Girlfriend opens up to others

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A boyfriend's plan could in no way backfire on him.
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Tanner knew his girlfriend would not like the news he was going to share, but he was committed to his plan. "Gabriela, I want to open up our relationship. I want to be able to get with other girls but stay with you," he stated.

Gabriela's face sunk to an expression of sorrow. "Oh no! Why? Are you not happy with me," she asked concerned.

"You know I like you, honey. This isn't about that. I just need room to express myself more, that's all," Tanner explained. The truth was Tanner wanted to open up the relationship ahead of his upcoming trip to a beach resort. He knew there would be plenty of women there that he wanted the freedom to get with, and an open relationship was his ticket to do so. Additionally, Gabriela had proven to be a very slow-moving girlfriend, sexually speaking. Despite being exclusive for the past six months, Tanner and she hadn't gotten behind kissing. His plan was after hearing how much action he got on this trip, Gabriela would feel threatened and start getting much more sexual with him. Once that was achieved, he would close the relationship back up.

They continued to discuss it, but Tanner eventually convinced Gabriela to agree. Despite her insistence on not going all the way, she was not a strong-willed girl. He wasn't worried about her finding any new boyfriends either. It had taken Tanner weeks of flirting to finally get Gabriela to agree on a date, and even then, her cheeks were as red as apples. It would take her months to build up the courage to approach another man or even talk with a guy who came up to her. The plan was perfect.

Tanner left for his beach resort vacation on Friday night and came back the following Thursday. The trip was a rousing success in terms of picking up ladies, for the most part. After unpacking and settling back home, he made plans to meet up with Gabriela. This is where his plan would come to fruition. He would inform her of his sexual conquest, and that would be the push she needed to jump his bone. They met up at a restaurant they frequented, and he found Gabriela waiting at a table where he had joined her.

"It's so good to see you again, Tanner. How was your trip," she asked.

"Way better than I could have hoped. Do you want to hear about it?" Tanner asked enthusiastically. Gabriela nodded, and he continued. "My second night there, I met this hot girl from Seattle..."

"I was really asking about the beaches and stuff, but sure. Go ahead and tell me about the hot girls...," Gabriela muttered.

"I bought her and her friends so many drinks that night, but it paid off. At the end of the night, she kissed me on the lips for like five seconds straight," Tanner bragged.

"That... sounds nice," Gabriela said meekly.

"You bet it was. It was too bad she had to leave with her brothers. I assume they were her brothers, considering how affectionate they were. But that was a home run and only on the second night of the trip."

Tanner could see, or convince himself he was seeing, Gabriela's jealousy boil inside her. It was time to close the deal by re-telling the story of his biggest score from the trip. "But she was nothing to the girl I got with on Tuesday. I think she was French or Thai or something. I'm not sure because we didn't do much talking if you know what I mean. Well, she did complain to me for two hours about her ex-boyfriend. They had only broken up about ten minutes before we met. But then we totally made out for like half a minute, and I even got my hands on her butt. So total victory," Tanner said with a big smile.

"How... did you get your black eye?" Gabriela asked, curious to ask about it since he had sat down.

"Oh, it was from her boyfriend. Yeah, they got back together after he punched me for touching his then-ex. I let him have her. She wasn't all that hot, I decided," he said with less of a smile.

"So, as you can see, I've been very productive with this open relationship we have going on. How was your week? Did you miss me lots?" he asked, leaning in for a kiss.

"I missed you more than you could imagine," Gabriela said, leaning in to kiss him but then popping back up before they could meet lips. "But your story reminds me of something that happened to me this week," she said. Hearing this was a bit of a worry to Tanner. There was no way his girlfriend did anything that could possibly match the raw sexual energy of the story he had just told.

"So after you left Friday, that evening I went for a run in the park to get my mind off of how much I missed you."

"Awwww," Tanner said, reaching out and clutching her hand.

"Soon, though, this handsome blond man started running next to me, and we started talking. He was funny, witty, and handsome. Oops, I already said handsome, didn't I? Anyway, he was also really interested in you, Tanner, and your physical attributes, like your height. He found your height interesting, I guess, cause he was like six and a half feet tall. We both found it interesting that he was exactly one foot taller than you," she said with a giggle.

