Girdled Ch. 12

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Sara continues to explore her Sexuality and life.
5.3k words

Part 12 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/05/2018
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Susan left me exhausted and sore. My clit was red and chaffed. Daddy would be home soon and he probably would be taking me back home. I wondered what Mommy would be like and if she had calmed down. Hours later I felt Daddy caressing my shoulder, saying my name.

"Sara, it's time for me to take you home."

I looked into Daddy's eyes, trying to focus. I frowned, "i like it here better."

"I know you do sweetie, but your mother wants you home."

"Daddy, I'm over 18, I can do as I want."

Daddy looked at me with frustration, "You're putting me in a difficult situation with your mother, you know that right?"

I nodded.

I was laying in bed naked and pushed the sheet down exposing my flat chest and hard nipples. I looked at Daddy who was staring at me.

"We don't have time for that now, I need to get you home," Daddy said.

"I wasn't saying anything," I said, as I batted my eyes at him. "Daddy, Susan came over today."

"Susan? Really, how'd that happen?"

I looked at him, trying to think what I would say.

He asked again, "How?"

"Well I woke up, and went out on the deck, and she saw me and came over." I said.

"You were just standing on the deck, and she just came over? What were you wearing? When I left you you were naked and you still are?"

I looked Daddy in the eye and said, "I was naked."

"Sara, I live in a nice neighborhood, you can't be naked outside."

I didn't dare tell Daddy I pee'd off his deck. I slowly got out of bed. I would be lying if I said I didn't try to arouse Daddy as I did it, but he didn't take the bait.

Once in the car Daddy asked me what I thought of Susan and if I liked her and what we discussed.

"We talked about what it was like for her to live her life as a female. How she got kicked out of her house and what she did to exist in life as a woman," I said.

Daddy drove in silence. I felt a familiar pulsing in my groin. Daddy's pants were bulging in a very sexy way and it was arousing me. Slowly I pulled my skirt up revealing the head of my clit. I hadn't worn panties, hoping Daddy and I could be a little naughty on the way home. Daddy looked over and laid his hand on my thigh, his little finger rested against my clit. I felt it pulse, I'm sure he did too. Pre-cum was oozing from the head.

"Oooooooooh Daddy, my clitty is all wet, see what you do to me," I whimpered.

"Sara, you're insatiable.....lets pull over."

Daddy pulled over to the curb and leaned over, licking my pre cum from my clit.

"Oooooooooh...Daddy...yes...suck your little girls clitty.....Please Daddy."

Daddy took my clit in his mouth and swallowed it. His tongue swirled over the head as he stroked the shaft. I was so close, His wet mouth soothed the chafe that Susan created as I held on the seat feeling ready to explode. Daddy looked back up showing his tongue bathed in my cum. I leaned in to kiss him as he shared my cum with me.

"I love you Daddy," I whispered.

The rest of the way home, Daddy and I talked about Susan and his relationship with her. I sensed while they were friends, they weren't intimate. I wished Daddy would share more about my aunt.

And then we were pulling into our driveway. Daddy looked over at me and asked, "You ready?"

I nodded. I was nervous, Mommy wasn't happy with me when I left, and I'm sure she was still upset. Daddy walked with me and opened the door like a true gentleman. The house seemed quiet and Mommy was immediately no where in sight. Daddy looked at me a shrugged his shoulders.

"Mommy, You here, Mommy?"

With no answer, I went to my room an fell on my bed.

I heard Daddy go to Mommy's room, "Janet? What are you doing? Why didn't you answer Sara?"

"Everything's about poor Sara, right? What the fuck Bernie, what about me? Does anybody give a damn about me?" Mommy screamed.

"Janet, you're the mom, act like it!" Daddy said calmly.

"She's almost 19, she can figure it out, I'm all alone here," Mommy said referring to me.

"If you wouldn't have run your husband Adam away, you wouldn't be alone. You just couldn't leave it alone with me, he always had to feel you needed me, more than you needed him. What we did was years ago, let go of it, Fuck!" Daddy explained.

"I don't know how to fix it, I don't know if I can," Mommy whined.

"Janet, he's living in town above the book store, you know that, right?"

There was a long silence and then I heard Mommy's bedroom door open. Bernie foot steps were getting closer before he knocked on my bedroom door. "Sara, can you unlock your door?"

