Giving Thanks Pt. 01

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Thanksgiving had a different meaning in my new family's life.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/09/2023
Created 11/06/2023
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Second chapter already in progress but I prefer to split longer ones like this up. Plans for this to have a second half then another few chapters if it's received well enough. No male/male stuff in this one but does contain anal, consider yourself warned if you're not into that! Thank you for reading.

I had met my fiancé Melissa at a New Years party my friends had organized. We both suspect (but were thankful) that we'd been set up but she is amazing, every bit the perfect woman in my eyes and we quickly fell in love. She is beautiful, petite frame, amazing breasts and a body most women would kill for. She knows I call her my mini supermodel; she would definitely be on a runway if she was a foot taller but I wouldn't change anything about her.

She came across as quiet at first, think 'sultry librarian' but once she got comfortable with me it was like I'd awoken a sleeping vixen and she is easily one of the most passionate and kinky women I'd ever been with. She moved in with me and we set about making my apartment 'our' home and after 3 months of living together, I knew I wanted to spend my life with her and proposed during a romantic weekend at the lake.

I'd met her sister Gina a few times, she was equally as pretty but a few years younger and was well into the party scene at college. Being 25 at the time, I was thankful to be past all that and so was Melissa. Thanksgiving was coming up though and Melissa was very apprehensive about me meeting the rest of her family. It actually became a point of stress for her but I didn't understand why.

"Melissa, there's nothing in this world that is going to scare me away from you. I've told you about my supposed family and why I don't see them so I doubt there's anything to push me away with yours," I said, we were talking after having made love.

"Your family are mostly in jail, it's almost easier for you," she replied.

"There's that little frown again. I love you with all my heart, Melissa, you are perfect in every way, you're worrying about nothing."

"I'm going to remind you that you said that."

"You won't have to, everything is going to be fine."

We didn't talk about it and just continued with our lives until the time arrived. We were to join her family for Thanksgiving at their lake house, it was a few hours drive away but she said the views were worth it and as we pulled up the private road, she was right. She stopped me from getting out when we'd parked and turned in her chair to face me.

"I want you to know, I love you with all my heart, Marcus. You've given me all I could ever want in a man and more. If your opinion of me and our life together changes after this weekend, just know that I will understand and won't hold anything against you if you walk away," she said, she had tears welling up in her eyes.

I touched the side of her neck and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Melissa, short of this being a retreat to cook meth or cut cocaine like I'd expect from my own family, there is nothing that would ever change my love for you. We are going to be fine," I said.

"Well, just keep your mind open, okay?"

"You know it is."

She kissed me then we got our bags and headed inside.

"Finally! She's here!" said a woman, she pulled Melissa to her and gave her a warm hug.

"Whatever, I don't see any other cars, I'm earlier than usual," replied Melissa.

"And this must be the man responsible for getting my neice here on time for a change, I'm Bethany, Melissa's aunt," said the woman. She hugged me and kissed me on the lips.

"Hey, he's mine!" laughed Melissa. "Where's Mom and Dad?"

"Still getting the rooms ready, Gina got drunk last night and did one of the 6 rooms she was supposed to. They should be almost done."

I took both bags and followed Melissa to the other side of the house, her Mom spotted us coming and pulled her Dad out to greet us. They both hugged Melissa and turned to greet me.

"So, you're the young man who's stolen my girls' heart. She has been happier than I've ever seen her since you two met, it is wonderful to meet you," said her Mom, she pulled me to her for a hug and also kissed me on the lips. I was a little shocked.

"Great to meet you," said her Dad. I went to shake his hand but he hugged me too. Melissa laughed at the look on my face.

"Sorry, I should have warned you, we are a very affectionate family, we shake hands with strangers but you are almost family now and we hug," added her Dad.

"None of the men will try and kiss you so you can relax," laughed her Mom.

"It's great to meet you too, Mr. and Mrs. Green," I said, smiling.

"You can quit with that Mr. and Mrs. nonsense first of all. I'm Frank and this is Mary, it really is good to meet you," said her Dad.

"Is our room ready, Mom, I'd like to freshen up before the others arrive," said Melissa.

"Yes, you can thank your sister for not having all of them ready like she was supposed to. We're almost done with this one but take the corner room," said Mary.