"I'm still growing, you know," the 27-year-old man replied.

"He also goes to the same gym as you. When I told him about the time you were crying to the gym owner that it's de-masculating that all of the 3-pound weights you use there are pink, he remembered you," she explained. Tanner was surprised to hear that she connected with this guy so well. Usually, Gabriela struggles to meet new people.

"Did I mention that Thai girl..." he started to say, trying to change the subject before Gabriela interrupted him and continued her story.

"So after our jog, he suggested we go back to his place, which I agreed to."

"You went back to his place? That was so dangerous to do. What if he tried something with you," Tanner said, becoming very worried about what he was hearing.

"Don't worry. He didn't try anything," Gabriela assured him. "I never gave him the chance. As soon as we got to his place, I pushed him against the door and stuck my tongue down his throat."

Tanner pulled his hand away from hers in shock. "You kissed another man? How could you do that to me," he said, causing a few nearby tables to glance over at them. Gabriela stared blankly back at her boyfriend. "Right... sorry. It's just that I didn't expect you to kiss some random guy. You should get to know them first and make sure they are good people," Tanner explained.

"Tell me the name of either girl you kissed on your vacation," she replied.

Tanner paused for a few moments. "You didn't kiss very long, right?"

"No, not very. It's like you said. I didn't know this guy that well. It's also hard to kiss a guy while sucking his dick," Gabriela said causally.

Tanner went white in the face. Did he just hear that correctly? "You... did what?"

"I gave him a blow job. The guy had a fantastic dick, and I had never given one before. Luckily, he was willing."

"Gabriela... how could you do that? You gave your first blow job to a stranger rather than your actual boyfriend. If you wanted to do that you could have asked me. I would have loved to," Tanner said in despair.

She put her hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. "I want our first time to be special. With this guy, it was all about pleasure and a lot of it. The taste of his cock as it ran up and down my lips made me so wet. Even thinking about it now is opening up the floodgates in my panties. Licking his tip while knowing that, at any second, he could unload his balls into my mouth was exhilarating. When he did finally cum, he had such volume it leaked out of my mouth. But god damn, it was tasty. I was licking my lips for a while afterwards." As Gabriela recounted this story, Tanner noticed her hand slowly caressing her neckline.

She seemed to snap back to realizing what she was doing and looked back at her boyfriend. "But with you it will also be good I'm sure. And I'll love you and stuff."

Tanner took a moment to calm himself down. He knew this was always a risk when he opened this relationship. It was just unlucky that she found this guy this week. "Okay. But it was a one-time thing, and you've never seen him again, right?" Gabriela nodded in agreement. "I guess I will be your second blow job eventually, though. That's cool." Gabriela made a face of concern, which made Tanner even more nervous about what she would reveal next.

"I didn't want to be rude. His three roommates were watching the whole time I blew him. They seemed to be really wanting their dick's sucked as well. So I did," she explained.

"You blew four guys in one day!" Tanner exclaimed, drawing the eyes of the whole restaurant.

"Only till they came, I promise," Gabriela said, trying to assure him.

"Also, I didn't kiss them, which, as I just learned, you don't like me doing with other guys."

"For future reference, I'm not a fan of you sucking on guy's cocks either," Tanner informed her.

"Why are you so upset by this, Tanner? This is what you said you wanted when you opened up the relationship," Gabriela complained.

"This is not what I envisioned. I wanted...," Tanner said, pausing.

"You wanted what," she asked.

".... not this," he replied. Tanner took a deep breath. "Okay, maybe I'm overreacting. It was just blow jobs. It's not like they saw you naked or anything."

Gabriela agreed. "They didn't see me naked that day, for sure."

"What do you mean that day," Tanner asked nervously.

"I mean, I can't say for sure they weren't at the bar I went to Saturday night," she said. Tanner wanted this story to end before he even heard it. "So Saturday night, my girlfriends wanted to take me out to get my mind off missing you. They said going to a bar and getting male attention is what I needed," Gabriela explained.

"Wasn't blowing four dudes enough male attention to last you the rest of the week," Tanner asked, already knowing the answer.

