Good Boy: Still Good


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"Okay baby," I replied as I stopped playing with her pussy. I leaned down and gently kissed her cunt one more time.

"Love... my ass," she laughed.

"Sorry. I completely forgot." I pulled my finger out of her butt hole slowly.

"Anyway, it was all my pleasure my love. Now I need to go rinse off. Haha," I joked.

"Hmmmm," she giggled, the smile on her face about three miles wide.

"Are you alright?" I didn't want to kill her after all.

"Baby, I could just go to sleep."

"Sleep then. Rest yourself," I said as I leaned down and kissed her passionately once more. She tasted so amazing.They should put her juices on the subs at Subway. I'm telling you. It's delicious. Eat fresh!By the way... Is it just me, or is that Jared starting to come off as a douche bag?

"Mmm. I taste so good," she laughed.

"I totally agree." I leaned over to the desk and then back to the paralyzed woman on the bed. "Here. Take a sip first," I said as I handed a bottle of water to her. "It'll make you feel better." She just laid there, her arm barely raised as she tried to grab it. I unscrewed the cap and said, "Open." Larisa opened her mouth and I poured some water into it. She swallowed every drop and closed her eyes. I drizzled a little more water over her face.

"Aah!" she laughed.

"Sorry. I thought you wanted more."

"Hehe," she laughed as she wiped the excess off her face. I took the bottom of her shirt and tried to slip it off her.

"You have to help me out here, Haha." She finally moved to let me strip her naked. Larisa closed her eyes and fell asleep almost instantly, the angelic ecstatic look remaining on her face.

I had forgotten all about the flowers. I decided to sprinkle the rose petals all over her and my bed, letting her wake up to a nice and romantic surprise. I even left a couple full roses on the pillow next to her. Before I showered, I took an extra sheet from the downstairs closet and draped it over her. I didn't want to leave her here naked in case someone came upstairs while I was washing up. As I left the room again, I thought to myself, 'Man. Did I love this woman. And now she DEFINITELY loved me!'


I came back after showering off Larisa's pussy juice. Man did she squirt a lot. Looks like I can check that "to do" off my list of sexual things to experience. I came back and she was lying in my bed, still asleep, not for long however. My cell phone rang and the noise woke her up. Of course it was a wrong number. She picked her head up and looked around. "Awww! Love," she said as she ran her hands over the rose petals I scattered over her and my bed. "Matthew this is so romantic of you." I pointed over to the pillow next to her, pointing out the three remaining whole roses. She smiled and picked them up to her nose, smelling their fragrance.

"I forgot to give them to you before. I figured this would be a suitable way to give em to you?" She smiled and sniffed the flowers again.

"Matt. C'mere," she said. I walked over to her and she opened her arms, pulling me into an embrace. "I don't know how someone could be this... perfect." She pulled back and kissed me gently on the lips. "Thank you baby. This is really sweet of you."

"You're very welcome," I replied.

"My heart's still racing Matt. God damn that was good," she said. "I can't believe I was able to fall asleep."

"I'm glad I could be of service to you. I enjoyed it just as much as you did." I climbed under the sheet and lied down next to her. We lied together in silence for a moment, enjoying what had recently happened, basking in the post oral sex bliss. "Hey Riss... What's our relationship status?" I asked.

"What do you mean," she asked as she opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

"Like... about bringing other people to bed with us. I'm just curious... after your family reunion and all." Events that occurred at Larisa's family reunion that I had attended a few months before made me question what exactly the bounds of our relationship were.

"Hmm," she said as she thought of a response.

"It's just, what happened with Val. I mean... I hooked up with her in her bedroom. You're okay with that?"

"Yeah... I am. I mean, I told her to hook up with you. And I watched you two do it," she said. "It's not like I didn't enjoy it or didn't know about it."

"I just want to hear your thoughts on what we can and can't do."

"Matty... Is there someone you want to sleep with!! You can tell me!!" she said with a big smile on her face. I guess she wanted to have girl talk with me? I don't know. "That's so cute!" she laughed, grinning ear to ear. "Tell me who!"

"No, no. It's not that. ...No one you know anyway," I joked as I rubbed her thigh under the sheet. She was so excited and giddy. Sure there were a dozen names I could throw out there to fulfill fantasies, but I held back.

"Well. Okay, Matt. I don't care if we bring other girls into our relationship. It's fine with me. I enjoy girls too."

