Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 06


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My own clothes, likewise, while hardly ideal, were far from ugly. The fact that I had curves now just meant that everything I wore looked sexy on me. In fact, I was damn proud of how I looked. Even if, you know, I had chosen the look myself. If anything that should just make me more proud, shouldn't it? Most beautiful people are born that way -- I had to go out and make myself that way.

Everyone else was just wearing... clothes. Some probably more fashionable than others, but it was hardly reason to hate them. No one looked ugly just because they were wearing the wrong style shirt. My attention was no longer drawn to each and every minor clothing infraction. It was like all the color had gone out of the world, but in a good way.

That was... way more intense than I wanted it to be. Those thoughts weren't my own and they were terrifying. How could something so small make me so angry and hateful? I had even been a bitch to Evan. Hurting him was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

"I'm sorry baby." I said, turning back to him "I- I didn't mean that."

"It's okay. I know I'm dressed like a bit of a man-whore, but hey, I'm okay with that - I've always been a showoff. The important thing," he half-heartedly gave me a flirty pose and a wink "is that I pull it off."

I smiled.

"What just happened though?" he continued "You did a swap and then you started acting weird. For a moment I thought you'd swapped minds with that girl or something"

"No, not quite. I... I swapped our fashion sense. Turns out hers is just cranked all the way up to max. All she can see is all the flaws in everyone else. No wonder she's such a bitch."

"So what now?"

"Well, um... I guess, having seen the world as she sees it I've come to terms with the fact that she's really just a victim to her own perceptions. It would be unjust to seek revenge when really she was just crying out for help the whole time."

"Wait." Evan blinked. "Really?"

"No. I'm totally still going to mess her up." I laughed. "At the end of the day it's her own damn fault that she sees everyone that way to begin with. In so far as I'm concerned she needs to suffer a little to appreciate the fact that everyone is flawed and that that's okay."

"I..." he chewed on his words for a minute before deciding he still wouldn't be able to talk me out of it. "Okay. If that's what you want to do. Just, let me know what your doing before you do this time, okay? I was worried."

"Right." I looked him apologetically in the eyes. "Sorry about that."

Okay, so swapping my fashion sense with hers hadn't worked. Bad idea. And after all that had happened I definitely didn't want to do anything else with Evan. New plan. I needed another target to swap her with.

Thankfully, for those who seek, the mall provides.

He was just leaving the line for Taco Bell, a big tray of greasy food in hand. He was overweight, but not quite obese - for some reason there just weren't a lot of truly obese people in this town. The important thing was what he was wearing. He had on an old t-shirt that was clearly one size too large, and while it had once probably been white it was now a kind of faded yellow from stains and years of use. He complimented this with a pair of extra-long lime-green shorts that I suspected was actually some kind of swimsuit, the untied drawstring of which bounced down in front of him as he walked. His unkempt beard and greasy hair served as perfect capstones. Now, he wasn't ugly, per se -- if he cleaned himself up there might be something salvageable under there -- but he was clearly a man who did not care about the way he was dressed or the way he looked.

I could feel the surge of adrenalin start to pump through my veins as I set the dials on the device and explained my plan to Evan. I was going to swap the slob's fashion sense onto Essie then let her hyper-judgemental perceptions constantly point out that everything she wore was terrible and that there was nothing she could do to fix it. Evan nodded. I pressed the button.

A mad blush spread across the face of the slob as he looked down. Panic filled his eyes as his steps became increasingly self-conscious. I'm sure he'd probably have fled then and there if he wasn't worried about drawing attention to himself.

In so far as I could tell however, Essie couldn't care less. She carried on her conversation with one of her friends as if nothing had happened. Fuck. of course. It's not like she's going to get embarrassed about what she's wearing all of a sudden. If anything I probably made her less embarrassed about it. Okay, well, if that didn't work, I'd take it a step further.

I couldn't just swap their clothes around -- there was no way the slob would fit into Essie's dress and I was not eager to see it explode off of him -- so I swapped around their bodies instead. Nice and simple. Interestingly, their trays and food, which they had both been holding, seemed to swap along with them.