"I did mention that to my friends, but they said blow jobs barely count, and I trusted their opinion on this. Anyway, we went to the bar, and they were doing a dance contest, and they talked me into entering it." Tanner was surprised by this. His girlfriend was always hesitant to dance due to her shyness. He was happy to hear that maybe this was passing. Maybe this story wasn't going in the direction he feared.

"It took a lot of convincing, but eventually, I agreed. The girls were dancing on top of the bar so everyone could see them. The bar was very crowded that night. When it was my turn, I was doing badly and getting almost no applause. My friends in the back of the crowd started acting out dance moves for me to do. That helped a little, but it was still going poorly," she said, sounding down about it.

"Hey, that's okay. The important thing is you got yourself out there and tried. Next time, with more practice, the crowd will like you more," Tanner reassured her.

"Oh, they loved me. My friends starting doing a dance motion I didn't understand. It looked like they were telling me to take off my shirt. Later, I found out they were telling me to raise the roof."

Tanner giggled. "That's funny that you thought that. Could you imagine you taking off your shirt at a crowded bar like that?"

"I don't need to imagine it. That's what I did. I took off my shirt, and the crowd erupted in applause. I realized I could win this," Gabriela explained, looking proud.

"You showed off your bra to the whole bar," Tanner asked in disbelief.

"Oh, don't worry. It was just for a short amount of time." Tanner didn't like that, but at least it was brief. "Because I quickly took off my bra," she added.

Tanner spit out the water he was drinking onto his girlfriend's face. He apologized but couldn't believe he was hearing that his long-term girlfriend had shown her naked tits to over a hundred people. Gabriela wiped off her face. "That's okay. It reminded me of Friday night with that runner guy's roommates. But back to my dancing contest, my boobs got the crowd on my side, and I knew I had the contest won."

"How could you show off your body like that? You've been so shy about showing me even a shoulder, and now you let strangers see you topless. Wasn't that embarrassing for you," Tanner pleaded.

"A bit, but not nearly as embarrassing as showing off my pussy to the crowd," she said straight-faced.

"You showed them your entire naked body? Why?"

"I really wanted to win that five-dollar Cracker Barrel gift card. Did I mention that was the dance contest prize? I know you like eating there, so I wanted to get it for you."

Tanner put his head down on the table. "You could have been recorded. Images of your naked body could be on the internet getting spread as we speak," the boyfriend said.

"Oh, I've seen videos of me on like five different sites already. They are all over the place. It was a very crowded bar. But don't you dare go looking for them? It would be embarrassing for you to see me naked." Fantastic, Tanner thought. His girlfriend is a Girls Gone Wild star, and he's forbidden from seeing her videos. Her boyfriend will be the last man to see her naked.

"Oh, I made a new friend that night," she added. It seems you made a few hundred friends, thought Tanner. "Her name is Heid, and she's stunning." Tanner was relieved to hear that it was a girl. Otherwise, he was worried her blowjob count would climb even higher. "She joined me on the bar after I was naked and danced with me. After dancing naked for twenty minutes, I was starting to feel embarrassed being the only one naked, so she got naked with me up there," Gabriela said, continuing her story.

This made Tanner feel slightly better. All of the attention wasn't solely on his completely naked girlfriend. "That's... cool. Is she nice," he asked, hoping to turn the conversation once again away from the topic of her tits jiggling in front of strangers.

"Totally. She's a Pisces, likes baking, and is an excellent kisser."

"What?" Tanner said, choking on his tongue for a second there.

"She's really into baking. Mainly cupcakes," she explained helpfully.

"No, not the baking. Why did you say she's a good kisser?"

"Because she is. Oh wait, I forgot to tell that part of the story, right? So, after she was dancing naked with me for another fifteen minutes, the crowd started chanting for us to kiss. Well, she was gorgeous, and I was getting pretty horny having all those men stare at my pussy and take those close-up videos of me dancing naked, so I went for it."

Tanner had really mixed feelings. On the one hand, hearing his girlfriend kissing another naked girl was pretty hot to him. On the other hand, he didn't witness any of it, and many other people did. Gabriela continued her story. "That's how I found out she was a good kisser. I found out she liked baking when we got dressed after 69ing on top of the bar. Did you know apple sauce can be used as a substitute for eggs," she said, trying to add an interesting fact to her otherwise very dull statement.

