Girls like her


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"What?" Dana frowned. "What do you mean? Who are you anyway?"

"My name's Darla." The woman leant forward. "Take it from someone who knows. Who thought she was safe too. You two are going to sleep with him- probably by the end of the week- and there's nothing you can do about it." She took a pull of beer and sighed. "That there is the-"


Eight Years Ago.

"-Dyke Breaker!"

The fat idiot winced when Darla said that, like he was embarrassed or something. "Please, for the love of god don't call me that."

"Why not? That's what you do, isn't it?" Darla snarled, the knife in her hand pointed directly at the source of the threat. Directly at him. "You find girls like me, you track them down and you seduce them?"


This was- this was too much. Darla laughed- aware that the laugh had a hysterical edge to it, aware that she was waving a knife at someone in their own apartment, aware that she was behaving like- well, like a crazy dyke would act. She didn't care. Anger- pure and righteous and strong- filled her body and mind, pumped enough adrenaline into her veins to overflow a river; made her certain, made her right. She stepped forward, the knife lowered, and he backed away. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that this was all just a fucking misunderstanding?"

"No," he said. "Look, I can explain."

"Fine- explain. Explain how all three of my friends ended up in your bed, you fucking monster! Explain to me how you seduced an entire fucking household of queer women!"

"I didn't seduce them! I didn't even know they were gay at first! They just showed up at my door, okay! I thought this was just what happened in college!"


"I'm just a freshman," he said lamely.

"Bullshit." She kept the knife on him as she talked. "Now Tracey...Tracey, I don't know. I had my doubts about her. She said she was gay but when you moved in next door with your idiot friends, well. I saw the way she looked at you. The way she talked about the guy next door. So I figured she might be bi; might be a straight girl into experimentation."

"She was kinda confused..." the idiot said, nodding in a way that he probably thought was sexy. Which is wasn't. It definitely wasn't. "I mean she didn't even mention she was gay. Meant to be gay. Um."

"That's rubbish."

"It's the info I had, wasn't it?" He sat down on the couch; she followed to sit down next to him. The room was filthy and smelled like male, which was pungent and musky and was doing something to her lower body she really, really didn't want to think about. "Look, we only did it a couple of times anyway before she called it off because she felt, um..."

"Confused," said Darla. "Which means that whatever you did to her fucked with her head so badly that she has no fucking idea who she is anymore."

"I'm sorry." He paused. "Wait, isn't that sort of the whole point of college experimentation?"

She jabbed at him with the knife and was pleased to see him flinch away. "Fine. Tracey? You want to justify that? Go on. Now explain Kimmy and Tabitha."

"Okay," he said, eyeing her knife. "Look, I talked to them a couple of times. I mean, we met up in the hall, right? Plus we're all going to the same university. I was just being friendly!"

"You broke them up!"

"That- I didn't do that. I mean, I'm pretty sure I didn't do that. Mostly."

"So what happened?" He shrugged. She was aware that her nipples were poking through her shirt. Why didn't she wear a bra? She always wore a bra but when she came around to threaten him? Suddenly she decided that she didn't need a bra. She shouldn't stop thinking about the way he could see her nipples. She should focus on the knife. Right. She had a knife. The knife gave her power over him. Control. Focus on the knife, Dana.

"They had a fight. And then Kimmy came over to talk to me."

"Yeah, I remember." They were fighting about him. Him. That's when she realised that something was horribly wrong with the situation. That's when she first became aware of the threat. "And then you seduced her."

"I- I guess."

"You guess?"

He shrugged. "She was crying and I hugged her and then she was talking about how I made her feel and then she kissed me and then we..." He shrugged. "I mean, it was sort of a mutual thing."

"But that wasn't the first time."

"Well she said she couldn't do it again. That it was a mistake. And to be honest I felt really shitty about sleeping with someone else's girlfriend we agreed that it wouldn't happen again."

"And then..."

"And then she came around two days later."


"And then I was telling her we probably shouldn't but she was all naked and it was hard to think and then..."

"Then?" She was rubbing her thighs together and the knife was dipping. The knife was dipping and that was bad because if she didn't have the knife pointed at him then he might take it off her and then he might do anything to- She really needed to focus. "Go on."

"Um, then Tabitha showed up. And she was really, really mad. Like, she screamed at Kimmy. Crying and yelling."

"Well yeah. You seduced her girlfriend, you monster."

"It was mutual!" He sighed. "Look, I know I fucked up, okay? I can figure that out. Anyway, they were yelling and screaming and I tried to calm them down and then..."