The slob, now respectably dressed, quickly calmed down. Essie however continued to act like the prissy bitch she's always been. She even held the taco in her hands daintily. Again, no one seemed to notice anything. Uhg. I wondered if her little followers now found what she was wearing fashionable? I mean, she had always been ahead of the curve. Oh god, I hoped I hadn't started some dumb trend. The last thing I wanted was for obesity and grease stains to be all the rage next year.

Okay, so that wasn't working either. I swapped their bodies back. The look of apprehension returned to the slob's face.

I smiled as I saw that Essie's delicate body was now the one sitting in front of a huge plate of tacos. I guess they had both set their trays down before I had swapped them back? The slob looked hesitantly at the salad before him. Ah. Now that gave me a fun idea.

As best as I could recall Essie had been one of those girls who would go the whole day on a single piece of celery, leaving the rest of us, with our perfectly healthy appetites, feeling like fat losers. I was not proud of the fact that I had skipped many a lunch because of her, thinking it better to starve than to be fat. The fact that she had gotten a salad at a food court seemed to confirm she wasn't much better these days. I was willing to bet however that the slob was not so fastidious.

Neither Evan's hand on the device nor my own seemed to muffle the gentle zzzzttttt the device made as I swapped their eating habits around.

A few minutes later I was rewarded with the sight of Essie scarfing down her tacos like they were going out of style. Her dignified and refined posture now reserved for the slob, who was daintily eating his salad like it was some kind of necessary evil. She must have found some kind of inner reserve of eating prowess because even with her smaller mouth she was downing them in one or two bites each. Greasy crumbs fell from her mouth onto her designer top.

Her little lackey friends continued to eat their salads as though nothing was amiss, using their forks more to punctuate their sentences than to eat. To my utter delight, Essie seemed insistent upon replying to them even with her mouth full.

I laughed. Evan furrowed his brow.

"I don't get it." he said "She's... eating tacos messily?"

"Yeah, and I get that no one but us will find it out of place. Still, I can't tell you how good it feels to see little miss perfect have some bad habits. The real victory here though is that, if she keeps it up, she's going to gain a bunch of weight, right? I gave her some bad eating habits, but I didn't swap her metabolism or anything. She'll keep eating big and snacking all the time and before she knows it she'll start to get fat and she'll have to actually struggle against temptation for once like the rest of us mortals. If she wants to keep in a size zero dress, at least."

"Oh." He blinked "Why not just swap her body weight with that guy's? That way she'd already be fat."

"Yeah, but making her fat isn't the point. Besides, apart from her dress probably exploding off of her, she wouldn't even notice. No, I want her to struggle. Maybe if she knows how hard it is for some people to be like she is, she'll be less judgemental of those who fail."

"that's... very subtle." Evan laughed "I'm impressed."

"You think?" I glanced back over. A huge dollop of greasy sauce fell from Essie's mouth and rolled down her shirt and onto her pants. She seemed too engrossed in her meal to realize. "You may be right... maybe that's too subtle? Maybe I can like... I don't know. Swap her hygiene with a baby's or something while I'm at it?"

"What?" Evan wasn't sure if I was joking or not.

"I guess that's not really fair to the baby though, huh? It would have to like, take a shower every morning? And probably go through a big skincare regime? I don't know how that would really work..."

Evan just looked at me blankly.

"Relax," I said, "I'm joking."

His expression softened.

Honestly, the sight of my victory had kind of taken the edge off of my anger. All my old hatreds and rage now just seemed really... petty. I won't say it wasn't satisfying, but it felt strangely hollow and disconcerting. I could do anything to this girl. If I was so inclined I could swap her ability to move with a quadriplegic's or swap her age with an octogenarian's. I could essentially end her life as she knew it, and she wouldn't even notice. A cold shiver went down my spine. I wasn't that sort of person, was I? But wasn't that where this sort of thing was leading?

"Okay." I frowned. "maybe you're right."

"About what?"

"Its like you said. Using the reality altering super machine as a tool for petty revenge isn't such a good idea."

"Technically," he smiled "I never said that."

"Regardless. I think maybe you have the right idea. Maybe that's the moral of this whole story, that we're all better off trying to make our own lives better rather than making everyone else's lives worse. Besides, I'm starting to half-think that just being her is punishment enough."