"It's open." I purred, hoping he would come lay with me and tell me more about my father.

Daddy peeked his head in and said, "Be a good girl, I'm leaving."

As soon as Daddy left, I got up and went to mommy's room. Her door was open. I peeked in and saw she was laying face down in bed naked.

"Mommy, can I come in?" I asked.

She didn't respond, I walked in and sat next to her. I looked at her naked body and felt a pulse in my clit. It seemed like a long time since Mommy and I had been sexual. I remembered when we fucked in the shower, and how excited I was.

"Mommy, are you okay? I heard you and Daddy arguing."

There was no response. I laid my hand on her thigh, I couldn't resist any longer. I wanted to feel her warm skin. She bucked her leg, trying to get me to stop. I pushed it and left it on her thigh and squeezed softly. I thought I heard a quiet moan, so I squeezed her again. Her thighs parted a little and I could see the dark hairs that ran between her legs, her scent was filling me with arousal.

"Mommy, are you upset?"

It was like whiplash as she turned over quickly, leaning back on her elbows, her thighs spread wide, she stared at me with an angry look. I reared back afraid of what she might do.

"Why are you looking at my cunt? You forgot who I am, I'm your mother. I'm a girl. Forget about being a man. You... want to be a girl. Come on Sara, you don't want Mommy's cunt, you love cock,'re a cock sucking whore. Admit it to yourself, you're a girl! Go ahead admit it, admit that you're a sissy bimbo cum slut."

I looked down at my mother and felt pity for her. I knew she had a lot of issues, but I never realized how troubled she was. I turned and ran to my room and buried my face in the pillows and cried myself to sleep.

Waking in the early hours of morning in darkness, I packed a bag of my favorite feminine clothes. This is it, I'm a girl now, there's no turning back. I had cried myself to sleep and felt unreasonably responsible for Mommy's unhappiness and anger. I would not do that again. The horrible thought that Mommy always looked at me as competition washed over me. It was as if I was a unwanted child, Mommy looked at me as a competitor and Daddy rarely devoted the time or offered the affection I felt I deserved. He wanted girl and he got a boy, maybe he'd like me as a girl.

Knowing Daddy was living in town, didn't slip my memory. I would see about that later. I gathered my things and put my only set of house keys on the table by the door. I looked back into the house I grew up in and said good-bye.

It was chilly outside, as my nipples quickly hardened. I was once again wearing the cute sundress from yesterday. In my haste I had forgotten to wear panties, or was it on purpose?

I said to myself, "Sara, you are a naughty girl."

I walked to the curb and stood looking at both my house, and then at Rene's house, both were dark, as the sun began to rise. It would be a while until I could trust Mommy or Rene again, if ever. I thought of my conversation with Susan as I began to walk. The street was barren of cars, it was lonely and quiet.

I recall her telling me how her father kicked her out and it forced her to go it alone, to survive as the person she wanted to be, needed to be. I was conflicted. I've always been. I had always played the role of the athletic boy, dated a few girls, pretended to fit in, but never really felt comfortable in any of it. I loved girls and pussy, but looking back and remembering my days on the swim team and all those cocks in the locker room, always made me yearn. I always watched my friends in the shower. I loved how they fondled their cocks as they washed. I would stand alone under the water wishing I was washing their cocks. Oooooh, to be the one girl in a shower room of naked men.

My clit was tenting the front of my dress. It felt good swinging and bobbing as I walked. A car pulled up next to me and rolled down the window,

"Hey. you need a ride, I'm heading into town?" The man asked.

I looked him over quickly. He was a bit heavy around the middle, older, but looked clean. I nodded and climbed in. It was an older model car with a bench seat. I thought to myself, you don't see many of these anymore.

"He looked over at me and said, "My name's Frank, what's yours?"

I'm Sara," I replied.

We drove in silence for a few minutes, I sensed he was nervous or per-occupied.

"I take this route into the city everyday, I've never seen you walking here." Frank said, it seemed more like a question than a statement.

Yeah, I'm usually not up this early, but I had to get out of there, so here I am."

I noticed Frank taking quick glances at my legs and the front of my dress. Don't know why, but just getting in a strange man's car is exciting, it always seems to arouse me, maybe because it always leads to sex. I looked over at Frank and waited for him to look at me again. When he did I smiled back and innocently licked my lip, and then bit my bottom lip while I continued to look him in the eye. I glanced down at the front of his pants, there seemed to be a sizable bulge from inside.

