Thinking it would be delicious smoked, Gilligan made a fire on the deck of the raft to cook the Skippers fish. But the fire momentarily burned out of control as the smoking frame made from dried reeds caught fire. Only quick action by the others to find containers and pour seawater on the fire prevented a disaster. Gilligan went to his hut to be alone after the others expressed their fear and anger at his lack of foresight. As he is sitting in his hut alone a chopping sound is heard in the distance.

"It's a helicopter," said the Professor pointing into the sky.

"A Helicopter, a helicopter," said Skipper.

"Look, Mary Ann," said Ginger, pointing.

"How do I look Thurston, darling," asked Mrs. Howell.

"Ravishing," said Thurston.

"But is this the right outfit for being rescued," she asked, "I've never been rescued before."

Gilligan emerged from his hut to see all of his friends waving at the Coast Guard helicopter which was soon hovering directly overhead.

October 16, 1979

Sitting in an Auckland Public House drinking a couple of New Zealand Draughts, Siegfried and Boris were watching a television news broadcast and noticed a picture of a bearded man in a white shirt holding the very sphere that they had been looking for. Returning quickly to their nearby hotel they found another television program covering the miraculous return of billionaire Thurston Howell the Third, movie star Ginger Grant and five others castaway on a deserted island for the past fifteen years.

After watching the interview again, and hearing Professor Roy Hinkley explain how he built the navigation device from the sphere, and how Skipper Jonas Grumby's extensive knowledge of marine architecture and sailing allowed amateurs to build a seagoing raft, they called Natasha and Shtarker in Christchurch, leaving a message at their hotel. The next day they would all be on a flight from Wellington to Honolulu.

November 23, 1979

Everything was pretty crazy after the seven former castaways arrived in Honolulu, it was a media circus. Boy, things had really changed in the fifteen years that they had been away. Before they all went their separate ways, the seven agreed to meet at the Honolulu dock where they first set foot in Hawaii in one year's time.

It took some time for the Skipper to track down the Minnow's insurer, since it had been bought out a couple of times in the past fifteen years. Then it seemed that they were trying to avoid paying off on the claim. When the Skipper and Gilligan visited their offices they were met by lawyers who had come up with a document they wanted signed by all on board the Minnow attesting to the fact that the Skipper was not responsible for the shipwreck.

November 28, 1979

The Skipper and Gilligan closed out their bank accounts in Hawaii, with fifteen years of compounded interest they were just able to buy a couple of round trip tickets to Los Angeles to see Ginger in Hollywood. She was living in a cheap hotel; her small home having been seized years ago and resold for non-payment of property taxes. She was trying to talk an old professional acquaintance into giving her an audition for a role in a movie that he was about to make.

When Skipper and Gilligan arrived he was sprawled across her sofa, lying naked and face down while Ginger was in her underwear massaging his back and his neck.

"Tell them to leave," Harvey said when the doorbell rang.

Ginger looked out the front window and opened the door.

"Damn it," Harvey said, "I told you to tell them to leave."

"I won't," said Ginger, "they are my friends."

"You need me," Harvey said, "you don't need them. So show them the door."

"You know Harvey," said Ginger, "I think that you need to leave."

"Kick me out," said Harvey, "and you won't ever work in this town again."

"You know Harvey," said Ginger, "after this morning I am not sure that I care."

"You won't be able to get a job fluffing Danny DiVito!"

"Out Harvey, Out!"

"Sorry Ginger we didn't mean to--" said Skipper, as Harvey left in a huff.

"Don't be sorry," said Ginger, "you just made me think. I am the one who threw Harvey out, I have decided that I don't need him."

"But how will you get a movie--" Gilligan said.

"I don't need one," said Ginger, "not anymore, maybe I'll... Hey, are you two going back to Hawaii."

"Yeah, sure right after we find the Professor," said Gilligan.

"Can I tag along?"

"Of course, Ginger."

"Before we go would you two spit-roast me," asked Ginger as she removed her panties, "for old times' sake."

"Sure--" said Skipper.

"I just now realized that it wasn't lack of choice being on the island," said Ginger removing her bra, "I loved having you guys fuck me because you guys are the absolute best. You really care about me and I just want both of you inside of me together."

Skipper took off his shirt and stood behind Ginger, using his strong calloused hands to slowly play with her soft breasts, starting as he knew she liked slowly and from far away. Methodically moving from her sides and breastbone in spirals of decreasing diameter until finally reaching her nipples who were by this time engorged with blood and fully erect.

