Girl’s Night Out Won’t Hurt

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My wife wants space.
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Girl's night out won't hurt.

My wife wants space.

I walked into the club and went to the dance floor. I saw a man kissing a woman and putting his hand up her dress at one of those curved tables. My wife was the woman.

The kiss was the death knell for my marriage. I took pictures with my phone. The man got up and demanded I give him the phone. When I refused, he swung at me and missed. I got him solid with a right-hand swing. I proceeded to kick his ass.

The bouncers from the club saved his bacon. They threw me out.

Tracie and I have been married fifteen good years. At least I thought they were good. My wife Tracie worked as a secretary in a large office. I was a plumber.

She is an attractive woman. Many times I have seen men make a move on her. Never have I seen her react positively to a man's flirtations. She is beautiful. Tracie is not the flirty, talkative type and listens to every word you say. She is earnest. That is what I love about her.

Tracie had been married once to an abusive husband. He wanted her to do what he expected. The marriage lasted six months.

Before marrying me, Tracie told me that we were equals. She did not want another boss. Tracie believes she is right, even when she's wrong. Tracie is also strong-willed and will fight to her last breath.

We date every Friday night, and I always look forward to it.

Tracie said, "Friday, I am going to a girl's night out."

I responded," Friday is our date night."

She responded, "Take me out Saturday night. The girls go out every Friday."

My first wife hooked up on a girl's night out, which was unacceptable to me. My angry reply was, "Forget it. I am not changing to Saturday night. Going out with the girls will destroy our marriage. If you do, I will see a lawyer."

Tracie was furious. "I am not your first wife. I will not cheat. I will go out with my girlfriends. You will not tell me what I cannot do."

She went out on Friday. We skipped date night.

I moved into the guest room.

I saw a lawyer on Monday. His advice was to accept it and have a PI check it out.

On Wednesday, I asked her out on a date Friday night. I said we could have dinner and dance like we usually do. We could return home and discuss a girl's night out. I then could make other plans. If Tracie did not reply by six pm Thursday, I would assume girl's night out was more important.

Tracie had mixed feelings about making up with me or going to a girl's night out Friday.

Common sense ruled, we went out on our date. Dinner was great. We drank some wine and danced.

When we reached home, we sat with some wine and talked.

I opened the discussion with, "Tracie, my first wife, met her lover at a girl's night out. When we talked about getting married, I mentioned that I disapproved of a girl's night out. You never said a word."

"Well, George, that was fifth-teen years ago. Times have changed. You should have gained enough trust in me by now to know I wouldn't cheat on you."

"That may be true for normal circumstances, but a girl's night out is not ordinary. It is not common for wives to dance with men other than their husbands when they are not there. To do it regularly every week is not acceptable to me. When you would do it for them with the rather than a date with your husband, it stinks to high heaven."

Tracie responded, "I only danced once, and I told you we could go out on Saturday. We can have dinner and dance and come home and make love."

George said, "I am not going to sit home every Friday and wonder what you are doing. If you go out on Fridays, our date is finished and making love is over. It is unacceptable. This Bullshit is familiar to me."

"Well, get used to it. I will not cheat on you l will go out every Friday. I will return sober before one am."

"I will divorce you. I won't wait until you are unfaithful. "

"You should have gained enough trust in me by now to know I wouldn't cheat on you."

"That may be true for normal circumstances, but a girls' night out is rather than a date with your husband stinks to high heaven."

Tracie responded, "Last Friday, I came home sober by eleven. We could go out on Saturday. We can have dinner and dance and come home and make love."

"I will divorce you. I won't wait until you are unfaithful. I will see a lawyer Monday."

"George, you are being ridiculous. I love you. I do want a divorce simply a night out every week. If you insist and file for a divorce, I will retaliate. I will tell Marie's husband about your date with her."

"The first week, you come home at eleven. Now you want one am. You will come later. You will dance with the same asshole all night. Then you will decide I will never find out and go to bed with him. Divorce me, and then screw all you want. I am a good husband. I want a faithful wife. If we have a problem, I will work to solve it. I know you do not believe I will leave you over this, but you're mistaken. Catching my first wife cheating was incredibly painful. If you love me, you will not do it. I will have to leave if Friday a girl's night out continues."

Tracie replied," I do not want a divorce. I do not want to commit adultery. I want some space. One night a week is nothing. I will never come home drunk or have sex while I am out. "

Tracie and I stopped communicating. I hired a PI and decided to see an old friend Marie whom I often asked for advice.

I met Marie in my early twenties, long before I was married. She was a beautiful Italian immigrant who was ten years older than me. Her husband owned a small store that sold milk, bread, a small number of groceries, and a soda fountain. She worked their store from six AM to 3 pm. Dominic worked from 3 pm to midnight.

The sink faucets were leaking, and her husband called to have them fixed.

It only took me a short while to repair the faucets. I sat and had coffee and pie. Marie and I had a long conversation. She was unhappy since the store required all work and no play.

