Golf Lessons from my Father-in-Law

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Spending time with my FIL results in lust.
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Before I met my husband Mike, I worked as a certified massage therapist. Needless to say, this line of work involves a connection that begins with physical touch and can develop beyond that. Certainly, working at a mainstream spa location, any kind of "funny business" is a faux-pas. Further, it is illegal. That is not to say it does not happen. Of course, men of all ages ask.

And perhaps my exotic look and curves played a part in being propositioned somewhat often. My parents are from Iran, providing me an olive complexion and dark features, and I have had classic curves since I was young. Large breasts (DD cup), a thick ass and legs, and an athletic build that started with participation in tennis and field hockey through high school and continued into my early adult years through yoga and jogging.

There were only rare instances of actually taking men up on their request to provide a happy ending. It only occurred in one of two scenarios: I was attracted to the man that asked, meaning that physical connection had developed into an erotic one. In these instances, I allowed the man to touch my body, including once or twice bringing me to climax. Or a time or two because the financial incentive offered was too good to pass up, in which case you just kind of close your eyes and do the work very mechanically.

Shortly after meeting Mike, I gave up the massage job. I was in my mid-20s and we were married in a bit of a whirlwind. Mike was extremely ambitious and hard-working, likely a result of his military upbringing. At first, he worked for a large corporation in the IT field. He made a decent living and we were comfortable financially. However, two challenges came into our young marriage.

First, Mike and I struggled to get pregnant. There had been several months of effort, followed by doctor visits, etc. However, it was just not happening, and I began to feel some resentment from Mike. It is possible I imagined it, since I was feeling vulnerable. After all, I had quit my job for this very purpose. What was I bringing to this marriage at this point?

Second, Mike left the corporation and started his own IT start-up. The company immediately took off, which was great for our financial present and future. In fact, we bought a beautiful new home in a gated community, right off the 18th green of a stunning golf course. However, this also meant Mike was spending an awful lot of time out-of-town. As a result, I was interested in pursuing new ways to spend my time.

I decided to pick up my massage practice again, and with Mike's support, I set up part of our finished basement into my private studio. The basement also included Mike's man-cave, a bedroom and bathroom, and storage space. I picked up a couple clients from the neighborhood, most of them older women and was really only working a couple hours a week. In addition, I decided to pursue learning the game of golf. I figured we lived right on this beautiful course and I was always looking for new ways to stay active.

Enter: my father-in-law, Rich. Rich had been a successful military officer and had turned his first career into success in the business world. Really, it seemed like he just traveled and played golf with the rich and powerful. But somehow with his charm and former connections, he had made a comfortable life for he and his family. Rich was a frequent golfer. He and Mike's Mom, Diane, lived just twenty miles from our new place. The course we resided on was relatively new, and Rich had never played it, which he mentioned every time we were together. This didn't equate to anything since Mike traveled so often, but I knew this was an "in" I had with Rich to ask him to teach me the game.

Admittedly although I was anxious to learn the game, I was a little reluctant to ask for Rich's help. I had a bit of a crush on him. Mike took after his Mom's half of the family. He had light hair, was relatively short and stout (and he only was getting further out-of-shape with his frequent business travel and diet). Falling out of shape also seemed to have an impact on Mike's sexual stamina, so that when he was in town it was wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Rich was tall and in incredible shape. He maintained his military fitness regimen into his 60s. He had salt and pepper hair and dark eyes. As I mentioned, he was also charming and witty. He was basically any girl's daddy fantasy. I had never spent any real time alone with him, and I knew if I asked him to teach me that we would be spending a lot of time together. I did not mention my crush or reluctance to Mike, but he was insistent that I ask his Dad for lessons.

Rich leapt at the chance to play golf regularly at our course, and he did not seem like teaching me the game was an annoyance. Mike surprised me with clubs and a nice golf bag. I also went wild on golf outfits. When I was trying them on, I loved the way the outfits fit my body. For one, women's golf apparel tends to be white and this looked amazing on my dark complexion. Second, the outfits tended to be short and tight, which accentuated my curves.

