Go or Not Go For It?


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During his PR missions, the Bench was usually supported by some other people of various importance from the marketing department depending on which customers were invited and where to. At one occasion even Alexandra had been asked to assist him during a one-day trip to a soccer match with two top teams in our national first division.

I still don't believe that anything happened between her and the Bench during that trip but I doubt that she noted herself how much her opinion about that asshole had changed soon afterwards. Instead of the usual sour comments about his bragging, she began to tell me about his exclusive BMW, which had an electronic speed limit at 250 km/h but capacity to do much more. He had showed her how easy the car did 200 km/h. I couldn't resist the temptation to ask her if he had a tiny penis because he needed such an extender.

She became angry and shouted, "I wish you had something to brag about."

"I have two lovely daughters, haven't I?"

She ended the arguing without caring to reply.

Then I began to note her slight but visible signs of changing her way of living. A little more interest in nice clothes for work, a little more time for make-up during the mornings and a little more attention to her hair. But little less attention to our children and our family matters.

When she almost skipped her planning for the big wedding, I understood that she had become fed up with the family life and obviously wanted to be an admired and courted party girl again. Only a miracle could save our family under such circumstances.

I don't believe in miracles, so I asked her, "Dear Alexandra, I don't think that I'm either blind or stupid and have noted that you are beginning to feel uncomfortable with me and the girls. I don't own you and if you really believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, of course you are free to find your Shangri La elsewhere. But it would be a great advantage if we could part as friends before any of us cause hate and crap with cheating."

She replied after thinking for a while, "You are wrong, completely wrong and if either of us is thinking about cheating, that's not me because I love my family and will never abandon you."

For a short time after that her interest in the family increased again but as I had feared, the happiness of our family was crushed with a big bang at the motel.

The local newspaper had a big picture of the painted cars with flat tires. Shortly everybody in town knew who owned them and the worst false rumors even said that he had been pimping her to paying customers. When some horny pussy hounds began ringing up Alexandra's job and ask for the "escort," her boss had enough and demanded that she take two weeks off.

The Bench got a real share of attention. As a well known former sport star, the nationwide spread tabloid newspapers couldn't resist all attempts to describe his part in what they called, "The Sex Scandal That Shocked the Sleeping Town" when the truth was that most people got a good laugh on behalf of the Bench and said that the bragging asshole got what he needed.

Even the Bench was asked to take a timeout because a sex buyer wasn't really what a serious company wanted working toward increasing the goodwill among preferred customers.

I had to arrange for Alexandra an apartment before I got her out from my house and I had to even stand surety for her rent. But after all, she was still the mother of my children and I couldn't deny that I still had some warm feelings for her. Our separation took me hard, very hard indeed and turned me almost into some kind of a wreck for a while.

If we had been living in a big city where most people neither know their neighbors nor care much about them, it is possible that, after some serious hullabaloo and counseling, we could be able to continue our relationship. But it was totally out of question in a small town where everybody knew everybody and a man who accepted a cheating wife was avoided like a leaper in ancient Rome.

The Bench's beautiful trophy wife Camilla filed for divorce while he was away from town during his timeout and had his belongings packed in cardboard boxes in their garage when he returned. He became furious and hit her so the neighbors had interfered and called for the police, who had kept him overnight. A new story in the tabloids.

One of Alexandra's best friends told me that Alexandra obviously had some feelings left for the Bench because she had connected him with an offer to share Alexandra's apartment, but he had replied, "You must be crazy if you think that I will live together with a damn cheating fuck slut."

Alexandra cried a whole night when she had understood that this asshole had only used her as a cheap whore when he persuaded her to cheat on her loving husband and pay a high price for getting nothing more than shame from their affair.

The next chapter in this sad story came only a few days later when the Bench was mugged and severely beaten and kicked between his legs. To my great fortune, I was bowling with my friends that evening and we remained there and drank a few beers after our game.

I was the first to be suspected for what had happened to the Bench. I didn't have the slightest idea about what had happened to him when two policemen came to my work early in the morning and began asking me about what I had done yesterday evening. I told them the truth about my bowling and the names of the guys who were there together with me. When they told me the reason for their visit, I told them the truth: that I would never feel sorry for what ever happened to that damn asshole.

