Good Boy: Still Good


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Anyway, as I was saying... Larisa and my sister were hanging out again. They really hit it off shopping for clothes earlier that day. "So uh. It sounded like you were having a good time upstairs before. What were you doing?" my sister asked my girlfriend.

"I wasn't doing anything. Haha. You're brother was." My sister's face gave off a look of total gross out. "OH! No, no! Haha. We weren't having sex."

"Thank God. Gross."

"Actually no, wait. We did. Sorry," she said, remembering everything we did. My sister just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "We took a break first."

"Oh Riss, I didn't need to hear that." Larisa just laughed.

"Let's just say... your brother knows how to please a woman."Hopefully, my sister would go brag about my sexual skills to her friend Katelyn. I used to want to bang her so bad. She'd come over and try to go up to my room because she had a crush on me and wanted to talk to me all the time. However, my wonderful mother cock blocked me, telling her not to bother me. Now she had crabs and some other V.D. But there's nothing wrong with making her want me more, right?

"Ewww!" she responded.

"Aww, Kar. I hope one day you're lucky enough to have a lover with your brother's talents."

"OH NO SHE WON'T!" I exclaimed as I walked into my sister's room. "Don't give her ideas like that. You're almost as bad as Crystal."

"Haha. Oh stop, overprotective big brother," joked Larisa.

"My sister's never going to have sex or fool around. And DON'T tell me you already did. ...And you," I said as I looked at Larisa. "Don't you go busting my balls like Crys, making up stories, telling me she did stuff... had lots and lots of sex." I was a totally overprotective big brother. My sister has never, and will never even kiss a boy as far as I was concerned.

"Haha. Oh chill out Matt," said Larisa. "She's gotta grow up sometime."

"Or I have grown up already," added my sister, trying to torture me, giving me a little smirk.

"You're breakin' my balls here. Breakin' em."

"Who's Crystal?" they both asked.

"A really, really good friend. You never met her Karen. She moved to Oregon a few years ago. Now, if you two will excuse me, I'm gonna go have a stroke."

"He means masturbate, Kar," she joked.

"THAT'S NOT THE STOKE I MEANT!" The two of them both had a good laugh. "Riss, don't put any more ideas in her head."

"I can't promise that Bedtime Bear," she laughed. I shook my head and walked out, leaving them to do the female bonding thing. You know, let them gab about boys, have a pillow fight, fuck up the timing of each other's menstrual cycles.

"But I was pretty damn good, right?" I said, popping back in.

"The BESSST!!" she laughed as I smiled and walked out.

"Bedtime Bear?" my sister asked.

"Yeah. He slept so long today, so I called him that. That was the Care Bear that slept a lot. The dark blue one."

"I vaguely remember," said my sister.Again, what's with the fucking Care Bears? "You know, he's a lot happier now. Being with you."

"What do you mean?" Larisa asked, straightening up, giving my sister her undivided attention.

"I don't remember seeing him this happy in a long time. He didn't date a lot at all growing up. He just played his guitar and stayed at home a lot. You could kinda tell he was upset about it. I felt bad for him because he really is a good guy."

"Kar, your brother's sooooooo sweet. I love him so much." Larisa's face erupted with joy as she talked about how much she loved me. My sister saw her genuine emotions and was relieved. I guess she was a protective little sister after all.An example of why this is a fictional story.

"He's a good guy," she told Larisa.

"He really is. He makes me feel so special and loved. I never had a relationship this fulfilling and gratifying before."

"Aww." My sister started laughing shortly after. "It's so weird."

"What's so funny?" Larisa asked the chuckling girl in front of her. "What's weird?"

"You and my brother."

"How so?" she asked inquisitively.

"Well, he watchedAlex Mack religiously. It's just weird how he was in love with you as a kid and now he's dating you, and you're living with us. It's just funny how things work out."

"Haha. Yeah it is. Did he really watch my show all the time?" Larisa asked. She could really dig up some dirt about my admiration,cough, unhealthy obsession, cough, with her.

"Alex Mack, Boy Meets World, Third Rock. He watched them all. He didn't likeThird Rockthough. He just wanted to see if you were in that episode."

"Haha. Awwwww."

"OH! OH!" exclaimed my sister as she jumped up and launched into an Indian-style sitting position, getting all hyper.Let's see how she further embarrasses me here. "We used to drive down to Florida a number of years ago, and we'd get to rent a few movies each for the ride. He hated every movie I rented except forBabysitters' Club. Haha. That's the only one he didn't complain about. He'd even suggest we watch that. It was so cute, yet sort of pathetic."Okay. A, it wasn't a bad movie, and B, I'm only admitting this for the good of the story.

