Girls Night Out Pt. 02


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"A few days later, I got a message from him. I don't know how he got my number, but it was a little creepy."

"The message had a link to a bunch of photos of Claire, my sister, and my mother. The last couple of pictures scared me. The first was Claire in my apartment changing clothes. She was wearing only a g-string. The other picture was of Sophie lying in her dorm room bed."

As she was telling me this, I realized that some of my anger might be misdirected, not all but some. So I climbed off her chest and sat next to her, leaning back against the bed as she told me more.

"The message with the link said to meet him at an address by 1 pm. I replied, telling him to go fuck himself. I tried to contact Claire and Sophie, but my calls wouldn't connect. I went to Claire's office, and they told me she hadn't shown up for work. I tried her apartment but found nothing."

"I called the school Sophie is in and asked for a well check. They called back about half an hour later saying that no one had seen her since last night."

I gave her a box of tissue from the nightstand. After wiping her nose, she continued.

"I was freaking out at this point when my phone rang. It was the asshole."

"I started yelling at him, so he hung up. I tried calling him back, but my phone didn't work. A few minutes later, he called back again. This time I let him talk. He told me to go back to my apartment and text him when I was there."

"I tried calling 911. That was useless. The 911 operator told me that I needed to stop trying to file false reports or they would arrest me."

That sounds familiar, I thought.

I pulled Beca off the floor and held her as she started sobbing again.

"I gave up and went back to the apartment. It was so empty, Kate. I sent him a text, letting him know I was home. He told me to open my laptop and read my emails from"

"I went and got my laptop. When the mail client loaded, I found two messages from that email address. I clicked on the oldest message in the list first."

Beca stopped talking for a moment as she blew her nose.

"It was a video of Claire. It started with her laying nude on a mattress with her arms and legs spread. She was mumbling, begging someone to let her go. Then, nine guys came on screen."

"The first guy dropped between her legs and started licking her. She kept saying no, over and over, almost like a chant. He kept at it, and she started panting more than speaking before long. In no time, she started squirting, shaking as she came."

"The guy who had been licking her smiled at the camera and said that 'the bitch be ready'."

"All nine of them fucked her, making sure they came in her pussy each time. Finally, they managed to get her off a couple of times. By the end, Claire lay there."

Beca couldn't talk for a few minutes. "After they finished, they pulled Sophie on screen and made her clean up the mess they had left in Claire's body."

"The video ended, and I opened the next one. I was terrified at what I would see. It was Sophie, laying under Claire in a sixty-nine eating Claire out as the men fucked Claire again. The video ended with a close-up of Sophie's face covered in cum."

"After the second video ended, I sat there crying until my phone dinged again. It was from Asshole. He said that I would cut off ties with Claire, or next time would be worse. He also gave me instructions on where to meet him."

"I got a call from one of Sophie's roommates. She said they found her outside lying on a bench. She was out of it but intact. She refused any help wanted to go to bed. I tried to talk to her, but she didn't want to talk to me."

I was glad Sophie made it back to school. She was like a little sister to me, having watched her grow up over the years.

I stroked Beca's hair as she continued.

"Later that evening, I received a call from Claire's doorman. He said a taxi had dropped her off, and she appeared to be intoxicated. He got her into her apartment but thought I might want to check on her. I flew over there. I used my key and found Claire lying on the floor. She wasn't responding, so I had the doorman call EMS. She didn't make it."

Beca was sobbing so hard now, all I could do was hold her as the memories overwhelmed her.

"The ER doctor said she had overdosed on sleeping pills. I guess she couldn't deal with what had happened to her. I told the doctor about her rape. He said that the tests were negative. I lost it, screaming, trying to hit the doctor. They held me down and sedated me and kept me overnight for observation."

At this point, I was crying with her, holding her and stroking her hair.

"I was released the next day in a daze. I checked with mom and tried to get Sophie to talk to me, but she refused. I was going to drive upstate to where she was in school when I got a text message from Chad. It reminded me I had another appointment unless I wanted something to happen to Sophie."

Beca had stopped talking. I held her, stroking her hair and wondering what kind of sadistic asshole I was dealing with.