Even Alexandra got a visit of the police but she knew nothing about what had happened to the Bench. She had been in her apartment with our children.

People in a small town used to help each other when they get in trouble and, whoever had punished the Bench, he or they had no reason to brag in public about that.

To my surprise I received a phone call at my job from the Bench's soon-to-be ex-wife Camilla, who wanted to see me. I agreed and we met on Saturday at an outdoor café in a park. Her reputation said that she was a rich daddy's spoiled daughter who had been a beautiful trophy wife for her famous husband during his heyday. She was still a very beautiful and classy woman, who in our town had a part time job at a lawyer's office.

She came to our meeting with her little boy Elliot. I hadn't seen Camilla since we met a few minutes in the motel room during the hullabaloo there. After some pleasant small talk, she asked me about Alexandra and me. I told her the truth, that we had chosen to walk different paths, but co-operated rather well about the children. She told me that she had dumped her husband. Then she wanted to know how much I knew about what happened to her soon to be ex-husband. Once again I told the truth, that I had spent the whole evening bowling and drinking beer with my friends and I didn't know anything about him until the police had told me the next day about what happened to him and asked me some questions.

Camilla surprised me by saying that if I had anything to do with it, she wanted to thank me because her husband had been a real creep toward her and Alexandra had not been his first cheating. I told her that I hadn't the slightest idea about who did it; it could very well have been a husband to one of his other preys or some citizens who felt sorry for the kids, her, Alexandra or me. We ended our meeting by me promising to help her with some matters in her house the next day.

It took me about two hours to fix the matters in her house, which she intended to put on sale. When I refused to accept any payment, she invited me to stay for lunch. I really began to like her and asked her if she wanted to see my daughters some day the next week. I suggested a picnic to a castle ruin at a lake, a nice and very popular picnic site when the weather was nice. It really happened to be perfect weather for a picnic that Wednesday evening and all of us had a good time.

To my great pleasure Camilla invited us for dinner at her house Friday evening. The dinner was a real success and she suggested that we stay overnight in her spare room so we could drink some wine after the children fell asleep. We did and had a very pleasant evening together.

She had many questions about Alexandra, how we had met, if I had ever cheated her or hit her during our quarrels. I told her the truth, that we hadn't had much arguing and that we were planning a big wedding. I would never take Alexandra back but wanted to have a fair relationship with her for our children. When she asked about my plans for the future, I told her that I had no plans but if the destiny brought me together with someone who could fall in love with a guy like me and I with her, I would do my best to be good to her.

Then Camilla told me about herself and her marriage. Her parents had never liked her husband whose newly rich and bragging behavior was very vulgar in their own opinion about how to take care of a fortune. Camilla's first time as wife to a well known sport star had been a great pleasure with a lot of invitations to all kind of events. But then it had begun to go downhill when she was pregnant with their child and couldn't go to all those parties and events they were invited to. She told me that her own experiences had taught her that money couldn't buy real love. She looked me straight in my eyes and said that if our ex-spouses decided to live together, she was sure that Alexandra would rather soon find out that she was the big loser.

I told Camilla that it would never happen because her ex had already told Alexandra that he would never want to live together with a shameless slut who cheated on her spouse. So much for that love story, which ruined two families.

Not even Camilla had made any plans for the future. She intended to sell everything that she owned together with her ex and share the money with him because he had almost nothing left of the big money he had earned as well paid professional soccer player. He had wasted everything on stupid enterprises and expensive toys like the BMW, which he nowadays could hardly afford to get insured. Camilla was very happy because he didn't want to share his money when they were married and, when he had economic problems, she had refused all his suggestions about that. Camilla would be free from him because he didn't demand shared custody of their son. She liked her job in this town and intended to stay for a while.

Then she looked straight in my eyes and said, "I hope that destiny will let me find real love."

We had a pleasant chat until almost three o'clock in the morning when we said goodnight with a tender hug.

When I was just dressed about nine o'clock and still in Camilla's spare room, I heard some screaming with loud voices from outside of the house. Of course I became curious, went out to see what's going on there and found that it was the Bench who stood before Camilla outside the house and accused her of being a whore because he saw my car on their driveway.