This became even clearer as Rich and I began our golf outings. Half the time I was addressing the ball, I had to clear my throat to get Rich's attention to any tips he had for me and away from my cleavage. Any time I was walking ahead of him, I could feel his eyes burning into my legs and ass. There were even some times that as he re-positioned my grip or stance, I could feel that he was hard. Frankly, I liked the attention. My husband was away often, we were physically intimate less than at any time prior in our relationship, when we were together we were emotionally distant, and this beautiful older man seemed to approve of all my womanly attributes. It was a huge turn-on. I told myself I needed to be careful with how much I allowed it to turn me on. But I was not prepared for the abrupt escalation.

Several weeks into our regular golf outings, we were on the 18th fairway of the course. We were readying our approach shots for the green, with Mike and my house adjacent. After addressing his ball, Rich swung and immediately grabbed at his lower back. I asked him if he was okay.

"Unfortunately, I don't think so Amy," Rich replied, grimacing.

I asked him if he had hurt his back before. He said he had, but usually it just stiffened up and he loosened it out with a massage.

"Well, I'd be happy to work on it at my table. Let's pick up our balls, and get you downstairs," I said without really thinking this through.

Rich accepted, and we headed towards the back of our home. As we were slowly approaching the rear entrance to the lower level, I was worrying about this. To be honest, I'd never massaged any family members and as I mentioned previously, I know full-well the connection one can feel with the physical touch of massage. In addition, this was a man that I had a deep emotional connection with and even had a crush on. Not to mention, he had been lusting over me for weeks. I just wasn't trusting myself. Based on the look on Rich's face, I thought he may be having second thoughts, as well. But here we were.

We entered the basement and the cool air from the A/C immediately hit us. As if there were not enough things to be worried about, my nipples hardened immediately. We entered my studio and Rich asked if he should shower beforehand. Nervous, I told him not to (even though this likely would have helped relax his back) as I would be washing the sheets on the table after he left.

"Should I get undressed?" Rich asked.

"Yes, whatever makes you comfortable. But at least take your shirt off," he immediately started to do so and I glanced at his muscular chest and physique. "I will step out for a second, just lay down and place this towel over your bottom half."

"Sounds good," Rich said as I stepped out of the studio, closing the doors behind me. We made eye contact with each other and smiled. I walked through the basement bedroom into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face and then washed my hands. I was more turned on than I had ever been prior to a massage, and again, I was worried.

I knocked on the door again and Rich told me I could enter. When I did he was lying face down with the towel over his lower half as he had been directed. I began to work his back.

I immediately felt how muscular this man was. His muscular definition was like nothing I had ever encountered. I was even more turned on but was focused on keeping this as professional and process-focused as possible. It was difficult as he would quietly make groans of pleasure. It is good to know, both professionally and sexually, when you are giving someone pleasure and I was not clear on which way Rich was responding.

That said, it did end up being a fairly conventional, quick back massage. After about 20 minutes, I had worked his back pretty well and he informed he was feeling better already. I told him I was going to grab him some ibuprofen and left the room.

I did not need to go all the way upstairs, but perhaps he thought I did. After grabbing a couple tablets from the basement bathroom, I returned to the studio and entered without knocking. Rich had just stood up from the table and the towel that had covered his bottom half had fallen to the floor. Rich was naked as the day he was born, and there was one LARGE issue that I had trouble keeping my eyes from.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I yelled. I started to back out of the room and was shielding my eyes. Rich's reaction was very cool, by comparison. He barely went to cover up, in fact, he seemed rather proud of himself.

"Please, no worries," he said as he slowly moved to grab his underwear.

After Rich left, I could not get the vision of body, in particular his beautiful, large, erect cock out of my mind. Nor the feeling of his muscular body in my hands. I really was beside myself with where this could be headed. I was in lust for my father-in-law. And it seemed, he was for me. I was about to find out just how much.

The next day, I had a couple of appointments in the morning and then had some errands to run. I received three phone calls during my afternoon errands and they all added up to trouble.

First, I heard from Mike. He informed me that his meetings in Phoenix had gone well. So well in fact, that he was going to need to stay there an extra week.

