Go Big! Ch. 02

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Or get out of town.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/22/2021
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Chap 2 --- Go Big

Or Get out of Town

My thanks to HighLuster who agreed to edit my ramblings and construct a story written and punctuated in English! This has been a new experience for me and I can see the positive impact from his efforts. It is amazing what a trained eye can spot and what a trained editor can then correct. He has been able to spot my errors in both grammar, consistency, and calls out any technical BS that slips in. He has made the story better than it would have been otherwise.

With that said, this is another Tom and Tonya story and once again, this is a completely different Tom and Tonya from last time. I just like the names!

This is a long story and the resolution comes at the end, so if you we ever get that far you should read to the end, saving most of your comments for then.


Previously in Chapter 1

"That was some of the best sex that Tom and I ever had," she thought. "Was it just the fact that I was keyed up all day from the big cock talk?" She knew the afternoon masturbation session had a lot to do with her passion. It made her hot for the real thing. "Certainly, a big cock couldn't make it any better. Could it?" she wondered. She thought back to the feeling of fullness the dildo gave her as she pumped it into her snatch. "If Tom's seven inches felt that good how much better would twelve inches feel?" she thought and then dismissed the though immediately as being unhelpful. She turned her attention to washing Tom's body.

Chapter 2

Tonya was at work the following Tuesday. She'd just finished her weekly report to senior management and was walking back to her office. Al followed her out.

He greeted her. "Hi Tonya. Nice work as always. Do you have a minute, I have a favor to ask?"

"Of course I do. Let's head over the cafeteria and you can buy me a coffee to butter me up!" Tonya smiled playfully.

When they were seated Al began, "We're working on finalizing the list of employees that we want to send to the International Finance Law Seminar coming up next month. Most of the usual characters will be going. You're on the list of course. There are two things I'm looking to you for help with."

"What do you need?"

"Well, we have the seminar roster largely completed. We have four seats left and we want to use them for some of our new analysts. It might be a bit advanced for some of them, but both Art Wilson and I think it would be a cost-effective way to introduce our latest people to their colleagues from other branches."

Al took a sip of coffee and continued, "Tonya, you've been a great manager for some time. So now I want to offer you a stretch opportunity."

"Wow Al, I'm humbled," Tonya said. "I just try to do my best."

"You do, Tonya, and it is noticed," Al replied. "Here's what I need. Please pick the last four attendees for me from this list of candidates. Give Mary a call and she'll get the personnel files to you if you need them. That's the easy part. The harder part is a growth opportunity for you. I want you to be our group's leader at the seminar."

Tonya's face lit up at the suggestion. If she pulled it off it would be another stepping-stone on her career path.

"I know I'm asking a lot," Al went on. "And I do know that we usually ask a senior manager to head up our delegation at global conferences. However, I have two reasons for asking you to act in my stead. First, crypto is taking off and I need to be here giving it my full attention. The second reason for the request is personal. My oldest is on a traveling soccer team. The divisional playoffs are scheduled for the same week that the seminar is. We think the team will go the distance, so, of course I want to be at the game."

"Some folks thought about drafting Bill from Arbitrage, but Art didn't like that idea. But when I mentioned your name, he came on board right away."

"I hardly know what to say. I'm just so overwhelmed by your confidence."

"It's well-placed Tonya. You're on the fast track to a senior position so this seemed like a natural thing to do. You'll be acting for me and will therefore have all the authority that a senior manager has. I even talked Art into giving you a bump in your pay. Think of it as a small bonus, to go along with the added responsibility. So, I guess you're in. Can I count on you to represent our delegation and our division?"

"Absolutely! I'm so pleased that you believe in me. Thank you so much for your trust; I won't let you or Art down. I couldn't ask for a better friend." Tonya was gushing.

Tonya called Mary and asked for the personnel files she needed. When Mary dropped them off, Tonya thanked her, then began the review. The list of candidates had 10 names on it. She had to pick four of them to complete the team. She scanned the list and there in the group of names and near the bottom was a name she recognized--Peter Warren.

Tonya felt butterflies in her stomach. Why did she suddenly feel so anxious? She hadn't even met Peter Warren; he was just a name from a conversation. "If he's qualified, I'll pick him," Tonya thought. "If not, then someone else more qualified gets the seat."