"And then?" Her throat was dry. She swallowed. Had he moved? Was he closer? Why was it so hot in here?

"The next thing I know they're both going for me. I thought they were going to kill me! Only they were tearing off my clothes, like it was some sort of competition. Like they'd both decided that they were done and they were trying to stake their claim on me."

"What-what happened exactly?" When had her voice turned into a husky whisper?

"They...they fought over the right to suck my cock," he said. "And then both of them begged me to fuck them first. Um, not really begging. More yelling at me, still. And each other. And then...and then after a while they sort of forgot they were mad with each other and then they started to fuck each other while they were fucking me..." He shrugged. "The good news is that I think they're both together again."

Images of what they had done- what he had done to them- flashed before Darla's eyes even as she said, "What about Mina?"

"What about Mina?"

"What sort of sick sexual games did you play with her? What did you make her-"

"I didn't do anything with Mina! I mean, she came over and watched a movie with me but nothing sexual happened at all?"

"Why not? She's bi, I figure she would have been the first to fall!"

"I don't know! Maybe whatever I do only affects completely gay women!"

Darla blinked. She thought through the implications of what he said. "That's the stupidest superpower I've ever heard of."

"I know."

"If you were in the Avengers you'd be Hawkeye."

"That's kinda mean."

"Whatever." She huffed, knife held loosely in her hands. "You get why I'm doing this, right?"

"Because you think I'm doing some weird magic thing to your friends? I'm not."

"Even if you're're still a threat."

"But I'm not doing anything!"

"You exist!" She jabbed the knife at him. "Do you have any idea how hard it is? How we have to fight just to get accepted, how many times people try to say we're faking it, or we're confused, or we're evil or they can cure us with their dicks. And here you just show up, with your big stupid sexiness and you just, you just..." She snarled at him. "You''re inconvenient."

He peered down at her. "I'm not going to apologise for existing," he said. "No more than you need to."

"Hmph." She tried to hold onto her anger but with every passing moment next to this man, immersed in his scent, so close she could feel his heat- it was impossible. She'd failed at- at what she had come over to do. What had she come to do? She wanted to confront him. To get him to confess. And then...

And then...

She said in a whisper, "Take the knife away."


"Just. Take. It." He snatched the knife out of her hands and placed in gingerly on the coffee table. She murmured, "Just do it."

"Do what?"

"Whatever it is that you did- to the others. I don't know." She was wet. So horribly, desperately wet. She felt his presence like some awful gravitational pull, dragging her into his orbit. "Just do it to me already."

"I don't know what it is. I don't know how this is happening. This isn't some trick I can just-"

"Just do it anyway!"

"I don't-" He took a deep breath. "This is mad."

And with that he reached over and pushed her down. She hit the back of the couch with a thud, her lean, lightly muscled body pressing against the soft cushions. He moved atop her, his big bulk pressing her down. She was strong but he was heavy; it would be hard to push him off.

She couldn't resist him, she told herself. She couldn't. It wasn't her fault whatever happened next.

He pulled down her top, revealing her breasts. Held her arms above her head before looking up at her. "Are you sure that-?"

"Don't stop," she murmured, closing her eyes in shame. "Don't ask me for permission again, alright? Just do it."

She gasped as she felt the rough hairs of his beard rub against the smooth skin of her breasts. His tongue was rough too, lapping and licking at her diamond-hard nipples. Her body- hot and heated and still half-drunk on adrenaline- surged with an overwhelming wave of lust and she bit her lips to stop her moans. Hands roughly pulled down her jeans; a moment later her underwear joined them. She closed her legs and for a moment she thought he might ask again but then he did what she wanted him to, pulling her legs open with rough, brutal movements. She felt a shiver of fear rush through her body. It flavoured the lust wonderfully as she felt him slide his cock back and forth against her wet lower lips.

He stunk of maleness and he was big and heavy and fat and ugly and he was forcing her, forcing her into fucking him and she tried to struggle but she couldn't move, she was trapped and helpless and then he was sliding inside of her-

She came so explosively she thought she might die, muscles in her neck standing out as she screamed. Roared and wept and thrashed as he began to pump into her, cock forcing its way inside, pleasure coming in a brutal wave. His hands dug into the softness of her breasts and the rough, uncertain touch was better than any lover's caress.

He was pinning her down and fucking her and she realised that she loved it; loved the way he held her down, loved the way she couldn't escape, that she couldn't be blamed for the pleasure surging through her, couldn't be blamed for the feeling of rightness as his cock rubbed against her g-spot, couldn't be blamed for the way she moaned and shuddered, couldn't be blamed for the way her second orgasm was already coming on hard, no woman had ever done this to her-

He grunted and she felt his cock pulse as the orgasm tore her mind apart. She lay there senseless as it pumped its seed into her depths.