She hit him hard with her flat hand and rushed against the front door. He was so surprised that it took him a couple of seconds before he began to follow her, so she got past me into the house.

I stopped the Bench at the door by telling him, "Piss off or you'll go away in an ambulance."

To my great surprise, he was a typical wife beater, a coward who didn't dare to challenge me and left without any further comments. Camilla thanked me for solving the matter without using violence. She told me that he had wanted her to stop their divorce and when she refused to do that, he became angry and began to call her names. We decided to spend the weekend together just in case he would return for more trouble.

He didn't and Camilla, our children and I had a pleasant weekend together. The next week was Alexandra's week to have our children. When Camilla asked me if I wanted to spend the week in her house instead of alone on my own, I accepted because now I knew for sure what would happen some day during my stay.

Camilla's and my friendship had developed very fast, indeed so fast that several people in town were curious whether we had an affair before our crushed relationships, but the truth was that we had never met before we did it in the motel room where we had caught our cheating spouses.

Both of us knew how important that week would be for us and I decided not to waste any time, so I made her smile and suggested we sleep in the same room. Which room didn't matter.

Camilla looked me straight in my eyes and asked, "Why?"

"Because I hope that both of us would like it."

"Is sleeping in the same room some kind of a condition for you to be here?"

"No, of course not. I don't have any conditions."

"I don't have any objections to sleeping in the same room, but only if you don't demand or expect anything other than sleeping there."


Of course I expected and wanted something to happen but only if Camilla wanted the same thing as me. Therefore I was really looking forward to our first evening together but noted that she had some tension so I took it easy. Camilla suggested we sleep in the master bedroom and I hadn't any objections.

When her son was sleeping in his room and it was bedtime she went into the bathroom to make herself ready. I was almost undressed, standing in the bedroom only in my boxer shorts when she came out from the bathroom dressed in a bright red knee length nightgown. She was a gorgeous woman. I told her that she was beautiful as a dream and she gave me a hug. I held her for a few seconds extra and when she didn't make any attempt to get loose, so I gave her a long kiss. She returned my kiss and remained in my arms, until I could feel her hard nipples though the thin fabric in her nightgown.

I whispered in her ear, "I love you," and kissed her again.

She whispered in my ear, "Are you serious?"

I told her that I was and she didn't resisted when I gripped the hem of her nightgown and took it off her. She had nothing under it, but a great body and well shaped breasts with hard nipples. Now she dragged me against the bed, where she sat down with me standing before her.

Now she began to take off my boxers in a very slow motion and when my hard cock jumped out, she kissed it and whispered, "Come."

Then she switched off the light and whispered in my ear again, "Come."

I kissed her again, licked her hard nipples and gave her pussy a tender caressing. She was already very wet and I wasted no time in getting between her now spread legs and entering her with a slow thrust. She moaned loudly and held my neck in a hard hug. We fucked with slow motions and intensive kissing. She really wanted me and I wanted her. There had been no need for a long foreplay and now there was no need for different positions. Such things would be a matter for our lovemaking in the future. I had almost begun fearing that I would not be able to resist long enough when Camilla had an intensive orgasm and screamed out rather loud. A few seconds later I let it go and remained in her.

Then I noted that Camilla was crying and sobbed, "Are you proud now of getting your revenge on my ex?"

"I love you and will only think about our future, not about any cheaters in the past. I really hope that you love me and that was the only reason to do what we did."

"Yes, I love you so much but was afraid that you used me for revenge."

"No. Unless your ex does any harm to you, I don't see any reason to care about him and I will never put up any obstacles for him when he wants to see his son."

"What about us? My ex and I had many quarrels about one more baby. What is your opinion?"

"My dream is living together with you and making a baby will be a pleasure."

"I'm an old fashioned woman who wants my baby to have married parents."

I immediately replied, "Do you want to marry me, Camilla?"

I knew that it was like playing Russian roulette to marry a woman I hardly knew, but I was in love with her and such great women of the right age were not common and the fact that it wasn't her fault that her marriage had crashed was in her favor.

