Girl Next Door


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One day, Rihanna pulled up in her driveway as I was unloading grocery bags from my trunk. She got out and waved; I almost dropped a bag trying to be polite and wave back. She rushed over to help me. I told her I was fine, but she started grabbing bags anyway. "This is too many for you to do alone. Where's Mr. Jeff?

I knew she wasn't helping to be nice. "He's not home."

"He's strong enough to do these by himself; we're not, right?" she laughed.

"I would've managed, but thanks." I led her inside and to the kitchen. We set the bags on the counter.

"Are you having a party?"

"A small one on Friday, for some of my team at work." I got out of my shoes and blazer.

"What do you do?"

"I'm an operations supervisor at a bank."

"Really? My major is finance!"

"What do you want to do with it?" I started putting groceries away.

"Own my own consulting firm, specializing n small businesses that can't afford a big firm or to have someone on staff. I may do some personal finance to, but that wouldn't be my main focus."

I was impressed! "My major was finance, but I wasn't as clear about what I wanted to do as you are. It was just something I was good at."

"I have aunts who run their own businesses. Hearing what they go through with people doing their finances gave me the idea. Either nobody takes them serious as a business owner, or they want to charge them out the ass for services. I've been helping them out since I've been home, with what little I know so far."

I asked her to sit on a bar stool as I finished putting the groceries away. "What kinds of things have you done?" As she answered, I realized I hadn't given her credit. She only had two finance classes, but she talked concisely about the concepts -- and even asked me some intelligent questions. We ended up at the table, drinking iced tea -- that she refused to let me make -- and wandering off the topic of finance. By the time Jeff came home, I had gotten to know Rihanna as a well-spoken, highly focused young woman. She hugged Jeff when he came to the kitchen; we all talked for a few minutes, then she hugged me as she got ready to leave.

"Thank you," she kissed my cheek.

I contained my shock, "You're welcome, Ria."

"I can't wait to go to lunch!" she smiled on her way out the door.

"I didn't initiate that hug," he threw his hands up.

I laughed, shaking my head, "Whatever."

"You're going to lunch?"

"Yeah, I wanted to show her all the options, and answer some more of her questions. We'd been talking for hours."

"About what?"

"Different stuff. Vivien never went to college, so we talked a lot about what it's like."

"How'd all this happen?"

I shrugged, "It just did. She helped me bring bags in, and it went from there."

"What was that kiss on the cheek about?" Jeff raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know!" I laughed. "I guess she really appreciated talking to me."

"Still think she's after me?"

"Maybe she kissed me out of guilt for hugging you!" I laughed, "Or maybe she is after me."

Jeff hugged me, "Or maybe she's just a friendly girl who's not after either of us."

"Yeah, right."


Rihanna showed up at my bank in a black business suit. I had to laugh at myself for still being a little worried after our talk that she may not dress appropriately. The heels were a bit too high, and her cleavage was out a little, but it was a nice suit. I had seen worse on so-called professionals. I gave her a tour, and introduced her to some of the people on my team, then we walked to a restaurant. She didn't flirt with anyone one time, and she did have opportunity to. She definitely had men's attention, but she stayed focused on our conversation, which was mostly about what I did and how I got into my position.

"How did you meet Mr. Jeff?"

"Wow! There's a topic change for you," I laughed.

"You seem to have this great balance. Your professional life is poppin'; your homelife is poppin'. If I want to be like you, I need to know how you put home together too."

Speak of the devil, he called at that moment to tell me he was going to be at least an hour late. I asked if everything was okay, then got off the phone to finish up with Rihanna. Time was running out on my lunchtime by that point, so I gave her the short version of how I met Jeff and some of the issues we had to overcome. Back at the office, I gave her some information about the bank's summer internship program that she could apply for next year. Even if she opened her own business, having experience at a bank would be beneficial. She kissed my cheek again before she left. I went about my day not thinking anymore about her, except when someone interrupted me to ask who she was.

On my way home, I thought about Jeff's call. He said something had come up, but he didn't say what -- which wasn't entirely unusual. I know it was wrong, but whenever he would feel the need to tell me he was running late, it would cross my mind that he was with another woman: his secretary, another woman in his building, Vivien, or even Rihanna. Maybe Vivien AND Rihanna? Maybe Rihanna went to his office after leaving mine. Maybe she sat on his desk and opened her legs to let him see that she hadn't worn panties. Maybe she opened her blouse for him to suck her nipples, and then got on her knees to suck his erection. Maybe she dropped her skirt for him to bend her over the desk. "Maybe I should stop making myself wet with all these maybes," I laughed.