"Wait, you had sex with her on the bar? You experimented with lesbian sex at a crowded bar in front of all of those people? And it was recorded," Tanner asked, looking at his girlfriend like she was an alien.

"Yes, Tanner, I just said those things. Why do you keep repeating everything I tell you today? But here's another interesting fact, did you know a woman's pussy taste amazing? Well, I guess you wouldn't know, seeing as you haven't... just trust me, it does." Tanner was trying to understand if this was her way of coming out to him. But she seemed to enjoy those blow jobs she gave those guys earlier.

"Did you enjoy the experience then," he asked, trying to gauge her feelings.

"Oh my god, yes. So after we kissed for a while, she asked me if I was from around here. It's funny because I heard her say, 'do you want to fuck each other in front of all these people.' So thinking that's what she said, I replied, 'I would love to lick your pussy while being recorded by a hundred dudes.' It's funny how that happens." It's really not thought Tanner.

"So she laid down on the bar, and I climbed on top of her, and my face was now inches away from her pussy, and I knew mine was right above hers too. It was embarrassing because I was absolutely soaked from being so turned on by the nude dancing. I was sure I was probably dripping pussy juice on her. I was so nervous because, I don't know if you know this, I had never had lesbian sex on top of a bar with a crowd watching me." Tanner found this statement odd as he was her first relationship ever. She had never gotten sexual with anyone ever. Well, except for those guys she blew. But Tanner was going to pretend for the rest of his life that didn't happen, even though it would be a story Gabriela would often recount in front of his friends and family.

Gabriela continued her cute public lesbian sex story. "So, while I was staring at her beautiful pussy, suddenly, my pussy was hit with a wave of pleasure. My new friend had started licking it, and oh my god, I was in heaven. Each lick was like having an itch scratched that I've had since I saw Rocky 3 when I was thirteen. I had to literally slap myself to get myself to focus and pleasure her with my tongue as well."

Tanner was now sporting a huge boner in his pants hearing this story. A boner that was years away from being any part of this relationship. "I just started licking every inch of that pussy as vigorously as I could. I had no idea what I was doing, but based on how much she was squirming, I think I was doing a good job. She also started moaning pretty loudly, but it was hard to tell over the sounds of my own yells of sexual glee. Ten minutes later, my mind is going wild with what her tongue is doing to me. Something had been building up inside me, and finally, it exploded, making my whole body shiver, and my tits feel like they were so warm. I had my first orgasm. Can you believe it? I've been wanting to have one for so long. Who knew all I needed was a little public lesbian cunnilingus?"

Tanner had been enthralled by her story, as had every nearby table. A few of them even found the videos on their phones. "So, are you a lesbian or bisexual now," he asked, looking for clarifications.

"No, not at all. I'm straight as an arrow, so don't you worry. I just really like licking pussy, and I want to do it as often as possible, that's all."

"What bar was this that they were cool with having naked women have sex with each other?"

"Grants Family Bar and Grill. The same restaurant that we're having dinner with your family at tomorrow. I wonder if they will remember me," she wondered. Tanner had little doubt.

"But look at me taking up the whole time with my dumb stories. Tell me another one from your vacation." Tanner thought about what story he should tell that would live up to a story about a girl getting her first orgasm from having lesbian sex in front of hundreds of men. Then, the perfect one hit him.

"Ah, this is a good one. On Monday, I was drinking at the poolside bar by myself when one girl in a group next to me ordered a 'Sex on the Beach.' I said, 'I would love to join you for that!' The joke being I was referring to the act of having sex on the beach while she meant the drink. She didn't hear my joke, though. The bartender thought I was ordering and made me my own 'Sex on the Beach' drink. I didn't like it, but I drank it all since it cost me twelve dollars..."

The tables near them didn't seem to be listening to Tanner's story as they were distracted watching videos on their phones of something. Gabriela broke the awkward silence. "That's a great story, honey. I always like your sad sense of humor. So after the bar Saturday, I wanted a nice quiet Sunday, so I went for a drive."

Tanner already knew where this story was going. "My brother texted me about this. You got a flat tire, and he came and helped you." Hearing this had been encouraging to Tanner. His younger brother and Gabriela had not been getting along. There seemed to be some invisible tension between them. Him helping her out like this might be the catalyst to get their relationship back on the right track.