Gone to Kansas Ch. 04


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"It's Ok Aunt Helen, it's over now, we can get on with our lives and put this whole nightmare from our minds. I went through their things, they had $500 between the two of them not to mention their horses, guns and gear. I figured to sell all that for you and that would help a little for the loss you suffered."

"Zeb, I'll keep the money, but you can have all their gear and horses, consider it payment for all you've done for me, it isn't enough I realize. I know I would've lost the whole place if it wasn't for you Zeb."

"Aunt Helen, I'll keep several of the guns, I'd like to keep the Winchester 66 and the two cartridge conversion pistols, along with the ammunition and the dun horse, the rest I'll sell for you."

"That's generous of you Zeb, but you can keep it all if you want. I've been thinkin, and I'd still like to work out that deal with you where you run this place for 50%, we share the costs, and you can live here on the place. I still plan on moving, although I'm not real sure where just yet. Does that deal sound agreeable to you Zeb?"

"It sounds more than agreeable Aunt Helen, are you sure you want to walk away from your home though?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to move on to the next step of my life, whatever that may be. This was Tom and I's home and without him I don't want to keep on here."

"Well, ok then Aunt Helen, you got yourself a deal. I'll do the best job I know how."

"I know you will Zeb, I never had any doubt you'd make it here to help me and I sure don't doubt you bein able to run this ranch."

"You could always move to town here, I'm sure Mary would give you a job at the store, that, or I'm sure the banker man would hire you on." I said with a grin on my face.

"Yeah, I bet he would hire me on! No, Zeb, I think I need to move away from this town, everything here just reminds me of the past. I think I'll move to Coffeyville and see what I might be able to do there. If that doesn't work out, I can always go back to Missouri and stay with your momma while I get back on my feet. I'll have more than enough money to get me through the year, that ought to be enough time to find somethin.

How do you feel about leavin the day after tomorrow? That will give us time to get packed up, I'll put my things on the buckboard, I'll drive it and you can ride a saddle horse. The earlier we leave the better, we don't want you gone when the cows start calving.

"That sounds good to me, I'll be ready when you are."

The next mornin rolled around and I grabbed up the Winchester 66 and both cartridge conversion Colt's and went out to see how they shot, they all three took the same.44 Henry cartridge and I could see a lot of advantage to having that kind of firepower handy. I was plannin on using the Winchester as my day-to-day rifle, instead of the Spencer, even though it was more powerful, because the Winchester held seventeen cartridges compared to the Spencer's seven.

I got the Winchester sighted in how I liked and got a feel for how the two Colt's shot then went to saddle up Ed to bring the cattle that Charlie had driven off back to the rest of the herd. It was late afternoon before I got back to the house. Aunt Helen was packin up what she intended to take with her, she had the buckboard out front loaded down with most of her things. We planned on leavin the next morinin first thing after breakfast.

After supper that night I went to my room and peeled up a board in the floor and hid my Spencer rifle and my extra.36 Navy along with ammunition for them, then replaced the floor. I didn't want to leave them out while I took Aunt Helen to Coffeyville for fear of someone comin along and takin them.

The next mornin rolled around and after we ate, I went to saddle up Buddy and loaded Ed down with my stuff, I put Pa's.36 Navy in my saddle bag for now and was wearin one of the.44 Colt's, I had the other in the pommel holster. I had the Winchester on Buddy and the Sharps on Ed. I rounded up the two horses of Aunt Helen's for the buckboard and brought both of Charlie and Clive's horses and tied them behind the buckboard. I was leavin the dun at the livery and was going to sell the other horse. I figured if I left the dun here, he would run off since he wasn't used to this place yet, and I didn't want to leave him in the corral with no one to feed him.

Once we got to town Aunt Helen went to say her goodbyes and I went to drop the dun off at the livery stable and to try and sell Charlie's horse there. I ended up selling the horse and saddle for $70 and went to the general store to sell Clive's rifle and get Aunt Helen.

When I walked in Mary and Aunt Helen were hugging each other sayin their goodbyes. Mary noticed me walkin in and wished me a good mornin, I tipped my hat to her and wished her the same.

"Mary, I have a rifle here I'd like to sell, would you be interested in buyin it to sell here in your store?"

"Sure Zeb, I'd be interested, rifles always sell good here if they're in good shape."

I brought the rifle in, and Mary offered me $100 for Clive's buffalo gun, I took her offer. Once we said our goodbyes again, we were on our way. I gave Aunt Helen the money made from the gun and the horse sale once we were outside.

"Well Aunt Helen, I know it won't nowhere equal your loss in stolen cattle, but $670 will see you through another year easy if'n you don't find work right away."

"Thank you again Zeb, it will be a big help for sure, I've been thinkin about our trip to Coffeyville. I've decided we should stop and see this Emma girl before we go into town, I sure would like to meet her. Besides I don't know anyone there and meetin her and her Pa would be a help if I ever needed to call on anyone close for help."

"We can do that Aunt Helen, I would love for you to meet her, that way you can see how wonderful she is and put momma's mind at ease when you tell her all about her."