It had been more than a week since Tonya had heard about Peter and his spectacular attributes from Susan. Her toy, also called Peter, was still hidden away untouched since the one time she used it. The sex with Tom had been intense since the day she'd been with her plastic Peter, so Tonya thought she had successfully managed to exorcize her curiosity.

But now, after seeing that name printed on the sheet, Tonya's curiosity came sneaking back. She knew she just needed to be professional and objective. Despite her efforts to be objective, to banish the destructive thoughts from her mind she once again had thoughts of what a truly big cock would feel like in her pussy.

Tonya shook her head to clear the invading thoughts and got back to work. She set the list aside for the moment and would work it later when her head was clear. Even though she told herself that she would be the perfect example of propriety, she knew Peter Warren would be on the final list.

She reviewed each candidate's personnel file and spoke with each of their supervisors for first-hand feedback. Each manager with one notable exception endorsed Tonya's selection. When she called Peter's direct supervisor, he was decidedly cool to the idea of Peter representing his group at the conference.

"He's smart as a whip Tonya," Bob told her over coffee, "I won't argue that but..."

"Out with it, Bob. Peter's name was floated down from the execs so if there's something that I need to know, well, don't sugar coat it."

"He's smart Tonya but he's also cocky as hell. He really thinks he's God's gift womanhood and treats every good-looking woman like a potential conquest.

"This isn't just me talking. He's been in my group a little over three months and he's gained quite a reputation. I mean what he does on his time is his business, until it rolls over into mine. I'm not happy about dealing with a blubbering woman every time Lothario leaves her and moves on to the next.

"I guess what I'm saying is that this is your first big gig Tonya. People are going to be watching. Are you really sure you want to put up with a bad boy on top of everything else? There's no telling what kind of chaos he could cause in that environment, it's like giving Dillinger a gun, for cryin' out loud!" Exasperation was evident in his voice.

Tonya nodded. "I hear ya. Let me give this a think. It's never good form to be seen second guessing the 9th floor." But as the words were leaving her mouth, she knew Bob's warnings didn't matter.

By the end of the afternoon the list was completed. Tonya planned on sending it over to Al in the morning for final approval. Peter Warren's name was third; she didn't anticipate any push back.

At home that evening Tonya told Tom about having been selected to lead the group going to the seminar. She was gushing with excitement. Tom was happy for her; he knew that visible leadership would boost her career. To his mind she deserved the trust and was certainly ready for her next step up the management ladder.

About a week later Tonya got another call from Al. "Hi Tonya. Just wanted to let you know that everything has been approved for the trip. You should get your travel package tomorrow."

"Thanks Al. I'm looking forward to the trip."

"I know this is YOUR gig and I'm not going to tell you how to manage it..." Al started in a hesitantly.

"I hear a but coming..." Tonya said.

"Ha. Yes Tonya it is. But, one of the things I've found helpful is meeting individually with people I haven't worked with before. You know, to introduce myself, find out a little more about them, and to give them a summary of my expectations. It saves a lot of grief from miscommunications.

Then during the week prior, I call the group together for a quick briefing. There are usually some questions so if you'd like, I'd be happy to sit in on your group meeting, just to provide support if it's needed."

"That's why you're a legend around here. You think so far ahead of everyone else. I agree with you. I'll get to work setting up those one-on-ones and get a conference room booked for the Wednesday before we leave. Thank you." Tonya looked a little sheepish but decided that honesty was always the best way forward. "I feel stupid that I didn't think to do that."

"I didn't bring it up to make you feel stupid nor to criticize you. I have a few years on you, and we all learn along the way. I'll always make sure you benefit from my lessons-learned whenever I can." Al answered, sincerely.

"Thanks. I know other seniors that wouldn't be nearly as generous as you are. I appreciate how you look out for me."

"You're certainly welcome. Candidly, I see you as a surrogate for the daughter we never had. I hope you don't mind; I try not to let it show."

"I've always been grateful for your friendship. I would be honored to be your office daughter." She grabbed his hands in hers and kissed them. "I couldn't ask for a better father figure."

"OK then," Al said clearly flustered. He put his work face back on. "Back to work. I'm expecting great things from you."