Second, I heard from Rich. He told me that the back massage made him feel fantastic, and he was hoping to have another massage in the near future. He said the next time he would prefer a longer experience and focusing on the full-body. He said he did not realize how talented I was and really wanted to take advantage. He, of course, offered to pay, and I said that was completely unnecessary. He asked if it would be okay to schedule for the next day after we played golf and I told him that worked for me.

Lastly, I heard from Diane. She informed me that her and Rich were supposed to attend a pool party charity event that evening, but she had just received a call from Mike's brother, Tim, requesting that she fly to Texas to watch his kids so that he could whisk his wife away on an unplanned vacation. She said that her and Rich had already paid for their tickets and she insisted I join Rich in her place.

"I don't know, Diane," I hesitatingly replied. "What does one even wear to a pool party charity event?"

"Well, it's just at a neighbor of our's house. They are big into this charity and they are roasting a pig, etc. I think you're just supposed to wear bathing suits," she said.

"Okay. I just don't know. I'm not sure I have a bathing suit that is appropriate for your neighbors. I think I'd feel rather uncomfortable. I hope you understand," I said.

"Amy, please. Rich has been telling me how much he has enjoyed spending time with you. I know you are all alone in that big house. I'd love for you to come and have a great time with Rich. In fact, we'll buy you a suit. I will have Rich meet you at the mall near our place," Diane reasoned.

"Diane, that is really nice of you but completely unnecessary."

"Amy, I insist."

I agreed to meet Rich at the mall near the Macy's entrance in a couple hours. I was not only hesitant to be in a bathing suit in front of Rich and Diane's friends and neighbors, but also to be in a state of undress around Rich. Things seemed to be spinning out of control fast.

I pulled up to the mall and Rich was waiting in a nearby parking space.

"Thank you so much for doing this, Amy. Diane was insistent that I go to this event. I gave her the excuse that I did not want to go solo and she immediately suggested that you join me. I am so sorry for the imposition," Rich explained immediately.

"It's okay," I said. "I'm sure it will be fun, but I just don't know about wearing a bathing suit around your friends." (and you! I thought)

Rich laughed, "Amy, you have a perfect body. I'm sure it will give the men the thrill of a lifetime."

I blushed, "Thanks. But I just meant...okay...thanks, again."

I was feeling warm all over, and he opened his arms for a hug and smiled. I gave him a hug and loved the feel of his strong arms enveloping my entire body. I sank my face into his chest and was kind of getting turned on, so I tried to subtly end the hug.

Rich smiled and looked me in the eyes. "Okay. Diane says you want a neighbor-appropriate bathing suit. I'm not sure what that is, but maybe we'll know it when we see it."

We walked into Macy's and headed for the swimwear section. As we started browsing, I was again hyper-aware of how aroused I was becoming around Rich. There was this sexual electricity between us that I could feel, and I thought that he could feel it too. I suggested we split up and each grab a couple suits that we thought would work and meet at the dressing room so I could try them on. Rich agreed.

I grabbed a one-piece in black that I liked and a tankini in purple that was less revealing than the suits I normally wore, but still liked. I headed towards the dressing room and Rich only had one in his hand. He handed it to me, and I smiled and headed in. I tried on my two suits first. The tankini was nice, but I noticed a stain on it and threw it aside. The black one piece was perfect, except it was a little "cheeky", exposing a good amount of ass. I thought I could get away with it if I wore a wrap or skirt of some kind with it. It also showed a good amount of cleavage, but there were really few suits that was not true of for me and I wasn't going to get anything I wouldn't wear a second time.

Then I grabbed Rich's suit. It was a white bikini. Immediately, I knew this wasn't going to work and started to wonder where Rich's head was at. I tried it on. There was no lining. It was essentially see-through, especially with my dark skin. My nipples hardened. It showed a ton of skin and was basically some small pieces of fabric barely holding my DD breasts from falling out. The bottoms were essentially a thong and showed way too much skin. If I didn't get Brazilian waxes, this suit would be a huge problem. As it was, you could see part of my pussy and ass crack through the suit. To be fair, I looked incredible and that confidence turned me on further.