"I'm sorry, Beca, for Claire and Sophie, for everything, but how did I get involved in this fucking mess?" I asked.

Beca looked at the floor. "After I started... working for him, he was over to my apartment and found a picture of the four of us at graduation. He commented that we were all hot sluts, but he seemed fixated on you."

"He told me he would get Debbie and Cindy to join in the fun, but you were my project.

He picked up a picture of Claire before looking at me. Then, if I failed, well, he said he would just play with Sophie until she broke."

"So that is why you tried to get me to come to New York?"


"Did he have anything to do with Mrs. Donaldson dying?"

Beca looked up before looking down again. "I don't think so. She has been pretty sick for the last couple of years, according to her daughter."

I sat thinking for a few minutes. Beca had stopped crying and leaned against my breasts.

"We need to...." I managed to get out before Beca put her fingers on my lips.

"Don't. The room is likely bugged. If it's not, our phones are. I found that out the hard way. He knows everything I do, everyone I speak with, and everything I say."

I sat thinking. I began to realize I would have to keep my thoughts private. I understood why Beca did what she did. I even forgave her a little, but I could tell she was still compromised.

From the video earlier, it looked like Cindy and Debbie were as well. So that left Rob and me.

I needed to get out of the room and see if I could contact my husband.

"Come on, let's get dressed. I am hungry and need to get out of here for a while," I told Beca, looking at the seat where the asshole had sat.

I pulled Beca up, and we both dressed in silence, each lost in thought.

My phone dinged as we walked to the elevator. It was Cindy.

You ok? Want to meet for breakfast?

Before I could answer, I got a message from Debbie.

Hey, we need to talk.

I answered both messages, telling them we were heading across the street for breakfast and would meet them there.

The elevator ride was quiet, almost frosty, as Beca and I ignored each other.

I was deep in thought and still pissed at Beca. She seemed deflated and withdrawn. Usually, this would have bothered me, but I could care less today.

We exited the building and walked over to the restaurant across the street. Cindy and Debbie were already there waiting for us.

They took in Beca's demeanor and the look on my face and wisely decided to wait until we sat down to talk.

"How many in your party," the bubbly young woman asked us, looking between the four of us for the leader.

"Four, somewhere private. Do you have a coat check?"

"Yes, we do," she replied, not understanding why I had asked it since none of us had coats.

"Do you have secure storage as well?"

"We have a couple of personal safes if that is what you mean."

"That works. Let's stop there first."

The hostess motioned us around the stand, pointing to a couple of wall safes with slightly open doors.

"Pick one and set the combo."

"Anyone here have keys to it?" I asked, seeing a key slot next to the keypad.

"No, if you forget your combo, we have to call a locksmith to open the safe."

I looked her over for a second and then decided to risk it.

"Good, purses, ladies. Phones too," I said, holding out my hands.

"Katie, I don't want...." Cindy started before I cut her off.

"It's not open for discussion. Debbie, put your watch in as well."

I looked everyone over, ensuring that there were no other electronics on them. Then, I closed the safe and locked it.

Looking at the hostess, "We are ready now."

She led us to a private room in the back of the restaurant. Then, after handing out the menus, she turned to leave.

"Can you have someone bring me a bottle of champagne and make sure it's chilled?"

Cindy and Debbie raised their eyebrows but kept quiet sat at the table.

"Sure, anything else?"

I shook my head and watched her leave, closing the glass doors on her way out.

"What the fuck is going on, Kate?" Cindy asked now that we were alone.

"I need a drink first, but we will talk about what the fuck happened last night," I told her, giving her a look that caused her to blush and look away.

The server brought the champagne, popped the cork, and poured four glasses. Then, he took our order and left.

I held up my glass. "To Mrs. Donaldson, may she find rest from the fucking shit of this world."

We clinked our glasses, and the girls each took a drink. I downed mine and reached for the bottle.

After I had refilled my glass, I looked around the table.

"Ok, I want to know everything that is fucking going on. Starting with last night." I directed the last part at Beca, who seemed to wilt further under my glare.