I had made reservations for dinner. My date called and canceled going to with me. Marie said she hadn't had a restaurant meal in a long time. I asked her whether she would like to sit in for my date. She refused but said she regretted she could not go. If her husband found out, he would be furious. I suggested she meet me there and return alone. After Marie thought about it, she decided she could tell her spouse she met her mother at the restaurant

Marie said, "Every second of our evening was enjoyable, but I am a devout Catholic. My faith will not allow me to repeat it. I can only see you for dinner.

I was sitting at a table when Marie walked in. She was gorgeous, wearing an elegant black dress. Her face was enchanting. I had never seen her with makeup; she was lovely. I wore my only suit with a white shirt and tie. She let out a low whistle when she saw me.

We immediately got into a long friendly conversation. After drinks and dinner, we danced all the slow dances. It was the best date of my life.

Marie had to get home before her husband, so we left you when you stopped in the store. Please do not push the issue."

I replied, "You are the most wonderful person I have ever dated. I will do whatever you wish."

After that night, I would see her at the store about once a week. Marie asked me only to stop occasionally. She said, "It is tough for me to see you so often. When you leave, all I can think about is you."

As time went on, we met less often. Every year I would send Marie a white rose on the anniversary of our date. After I married, she asked me to stop sending the rose.

When I had a problem, I would always stop and discuss solutions.

Marie listened to the entire story of Tracie girl's night out. She said that since she felt our marriage was reasonably solid, I should work hard to find a solution that would make both Tracie and me happy--possibly, limiting a girls' night out to once a month or the time out to three hours. Tracie and I should talk about it until we reach a solution.


The guys in the office often flirt. I rebuke them.

I do enjoy it. I am not a fool. I know the girl's night out at our office involved flirting and dancing with attractive men. I like that. I do not have any intention of allowing it to go further. I can't see it hurting George in any way. It takes nothing away from him. The one night I went, I found it very enjoyable. George is just going to have to adjust to it. I do not believe he would divorce me over it. George is being petty. He will drop his objections when he learns I will not allow him to control me. He is not my boss.

One night when George and I were both drunk, George told me the story about Marie. I threatened to tell Dominic, her husband, about the date if George served me with divorce papers. Dominic is a conservative man. He might even divorce Marie over it.


I decided that I wanted a discussion with Tracie that would end in some decision. I sent her a note that I liked concluding our girl's night out the problem. She did not believe it, so I must convince her of her options if we couldn't resolve this issue I wanted out of our marriage.

Tracie agreed to discuss our issues on Saturday afternoon. I am ready to talk about how my first wife's girl's night out ended that marriage. I prepared myself. I made a list of reasons I opposed girls' night out. I had decided that either she would stop going to a girl's night out or divorce her.


I had agreed to meet George for a discussion. I would point out that I needed time out from us as a couple. My life was boring, and I wanted Friday night out until one am. Saturday should be date night. I could not allow him to rule my life.

I loved George and did not have any intention of cheating on him. I could not let him rule my life. I liked date night more than girl's night out. But if I gave in on this issue, any time in the future I wanted more freedom, he would object. I planned on having a more independent life.

If all of this wouldn't change and he sought a divorce, I would threaten to tell Marie's husband about their date.


Tracie and I met on a Saturday afternoon. I explained the pain I felt when I caught my first wife cheating. I felt one hundred percent sure Tracie would eventually cheat if she continued to go to girl's night out. She said, "I would never cheat, and enjoyed the girl's night out. On Saturday, we could enjoy our date night and come home and make love."

Quickly I responded. "Our sex life was over until she stopped Friday nights. I would never take sloppy seconds on Saturday. I would not allow her to compare me to her current fling. Pity fucks were not the answer to infidelity. There was also a risk of STDs for women having casual sex with strangers. I would not take that chance."

Tracie dropped the bomb. She said, "If I get divorce papers served, I will tell Dominic about your date with Marie."

I said," I wouldn't divorce you because I think you are stupid enough to tell Dominic, but now I will leave you. There isn't anything else I want to discuss. I do not want to live with a slut who screws around. You prefer other men to your husband. Goodbye."


I could not believe he would make such a massive issue of me going to a girl's night out. I was hoping he would change his mind. I decided to let him go for a few weeks.

Fridays, I went to the girl's night out. A guy named Bill Masters kept hitting on me. He was attractive and seemed to have plenty of money. It got to the point where he would want every dance. He had a constant erection when we were slow dancing. He was also a great talker. I wasn't getting sex from George and started feeling entitled to Bill's.

I missed George's company, and I hated sleeping alone. Having sex with George was making love; I missed that. My ego wouldn't allow me to drop the girl's night out. If George did divorce me, I would have made some huge mistakes.


I was back to being single again, living in a motel. I know I was right about the girl's night out. It was just a matter of time. I also was having Tracie observed on Fridays by the PI. If she slipped, I would know it. Once I had the proof, I would file. I would use the evidence to persuade her not to tell Dominic anything.

