Go Deep Inside Me


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When I returned to the lobby, Sayuj was talking animatedly to a tall graceful woman, who introduced herself as the banquets manager who would handle our requirements end to end. She commenced her spiel and she was good at her job. It was a huge undulating resort, and we had the option of two open-air lawns where we could have the pre-wedding 'Sangeet' and 'Mehendi' ceremonies. Sangeet is the usual song and dance festivities and Mehendi, the traditional decorating of the palms, hands and feet of the women with intricate henna designs.

Then we had the option of holding the wedding ceremony outdoors, or in a huge indoor banquet hall. We were given various menu options for the various functions, the wedding breakfast and lunch.

The resort had an adequate number of rooms and cottages to accommodate the outstation wedding guests. The banquet manager showed us the types of rooms and cottages that were available and they seemed to very well fit into our requirements.

By the time we had seen the various venues and looked at the various menus, it was lunchtime. The restaurant had an excellent lunch buffet which we went for straight away.

As we ate, we conversed about the various things that we needed to plan for the various ceremonies and rituals. Between us, we felt that this was an ideal location for the wedding. I did find the rates rather high and said so to Sayuj.

"Don't worry about this. Once we have a count of the number of rooms we will need and the number of guests for each event, we will negotiate and bring down the prices. I know the people in the top management of this resort, and I am sure we can work things out. You can help me with the negotiations," he said with a wink and a grin.

"You are an amazing person, Sayuj," I gushed. "At every place, you were so polite and respectful to the staff that took us around. You just don't have any airs about you. Anyone who didn't know you would never guess you are such a successful businessman, or that you are wealthy."

"I started small, Sujata, and it was very hard work managing a business and being a single parent. So many people stood behind me during my difficult times. I can never forget those people or those days. I am a very small man, it is only my people, be they my family, friends, employees or customers who have brought me to where I am."

For the first time, I thought I detected a weariness in his voice. His words bore a tinge of sadness as if after achieving all this, he still missed something.

"Let's get some of those desserts that are on offer," I said. He got up with me and then heaped his plate with large helpings of all the fourteen types of sweet dishes that were at the counter.

I looked at his plate in astonishment. "I have a separate stomach for desserts," he laughed. Ladling liberal dollops of chocolate sauce on the multiple scoops of ice cream on his plate, he added mischievously, " I also do not put on weight easily and guess what, my sugar levels are normal."

"I wish I had a constitution like yours," I said as I nibbled guiltily at my small piece of cake.

"You are into some intensive gymming, so if your doctor has not placed any restrictions, you shouldn't either," he responded.

He called for the bill and then we got up from our chairs. "It is hot, but the sea breeze has set in and as promised, a walk along the beach should help us burn all the calories we added just now."

We walked out to the shoreline as the strong breeze hit our faces. I was glad I had my long hair in a plait, or it would have been quite unmanageable and messy. We stood for a while, watching the rough waves of the bay and then we walked parallel to the waterline. The soft sand made our balance tricky and somewhere I grabbed his arm to steady myself. He just brought his left arm around my shoulders and back and held me firmly as we continued our walk, mostly in silence.

A couple of hundred metres away, lay a large black canoe, that the local fisherfolk had dragged onto the beach, ostensibly for some repairs. The boat seemed to beckon us, or at least that is what I felt.

When we reached the boat and for a few paces were hidden from the resort and any onlookers looking towards the beach, his grip on my upper arm tightened and in one fluid movement, he swung me around from his left to his front. With a sharply drawn breath of surprise, I looked up into his eyes. He, at over six feet, was a foot or so taller taller than me.

As our eyes bore into each other, he spoke in a tone barely audible over the sound of the wind and the waves.

"I sense this intense electric feeling of attraction between us. Do you?"

I blushed, and with a wildly beating heart, I let my arms go around his waist and buried my face into his chest. But my body had other ways of betraying my feelings. My nipples, hard since the morning, poked through my blouse and the drape of my saree, pressing somewhere into his upper abdomen.

His hands tightened around me for a moment and then relaxed. "Look at me, Sujata," he murmured. As I started to comply, his right hand came to the front and with his forefinger, bent at its knuckle and placed under my chin, he tilted my face up. His eyes, looking deep into mine, asked if he could kiss me and my fluttering eyelashes accorded their consent.