I wasn't getting wet at the thought of him with someone. I was remembering that we had done a few of these things in our younger, wilder days. I wonder how surprised he'd be if I showed up for an office-sex session. Since he was running the business, there wasn't much danger of him being fired, which took some of the thrill out of it, but we still might be caught by someone who works for him. It had been about 10 years since I had been undressed, to some degree, in his office. As I got even more excited at the thought, I increased my speed to get home.

I stopped in the kitchen for a glass of wine, then went upstairs and undressed for a bath. If he was going to be an hour later than his normal time, I had about 2 hours to myself. I finished the glass as the tub filled and I laid out the lingerie I would have on by that time he arrived. I lit a few candles, and relaxed in the warm bubbles. I let images of our sexual highlights play in my head, as I touched myself under the water. I took my time; I rubbed my clit, and teased my nipples; I put my feet on the sides of the tub in order to go deeper inside of me. The release felt exquisite, but it was only a pacifier until Jeff got home.

I dried off as I went into the bedroom for my lotion. I jumped out of my skin when I noticed Rihanna, "OH SHIT!!" I fumbled to cover myself with my towel, "What the hell are you doing here?!?"

"The door was left open -- your garage door. I came inside to make sure everything was okay!" she nervously explained.

"Did you call the police?"


That didn't strike me as a logical response. "What if I were a burglar? You came in by yourself, without calling the police?"

"I didn't think a burglar would be using your bathroom!"

I calmed down enough to process that something else didn't make sense. "Didn't you see my car in the garage?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Actually you saw Jeff's car in the garage. He took my car to get the oil changed this morning."

"I saw the car, but-"

"Why would you come in, without the police, when you saw his car?"

"I was going to let one of you know it was open!"

"No, not one of us -- Jeff! You thought Jeff was in here!"

She shook her head, "No, I didn't!"

As my nerves settled even more, I noticed she had on a lingerie set of mine, "And what the fuck are you doing in my clothes?!?"

"I really liked what you had on the bed, and just wanted to see what else you had," she scrambled.

This heifer was going to catch the beatdown of her life. "First of all, what lingerie I have is none of your business! Second, that don't explain why you put it on!"

"I wanted to see how I'd look."

"For Jeff?"

"NO, I thought it was nice! I'm sorry!"

"Not yet you aren't!" I moved toward her, "Your fast ass came in here because you thought I was Jeff in there!"

She backed up, "I swear I didn't!"

"And you put on my shit to show off your body to my husband!

I was one step away from being in reach to knock her head clean off, "You and your hotpants momma have been after Jeff ever since we moved in! And you thought this was your big chance to fuck him, didn't you?!"

"Not him -- YOU!" her back pressed against the wall.

I got right to her face, "You have the nerve to try to fuck my husband, in my bed, in my lingerie?"

Rihanna partially shielded herself from my impending swing, "I did this for you!"


"I knew it wasn't Mr. Jeff who came home. I was there when he called you, remember? I'm dressed like this for you!"

I shook my head to clear the fog that was setting in," Wait. What?"

She cupped my face in her hands, and took advantage of my paralysis to kiss my lips. "Mr. Jeff is fine, but you turn me on."

"Rihanna," I said through my shock.

"Yes?" she said loosening my towel. It fell to the ground. My protest got caught in my throat -- now I was mute and immobile as she caressed my breasts. "I can't tell you how long I wanted to do this," she leaned over and kissed my nipples.

My eyes rolled up in my head, and I put my hands on her shoulders to keep my balance. Jeff's hands and mouth had a power to them, and I love it -- I absolutely love feeling that power. However, Rihanna's hands had an indescribable softness that I'd never felt before. She moved her hands from my breasts to my back, then down over my hips. My head was swimming with conflicting thoughts. I couldn't even formulate how to ask her to stop or slow down. My mouth was open, but only soft moans were coming out.

"Lay down," she whispered after sucking my earlobe for a minute.

I was finally able to clear my throat, "Rihanna..."

"Laydown, please."

"...this is..."

She shushed me, and guided me back until I was on the bed. She crawled on top of me, kissing her way up from my belly button. I mustered the strength to stop her at my lips, "I'm married; I can't do this."

"What are you doing, besides laying there?" she kissed my neck and shoulders.

"I can't even do that. I'm not lesbian or bisexual."

"Yes you can, and I didn't ask you to be. Just let me do this to you," she held my breast and kissed my nipple.

"I don't want you to do that."

She put her hand between my legs, then showed me how wet her fingers were, "Not only did you part your legs to let me do that, but look at what's down there."

I hadn't realized I did that, but I knew she didn't just force my legs open. As far as the wetness, I thought to explain that I had been thinking a lot about Jeff, but I just stuttered.

"Just let me, please," she kissed more of my body. "I want to do this," she moved back up to my neck. "I want to."