My clit was throbbing and my thigh felt damp. I was sure my clit was oozing my pre cum. I was always filled with anxious anticipation when I didn't know if he knew. what kind of a girl I was. There were still horrible stories of men who picked up girls, and then when they found out the girl had a cock, bad things happened. I didn't want to be one of those girls, but I was interested to see Franks cock. The lust I had was washing over me in waves. I love that feeling, but always nervous in this situation too.

Frank continued driving in silence, as his hand fell to his lap. He gave his cock a nudge and then a squeeze. With my hands at my sides, I subtly pulled my dress tighter across my body, hoping to reveal my own bulge. I hoped that a slight hint as to what kind of a girl I was, might settle my anxiety about Frank's reaction to my very hard clitty.

Frank once again looked over and stared. He nudged his cock again and smiled. He wasn't looking at me when he smiled, he just smiled as he took in the size of the tent made by my clit from under my dress.

He looked up at me and asked, "Are you one of those shemales? I've never seen a shemale in real life."

I just looked at him as I raised my dress, revealing my hard wet clitty.

"Oooooh my God! I've never in my life seen anything like you sweetie, Ooooooooh, my!" Frank moaned

"Frank, now calm down, and drive while I slide over by you, would you like that Frank?"

Frank just nodded as I slid across the seat. He looked ahead and then at me, waiting to see what my next move would be. I slowly raised my dress again. The head of my clit was wet and oozing. I smeared it over the engorged head making appear shiny. What pre cum was left on my finger, i brought them to Franks lips.

"Lick my fingers, Frank......suck that finger, like you would suck my clit," I cooed to him.

Frank eagerly licked my finger and then opened his mouth a little more as I plunged it in deeper. His sucking made my clit throb again, more pre cum oozing from the tip. Dipping my finger in the slick wetness, I brought my finger to my own lips and licked. I repeated it again, with a long slippery string stretching from my finger to my lip.

Oooooooooh, that was so sexy, Sara," Frank moaned.

I reached down and squeezed the front of his pants; then asked in my little girl voice, "Frank, do you have someplace where we can go?"

Frank looked at me and nodded. As he put his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer, I leaned my head on his shoulder, My anxiety abated as I felt his warmth and arm hug me. The lump in his pants was making me crazy. I remember my mother screaming at me, "You're a cock sucking little cock whore!" I knew my place, I knew what I wanted, I wanted Frank's cock in my mouth, I wanted to bob up and down on his fat cock as he called me what I was, a cock whore.

I massaged the bulge, feeling his hard cock. I dug deeper and held his heavy balls, they felt amazing. I needed to see it, and I needed it right now.

"Frank, I want your cock, push back, undo your pants, help me!"

Frank pulled over down an alley and pushed his seat back. I undid his belt as he fumbled with the button and zipper.

Frank, let me do this.....just lay back Frank, I urged him.

Frank laid back and lifted his butt off the seat, I pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles. His cock was amazing. Looking at the fat shaft, hairy around the base, not to long, but perfect for sucking for a cock whore like me. I was pleased.

I leaned down and kissed the head and swirled my tongue around his shiny purple head. Pre-cum was oozing from the head.

"Oooooooh, Frank. your cock is so fucking delicious!"

I bobbed up and down on his cock until I felt it swell, and then tasted his thick cum fill my mouth. I looked up at him with cum dripping from my lips, and I knew he was done. I found myself alone in an empty alley, with his last words echoing in my ears.

"Okay, hey, I have to get going, how 'bout I let you out here, so no one sees you getting out of a car with cum on your chin?"

As Frank drove away, I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked to the street. It was a sunny morning. I felt like a whore. I was only a few blacks from Attire by Jane, the store Daddy took me too. I needed to talk to Jane.

Suddenly I looked up and saw one of the two book stores in town. This was the only one that had an apartment above it. My heart raced. This also was the adult book store that caused a court battle about whether it could do business within the village at all. The sign said "Open 24 Hours." I stood there wondering if my Father lived above it.

I was still horny after being used as a cum dump and tossed aside like whore. I had never been inside an adult book store but had heard the many stories about them. I knew about the glory holes and the anonymous cock sucking, and was very intrigued. I paced back and forth in front, pondering whether I should enter.