"I know. But I'm not at all crazy about the thought of you with another guy. I don't even want to think about that."

"Aww Matt. The only cocks I want are yours and ones made of plastic. Haha."That's love right there.

"Haha," I responded.

"No, seriously though Matt. I have no desire to be with another guy. But I do enjoy watching you get pleasure, even if it's from another girl." Larisa went on to explain her reasoning in a deeper way. "I've had my fooling around in the past. It's like I got it out of my system. You know?"

"Um. I guess." No. Not really.

"Well, let's see. ...I know I'm the only girl you've slept with. I want you to experience other girls. I don't want to cheat you out of other experiences. I don't know if I'm making sense," she said with a frustrated and puzzled look. She seemed deep in thought for a few seconds.

"No Riss," I said as I turned to look at her. I propped my head up on my arm and said, "I understand what you mean."

"Good. And I think that we can be together and still let you do other things. With them it's just sex. Right?"

"Yeah. Nothing personal with them. Any feelings are just for me and you," I replied. However, I really didn't believe sex was void of personal feelings. Someone always gets attached or doesn't share the same feelings about it as their partner. But, I figured with all the love Riss and I had for each other, it wouldn't be a huge problem.

"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page." She turned over to face me. "I agree with you... the feelings part." She took a second to think about my previous question, trying to formulate an answer. "...If we had to set any rules... I guess... I guess I'd just want to be there in the room with you when it happens. Like with Val, I was five feet from you guys as she sucked your dick."

"You make it sound so dirty."

"Fine. ...As she made sweet oral love to your penis," she said half sarcastically.

"That's better. But, man she was in Heaven," I said as I recalled what took place that day, feeling my cock stir under the covers.

"I know, right! She wanted to do that for so long. We really made her day," Larisa giggled.

"Yeah. You didn't seem too unhappy yourself, sitting over on her desk playing with yourself," I laughed as I started to tickle her tummy.

"Hehe. Stop, haha," she yelped as she wiggled around on the bed, like a worm on a hook. I lightened up on my attack and let her finish. "Well... I enjoyed watching you two. What am I supposed to do? Not masturbate?"

"Haha. True. You know, it kinda turned me on to have you watching us. It made it feel dirtier... like more hot," I confessed.

"Mmm," she said as she turned her head to face the ceiling. She closed her eyes and ran her hand over her chest slowly, gently grazing her breasts. I noticed her hardened nipples poking through the thin white sheet covering her. "I know what you mean..." she trailed off. My guess was she was recalling the events of that day too.

"Okay Riss. So it's no guys, but girls are allowed, and we have to be in the same room. Right?"

"Right. Oh. And you have to wear a condom with them too."

"What if it's anal?" She just rolled her eyes and sighed.

"What am I going to do with you?" she laughed. "Huh?"

"What! It's a valid question! Okay, okay. Raincoat. Got it." It seemed fair enough. "I'm glad that's settled," I said as I stared at her face. She looked so beautiful laying there, her tan skin and dirty golden hair contrasting the white sheet. It looked like a Maxim magazine photo shoot. The sheet lied on her provocatively, coming up her torso just enough to cover her breasts from view, her leg sticking all the way out. "Speaking of Maxim, why haven't you done a spread like this? You look so sexy right now."

"Speaking of what? Haha," she chuckled.See, the joke was I was narrating the Maxim text, not including it in dialogue.

"Actually, they asked me about it once. It was supposed to be a 'Girls of Nickelodeon All Grown Up' spread or something like that. But not everyone signed up to do it. And for as open as I am about sex... I dunno. No one really knows that about me besides you and one or two other people.

"Really?" I was curious now.

"Matt, I'm not as promiscuous as you think I am."Cough slut for me only cough.

"No! No. I didn't mean it like that." I thought I had offended her for sure by accident.

"I know hun. Yeah, I've slept with guys before... and girls too. But it was never really as kinky or sexually hardcore as the relationship between me and you. Compared to us, stuff with them was PG rated. You know more about me than them in that area. I kinda didn't want everyone to know it." She was more open about sex with me than with anyone else. I felt special that she came out of her shell with me.

"I understand."

"Sweet and lovable Alex Mack. Always and forever," she whispered as her voice dramatically trailed off. I didn't know if I should say anything.

"What?"Okay, so I guess I thought I should.

"Nothing... The roles I play... I don't know. They're all the same. It just..."