Melissa led me to a nice room, each of them had en-suite bathrooms and a queen bed, the corner room we got had an extra window and a beautiful view of the lake.

"This is beautiful, I could easily live here," I said, looking at the view.

"No, you couldn't. You may notice no cell signal and there no wi-fi. The internet is intentional, Dad didn't want us up here just on our phones but the lack of cell signal was accidental but welcomed. Our great grandparents started building this place and each generation has made upgrades and improvements over the years but it's classed as a vacation property, we'd get slammed for taxes if we use it more than so many times a year. Typically, it's every Thanksgiving and every second summer but if I know Dad, he'll want us to get married here. It really is beautiful in summer."

"As long as it's you that I'm marrying, I'll be happy where ever makes you happy my love," I said, kissing her.

"We can decide that all later my love. Want to shower with me?"

"You already know the answer to that."

"No sex though so don't get too excited."

Showering with Melissa was always fun, rubbing soap over her pert breasts quickly had me hard but she was serious about no sex and I let my erection deflate while we got dried off. We dressed in comfortable clothes then made our way to the lounge to wait for the rest of her family to arrive. A man came through the door with an armful of logs, Gina was close behind him.

"Holy shit, Gina doing manual labor!" laughed Melissa.

"Fuck off, really not in the mood," snapped Gina.

"Great to see you too, Sis," replied Melissa, still grinning.

"She's just pissed she had to help me, she had a nice easy gig cleaning rooms and making beds but being so hungover she was taking so long. She puked twice in the woods already," laughed the man.

"Marcus, this is my Uncle Gary, Bethany's husband," said Melissa.

Gary brushed himself off after putting the firewood down and hugged me.

"Sorry, hope I didn't give you any splinters, is good to meet you, her Mom hasn't shut up about you," he said.

Gina put her wood down and hugged Melissa then myself.

"I need to brush my teeth so I'm not kissing either of you. Sorry I was a bitch, I need some aspirin and a gallon of water," said Gina.

"You knew we were up here, why did you get drunk?" asked Melissa.

"Wasn't planned, Sis."

"Melissa, we could use you in the kitchen, Steve and Claire should be here soon but you can come out and make introductions when they arrive. Gina, go shower then come and help too, are you feeling better?" said Mary.

"Yes, Mom, I'll be quick," replied Gina.

"Anything I can help with?" I asked.

"Nope, everything but the food is already done, kitchen is all on the women so we just relax," said Gary.


"I love you, relax and enjoy the views," said Melissa after kissing me.

"Love you too," I replied.

"I can see by your face you're not used to all this, when Bethany first introduced me to the family, I was pretty apprehensive about all the affection but you get used to it. Everyone here is all about love as a family, no politics, no fighting allowed at all. We don't even drink while we're here, it really is refreshing from the shitty people that we have to deal with in our lives," said Gary, inviting me to sit with him.

"It is nice. My family are mostly in jail or headed that way when they get caught. I got away from them as soon as I was old enough, I watched so many lives being destroyed by the drugs they make or sell and I hate it," I replied.

"I can see that being hard. You're into computers, right?"

"Yes, makes me a good living and I enjoy it."

"Always important. So how did you meet Melissa? She was always quiet, wonderful young lady as I'm sure you already know but we worried she'd be too shy to find a man."

"Our friends deny it but I think they set us up, we met at a party and we just hit it off right away. Not mad at our friends, Melissa is everything I've ever hoped to find in a woman and I'd only want to thank them." Gary laughed.

"It's good to have friends like that who care. Oh, I'll go grab your lady, Steve and Claire are pulling up."

Melissa came out to be with me, Gary went out to help Claire with her bag. Melissa almost ran to greet Claire, she was first through the door.

"You are glowing my love, it's wonderful to see you," said Claire as she hugged Melissa.

"Well come and meet the man who's caused that. Marcus, this is my favorite Aunt, Claire and my almost favorite, Steve," said Melissa with a grin.

Melissa hugged Steve and kissed him on the lips. Claire greeted me the same way the other women did too, warm hug and kiss on the lips, Steve just hugged me.

"I'm the youngest of Mary's sisters, we'd spend a lot of time together growing up. It is great to meet you, Marcus, Melissa has told me a lot about you," said Claire.