Meanwhile, I would visit Marie about once a week. I wanted to see her every day, but that was not realistic. I knew that no longer having Tracie made me want Marie more than ever. Dominic and Marie were no longer both working long hours. Their marriage had improved dramatically, and I had no desire to hurt it.

I went out to bars occasionally. I did not want sex until after my divorce. I would converse with the woman and sometimes have dinner, but that was the limit. I missed Tracie but knew it was a lost cause.

My PI informed me that Tracie and Bill Masters would meet each Friday. He would spend the night at her table. Almost every slow dance, they would dance together. They never left together, but he felt it would not be long before they had sex.

I went to the club on a Friday night and got the picture of Tracie and her boyfriend. Using a camera, I deliberately provoked Masters into a fight.


Every Friday, I went to a girl's night out. I avoided going out with men from work. My choices were small, and I wound up staying home alone most nights. I missed George. I started to realize that he was a good husband. The reality hit that it was painful for George when I went to the girl's night out and should have quit going. If it weren't painful, George would have come back. It had been four weeks since I was going to the girl's night out. Two more weeks, I would do the girl's night out, and then I would stop.

After George showed up at a girl's night out at the club, I knew our marriage was in deep trouble. Bill had just kissed me and was placing his hand up my dress. I was about to slap him when George snapped a photo.

I almost immediately got a note from George asking for a meeting. All this time, there wasn't any communication between George and me. I made preparations for our talk. I would agree to stop going to a girl's night out. I would blame the scene in the club on Bill. We could resume where we left off before my Friday night visits with my friends. I would put children as our next top priority.


It was confrontation time. I wanted a no-fault divorce with no problems with Dominic. I thought Tracie was having her fun and would grant it.

Final Discussion

Tracie did not want a divorce. She was willing to give up the girl's night out. Fidelity was at the top of her list. Her sorrow for what had occurred seemed natural. Unfortunately, I did not believe her. I wanted out. I would never trust her again. She threatened me with exposing my date with Marie.

I responded that I would share her club pictures on the Internet with the world. Her family would receive all of them.

Counseling was her next suggestion, I refused. There was nothing left to negotiate. The pain of her betrayal was terrible. I could never return to her.

My lawyer suggested counseling and said the judge would demand it. I reluctantly agreed.

We met with an older woman who had been a counselor for years. After discussing our problems, she asked me if Tracie stopped a girls' night out would return to our marriage. I said no, "I would never under any conditions trust her again."

Trace blamed Bill for kissing her and the hand on her leg. She claimed, "She was about to slap him."I said, "Bullshit, I did not believe it, and I knew it would happen." If I went back home to her, Tracie would invent another situation where she could meet men.

Tracie and I went to three more wasted counseling sessions. I would never return to our marriage. The counselor recognized it and suggested we end our sessions.

Tracie finally agreed to a divorce.

Six months later, I was free. I seldom dated for the next two years. I felt used and burnt.

Then an unfortunate event occurred. Dominic had a sudden heart attack and died. I was there for Marie. After a long period of mourning, we started dating. I married her one year later. Being married to Marie was worth the trouble I had with Tracie. She is wonderful. Marie was too old to have children, so we adopted a two-year-old boy. We love each other and our boy. We have a happy life.

Tracie did not do as well. She frequently dated after the divorce. Eventually, Tracie met a passive, friendly guy named John. After agreeing to allow a girl's night out once a week, she married him. He was ignorant of what happened on these nights except for what Tracie told him.

One year into the marriage, Tracie contracted an STD and passed it on to John. He divorced her. She never remarried. At fifty-three, she died.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Not a single emotion in the whole telling of the story. It was like reading a robotic story. This happened and then that happened, ho hum.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

In so many of these stories the wife gives in and tries to reconcile. Husband feels she has cheated and disrepested him even though she never had sex with anyone else. He doesn't believe her, blows off the counseling and divorces her. He finds an availible woman, marries and has a prfect mariage. Ex-wife never recovers, dates all the time, gets an STD and lives lonely for many more years. The MC husband is not the hero here, he is an asshole. I would rather she had his life and he had hers.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It was an okay story. Could be used as an outline for a better story. Maybe get an editor to help sounding it out, as it was flat, more like a narration than a story. Sorry, but I call them as I read them. And this left a lot to be desired. There are a lot of these types of stories on here that actually go into more detail, and are that much better.

Waldteufel61Waldteufel613 months ago

Interesting story, but the writing was awful

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What a stubborn paranoid asshole the husband was! Tracie deserved better than him.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Get a gramatic teacher and you may have a good story in you. As far as the hubby, he was quite over the top but

wifey was also too damn stubborn.

Schwanze1Schwanze14 months ago

This is a very good outline for a story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Stay calm, no reason to make yourself sick.

HighBrowHighBrow5 months ago

Flat and confusing, but I did finish it, and like the MCs sentiments.

shadrachtshadracht5 months ago

No real emotions. Just statements of procedure. The lack of any showing vs. being told the entire resolution drained any remaining tension out of the story. 2*

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