"Gets old after a while?" I said to finish her statement. She turned her head to face me again. Her eyes focused on mine and we shared a look that silently screamed of understanding. Not that it was a hard inference to make here.

"Yeah. I'd like to play a more sexy role. Something more racy. I'm typecast as the lovable, innocent, sweet girl."

"Hmm. Well, you were a lesbian in100 Girls."

"But I was the sweet, innocent, cute straight girl for ninety-nine percent of the film."

"Well... I know you can do both very well. From personal experience."

"Haha. Thank you baby," she said as she stroked my face.

"If they don't believe you, I'll show them the tape of sex number two... you with the skirt." Her eyes popped out of her head and her mouth sprung open.

"OOOOH NO YOU WONT!!" she yelled as she jumped on top of me. :O

"No. Riss. I think..."

"Hahaha. I don't care! We cannot show that to casting directors."

"Baby it's for your career!" I pleaded, trying to reason with her. Larisa was on top of me, straddling my waist, playfully wrestling with me as we both laughed to our hearts' content. The sheet was pulling away from her, exposing more and more of her... assets.

"Skrew the career! We're more important. We need our privacy!" I stopped wrestling with her for a moment. 'Us together was more important than her career?' I thought.Did she really mean that??

"What did you say?" She paused, looking into my eyes. Calmness set over her face.

"I said we're more important than my career."

"Riss..."Did she really mean that?

"I did."She really did mean it. "This, right here, you and me... We're all that matters right now. We've got a good thing going on, and I'm not going to sacrifice anything with us for my career." I didn't know what to say. I was speechless. I had no idea she felt so strongly about our relationship and its importance over everything else.

"Riss... I..." She looked me in the eye. She was dead serious and I saw that in her gaze. That, and love and respect.

"You and me. Nothing else." I could have cried tears of joy. I knew we had a lot of love, but this... I was really and honestly touched by what she just told me.

"Nothing else," I whispered. I pulled her head down to me and kissed her softly and romantically. I held her naked body against mine as I showed her how much I loved her through my lips.

This is what I've always wanted to hear from someone. I wanted a girl to love me more than anything else in the world. Now I had someone who did just that. Nothing was more important to her right now than our relationship. The fact that made the whole thing taste sweeter was that this amazing girl was the girl I fantasized about for years. My celebrity crush was madly in love with me. Holy shit. How am I.

We kissed and held each other, enjoying the words just spoken. We kissed a few more times. She looked like a fucking angel. She smiled and laughed as her hands ran over the sides of my body, softly caressing my skin. Her laughter filled my mouth as I brushed her hair out of her face, pushing it behind her ear. She was so pure and innocent and honest and truthful at heart.

"And that magazine thing. That kinda freaked me out," she said as she pulled back from the kiss we were in the middle of sharing. She rolled off me and leaned her head against my shoulder as she continued.

"What, having weird guys like me run a batch to your pictures?"

"No. I know guys did that to my TV show and movies. I'm used to that. Haha. But posing sexy and having my pictures taken just seemed like a bit too much."

"I understand." A guy can picture her in her panties from watching her TV show or movie. She just didn't want them to see her in her panties for real.

"Yeah," she said as she bent her right arm in a funky way so she could touch my face. I shifted and laid half on top of her and half at her side, running my fingers over her cheek.

"You're so fucking beautiful Riss." I leaned down and placed my lips upon hers. Our eyes closed as we locked lips. I ran my fingers over her cheek and down to her shoulder, dragging the back of my digits over her soft delicate skin. I continued further down and began caressing her breasts. I took a handful of her left breast and squeezed it tenderly in my hand, feeling her soft nipple press against my palm. After a few seconds my head joined my hand, kissing her mouth, chin, collarbone, and then tit.

I took her right nipple in my mouth and gently suckled it. Flicking my tongue over the little nub, I could hear her quietly moan. She brought her fingers to my head, running them through my hair. Her left leg rose up, bending at the knee. "You're insatiable," she whispered through her smile. As I moved to her other breast, my hand continued south, finally reaching its destination: her pussy. "Mmm Matt..." she moaned. I stroked her lips once again, feeling her get wet from my touch once again. "Oohhh love."

Larisa closed her eyes and pushed my head against her bosom as she breathed in deeply. She leaned her elevated leg away from me, towards the wall, opening her vagina up for me. "I can't help it. I want to please you." I ran my tongue over her breasts, lapping the crevice between the two flesh melons. "I can't resist you."