I let out a frustrated introspective sigh.

"So you're going to swap her back?"

I looked over at her again. Despite the enthusiasm with which she had taken to the plate, her friends had still somehow finished before her and were now just watching her eat. She let out a belch.

"Eh... I wouldn't go that far."

Evan laughed.

"I feel really terrible though. Not only have I been squandering this gift on stupid petty things, but I've been kicking myself about it all day, only to do it again and again. I feel like I'm stuck in some kind of stupid cycle of indulgence and guilt." I clenched my fist. "And it needs to stop. I need to either get control of this or put an end to it once and for all before I do something truly stupid. This calls for desperate measures."

"Desperate measures?" asked Evan, raising an eyebrow.

"Baby," I said, looking Evan deeply in the eyes and making the most serious face I could muster. "I want you to zap me."


"I-I've been misusing the device. A lot. Or at least, it feels like a lot. I've been irresponsible and short-sighted and I just... I've been pretty shitty about it. I want you to use the device on me so that I learn what it's like -- so that I'll learn my lesson.

"Oh, honey, no." concern spread on his eyes. "That's not necessary. As long as you recognize that you've screwed up, you can always fix it going forward."

"No." I shook my head "I won't be able to take this stupid thing seriously until I'm on the receiving end of it for once. I need you to swap me somehow so that I'll be able to get it through my thick head that this is not some kind of toy. This thing is a weapon. It can ruin lives.

"I..." he looked at the device and then back at me. "Are you sure?"

"I am."

My heart skipped a beat as I handed him the small black box.

"Anything specific?" he asked, looking around for a victim to swap me with.

"No." I said, closing my eyes "I want you to surprise me."


Evan took the device in his hands. For some reason seeing someone else holding it, even Evan, made my whole body tense up, like I was fast approaching the crest of a roller coaster or like I was in a boxing ring waiting for the first punch.

"Okay, let me just um... get this all set. Let me know if you notice any changes, okay?"

I nervously and impatiently opened one eye as he fiddled with the device's dials and inspected its surfaces. I guess he hadn't had much chance to really take a look at the thing. I hadn't either, come to think of it, not really. There just hadn't been any time. It was hard to believe I had only had that thing for a day.

Suddenly, like a hunter misfiring their gun, Evan pushed the button. I flinched. There was a moment's pause while I waited for the shoe to drop. My breath caught in my throat. Like a wave of air washing over me, nothing happened.

I opened my eyes, and then blinked. Everything was exactly the same. Or was it? I almost laughed as I contemplated the naivety of that thought.

I looked down at myself. I didn't notice anything different. God, that was so insidious wasn't it? I still had the giant tits and the pornstar's body. I knew they weren't mine, but they weren't any different than when I'd woken up that morning. I reached down to my crotch. I still had Evan's big old dick, hard and ready to go. Wait, that was unusual right? Had Evan swapped me his junk just now? I remembered swapping it onto myself last night, but maybe that was just the machine messing with me. It was Evan's dick though, I remembered that, and not mine, that was an important distinction. Was this body mine? Yes, it had to be, it had Evan's dick on it. If he'd body swapped me just now that wouldn't be the case, would it? Unless I now thought I had Evan's dick when in fact it was a totally different one. I touched my hands to my face. Everything felt normal up there. I still had the petite sexpot features I had swapped for last night. As best as I could tell anyway.

I smiled at the irony. Normally, the fact that I looked like a sexed-up bikini-model would have been a dead giveaway that my boyfriend had used the device on me, and here I was thinking that it was normal because I had been the one to do that to myself.

Or had I?

What had he swapped? The blood started to drain from my face as a nagging sense of dread built up within me. How far could the obliviousness go? As far as I knew I was in the slob's body right now and was just entirely unable to recognize the terrible truth of the matter.

Was it something in my mind? Was I thinking differently? Different tastes? The way my dick twitched against my tight jeans as a glance down at Evan's copious cleavage told me that my sex drive seemed about the same at least. Evan was still mind-numbingly hot to me. That was reassuring, actually. But wait, had I not found him hot a minute ago? No, because then I'd not have made all those sexy swaps... unless those were all just memories of the different me that I was now... Gah. I couldn't help second guessing everything I knew. This was driving me crazy.