"Everything alright?" I heard Rich ask from just outside the changing room.

I laughed. "Rich, I don't know how this suit you handed me is neighbor-appropriate."

He laughed, too. "Amy, I doubted it would be. Honestly, I just wanted you to feel good about yourself and would be happy to buy that suit for you in addition to whatever other suit you've chosen."

"Thank you, Rich. I do like the way I look in it and appreciate that."

"Do you mind if I see you in it?" he asked.

I nervously laughed. "I'm not sure that's a great idea."

"Oh, c'mon. Give an old man a thrill. I promise, I won't mention it to anyone," Rich pleaded.

I was becoming increasingly turned on and now was worried that even if I did open the door for him to see me, that my aroused, wet pussy would show in the bathing suit. However, I was kind of losing my inhibitions. My lust and admiration for Rich was starting to control me. I opened the door.

Rich's eyes widened. He stood up from where he had been standing and his eyes moved up and down my body. I struck a model type pose and spun around slowly. I even looked back at him and stuck my ass out a bit.

"Wow. You are...perfection," Rich said quietly.

"Thank you," I said. As I went to close the door, I noticed Rich was hard and was shifting his erection in his shorts, so it was not so noticeable. There was really not a way to make that hard cock not noticeable. This man and that organ were starting to dominate my thoughts, and my actions.

On the drive to Rich and Diane's house, my mind was racing. How far would I let this go? Flirting, teasing. That is one thing. I had even done a little bit of that with some of my own male family members. But was I willing to take this a step further? I was questioning it, because I did love my husband and the life we had built together. And I was loyal to that. But once you cross the boundary of infidelity, I felt like that is a bridge you can't re-cross. And my father-in-law? There was something extra taboo about that. Especially if Mike ever found out. However, I was becoming a slave to my lustful thoughts about Rich.

I arrived at Rich and Diane's and before it was time to change, I asked Rich if Diane had a wrap or skirt that I could use. Diane had left for the airport several hours prior. He opened her swimsuit drawer and found a white wrap that could work.

I changed in the guest bathroom, applied some light make-up, and put my hair up. I looked pretty good, if I thought so myself. I walked downstairs and Rich had made cocktails.

"Wow, again. I think my daughter-in-law is the most stunning woman in any room she walks into. I am going to throw on my shorts, and then we'll head over," he said. As he handed me my drink, he moved in close and kissed me on the cheek.

I kind of had to catch my breath and felt like I was blushing all over as he headed upstairs. I turned around and he had turned around as he was walking away and was looking at my ass in the suit and wrap.

A couple of minutes later, Rich came back down the stairs. He was wearing navy blue swim trunks and had Oakley sunglasses in his hair. His chest and arm muscles were chiseled and he had gray chest hair. He was so masculine. I was so turned on by this man.

"You about ready to head over?" he asked.

"Yeah. Sounds good," I replied.

He held his arm out, took mine and smiled. We walked across the street and a couple doors down as friends and neighbors flooded into the backyard of this gigantic house. The outside had a pool and hot tub, and the event was being catered. Sure enough, there was a pig being roasted and an open bar. There was also an 80s cover band. We legitimately had a great time together. Rich was drinking beers, and he made sure my glass was full of the tropical punch being served (to a point, I was driving home that night). We danced and partied with their friends. Everyone treated me well. It was legitimately a great time. I almost forgot about all of the sexual tension.

We then walked back to their house. Rich was legitimately between buzzed and drunk. We walked in the front door.

"That was a really great time. Thank you so much for hosting me and for the two bathing suits. I do, legitimately, get lonely at home at times. And this was just a really fun time," I said to Rich.

"Of course. I love spending time with you, Amy. We love having you around. I love having you around," Rich replied.

I blushed again. "I really enjoy spending time with you, too. I better be headed home. We are golfing tomorrow morning!"

"That's right. Oh, Amy. Don't forget, Diane's wrap. And here is your bag with your other clothes," and he handed me bag.