A man had come into her. A man she barely knew. A man she had thought of as being an enemy to all women.

And it had been glorious.

He eased his way out of her. She staggered to her feet, head swimming with afterglow and adrenaline crash and a strange, bizarre sort of catharsis. There was a mirror and she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection; wide eyed, hair a tangle, cunt red and weeping cum, bruises dotting her arms where he'd grabbed her hard. She grabbed her jeans and shoved them on, pulled her top back down. Walked halfway to the door and then turned back to grab her knife. She was nearly out when he called out to her.

"What?" She said.

"Um. Here." He held something out to her. She stared at it blearily for a moment until she realised what it was.

"My number," he said. "In case you want to do something a little less extreme? I kind of like the dominance stuff but rape-play's a little out of my comfort zone, you know? Or...if you just want to talk?"

She saw her hand move and snatch the piece of paper out of his hand. She turned around and left, vowing that this would-


Eight Years and Six Months Ago.

"-Never happen again."

Sandra Ferson smiled at the young man in her bed. "I know."

Daniel sighed next to her. He should have known- no, had to know that this was coming. He was a smart boy after all.

"I know. I just wish things could stay the same."

"Listen, Daniel- what we have? It was really..." She thought of all the things she could call their relationship. Unlikely. Lopsided. Illegal. Hot as hell. She settled on, "...wonderful. But you were always going to go away to college."

"I know." He eyed her sweaty, flushed body. They'd gone at it like crazy horny teens- which was halfway accurate for her and entirely accurate for him- as soon as he'd shown up at her door. At least this time they'd made it to the bedroom first.

She liked him looking at her. No, scratch that, she loved it. Loved the way he found her attractive. Loved the way she found him attractive, even if she didn't at all understand it.

Daniel was a nice boy- young man, she supposed. Nice and sweet and kind. He was the sort of guy that would suffer as a boy and thrive as a man, when the rewards for decency and kindness were more pronounced and women more eager to seek stability. He was industrious and smart enough that entry into at least a decent college was assured.

He wasn't the sort of boy that would seduce his guidance councillor. But here they were. Six months into a very fun and very illicit love affair- well, fuck affair. Student and teacher with benefits relationship. Mutually beneficial orgasm exchange. Whatever.

At least he wasn't underage. That was something, right?

Not that it mattered now. He was leaving for college and this...this was ending.

Probably for the best. She'd had nightmares about being caught, the cold-razor edge for fear warring with the hot flames of lust every time they'd arranged to meet. Felt awful about the sex- the hot, passionate, raunchy sex- that she was having with someone she was meant to guide. She didn't have much of a defence. Not beyond a strange inkling...

She was a guidance councillor, after all. Which meant she was privy to secrets, given up in confidence by boys and girls. Which meant that when her fuck-student started to date other girls-

(Yes, she was fine with it. Encouraged it, even. No, she wasn't jealous- or at the very least, jealous enough to act on it. Fucking him was bad enough. Catching serious feelings over him would be, she recognised, disastrous.)

-and so she might have been the only person to recognise the pattern. The names of the girls who she saw mooning over him; the girls who all but leapt into his arms, inviting him over for study sessions when their parents weren't home or sneaking him in through kitchen doors late at night. Girls who she shared a secret with; girls who were different; girls who had needed her help-

Girls like her.

She wondered what would happen to him out there. Into colleges and cities where women like her tended to congregate. What would they think of him? What would he be to them? An exciting opportunity to try out something new? A threat, there to challenge the self-image of themselves that they'd so carefully built up? A source of confusion? A sexual fantasy made flesh?

All of the above?

He turned and kissed her. He'd started to grow a beard which she had- yet another shock- approved of. She reached down and felt something hard and hot and still slick with her wetness.

One more time. For the road.

She pushed him down and he lay back on the bed. She straddled him, cupping her breasts in her arms in silent offering. One that he accepted; his fingers moved to cover her nipples and the groaned at the feeling of his rough palms on her sensitive nubs. She rubbed herself against his hard erection, sighing as the mixture of slickness and friction that revved the fires of her lust, as the afterglow of her previous orgasms transitioned smoothly into a new, eager thirst for more.

She laughed and rose and slipped him inside, her hips rolling even as she gasped with pleasure. Every time- every time felt fresh. New. The best sex she ever had, each and every time.

God, she was going to miss this.