The first contact of our lips was chaste and fleeting. They separated and touched afresh, this time, lingeringly. They moved as if they were speaking and that was when I realised they were moist. We had unconsciously licked our lips while starting to kiss. He broke off the contact again, then closing his eyes, brought his lips once more down on mine. This time, the tip of his tongue ran wetly all over my upper labrum before his teeth gently bit into my lower one.

I knew he could feel my nipples poking into him. His response was to take his left hand to the small of my back and pull me tight towards his body. I started to probe his mouth with my tongue and he let me in. I thought I heard a soft whimper before his tongue met mine in a high-voltage contact. If there were sparks, I did not hear their crackle but the temperature inside our mouths went up.

My autonomous sensory meridian response kicked in. As that euphoric tingling sensation travelled through my spine, I felt his right hand lightly caress my left breast. The sensation seemed to burn through my blouse. I sensed that the contact was tentative and exploratory so I increased the pressure of my lips on his and twirled my tongue frantically over and around his.

Encouraged now, his palms made full contact and the fondle started to turn into a gentle squeeze. With my lips firmly locked into his, I still managed to let out a moan of pleasure. He broke the kiss long enough to mutter,

"I feel like a teenager again,'" and then grappled my lips anew. My breast felt completely encased in his large hand, and as his fingers rhythmically squeezed, the centre of his palm rubbed my stiff nub.

My lips broke free from his, and with a raspy breath, I mumbled. "It is getting hot out here, and not just because of the sun." His face broke into a big grin, and with a quick twist of his body, he was beside me. His left hand held me to his side by my waist and with rather purposeful strides, he led me towards our cottage.

I fumbled with the key card and dropped it in my nervousness. He picked it up and swiped. The door unlocked and we were in. He plugged the card into its wall slot, and the lights and the air-conditioning came on. He had the presence of mind to latch the door and our arms went around each other.

"Sayuj, are we doing the right thing?" My voice sounded beseeching.

His voice sounded equally imploring. "If you think we are doing something wrong, just stop me. I will never go against your wishes," He must have waited five seconds for a response, and then I was held tightly in his arms and his lips fervently sought mine.

"I have wanted this from the moment I saw him," I said to myself as I resumed kissing him deeply. There was no point now in fighting my feelings.

He had, while kissing me deeply, manoeuvred me into the front room of the cottage. There he turned me around to face a large full-length mirror on one side. I gazed shyly at the reflection before me. The 'pallu' or upper drape of my saree was off my shoulder and trailing on the carpet. My breasts, encased in my cotton blouse, with just a hint of cleavage, were straining to be free. His hands held my waist as he stood behind me. The difference in our heights was so evident, the top of my head was just level with his heart. I felt coy and turned rapidly around to bury my face in his chest. Yet I did not bring up my pallu to cover my front.

He turned me around to face the mirror again. His left arm moved up to cup my right breast, and his right hand held my cheeks between his thumb and fingers, tilting my face back to look upon his. His mouth came down against mine, and his tongue snaked in. I sucked on it and then let it caress mine. This upside-down kiss had a different tingling feeling, as we accessed the underside of each other's tongue. I had never been kissed like this before.

By now, my nipples were on the verge of ripping through my clothes. Maybe he sensed that I needed relief, or maybe he was just desperate to undress me, for his fingers now moved rapidly, unclasping the small metal hooks that held my melons in check. I closed my eyes, not wishing to stare at my soon-to-be-denuded state when he hissed.

"Look at us, Sujata, look when I unravel the most beautiful woman on this planet!"

I was glad that I had worn a lacy bra. They enhanced the mystery of my breasts. As I kept looking, mesmerised by his moves, he slipped my blouse off. His two forefingers, tracing a path on my skin along the upper bra line, caused me to tingle with desire. They moved along my upper breast, tracing the shoulder straps and down my back. Then he unhooked me. The flimsy fabric fell forward, exposing more of my breasts. But he was kissing my back now. I couldn't see his face, only parts of his head as it bobbed behind me. His kisses were wet and the tip of his tongue exerted a gentle pressure on my skin. Then just as suddenly, his hands came to the front and tugged my bra away.