Being shy and a little timid about entering for the first time, I tripped walking in the store. Naturally all who were in the store focused their attention on me. About six or seven older males saw me fall on my rear, my dress pulled up revealing my clit. I quickly covered myself and stood up, trying to look like nothing happened. I ignored their stares, although their attention and leering was arousing me. I could feel them looking at me, staring at the front on my dress which as very obviously tented. One older male walked next to me and asked if I was okay after falling. I nodded I was fine.

The wall of toys was amazing. There was every kind of dildo imaginable. My pussy was clenching just looking at the wide variety, thinking how badly I needed a good fucking about now.

Another older guy who appeared to work in the store, approached me and gently grabbed my arm.

"Hey Sweetie, why don't you follow me over here, please."

He directed me to a quiet corner in the back of the magazine racks where no one else was standing.

"You don't look like you've ever been in here before, am I right?" He asked.

I shook my head, no I had not..

"I'm just throwing this out there, for your own safety. I'm watching out for you okay. This is the morning crowd which is pretty apposed to the over-night crowd which is much different. All these guys in here......would fuck your tight hole in a minute.....we all saw you stumble.....we saw under that pretty dress.....there's video booths around the back. They're gonna follow you like a pack of horny dogs if you go back there. Just make sure you lock the door of the booth. You'll need some tokens for the video machines, here's a bunch to get you started"

I nodded, and said, "Thank you so much, I appreciate your concern and thank you for the tokens."

I walked among the magazine racks, looking at the covers and watching the men who were all watching me. It felt amazing having all of those eyes on me. I loved being the center of attention. One guy was looking at me and rubbing the front of his pants. It was obvious his cock was large and hard. I bent over to pick a magazine and realized I was flashing a guy standing close by. He moved closer and caressed my bottom. It felt so good.

"Oooooooooh, you are a naughty man." I told him in a whisper.

My clit was throbbing and wet as I headed to the back to visit the video booth section. As I entered the video area the darkness was something I needed to get used too. There were a few men waiting outside the booths, leaning against the walls, watching for a potential sex partner. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see some of the men from the book store had followed me. All of the men were watching me. No one said a word. I felt as though they were stalking their prey, and it was me. I chose a room and entered, locking the door as that man suggested.

The room was small, but larger than I thought it might be. There was a seat and two glory holes, one on each side. The video screen was promoting the available videos and genre's. I picked a video of a Black man fucking a white trans girl. His cock was amazing. I'd never seen a cock that large before. As soon as I sat down, I heard someone enter each room on either side. I looked through the hole which was about 12" square. On the right, it was the guy who grabbed my ass. On the left was another man whom I couldn't recognize. The man on the left put his cock through the hole, it was really big and hard, the head was wet. I leaned over and licked the pre-cum from the head. He tasted delicious. I took him completely in my mouth as he began thrusting back and forth. I pressed my face against the wall and allowed him to fuck my mouth. It was just a few minute before he filled my mouth with rope after rope of cum. I looked through the hole into the booth on the right. The guy who caressed my ass was stroking his cock as he watched a video. As soon as he realized I was done sucking the other man's cock, he turned towards me. He ran his finger around the hole and whispered for me to put my clit in the opening. I stood and leaned into the hole. I felt his lips around my cock. It felt so good, I was so hard, I was so horny. I wanted to cum, so bad. All of a sudden he stopped sucking and put his cock through the hole too, and began stroking both of out cocks against each other. My balls were slapping against his as he squeezed and pressed and stroked our cocks together. And then he went back to sucking my cock again. I felt it build, I felt the heavenly ache in my loins as my clit swelled in my anonymous lover's mouth. His tongue swirling over the head of my clit, as he pulled on my balls, making me explode into his talented mouth.

A few words came from the hole. "Meet me outside."

And then the adjacent booth went quiet with a new person entering. I took my remaining tokens an left. I went outside and saw the guy who grabbed my butt in the store, leaning against a car at the curb. He had a smile on his face with a drop of cum on his chin.

"Hey." I said, not know really what to say.

I really didn't know what to say. What do you say to a guy who just sucked your cock?

"I really loved how you sucked me, it was really, really nice," I said in a flirty way.