"Hahahahaha! Awwww. I'm definitely going to have to bust him on that later," said Larisa.


The next few days went by pretty much the same way as they had been going. Larisa and I would hang out, sometimes with my friends, and we would make out or play together in some other way. We had sex again too... on tape of course.

We spent the time getting to know each other on a more daily and more personal level, seeing how we act around one another when we're together continuously, our habits, etc. One day, I worked myself up into an aroused state and put on a condom... and just walked around the house. Larisa saw me and was like, "What are you doing wearing that?"

I replied by telling her, "Sometimes... you know... I like to just throw one on... when I want to feel sexy." Her mouth just dropped and she slapped her forehead. ...And then we had sex.I took off the condom of course.

We had deep discussions... "Rissy, who would win in a fight? Six chimpanzees or a Great White Shark?"

"In the ocean?" she asked.

"Yeah in the ocean."

"The shark of course," she replied a matter of factly.

"Okay, okay. What If we gave the chimps those inflatable arm things for little kids, swimmies."

"The shark."

"Swimmies... and nun chucks."

"Matt. The shark. Come on. It would kill the chimps in three bites." She was a tough one all right. "Especially those sharks off the coast of like, Australia."

"You are DRUNK my friend," I told her, in total disagreement.Now to change it up a little.

"Okay... You have a little lake and a brook connected to the ocean. It's all salt water. The shark is in the little brook."

"The shark can't move. It's too big for the brook," she argued back.

"No. It's big enough to move around a little. And there's a bridge. And I take the six chimps and throw them off the bridge onto the shark. Who's going to win then?" I asked.

"Why are we even debating this?"

Other than being with me, Larisa spent her time hanging out with my sister, learning more embarrassing information about my childhood. She even saw home movies from when I was a little kid. I'd come downstairs to find her watching them with my sister, seeing how stupid I was at ages one through seven.I tell you, no one should ever be allowed to watch baby movies of you. Make them and throw them in a closet for thirty years. If you're thinking, 'Hey. What's this kid talking about?' get real. I doubt you were as suave and charming as... John Travolta... at that age. Please.

I remembered to email Crystal to update her on my relationship status with Larisa, having brought up her name a few days before in my sisters room. It had been a good amount of time since the last time she emailed me back or called me. Crys and I had been friends since I was a freshman in high school, I think. We became fast friends and a year or so later, she and her family moved out to Oregon. I missed her a lot. We kept in contact over the phone, then more and more by emails because our cell phone calls were expensive with the plans we had.

I missed her so much. She was incredible. Besides being one of the most beautiful and adorable girls I had ever met, she was the first person I ever truly, truly loved. I cared about her as much as I cared about myself. It wasn't necessarily even in a boyfriend/girlfriend type way. I loved her for the person she was. She was the most incredible, sweet, funny, and caring person I'd ever met. She was the kind of girl you'd want as a girlfriend, a friend, or a sister. I'm not saying I wouldn't be with her in a heartbeat if she asked me, because I would. She had a serious boyfriend and it made me so happy to see how happy he made her. That's how I loved her. She was probably the only person I felt comfortable talking to about my feelings and thoughts, aside from Larisa now.

Anyway, she was pretty busy with her boyfriend, her new job, and the end of school. (I had gotten out a lot earlier for the summer than she did.) I just hoped she was doing fine and that she'd contact me soon. It was normal for us to not talk for a while every so often. Even though we were great friends, our schedules and such caused us to have periods of time where we wouldn't talk. But when we finally did, it was for hours. She was the first person I talked to in detail about Larisa, the first person I really "talked" to about sleeping with Larisa. She was so happy for me, after all the years I spent obsessing over her.

I had also started working two days after the squirting incident. I was working about fifteen to twenty-two hours a week, depending on other people's schedules. It wasn't too demanding of my time. I did get a raise though. I was making $7.50 an hour.Awesome. Let me put my paychecks towards that Bentley I was saving for.Work was work. It was the same old boring job as the last summer. I sat around, hardcore work right at opening and then again right before closing. The rest of the day was all Ron and Fez radio shows. Cheryl hadn't come to the store the days I had been working. I started to wonder if our brief encounter was a onetime thing only. Then again, she did have her own job to do and was needed at other stores.

Larisa came to visit me one day at work for a little while. The job was the kind where I had people stopping by from time to time to keep me occupied.I remember how my friend Paul would come in day after day for like four hours at a time, just hanging out. At twenty years old, he had no job and was an aspiring actor who attended college. Perhaps one day he would get his own Alias-type show. It was nice to see how my co-workers almost shit themselves when Larisa came in and kissed me hello. I'd be like, "Yeah. How are you."