My boobies were now in full view. With all the exercises that I do, they stand proud, with hardly a sag to them. My fair skin, the darkish pink areola, and the nipples, swollen with an extra rush of blood made them look beautiful. I knew he would be pleased.

I could see the lust in his eyes as he stared at them in the mirror. I brought up my arms to shyly cover my exposed mammaries, only to have him hold my wrists and pull my arms back behind me. In a mischievous move, I freed my wrists and brought my arms up and around his neck. The movement made me arch my spine and my breasts jutted out. He gasped as his palms cupped my globes and his fingers gently pinched my nipples. Then his mouth sought mine again. It was a deep and high-pressure kiss coupled with strong rhythmic squeezes of my bosom. His hands clenched as his tongue intruded my mouth and relaxed as it retreated. Sayuj was playing my body as if it were a musical instrument. At that moment I realised he was a smooch and boobs man, a man whose sexual excitement revolved primarily around kisses and a woman's breasts.

I did not know if I was a good kisser, but I did know that I had a good pair and I was now determined to please him, pleasure him and give myself totally to him.

While still in total possession of my lips, he now proceeded to fumble with the folds and pleats of my saree. To those unaware, a willing woman in a saree is easily disrobed. In seconds, the garment lay in a circular pile around my feet. A sharp tug at my petticoat drawstring was all that was needed for it to slide down my legs to the floor.

I now had just my panties on and every other garment was on the floor. He let go of my mouth to admire my lithe figure. His smooth, soft hands continued to cosset my assets and tend to them indulgently.

Then he went down on his knees, his hands slipping caressingly down my sides. Gripping my hips firmly, he turned me around to face him. His lips were level with my navel, which he now began to kiss, sticking the tip of his tongue into my belly button and sending a shiver through me. But that was just a move to distract, as he already had a grip on the waistband of my panties which he rapidly slid down to my ankles.

I gripped his locks tightly in both my fists as he continued to kiss my tummy, his lips travelling south, inch by inch. I knew where he was headed. Those folds between my legs that he would soon part with his tongue, waited in anticipation. But this was going just one way. I was receiving more than I was giving and that had to change.

"Sayuj," I moaned, rather weakly. He looked up into my face. "Sayuj, I want you in my mouth when you take me in yours."

He stood up in a trice and swept me off my feet and into his arms. As he carried me towards the bed, he whispered,

"As you wish, my darling princess!" This was the first term of endearment that I heard from him.

As he lay me down on the firm mattress, I was up in a trice, grabbing at his tees and pulling them over his head. Enthused with my enthusiasm, he flopped beside me, twisting to his left, kissing me, while unfastening his belt. I knew he would be able to divest himself of his clothes faster than if I was undressing him, so I focussed on kissing him deeply and stroking his back and torso. By the time his trousers came off, I was all over his back, rubbing my boobs over it as my arms went around his neck and my lips fluttered all over his cheek.

I looked over his shoulders at that inevitable intumescence in his jockeys and the sticky dampness on its front.

"My turn now," I said seductively. He leaned back, resting both palms on the bed as my hands fluttered tantalisingly over his chest and abdomen to brush his bulge.

"Slowly, my sweetheart," he moaned. "It has been a very long time....." his voice trailed away.

"I understand, it has been a very long time for me too," I cooed entrancingly, as I got down from the bed and knelt before him. Looking deeply into his eyes, I slipped his briefs off. His cock sprung out and hit me hard on my chin. I gasped as I looked down at the long distance it spanned from his crotch to my face.

When I grabbed it tightly from the base with my left hand, my right still found enough meat to hold on to. A slight downward tug exposed his bulbous tip. Now that it was close to my face, I could detect a faint pleasant odour. I had long forgotten the smell of a man but I was certain that I liked the essence of Sayuj.

I puckered my lips to kiss the tip, intending to slowly gobble him up when he stopped me. I knew why.