My stomach jumped in knots. Nothing quite catches your attention like that one word, especially when it comes from someone you just put a lot of trust in, like a doctor, or a barber, or a guy with a reality altering magic box.

"Oops?" I asked.

"I um." Evan was staring at a point behind me. "I think I missed."

I turned to look, but the crowd was too much, I couldn't even tell who he was looking at, let alone what was wrong about them.

"You missed?"

"I was trying to swap your hair color and I... oh my god. I think I just turned that mall cop into a baby!"


My head whipped around as I scanned the crowd for what he was talking about. There, so low down that I had to wait for a hole in the crowd to see him, was the security officer in question. He looked fine. He looked a little sleepy maybe, based on how he was struggling to hold up his rattle and sit up straight, but I mean, it was getting kind of late, so of course he'd be tuckered out.

Nearby was the married couple with the baby from earlier. I remembered I had swapped the wife's tits onto her husband so he could breastfeed their baby. It seemed, I guess, like the baby was hungry again as she flailed around trying to get into a position where she could comfortably access one of her father's enormous milky tits. The father was also desperately trying to get comfortable as his lap was being crushed by the enormous weight of his infant daughter's six foot frame.

I laughed. He was still clearly reticent about breast-feeding in public.

"Where?" I asked, still scanning the crowd. I couldn't see any other mall cops and each baby was more normal than the last. "I don't see it."

"Hold on." He said, fumbling clumsily with the device's dials. "Let me try to undo that." He pressed the button again. I held my breath, but nothing changed. For a moment I thought I heard the telltale zzzzttttt noise, but it was so subtle I could easily just have imagined it.

"Shit!" a growing look of alarm was spreading across his face. I winced.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I don't know! How the hell do you get this thing to do what you want it to do? There's no labels on this thing! Shit. Okay, no, I need to fix this."

I bit my lip as he tried pressing the button several more times, each press more frantic than the last, each zzzzttttt crashing through my ears like cannon fire.

"Baby stop!"

"Gah!" He dropped the device on the table like it was a gun that had just gone off. Alarm and regret warred for control over his face. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Baby, it's fine." I said, taking his shaking hands into my own. "I've got you. It's going to be okay."

"I think I messed up. Big time."

"It's fine," I said reassuringly, "we can swap them all back."

"That's what I was trying to do but it kept just making things worse. How the hell are you supposed to control that damn thing? It's like it has a mind of its own."'

"It'll be okay." I did my best to suppress the growing dread that I had just ended up on the unaware end of a completely random swap. "Here, we'll work together and set everything right."

"Look." I said, holding the device up to him. "You've just got to start by setting the dials to what kind of swap you want."

"How?" He asked "There's no labels on it."

I squinted at the device "Well what kind of swap do you want?"

"Um. I guess, hair?"

"Hair?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he pointed "I think I swapped that punk lady's half-mohawk with the cashier over there. "

I let out a sigh of relief. For a moment there I half expected him to say he'd made me bald or something.

I looked over. The huge half-mohawk was hard to miss, sitting loud and proud and purple as they come on the nerdy-looking cashier's head. Nearby, paying for her food, was a heavily tattooed punk chick with a dull mop of unkempt brown hair in what looked like an overgrown bowl-cut. It was very bold and fit her image perfectly. I struggled to try and think what was wrong with that but nothing came to mind. Still, if Evan said that wasn't how it was supposed to be, I trusted him.

"Okay," I rotated the dials. "So first you set it for hair."

Evan looked confused at the device as I did this.

"Then you've just got to point it at them," I continued, "like this."

"Right." He nodded.

"Then," I grabbed his hand and put it on the small black box, "Press the button."

"I don't understand." Evan said, looking at the device. "That's what I was doing"

The electric noise washed over both of us as we pressed the button together.

I grinned at the sight of the cashier's mohawk now sitting on the punk rocker's head. Sure, the colors matched her accessories, but the overall aesthetic of it was so completely out of place that I couldn't help but laugh. The cashier was little better, at least the mohawk had been masculine. While the short cropped brown mob now sitting on his head looked egregiously radical, it was also clearly very feminine.