By the end of that week, Tonya had spoken to five of the six people that she had not yet worked with. She had the conference room scheduled. The meeting notice had gone out and been acknowledged by each team member. She had only one more personal meeting to conduct--Peter Warren's. They were scheduled to leave Sunday next, to arrive ready for Monday morning.

Tonya was nervous. She hadn't anticipated the push-back she got from Peter's manager. At the time, she was clever enough to use the corporate conventional wisdom which encouraged stretch goals and challenging new hires to justify her choice to him to her advantage. She wasn't sure if he bought it and stopped thinking about it any further.

She had mentally rehearsed the meeting several times to prepare for all contingencies and now the meeting was imminent. She would meet Peter Warren this afternoon. Tonya felt ready.

At three o'clock promptly, Susan buzzed Tonya to let her know that her three o'clock had arrived. Tonya had not told her ahead of time that her appointment was with Peter, and she noted the little sing-song lilt in Susan's voice as she announced that it was him awaiting.

Tonya told herself that she would have to have a talk with Susan. She didn't want any gossip about Mr. Big Cock getting out. This meeting was strictly professional development. That's all. She told Susan to send Peter in.

Peter walked in and smiled. Tonya asked him to close the door and have a seat. She gave him the once over as he found his chair. Peter was tall, not quite 6 feet, and very trim. He looked to be the type that found himself in the gym several times a week and it showed. He had a very open face. There was no guile nor sense of deception in his smile, which that made him that much more attractive. He had sandy colored hair and like Tom, he wore it longer than most men in the office did. He was clean shaven; he looked comfortable in his skin.

"Thank you for coming Peter. We haven't met yet. I'm Tonya Andrews. I'm one of the supervisors for the International Group.

"I've heard a lot about you. It seems that you've made quite the impression in your short time with us. It's why you're getting this opportunity.

"This is the first year that our division is sending new hire analysts. We want to give them the experience, and exposure to the rest of the company."

"Thank you, Ms. Andrews. Those are kind words. It's always gratifying to hear that one's efforts are noticed," Peter replied. "I really look forward to this opportunity and you have my word that I'll do whatever it takes to justify your trust me."

"You're very welcome, and please call me Tonya. It's not flattery if it's true, Peter. From everything I've heard you're doing a great job. I'm looking forward to seeing how you perform at the conference."

Tonya flushed red as the words tumbled out of her mouth. God, was she really thinking that?

She quickly gathered her thoughts and continued. "At any rate, I encourage you to enjoy the opportunity and the first-class amenities of the resort we'll be staying at as well. It should be a wonderful experience. I look forward to seeing more of you."

She flushed again. "I meant," she smiled her best smile, "I look forward to working with you."

"Thank you, Ms. Andrews, uhh Tonya. I look forward to working with you as well. I'm looking for a mentor and from all I've heard you are someone to consider. Do you think you would take me on as your protégé?"

"Well let's see what comes up at the conference." Tonya couldn't believe the turn of phrase she used. flushed once more and tried to recover. "We can talk more about that when we get back. Thank you for stopping by Peter. Enjoy your weekend."

Peter nodded, smiled and left the office. "Ms. Andrews is fucking hot!" he thought. "Yeah, I'll be your protégé boy." He was smiling as he walked to his office. "This conference is going to be killer!"

Shortly after Peter left, Tonya knew what she needed to do. She usually left an hour early on Friday to head to the gym, but today, she would head home instead and pull her friend out of storage.

"Susan," Tonya called her assistant, "can you come in for a moment?"

Susan arrived with a big smile. "I see you've met Mr. Warren," she said with a conspiratorial grin.

"Susan! This is purely professional. Let's not have any inappropriate conversations, even if in fun. I've seen them cause difficulties and I don't want any," Tonya lectured.

Susan seemed contrite. "Oh no Tonya. I never meant to suggest..." Tonya cut Susan off with a wave of her hand.

"I know that Susan. But it's always good practice to clarify important issues. As women, we must work harder to be taken seriously. Any talk about special treatment for any of our male co-workers just undercuts our credibility."

"I understand Ms. Andrews," Susan said feeling like she was just unfairly brow beaten by Tonya.

"Mr. Warren gets the same treatment from me as anyone else on the team." Susan nodded. "Even if he does have a spectacular cock!" Tonya smiled and put her finger to her lips in an effort to put Susan at ease and get her back on her team.