"It is okay, baby, you can come, I can wait," I said, licking my lips, hoping to communicate that I wanted him. He raised me and swung me onto the bed. I understood his intentions and shuffled to lie down, my head sinking into the pillow. He spreadeagled me and as my breasts jutted out towards the ceiling, he began to kiss them. His tongue transferred their wetness to my skin.

I felt so vulnerable, yet cherished as his mouth began to suck on my nipples. He was being fair, alternating between them periodically, so that neither felt left out. His lips moved onto my tummy in a repeat of what he had done to me while I was standing up, but just as I wished he would hurry up, he swivelled around, presenting his long spindle of love to my face while burying his between my legs. While I eagerly kissed his glans, I felt his hands separating my thighs and with precision, his lips enveloped my womanhood and his tongue sought my core.

I gasped as a small wave of pleasure coursed through me and my now open mouth let his penis inside. As I sucked it and let my tongue roll all over it, he let out a cry of delectation. In a sensual rock and roll, I pushed my hips up into his face. and he responded by pushing his down my crotch.

Either Sayuj was skilled in cunnilingus, or having a real man replacing all my toys was having its effect on me. I was soaking wet, mostly due to my juices and partly due to his wet ministrations. Then out of the blue, with absolutely no warning of its impending arrival, a huge orgasm hit me. I would have let go of his organ and let out a full-throated scream, but just in time, I realised I was in a place where I could be heard by anyone outside the cottage. I kept him in my mouth and allowed myself a series of choked gurgles.

As I felt his lips leave me, mine relaxed their hold on his gorgeous hunk. He pulled himself out and lay beside me. I could smell myself on his face as he wrapped his arms tightly around me and sought my lips hungrily.

When he broke the kiss, I panted. "That was rather intense, wasn't it, baby?"

"We haven't made complete love yet, my pretty woman, there is much that remains to be done," he responded with a wicked smile.

My hand moved down to grip his hard-on again. "I want this inside me and so do you!"

"Yes I do, but I wasn't prepared for this, I don't have a condom."

I pulled at his penis gently in the direction of my vagina. "I will be okay, make love to me please."

He rolled over me. Snatching a couple of cushions on the head of the bed, he pushed them under my hips. Then he was stabbing blindly with his love dagger as he supported himself on the palms of his hand. I reached down to guide him into me. I could now understand that it had been a long time for him. His organ probed and stabbed at my not-too-familiar body. But soon enough, I could feel his tip engage with my entrance.

He seemed to gauge that I would be concerned about what his length and girth could do to me. But I was ready to bear any amount of discomfort for him. Even as I spread my legs wide to make the maximum space for him, he felt my tightness and whispered reassuringly,

"I will be gentle, MY Sujata, very gentle."

My! Did that 'MY' sound possessive? As he progressed another inch, I closed my eyes and uttered shamelessly,

"Go deep inside me, Sayuj, just go deep inside me. Fill me with all that you have."

I could feel him sliding slowly inside my snug passage. His span and his thickness caused a few spasms of discomfort, only to be soon replaced with a pleasurable ache. As my depth fully encased his length, as his smooth-shaven groin started to rub against my clitoris, he bent his elbows, letting his body come to rest against mine and flattening my breasts against his. His arms went around me as I pressed against him to eliminate all the gaps between us.

Allowing me to adjust to his size, he peppered my face with soft butterfly kisses, interspersing these with words of endearment. Gyrating my hips, allowing his tool to loosen me up with its elliptical movements, I egged him on. As if doing a push-up he retracted his length till he was almost out of me, only to sink back with a long drawn-out squishing sound.

Slowly our lovemaking took on a rhythm, the long deep strokes increasing in frequency. All this while, our eyes were locked on to each other. As our movements became more and more forceful, his chest would slap onto my breasts, adding to the flapping and squishing sounds that were emanating from our thighs and groin.

"Sayuj, you are making me come," I gasped.

"Tell me when and I will come with you," he responded excitedly.

A few passionate strokes later I signalled him, by letting off a huge moan, locking my legs tightly around his hips and bucking furiously against him.

He responded with one long deliberately deep thrust accompanied by a full-throated grunt as we exploded together.

We lay for a while with our lips locked. We intimately shared a lot of tongues, but intermittently we would share a lot of words.