The girls glanced at each other, trying to gauge how much I knew.

"I know about the fucking asshole, Chad, and how he got hooks into Becka. But I want the fucking truth about last night, or we are finished. Understand?" I locked gazes with each of them until they nodded.

"Someone fucking start."

Debbie started.

"Well, we got to the club about half an hour before you did. Chad was there and ushered us inside and to a table. He told us that he had ordered drinks for all of us and that we were to get you to drink yours when you showed up."

"Debbie started to argue with him when he reminded her of their agreement," Cindy chimed in.

Debbie shot Cindy a thankful look before she continued.

"He told us that you had better not think anything was up. If we were upset, it had better be tied to the funeral, not anything else."

She paused, taking a drink.

Cindy picked up the story. "He told Beca to keep you active until the alcohol took effect, then find some way to get you alone and seduce you. She wasn't to let you cum, though, just get you really horney."

Debbie chimed in, "He said that you would be easier to fuck if you were already started."

Everyone turned to Beca. She took a deep breath and continued. "Well, you showed up, and we got the drinks in you and started dancing. It didn't take long, and I could tell whatever he had given you was working. You were grinding against anyone who got close to you."

"At one point, Chad had even pulled you into a dark corner of the dance floor. When I found him, he was groping your breasts while you ground your ass against his pants."

"After that song ended, you staggered back to the table. Chad pulled me aside and had me give him a blowjob outside the men's room. Several of the guys there wanted a piece of me, but Chad told them he had a better slut he was working. So he told them just to hang out back here, and he would let them fuck her."

She refused to look at me. "After I got Chad off and made it past the group of men that thought it would be hilarious to pinch and grope me, I found you at the table. Cindy and Debbie had left somewhere."

"You needed to piss, so we walked to the restrooms. Thankfully, the assholes left us alone, and I got you into the women's room. You finished, and I came up behind you."

"You were already turned on, so it didn't take long to get you right to the edge before I stopped."

She looked at me, kind of sadly. "You begged me to let you cum. I told you the only way was for you to find someone to get you off."

"We went back to the dance floor, and after a little more alcohol, you had to piss again. I was going to go with you, but Chad showed up and pulled me away."

She stopped, finally looking at me. She looked so lost it almost broke my heart. Part of me wanted nothing more than to hold her, but the bitch part wanted her to suffer a little more. Sadly, the bitch won.

"Stop fucking stalling, Beca," I snapped.

"Sorry. You wandered into the back, trying to find the woman's room, I guess. Somehow you ended up in the men's room instead. Chad and I had followed you. I think he would take you into one of the private rooms. When you walked into the men's room, he laughed like a little kid and high-fived a couple of the guys hanging out back there."

"He told them this was the slut he was talking about and if they wanted to fuck you to come with him. So the entire group followed you into the restroom. He had a couple of his employees blocking the door to make it a private party."

Tears were running down Beca's face as she continued. "The guys made me watch but wouldn't let me interfere as he convinced you to let them hold you above the urinal to piss. After you finished, you wanted to wipe. He laughed and guided you over to a stall. You could barely walk at this point."

Beca looked away.

"He managed to get you bent over and fucked you. "

Cindy and Debbie both looked shocked.

I guess they didn't know about this part of the evening, I thought.

"Everyone one of the assholes fucked you at least once. They made me watch as you begged to be fucked. By the end, you had passed out, laying across the toilet."

"He told everyone to leave you there and pulled me back into the club. I tried to get you some help, but he wouldn't let me. It took about fifteen minutes to get away from him. When he finally let me go, he told me to take you into the women's room and entertain some of his guests."

"I hurried back to the men's room to find you. But by then, some guy had found and rescued you from the men's room. I thought he had fucked you too but realized he was a nice guy who wanted to protect you."

So, not everyone at the club worked for Chad or at least agreed with what he was doing, I thought.

"You were sitting at a table with the guy who got you out of the restroom. He told me where he found you and that I needed to get you to a hospital. You didn't want to go for some reason, not that Chad would have let me take you either way."