As loud as my mind was screaming for me to reject her, I couldn't say no. My body's responses felt incredible! Her kisses were setting off firecrackers inside of me; when I closed my eyes I could see bursts of colors with each one. The heat from her hands were radiating out in waves through me. She had my whole body at a peak.

She shifted so she could hold my face again, and kissed me deep. There was no resistance I could put up. A woman was French kissing me -- period. A younger woman at that! She broke the kiss, and moved back to my neck and shoulders, "May I?"

I couldn't answer.

She climbed over me, with her hands on my hips as she sucked my nipples, "May I?"

I didn't answer.

Rihanna went down farther, easily pushed my legs open, and moved her face between my thighs, "Pretty please?"


She kissed, and she licked, and she sucked, and I damn-near tore a hole in the bed spread. She would bring me to the edge, then pull me back, then bring me to the edge again, then pull me back, then bring me back to the edge, just to pull me back again. I was squirming all over the bed, but she never lost contact. I lifted my head once to tell her I couldn't take it, but I caught the sight of her lightened and highlighted hair between my raised legs. I had never seen a woman's head between my legs, and it sent a charge through me. I put my head back to the bed, and covered my face as my deep, scream echoed off the walls.

She had been rubbing and squeezing my breasts, but moved her hands to mine. On reflex, I immediately gripped them tight. "Are you ready," she asked.

"For anything!" I groaned.

She started to do something with her tongue that felt out of this world! She got more and more intense with it, and so did my reaction. My hips were bouncing off the bed and against her mouth as I started cumming. At the height of it, I heard and felt this release of liquid.

"What the hell?!?!" I said as my body pulsed and jerked. I tried to close my legs, but I wasn't in control of them.

"Relax; it's all good," Rihanna squeezed my hands.

"What are you doing?!?!?"

"I'm watching the best show on earth!"

The orgasm just rolled and rolled through me. My legs were shaking, and I dug my toes into the spread in a pointless attempt to regain some control. After what seemed like an hour, the orgasm trailed off. When the last of it rolled through me, I pulled my hands from hers and rolled to my side.

"What the hell was that," I asked still out of breath.

"You squirted," she giggled.

"I don't squirt!"

"Well, you sure did just now. Made a big mess too!"

I raised my head to see that I had migrated from the side of the bed up to the opposite corner, and that there was a trail of wetness like someone had spilled a drink. "That's from me?!?"

"All you," she smiled. "Thank you."

I laid my head back down, "For what?"

Rihanna laid down facing me, "For letting me live my fantasy. I've had a crush on you ever since I saw you and Mr. Jeff in the kitchen." She ran her hand along my side, "The memory of how much you liked what he did, and how satisfied you looked afterward, has never left me. I wanted to give that to you all this time; and now I have. You allowed me to, and I thank you."

"You can't be serious."

"I'm totally serious."

"Get up; I'll change your sheets," she got off the bed.

Too worn out to argue, I got to my feet -- causing an aftershock. I sat back down, and waited until I felt the strength returning to my legs. I got up, and tossed her a set of sheets from the linen closet. I watched her strip the bed, while still in my lingerie. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, being very careful of the pressure I applied to cleaning between my legs. I was still incredibly sensitive down there. Rihanna was gone by the time I came out. I sat on the bed wondering what the hell I had just done, and what I was going to do.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Great read!!! I would love to read more. My panties were wet by the time I was done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

That was a great twist ending I didn't see it coming at all. This story has some real potential for a sequal

walkerlongwalkerlongover 10 years ago

Nice twist at the end! Didn't see that coming.

adgeonadgeonover 10 years ago
definitely needs to be continued!

great start!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This screams for more.

This could work with more chapters. Now that she has come to realize something new about herself, maybe she and Rihanna could get together again. Only this time she owes Jeff a chance to partake to make up for her constant jealousy. Might not even hurt to admit she would like to invite Viv into the action. Maybe even time to consider occassional swinging if Jeff agrees, to keep things fresh in the marriage, and help her overcome her constant jealous thoughts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So hot!

Nicely done. Keep it up!

verbicideverbicideover 10 years ago
Ha ha ha ha!

This is the payback for jealousy! Guilt and the creeping knowledge that you're jealous because it's the temptation you yourself would succumb to. She projected her own weakness, her own likelihood to give in to infidelity onto her husband and now she's got to live with the guilt. Nicely played.

Hot as all get out though. It made me sweat just reading it.

Tittyluver69Tittyluver69over 10 years ago
Different Twist

Nice job, interesting twist, would be interested to see it go further, 3 some, 4 some more some??!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

nicely done

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nice twist.

Very enjoyable and well constructed and written.5/5!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Creative, interesting, different

and I really liked it!

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