"You guys have the blue room, I gave Melissa the corner," said Mary, stepping out of the kitchen.

"Hey Sis, it's good to see you," said Claire as she hugged Mary.

"Well, get settled then come help in the kitchen, there's not much left to do so take your time," said Mary.

"He let me nap when it was his turn to drive, I'll go wash up then I'll be right there," replied Claire.

After chatting with Steve and Gary for a while, we were summoned to the spacious dining room by Frank and Mary. The spread was amazing, everything you'd expect for a Thanksgiving dinner, all piping hot and cooked to absolute perfection. Melissa insisted on making my plate, I enjoyed it but could have eaten more. Melissa said she didn't want me to get full but didn't explain why. Once the food was all cleared away by the women, Mary had them all sit at the table as Frank handed out small stone bowls as Mary brought out a couple of bags containing herbs. She passed the bags between them and they all took small handfuls of each and began breaking them up into the bowls.

"What is that they're making, some kind of desert?" I asked.

"Uhm, something like that. You'll see, their prep is something they do together but Melissa will explain when they're done," replied Frank.

"Is it cold enough for a fire or will it be fine in there?" asked Steve.

"Yea, let's leave the ladies to it and get one going."

Melissa just smiled at me as I followed the men back to the lounge. Frank got a few blankets out of the closet and set them at the end of the couch while Steve and Gary built the fire. What happened next had me shocked. Maybe 10 minutes later, all 4 women came out of the kitchen holding their bowls in front of them. They were all completely nude! I didn't know where to look, Melissa's mom had large, amazing breasts, as did Claire and Bethany. Gina was pretty skinny but still had an ample chest. Melissa was looking right at me with a beautiful smile on her face, I thought I was being pranked. Frank had us stand in line in front of the fire as Mary walked up to me.

"This is our tradition and I'm delighted that my daughter trusts and loves you enough to join us for the first time. My daughter, Gina, has earned the right to join us too. Each of us will give you a pinch of our special blend of herbs that only grows here in the mountains. You should wait until each of us has given then you chew until it's moist enough to swallow. The herbs give men stamina and increased arousal, you'll be able to stay hard for as long as we need you to without pain or discomfort. When we are satisfied, you will be allowed to shower with Melissa and the herb will be mostly gone from your system by tomorrow afternoon. Open," said Mary.

I still thought I was being pranked, Mary had me open my mouth and put a pinch of her herb mixture in my mouth. Each of the women did the same to all of the men then the women got the blankets and set arranged them on the couch. The herbs didn't taste of anything in particular but once I swallowed them, I quickly felt their effects. Frank had me undress as Gary and Steve were already doing and I felt my skin tingling all over and felt a little warm. I was also rampant, looking at the 4 pairs of breasts had my cock hard and throbbing by the time I stood naked.

"Oh my, no wonder she kept him," said Gina, staring at my cock.

"The women worked hard to make us a wonderful meal. We give thanks to them by giving them great pleasure. We're all clean and you don't have to do anything you don't want to but we each get to make love to every woman here and keep doing so until they're fully satisfied. Marcus, you're young so I'd like you to prepare Gina when you've prepared Melissa," said Frank.

I was about to ask what he meant by prepare until I saw Steve get between his wife's legs and began to eat her pussy. Gary did the same to Bethany and Frank got between Mary's legs after fondling her breasts. I looked at Melissa for any sign of 'ha, you fucking wish, perv' but she just mouthed, 'come to me' and I knelt before her.

"I love you, Marcus, give yourself to my family and join us," she said then kissed me softly.

Melissa laid back on the couch and opened her legs, I looked over at the other women who were all moaning and enjoying their men's tongues so I did the same and began to lick and explore Melissa's beautiful, shaved pussy the way she liked it. She tasted amazing, I'd always loved eating her pussy but that time was different somehow, not just because she was sitting next to her naked Mom and Aunts but I assumed the herb affected my tastebuds too. I licked and teased her labia, savoring her juices then when her arousal grew, I licked closer to her clit and rasped it until she came. She moaned my name, shaking as her juices flooded my mouth. She gently pulled my head away and then kissed me, her face red from her climax.

"Now give the same to my Sister," she said to me.

"A.. are you sure?" I replied.

"Marcus, before this day ends you will be making love to every woman here. Make her cum."