We walked off the porch, Aunt Helen got up in the buckboard and I swung up in the saddle, we were on our way, and I couldn't wait to see Emma. As we pulled outta town I knew I was about to begin another chapter of my life and I was ready for it.


It was already July, it was hot as hell and I was in my favorite spot, soakin in the stock tank. I was thinkin back on the last year and all I'd been through, and how much my life had changed since I left home. In my mind I thought back on the trip West, rembering the good and the bad. Comin to Aunt Helen's, meeting Emma on the trail, dealin with Charlie and Clive, takin Aunt Helen to Coffeyville, her meetin Emma and Ben and hearin about Emma's ordeal with that Murdock fella.

And one of my fondest memories, my weddin day, I could remember standin in front of the church and lookin towards the back, waitin for Emma to appear. Her daddy walked her down the aisle to me, she was the most beautiful I'd ever seen her, wearin that yellow dress I'd bought her for her birthday, her hair intricately braided, she walked towards me with a huge smile on her face, at that moment I was the proudest man alive.

Our weddin night was spent in the local hotel and Emma and I's first time was a bit rushed, I'd gotten so worked up with seein her lookin so good all day that by the time we got our clothes off and commenced to rubbin around on each other things happened pretty quickly. But we made up for it on the second and third time that night. Emma and I left for the ranch the next day after our weddin and turned it into our home.

It turned out much to mine and Emma's surprise, that Aunt Helen and Ben got along better than we'd of thought and they ended up marryin six months after they met. Aunt Emma moved in with Ben, and we still had the agreement of me runnin her operation for half.

Emma and I worked the ranch together, I did more with the cattle than she did, although she helped a considerable amount with that as well, along with her caring for the garden and doin most of the cookin and washin. We both worked our asses off when the cows began calving in November and December and ended up only loosin one cow and a calf.

Emma was as good as I was on a horse, and we didn't end up hirin anyone else on, beins the herd was still manageable for the two of us. Winter had been fairly mild that year as well, makin things easier for us. We ended up workin all the calves in the early spring before the flies got bad and were plannin on drivin our steers to Baxter Springs to sell in a few weeks.

That summer Emma and I had taken to soakin in the water tank, we'd get our work done for the day and strip down naked on the front porch then walk over and get in the tank, which usually ended up with a little lovin before goin back to the house.

I was just soakin in the tank, wearin nothin but my hat, my rifle was propped up close by in case unwanted company came and I was waitin on Emma, she was finishin up somethin inside. I heard the door slam, and it brought me back outta my daydream.

Emma was standin on the front porch shuckin her shoes and dress off her lean sexy body. She had her hair braided in two braids one on each side of her head, she called them pig tails, her braids goin down a little below her shoulders. Beins it was hot as hell she didn't wear any underthings so when she peeled off that dress, she was naked as the day she was born. She came off that porch wearin nothin but a smile. Damn she was a sight to see, I'd never tire of admirin her curves and the way her body looked when she was naked.

She had twenty yards to go to get to the tank and she was takin her time, she knew I loved to watch her walk to the tank with nothin on and she never hurried, I was hard as a steel spike by the time she climbed in.

This time was no different, as she was comin to me I took in the swell of her breasts. Her nipples would harden on her walk, the closer she got the harder her nipples were, almost like she was anticipatin the pleasure we'd give each other. Her legs were strong from ridin horses, and she had the cutest little blonde hairs on her thighs, it was almost nonexistent, but the sun light would catch their gold color. The hair covering her sex was a darker brown color and it was sparse as well, I had her trim it down occasionally since I regularly pleasured her with my mouth and tongue.

Emma got to the tank and threw one leg over, exposing her sex to me, it gapped open as her leg swung over the side and I couldn't wait to taste her. Since our wedding night I had shown Emma all the things I'd learned from Mrs. Busher. Emma had learned somethin from her momma as well, that was how to time her cycle so we could somewhat plan when she got pregnant.

Here lately we were thinkin that maybe it was time for a little one. Emma had told me the day before that she was gettin into her fertile time and if I didn't want a little one yet that I'd better be pullin out or have her take me in her mouth. I still wasn't sure if I was ready yet a baby. Emma said she was ready anytime I was, so I guess we were gettin close to pullin the trigger.

Emma stood, facing me in the water, it wasn't very deep, barely going above her knees. She slowly walked towards me with a little grin on her face, when she got close, she sat down on my legs, my cock was so close to her juicy little cunny, smashed up against her tummy. I squeezed her to me, smashin her breasts into my chest, I could feel her hard nipples on me, I brought her in for a kiss, my hand reachin behind her neck and holdin her close to me, my other hand caressing her back.

Our tongues were exploring each other's, and she tasted sweet to me. I brought both hands around to caress her breasts. She was smashin her pelvis up against my hard shaft. I broke our kiss and leaned down, takin a nipple in my mouth, I gently licked and nibbled at it then went to the other one. I pushed her off my lap and stood in front of her, my cock stickin almost straight up in the air. Emma got to her knees and took me in her mouth, causing me to moan with pleasure. We'd discovered that Emma got hornier when she sucked my cock, so we usually started off this way to ger her in heat. Nothin made Emma wetter than suckin my cock, and I loved it as well.