He grunted and she leant down to kiss him, their tongues dancing. She might be the last person to be able to teach him about straight sex but he had proved to be a fast learner anyway, turning an already potent source of pleasure into an unlikely erotic god. She panted as she impaled herself over and over again on that glorious cock; letting herself go until everything- her job, her responsibilities, her fears, her heartbreak to come, her friendship, her very name- vanished until all that was left was his cock and her cunt and the way they meshed and met. She felt another orgasm coming and she-


Nine Years Ago.

-sighed. "I understand, Daniel."

The boy nodded quietly. He was a nice enough boy- big boned and fat, which hadn't helped things with his peers. He was also studious and kind, which definitely hadn't helped either. No, school was rough for boys like Daniel and while Sandra felt like he wasn't a serious case- one of the students likely to hurt himself or others- he was still someone who could use a sympathetic ear.

Even if his problem was, well, so bog-standard as to be nearly a cliché.

"I just don't understand why she said no," he said, nearly in tears. "What did I do wrong?"

Sandra smiled. She actually knew exactly why the girl in question had said no- why the girl would have said no to any boy that asked her out- and had already had a long talk with her about how none of this was her fault, how she wasn't weird or wrong, just different, and how best to talk about it to her parents if she thought they might be willing to listen. It helped that she had a lot of experience.

Of course that didn't mean that Daniel's feelings didn't matter, either.

"Listen. I know that right now this sounds like the most important thing in the world. But you listen to me. This is going to pass, Daniel. There are going to be plenty of women interested in you- women that you're going to love just as much back. What you need to do now are two things."


"First. Don't get bitter. A lot of guys, they face rejection and it makes them hard. Cold. And that's the wrong path to take. Not only for the sake of girls but also for yourself. An angry life is no life to live,."

"I don't- I'm not like that."

"I know. It's can be hard, sometimes. Not to hate women or to hate yourself. Both are bad. Which leads me to the second piece of advice. Work on yourself. Keep cultivating your interests. Keep working on being a better person. So that when the right girl does come along you'll be in a good place."

Daniel heaved himself out of his chair. He wandered around the room, misery still touching his features. He picked up one of the many knick-knacks that decorated her office- some old fertility totem that she had picked up in her gap year in Thailand. "I guess. I just... I just wish girls like her would like me. That's all."

"Maybe someday they will." No point in upsetting him with the truth.

He started as the totem suddenly snapped, coming apart in his big hands. "I'm sorry! Was it expensive?"

"It's okay. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No. And thanks...I know this probably isn't a big deal with you, but it means a lot to me. To have someone to talk to."

"Any time." He smiled on his way out and for a moment she felt an unfamiliar lurch in her heart. Where had that come from? She picked up the broken remains of the wooden statuette as he vanished into the school. Daniel would be alright, she decided as she dropped the ruined totem into the bin. She just had a feeling.

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WillmottWillmottabout 1 month ago

Marvelous. Needs more.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Towards the end you got confused:

""So what happened?" He shrugged. She was aware that her nipples were poking through her shirt. Why didn't she wear a bra? She always wore a bra but when she came around to threaten him? Suddenly she decided that she didn't need a bra. She shouldn't stop thinking about the way he could see her nipples. She should focus on the knife. Right. She had a knife. The knife gave her power over him. Control. Focus on the knife, Dana."

The person whose thoughts we are listening in on is Darla, not Dana. It'll be a year before Dana ever even meets Dyke Breaker. One of the hazards of having two characters with such similar names.

But overall a fine story. Not sure if this concept is original with you, but it's well executed. Any heterosexual male has to be attracted to the fantasy of being so macho that lesbians find him irresistible. The reverse timeline is at least a seldom used device and that too is quite well done. And just the right amount of ironic humor.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Timtom12 - he's not an associate professor, he's an *assistant* professor.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Damn good. Quite funny, hot, and sweet at the same time.

SraulersSraulers12 months ago

I see what you did there!

Well-crafted tale that had me scratching my head right up to the reveal at the end… 5*

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_perv12 months ago

Very nice! Nit to pick: what did you mean by "Fuck, het people were weird." I thought maybe heterosexual? But the story is pretty explicit here, "We're a poly thing." so I am not sure

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This was so good I would love more

Timtom12Timtom1212 months ago

That was great! I really enjoyed the time jumps. Maybe a little unusual that a 26 yo is an associate professor, but that's fine.

SomeoneblueSomeoneblue12 months agoAuthor

Thanks for the positive comments and useful criticisms both.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really good narrative craft, as usual. You should be proud of yourself. You have definite talent.

Technical execution somewhat lacking, as usual. You don't proofread enough.

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