Camilla gave me a hug and asked, "Are you really serious? You hardly know me."

"I have never been more serious in my life. I love you, Camilla."

Now she immediately replied, "I love you too. Yes, I will marry you. Yes, I will because it feels right though it sounds crazy to marry somebody after such a short time together."

Now we felt it to be high time for tender sex again.

Next morning before we went to our work locations, I told her that it was okay for me if she let the lawyer she worked for check out my background so she could be sure that I'd never been involved in any crap in the past. Camilla gave me a hug and said that my word was enough for her but her parents would probably take a closer look at me when they heard about our wedding plans. Regarding herself, she said that she had used some party drugs in her wild days but gave up all such crap when she got pregnant.

Camilla and the Bench sold their house and I sold mine. Together we found a nice house with enough space for four children. To everybody's great pleasure Camilla and my daughters got along very well together and I got along very well with her son. Though we were a modern stepfamily, we were a happy family.

The Bench left our town, got a job as assistant trainer for a ladies first division soccer team and obviously he was very successful both in that job and beside the field because, after a short time, he shared an apartment with one of the best looking girls in his now winning team. He didn't care much about his son but paid the alimony without any problems. I had suggested to Camilla we should adopt him if we got an okay from his father.

Alexandra was living as single most of the time after our separation. In a short time she dumped two suitors after only a month with each of them. She said that it was my fault because she had compared them with me and didn't find either of them able to fill the empty space I had left after me. Of course, that wasn't the only reason and I'm sure that, as pretty as she is, as she will find her Mr. Right rather soon.

Camilla and I married in the city hall the day after her divorce was final. She was already pregnant in the third month and because it was her second wedding she preferred not to make a big event of it and why should I care how I married my loving wife.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

How very scandi. I guess you know when you know, some people get it right and some don't. If only there were a magic way of divining successful matches, but there isn't. So unless you've lived a successful long married life you don't know shit, and even then you only know what worked for you. So suck it up haters.

l0ver0tical0ver0tica4 months ago

The ending of this story felt as fatally rushed as this relationship will likely turn out to be...

pummel187pummel1876 months ago

This dope really asked if they could sleep in the same room the first night? OH WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK! and these are the guys that fall ass backwards into relationships .... you know what? nevermind

BSreaderBSreader7 months ago

Ho hum is right

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The ending was stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

So typical...HO HUM!

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

I couldnt get past the first 4 paragraphs.

She dresses like shes going to get laid in an hour, like her husband isnt even there. Sadly anytime any time any writer just whips out the idiotic plot device of uncaring by the numbers LW wife, I find something else to read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Quite liked it, a solid 4. Better, at least in my view, than most Winterfrog stories, because here the cheated-on husband ends up doing markedly better than the cheating ex-wife does. Justice, for a change. Meanwhile, must say this story has close to nothing in common with "February Sucks." A closer predecessor would be BigGuy33's "Unexpected Consequences." A lot of readers really didn't understand the main point of GA's story. Which is pretty amusing, since he laid it out very clearly in the preamble.


not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestabout 2 years ago

Very...stilted, I think that's the word I'm looking for? Doesn't really flow all that well.

itsayouitsayouover 2 years ago
Check the date the story was written before you you compare it to February Sucks

The story was written in 2008 . I don't believe GA used this story for his version. There already a lot of stories on wife falling for a superstar

tazz317tazz317over 2 years ago

putting on a happy face among the town. TK U MLJ LV NV

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Donuts ain’t far off this time with his comment. This is Frog’s version of Feb Sucks.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

Too much of a happy ending but the beginning is very realistic.

BTB writers take a note - THIS IS HOW "FEBRUARY SUCKS" HAPPENS. Not in a moronic preposterous way "George Anderson" posted his drivel that everybody is sucking on now.

Solid story with a bit of a unrealistic ending but then again everybody in LW is looking for happy endings.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
@ JonDoe315

Of course he moved quickly with Camilla. The story was only 2 pages long, leaving very little time, so he had to marry her before the story ended!

JonDoe315JonDoe315almost 3 years ago

Might be me but seemed like he moved really quickly with her and began to love her after such a short time

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