As Skipper softly bit Ginger's neck and shoulder, Gilligan kissed her mouth, his tongue traced a line across her teeth and then engaged in an erotic dance with hers. Gilligan's hands went to Ginger's waist, and her firm butt as she was pressed against the Skipper. Ginger lifted her left leg and wrapped it around Gilligan, giving him access to her innermost being. His hands ventured from the wondrous tight feel of her buttocks to her heavenly greasy lips protecting her sex.

The Skipper dropped a hand to the front of her mound and one finger tickled her hood and put pressure on her hidden clitoris as Gillian explored the valleys of her folds before gently pushing a digit inside of her. Skipper began to fold her big lips over each other stimulating her while Gilligan pushed a second finger inside of her and began to pump.

"Fuck me guys," Ginger said.

Gilligan led Ginger slowly to the sofa as if they were dancing and Skipper slipped out of his pants as he followed. When Ginger reached the sofa, she bent over the back of it and Skipper entered her vagina doggy style. Gilligan shucked his pants as he walked around the sofa, when he got to the front he held her by the shoulders and she swallowed his penis whole.

Gilligan's body began to gently sway as he was fucking Ginger's most willing mouth while Skipper was pushing hard in her vagina stimulating her clitoris, the anterior spot where her swelling vagina was held tight against her other internal structures, and her g-spot where her swollen clitoral shaft was held tight to her bladder. Ginger screamed as she came.

"Swap?" said Gilligan.

"Okay," said Skipper.

Skipper placed his well-lubricated penis in Ginger's mouth as Gillian pushed into her vagina.

"Butt?" asked Gilligan.

"Yes... Please..." panted Ginger.

As Skipper gleefully throated Ginger, Gilligan pushed his member into her ass, each in-stroke compressing and stimulating her vagina's tight posterior spot through her rectal tissues. The Skipper was stroking her cheeks and pushing back her hair as she tried to suck him into her finally, as he could take no more he paused, and he shook. Ginger, already at a peak of stimulation herself understood what she was feeling, and her vaginal ring muscles contracted, stimulating Gilligan's penis in her ass. The Skipper fired first, then Gilligan, and in almost the same moment as Gilligan Ginger came a second time.

After they cooled down a little and got dressed, Ginger signed the insurance company's statement. Then Ginger, the Skipper, and Gilligan went off to find the Professor at the university.

November 30, 1979

A year after he disappeared, the university held a memorial for the Professor, and then found a permanent replacement for him. Since his return he had been trying to get his old job back, but it was an uphill battle. In spite of the fact that he had been tenured, the review board held that his disappearance was an unforeseeable circumstance not covered by his contract, and he had been required to interview for a position. The entire interview consisted of asking him about developments that were three to five years old, logically enough he had done rather poorly, and was offered an adjunct position.

He was further dismayed to find that his colleagues had gone through his laboratory and read all of his journals and had polished and perfected several projects that he had been working on taking all of the credit for themselves. His word choice in interactions with students, particularly the more oblivious ones had him called before the dean for his "lack of sensitivity." When Gilligan, Skipper and Ginger arrived he had been sitting in his by-the-week hotel room contemplating his future as a crowd gathered outside.

The Professor was thrilled to see his friends and he signed the insurance company's statement.

"Are you going back to Hawaii soon?" The Professor asked.

"As soon as we see Mary Ann," Gilligan said.

"Do you know where she is?" asked the Professor.

"Waiting tables at a roadside cafe in Pismo Beach," said Skipper.

"Can I come see her?"

"Why don't you come back to Hawaii with us?" Ginger asked.

Boris and Natasha were trying to break into the Professor's hotel room when the police arrived, they took cover, and were not able to stop the four from leaving with the sphere. Ironically, the police were not there to arrest them, but to remove from the premises the numerous college students who had come to protest the Professor for his cultural appropriation in making a reed boat to escape from the island.

December 2, 1979

The Professor, Ginger, Skipper and Gilligan went to see Mary Ann at her job in Pismo Beach. Mary Ann had flown from Honolulu to Kansas, but once there she found that life had gone without her. Her church had held a memorial service a year after she disappeared, her fianceé Herbert attended with his new wife, he had married Mary Ann's friend Cindy just a couple months before. When Mary Ann came home, they had six kids aged two to twelve, she had tried to return to Hawaii but only had airfare money for Los Angeles. She took the remainder and took a bus up Route 101 running out of bus fare in Pismo Beach, she was currently living in an old travel trailer that was actually smaller than the hut she shared with Ginger on the island.

Siegfried and Shtarker followed the four former castaways and tried to grab Mary Ann to force a trade for the sphere, Gilligan jumped into an idling farm tractor and plucked Mary Ann out of their hands. The KAOS agents gave chase in a second tractor destroying Mary Ann's trailer as they tried to catch Gilligan and Mary Ann.