Susan smiled, "Of course Ms. Andrews."

Tonya indicated that she would be leaving early. Susan nodded and sat at her desk. "That bitch is going to fuck Peter Warren," she thought, "and she doesn't want any witnesses blabbing. Good luck with that, but they won't hear it from me."

Susan had been working at Wolf for nine years. She saw four secret office romances blow up during the period. Someone ALWAYS blabs.


Tonya had cleaned up and packed Peter away long before Tom got home. Dinner was ready and they settled in to enjoy their Friday evening.

"I know we usually go out on Fridays, but do you mind if we stay in tonight, Tom?" Tonya asked.

"No, of course not. "Are you feeling ok?"

"Oh yes. I'm fine. I guess I just don't feel up to dealing with crowds tonight."

"Well, why don't I mix some drinks and we can sit in the hot tub. Do you want to call Barb and Stan?" Tom asked.

"How about just us tonight? We can have Barb and Stan over tomorrow."

"Deal." Tom replied and went off to make the drinks.

Tonya went out to the hot tub, pulled the cover off, checked the temperature, and turned the jets on before she stepped out of her clothes. She stood nude and felt that the tingle between her legs, the one that hadn't let up since her meeting with the real Peter this afternoon. Not even her session with the surrogate Peter was enough to quench the tingling.

Tonya had four orgasms while she fucked herself with her giant dildo this afternoon but she still felt horny.

"Thank God for Tom," she thought. She opened her labia with her left hand, rubbed her open pussy urgently, and brought her soaked fingers up to her mouth. She was dripping wet. She stepped into the tub to wait for Tom.

"Here you are baby." Tom said as he handed a frosty mug filled with Malibu rum and pineapple juice to Tonya. He set his drink on the table and stripped out of his shorts. He was already hard and Tonya smiled.

"You brought me a present." Tonya purred as she reached for Tom's hardness and slipped its length into her mouth. She started off slowly but with purpose, and soon had Tom's full length pushing down into her throat.

"Alright. It's time to give me that beautiful pussy of yours." Tom disengaged from Tonya and helped her to stand. He kissed her, turned her around and bent her at the waist.

Tonya backed up to the edge of the tub and pushed her ass out wantonly and gave it a little shake for Tom's enjoyment. "Sink it into me big boy," Tonya said. Then she grabbed her ass with both hands and opened herself to him completely.

Tom's pupils dilated. It didn't matter how many times he saw Tonya's sex; it bowled him over each time. He reached down and gave himself a couple of tugs in an unconscious check of his readiness.

Cock in hand he walked up to the tub, rubbed its head on her slippery lips and began to push it in. His cock slipped in up to his balls with the smallest of effort. Maybe it was because Tonya was spreading her pussy while she held her ass cheeks open, but her pussy felt strange again, like it did a couple of weeks ago, before getting back to normal. Until tonight that was. He felt that same lack of friction and the looseness he felt then. She normally fit him like a glove. Tonight, it was more like an oversize oven mitt.

The pair made love twice that night, despite Tom's confusion about what he felt (or didn't feel) when they coupled. The first time was in the tub and their second time was in their bed. They lay quietly enjoying the delicious feeling of coming down from their sexual high.

Tom decided to venture a question. "Tonya, are you doing any new exercises at the gym, any new work out routines?"

"I'm always trying something new at the gym. What makes you ask?" Tonya answered.

"I'm embarrassed."

"You never need to feel embarrassed with me. you know that."

He smiled back. "The reason I ask is, well, you didn't feel the same to me tonight," Tom said sheepishly. "Not that velvet glove I'm used to, and it made me wonder what the difference might be."

Tonya's blood ran cold. Fuck, she hadn't thought about that. Her session with Peter must have stretched her pussy out and Tom could feel the difference. She thought quickly.

"Now I'm embarrassed." Tonya said. "I've been trying this machine that they have for your thighs. I've only used it a couple of times because it's so difficult, but I wanted to work on my thunder-thighs today and gave it a go.

You start out with open legs and have to squeeze your legs together against the weight. I think I had too much weight on and as soon as I eased up the machine spread me WIDE open. I wonder if all that work opened me up. You can really feel me looser? She asked.