"I took you to the restroom and cleaned you up. I kept teasing you, getting you turned on again. You were begging to cum at that point. Finally, I told you that you had to work for it. The women that Chad wanted you to service came in, and you got them all off."

"Chad had Cindy and Debbie come in at the end to get you off. You saw them in the video."

Cindy and Debbie were blushing and refusing to meet my eyes.

"Since when do either of you like licking pussy?" I asked, embarrassing both of them even more.

I could tell Debbie was still uneasy talking about it, but I knew Cindy couldn't keep the secret of what had happened to herself.

Right on queue, "It wasn't by choice," Cindy muttered. "Do you remember Kevin?"

"The loser that you married right out of college? What about him?" I wasn't in the mood for a walk down memory lane.

"Well, what I never told any of you, he pushed me to, well sleep with other men. He had the idea of joining a swinger club. Unfortunately for me, only couples could join. I told him no multiple times, but he kept pushing it."

She looked out through the window. "Well, about a month after Kara was born, he got me drunk and took me to the club. It was horrible. Full of older men, and I don't want to sound crass, some hideous men. Even drunk, I didn't want this. Anyways, the next day I told him that I was leaving him."

"I moved out and later married Robert. He is stable and a good provider. He also takes care of Kara since Kevin never sends support."

I knew that she had issues with Robert and doubted that relationship would last either.

"Chad found Kevin somehow. The bastard had a video of me fucking all these different men. He bought a copy from Kevin and threatened to send it to my parents, husband, work. You name it. He already had all their contact information."

"I didn't know what to do, but the thought of my father seeing that video broke me down. I wanted to kill Kevin for putting me in this position."

I could hear the anger and frustration in her voice and felt sorry for her.

"I agreed to do what he wanted. I told Robert that I had to leave town for a family emergency for a few days. He didn't care as I had someone take care of Kara, and he wasn't paying for either."

"The flight to New York wasn't bad, and Chad met me at the airport. He had a limo waiting and everything. When we both were seated, he had me take off my top and bra and give him a blowjob in the back of the limo."

"He has a pretty big cock, and I wasn't able to get more than a few inches in my mouth. I sucked and licked on him until he unloaded. He held my head so I couldn't pull off, making me swallow everything. The rest of the trip, he had me lay across his lap so he could grope me."

"When we got to the hotel, he had me get out topless and suck on the driver's dirty cock. Is it that hard to keep the damn thing clean?"

"After a few minutes, Chad have me fuck the driver as well. The asshole said it wasn't fair teasing the driver and not putting out. Thankfully he only lasted a few minutes."

"He wouldn't let me put my top back on."

Cindy had tears running down her face. "Chad pulled me into an empty conference room and had me fuck a lot of different men who worked for the hotel. I don't know how long it was before I had finished all of them."

"He told me to shower and get cleaned up before Chad took me to see Felicity. She runs an escort service for women seeking women. I told her I wasn't interested. She didn't care. After a couple of days of working for her, I gave up. I found out Chad had taped each encounter, and which he added to the videos he would send my dad."

Tears streamed down her face as she finished her story. I pulled her close and hugged her, whispering in her ear that it would be ok. Even though I wasn't sure, it would be.

Cindy pulled away and looked at me. "At the club, I wanted so bad to warn you, but I was afraid of what Chad would do. When you were in the women's room, I watched as you serviced Gia and Felicity. I sat on your back and fingered you. You needed to have some pleasure given what the asshole put you through. I ended up licking and kissing your pussy."

Cindy sat silently, crying a little at her memories.

"Your turn Strech," I told Debbie. It was the nickname I gave her the first day we met. To my knowledge, I was the only one who could call her that too.

The nickname caused her to smile, but it faded as she started her story.

"Chad took a different approach with me," she said, running her fingers around the rim of her glass.

"He bought the startup company where I work. A few weeks after the sale finished, I was called into HR. I had no idea what was going on, but Chad sat at the desk instead of the normal HR manager. He told me that he was going to be letting me go, some nonsense about duplicated work function."

"I had just bought a new house, and Steve was out of work with a broken leg. I begged for him to find something else for me to do. He thought about it and said he understood my problems and wanted to help."