I could feel my precum beginnin to leak from my cock into Emma's mouth and my balls were feelin full of cum, I wasn't gonna last much longer so I pulled Emma off me and had her sit on the side of the tank. I moved in between her spread legs and kissed her for a moment, showing my appreciation for what she'd just done for me. I moved down and suckled each of her nipples then made my way to her sweet little pussy.

I don't know why, but lickin Emma's pussy was one of my favorite things to do, I felt a need to taste her before I slipped my cock into her wet, juicy cunt. Lapping at her juicy honey hole, Emma cried out in pleasure, lettin little moans out from time to time. While I lapped at her, my hands caressed her inner thighs and sometimes made their way up to her little pearl. As I worked Emma with my tongue and fingers, she let out a groan and I could feel her shiver, she'd cum from me licking her juicy pussy. This wasn't somethin she always did, usually she wanted my cock in her so bad she wouldn't let me lick her long enough to make her cum, preferring to cum on my cock instead, but she did today.

I left her sittin on the side and I got up between her legs and slid my drippin hard cock into her wet hole slowly. Once I was buried in her she grabbed me around my ass and tried grindin me while holdin me tight to her, my cock head tickling the back side of her tunnel. I humored her for a bit while playing with her amazing breasts and then began a slow rhythmic thrust into her. I'd back out about halfway then push back in all the way to bottoming out in her. I'd change up the speed and depth of my thrusts. Occasionally just holding her tight to me while I ground into her as deeply as I could. It was almost like we were made for each other; my cock was the perfect length to barely caress her back wall, the stimulation on my cock head would cause me to cum quickly if I didn't back off occasionally.

I was gettin close to cumming so I pulled out and went down on Emma again with my mouth, lickin her drippin wet hole until I felt myself regaining control, then I got back up and thrust my cock back in. She felt so good and she'd already cum once, so I reached around and took hold of her ass and just began to hammer her pussy for all I was worth.

Emma's eyes rolled back in her head, and she was moaning. I was breathin hard, barely keepin control, Emma yelled out, "Yes Zeb, just like that baby, yes, I'm about to cum on your cock.... Uhh Yeah.... just like that.... Oh, Oh, Uhh.... That's it Zeb.... Yes, yes, breed me.... Spill your seed in me Zeb, make me yours baby!" She cried out, breathin hard.

When I heard her tell me she wanted me to breed her I just didn't care anymore, I wasn't about to pull out, it just felt too good and I felt the need to cum deep inside of her, I shot my seed deep in her juicy wet cunt. When I began pumping my cum in Emma, she felt me spasm and she came again.

I slowed to a stop, and we just held each other there for what must have been minutes. Eventually my cock softened and slipped from her. I looked down and she had more cum than I'd ever seen leaking from her well used cunt. My balls were completely drained.

"You've bred me Zeb, I just know it." Emma said smiling at me and pulling me in for another kiss. We slipped back into the water just talkin and enjoying each other's company, watchin another beautiful Kansas sun set.

I didn't know it then, but our lives were going to get a whole lot more complicated nine months from that day.


I want to thank everyone again for all the positive comments I had on this story series. This concludes Gone to Kansas. Who knows though, maybe someday Zeb and Emma will have some more adventures.

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linnearlinnear5 months ago

A wonderful series and mighty fine writing.

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang19555 months ago

This needs another chapter. Why write a story if you aren't going to finish it. Dropped the ball yes you did.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Thanks for the fantastic story. I wouldn't mind reading more about Zeb and Emma. Or any western themed story really.

Horseman68Horseman686 months ago

A pleasure to read this story with such engaging characters. Would relish more of Zeb and Emma or another story in your Western theme. Bravos.

juanviejojuanviejo6 months ago

I really loved this story and gave it my trade mark "CINCO ESTRELLAS"! (Sorry but you should try "herd" instead of "heard"...still loved it though.

58zuave58zuave6 months ago

Great job. Enjoyed the series. Keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Excellent story. I rate you in a class with Louis LaMore. Your historical data was well researched, including the guns and calibers of the time. I am looking forward to more stories from you.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Loved it but just to nitpick, he gets shot in the right shoulder and right side. Aunt Helen never notices that he is bleeding??

MAC58MAC587 months ago

Please don't stop, best Western I have read in a long time!!!!

beanburner69beanburner697 months ago

great read looking forward to more from you

Freddog6601Freddog66017 months ago

Enjoyable read. Well done and looking forward to seeing more western stories from you.

wonder203wonder2037 months ago

Hope you expand on your western stories soon.

BGHillmanBGHillman7 months ago

I am a big fan of the old west genre and enuff sex to keep it interesting is welcome!! Great job!!

SexySenior56SexySenior567 months ago

I truly enjoyed this series, especially the development of the characters. I hope you're not done with Zen and Emma, and it might even be fun to do a chapter on Helen and Ben.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

AWESOME, thanks. Waiting for the next chapter

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