I almost expected to wake up, for it all to be a dream but as I slid a broad tongue up the length of Gina's pussy, I knew I was awake. She had a little hair but was very neatly trimmed, she was just as tasty and I explored her, listening to her soft moans as I licked her. She became more vocal when I eventually rasped her clit, she held on to my head when she came, flooding my mouth with her cream like her sister had just done moments before. She let me go when she was spent and gazed at me as she caught her breath.

I looked over and everyone was watching us, I felt guilty all of a sudden but nobody said anything to me. Mary and Melissa smiled at each other then all the women got up and knelt on the couch. Frank got behind Mary and pushed his cock into her and started fucking her, then Steve and Gary did the same with their wives. Melissa pulled me to her and I held her waist as I pushed my throbbing cock inside her. She felt wonderful, the tingling I felt on my skin was almost magnified on my cock and every thrust felt like it was the first time I'd been inside a woman. The room was soon filled with the sounds of sex, bodies slapping together only drowned out by the moans coming from the women. I'd never been naked in front of so many women before, had certainly never had sex in front of other people before but it felt right somehow. I managed to last through 3 of Melissa's orgasms before I couldn't hold back anymore, I pushed deep into her and exploded, emptying everything I had deep inside her. The others had already cum and the women were sucking the men back to hardness. I didn't go soft, I was still hard when I pulled out of Melissa.

"Your first time with this stuff will not let you go soft for at least 3 times my love. You can please my sister now," said Melissa as she caught her breath.

"Should I clean off?" I asked.

"Don't you dare," said Gina.

Gina was still soaked from my tongue, I pushed into her with one deep thrust and after she gasped, she started to moan and loudly tell the room it felt really good. Having just cum, I lasted for ages. Gina seemed to be climaxing every 3rd or 4th thrust and she loved it. The other men were hard again and they stood watching as I fucked Gina. I felt myself getting close and I pushed in deep to cum, surprised I had another full load to spray into Gina's pussy. I pulled out of her and my cock softened a little but Melissa quickly got between Gina's legs and licked her and that got me hard again right away. Mary beckoned me to her as Frank got Melissa up onto her knees again and pushed his cock into his daughter and began to fuck her hard, Steve and Gary swapped places and did the same with their new partners.

"I like it nice and hard young man, your cock is very nice and I know I'll enjoy it," said Mary as she presented her ass to me.

I was in a daze, Mary was very wet but wonderful and tight, I held on to her generous waist and slammed into her the way she wanted, her urging me 'harder' until I was really fucking her hard. By the time I'd cum again, Mary could barely hold herself up she'd cum so much and she sat down with a big smile on her face as I stood catching my breath. Bethany and Claire were sucking their men back to hardness again, Melissa and Gina were taking turns sucking Frank until he got hard again and once she'd caught her breath enough, Mary took me into her mouth and looked up at me as she sucked. Her tongue was amazing and before long she had my cock hard and throbbing again, surprisingly without the ache I'd usually get being hard again so soon. Bethany and Claire were just as wonderful to be inside, I managed to get hard again to give Gina another fuck but she was wiped when we were done. She kissed Melissa then her Mom on the lips then left to go to her room.

Melissa had me sit down, I was pretty worn out, as were the other men and the women were sat straddled their own partners, gently kissing them. Melissa did the same to me, a slow stream of cum leaking over my cock from her as she gently kissed me.

"I know I'm done my love, are you?" said Mary to Melissa.

"Yes, Mommy," she replied.

Bethany and Claire replied they were done too.

"Take him to shower then come to our room my love," continued Mary.

Everyone left for their own rooms, I was still in a daze but I enjoyed the hot water washing over my body and enjoyed Melissa touching and kissing me even more. When we were clean, we dried off together and she held me close to her. She had a soft, sated smile on her face and looked into my eyes.

"I love you so much. I'm so happy I got to share my family with you. How do you feel?" she asked softly.

"I'm still in shock really. You're truly okay with what I just did?" I asked.

"Marcus, my love. I just received my Father and 2 uncles, ate my sister's pussy in front of you while you fucked my Mom, Sister and Aunts. I knew this was going to happen and I am so happy I get to keep you. Yes, I'm really okay with what we did. Come, let's go and get your debrief."