I pushed two fingers into her cunt slowly, feeling her take them inch-by-inch. "Matthew..." She wrapped both arms around my body, pulling me deep into her. "I want to feel you inside me. Please, make love to me," she said as she squeezed her legs around my hand and softly gyrated her hips into it.


Larisa and I lied in bed together after we made sweet love to each other. I held her naked sweaty body against mine, among the rose petals, as we both caught our breaths. After a few minutes, Larisa finally spoke. "That was beautiful love," she said. "Mmmmm," she cooed as her head rested against my shoulder.

"So, were you ever going to show me?" I asked as she caressed my cheek and looked me in the eyes.

"Show you what?" she curiously asked.

"All the clothes you bought today. I carried a shit load of bags up here." She laughed softly, that angelic look of innocence spreading across her face once again.

"Haha. Yes Matt. I was going to show you, but you started to go down on me... and then we started to have sex. I guess I was a tad selfish wasn't I? Haha."

"Yes you were," I added as I kissed her hand. "But the sex is good so I guess I can forgive you." Larisa turned sideways and playfully hit me.

"Hey!" She shook her head as she laughed. She jumped on top of me again, pinning me to the bed. She sat on top of me, holding my arms above my head, against the mattress. The sheet that covered us was hiding her body from my sight, somehow clinging to her torso as if it were taped to her. "Well, I guess our relationship can always fall back on that if the conversation gets tiring. That's a plus."

"Very big plus," I whispered as she leaned down and pressed her lips against mine for a few seconds. If only my friends in high school and college could see me now. I'd definitely win most successful graduate at the ten-year reunion.

"Now, time to show you what I bought. If you're good I may even model them for you."

"I just made you squirt! How good do I have to be?!" I joked. She hesitated for a second.

"...Good point. I guess you deserve a little show. I almost forgot... I got you some shirts too. I think you'll look very handsome in them."

"Do they have the logo of a band on the front?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, no. I figured you had enough of those. But, I did almost buy you an Avril shirt at Hot Topic. I didn't think you'd wear it out though. Haha," she laughed, busting my balls as she got up and moved to the bag of clothes, the sheet still wrapped around her like a toga, leaving me totally exposed.

"Yeah. True. It'd be hard to look tough in an Avril shirt. Good lookin out."I do actually have an Avril shirt from the concert of hers I went to. I've yet to wear it once. Going on seven months. But it's got her face on it... so I could always jizz on it and use it as a batch rag. To be honest, I was incredibly embarrassed about buying it. I was tipsy at the concert and left to go take a leak during one of her songs I wasn't in love with. I figured what a great time to buy a shirt. There was no one around. So I walk up to the stand and pick out which one I want, but to play it off cool I go, "So what shirt do all the girls buy? I need to get one for my girlfriend." The woman points out the one that I was going to buy. So, I agree to get that one and she asks the size. "Extra large," I reply. You know, she gives me a look like, 'Extra large? For your girlfriend?' So I just add, "Yeah... Big girl. She's getting lipo during the holiday break. I tried talking her out of it because she doesn't look bad... but she wants it. What can you do, you know? (Make the clothing/cash exchange) Have a good one." Boy oh boy did she give me a weird look. But come on. I didn't wanna look like a faggot. Faggot in a good way though. Not in that man on man way.

"Yeah. I wouldn't want to be seen dating a sissy boy either," she jested. "Lemme show you these clothes now." She rummaged through the bags looking for something to put on to show me.

"Hey. You're gonna get Larisa juice on them."

"Haha. They're going to get washed anyway."

"Then WHY did you spend the five minutes folding them when you came home... and waste your time?"


Later on that night, Larisa was hanging out in my sister's room while I ran to the store for my mom. She liked to send me to the supermarket every night for some random thing, milk or deodorant, or some other crazy item. Usually it was a pint of ice cream. The cashiers knew me as a regular at this point because I always went in around 11 P.M.Finally, I just started telling them the food was for my sister who was pregnant. They'd laugh and ask if her and her husband were excited. I'd say something like, "Yeah. Right. She's fifteen years old. How are you." They'd give me the weirdest fucking looks you could ever imagine. Oh well. A young lad's gotta get his kicks from somewhere. I'm sure that at least this silly goose entertained them for a while.