Like I said before, the days came and went. Nothing important or special happened. I worked. Larisa did her thing. Before you know it, it was my birthday. Finally, my twenty-first birthday had arrived.Let the drinking and debauchery begin. Liquor, drugs, and transvestite prostitutes all around!


"Uhhhnnn... Riss... What time is it?" I asked, blinking my eyes multiple times, trying to focus. I was exhausted from being up late as fuck the previous night, downloading porn and what have you.Hey, I still got needs.

"It's time for the birthday boy to wake up," Larisa said with an excited look on her face....She was excited enough for the both of us.

"Riss... I'm tired. What time is it?" My body was totally limp, including my eyelids.

"Baby it's just about one in the afternoon." So apparently, it was late in the day. I thought maybe I should get up... in five to ninety minutes. "It's time for your birthday present."I debated pulling my junk out of my boxers and saying, "Let me have it."Larisa seemed so excited and antsy to give me my birthday gift. She had probably been up and ready to give it to me at 7 A.M. She looked so energetic and filled with anticipation that I didn't want to upset her by going back to bed.Now that I think about it, wouldn't the nice thing to do be to let the fuckin birthday boy sleep in?

"Does it taste good?" I asked, in hopes that it was an alcoholic beverage.

"Well, all I can tell you is that it's Canadian." 'Must be cheap beer,' I thought to myself.Is Canadian beer cheap? I don't have any idea. "Come on Matty. It's downstairs." I rolled my eyes and started trying to get my legs moving, silently mumbling curse words under my breath. "Oh. Good morning and happy birthday!" exclaimed Larisa as she leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips, her hand tenderly grasping my chin. "Let's go downstairs." As she leaned down I could see down her low cut maroon shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra, as usual. Seeing her breasts hanging down freely was the only reason I kept my eyes open.

"Okay... Fiiine. Fiiine." I was so friggen exhausted. 'This better be some amazing gift,' I thought. I put my shirt on as Larisa nudged me from behind, trying to rush me.This bitch is about to get pimped smacked if she pushes me again."Okay! Okay! I'm going." I started to walk down the stairs and said, "Riss. I told you, you didn't have to get me anything." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone sitting on the couch in the living room. I shut my eyes tightly and opened them again. What I saw totally shocked me.

Avril Lavigne was sitting in my living room. The pop/punk princess herself was in my house, dressed in her usual skater attire. I stopped midway down the stairs to look at her. She sat before me dressed in baggy black cargo pants and a tight little green t-shirt. She wore Vans sneakers and had a bunch of those plastic rubbery looking bracelets as well as a studded one on her wrists.My mom was going to throw me a beating if that spiked bracelet punctured the sofa.The black nail polish. The dark eye makeup. She was so fucking hot in person. She looked up at me, her hair slightly covering her face from the part near the center of her head. She was in the phase where she lost the necktie and changed her hair a bit, making her look older.

I don't know about most of you out there. I thought Avril Lavigne was fucking hot. Some of you out there are thinking, 'Hmmm. She has no body and looks like a 13-year-old boy.' Well. Call me a homo with pedophile tendencies, because I want to bang her so hard. ...And I'm very partial to her CDs. Okay fine. I'm an Avril Lavigne fan. I'd let her take a dump on my chest, then I'd hand her a hundred bucks as I wiped my own cum off my stomach.


"Happy birthday Bedtime Bear," whispered Larisa into my ear as she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling herself against me. 'So is my gift getting to boff Avril?' I wondered.

"...Hi there," I said in total shock, my eyes now wide open. I totally forgot the fact I just woke up, was wearing a shirt and boxers, and probably had the worst morning breath.

"Matty. Meet Avril," she said as she extended her arm out, motioning to the singer.

"Hi Matt. Happy birthday," said Avril in her Canadian accent.I found her accent so incredibly sexy. The way she said words like "about." It sounded like "eh bOAt." So sexy. It's gonna be a lot easier for you guys to read this if I don't type everything she says the way it sounds. Accents take way too much fucking time to write.

"Thanks. ...It's so nice to meet you. What...? What are you doing here?" I asked my new guest. I was still dumbfounded she was here and my brain was still partially shut down from exhaustion.

"Well Matt. As you know, Larisa got you front row seats and a few backstage passes for the show tomorrow night. From what she told me, you're not a bad guitar player."

"Yeah. That's right," I said as I turned to look at Larisa. I was no Kirk Hammett, but I could hold my own.

"Do you know any of my songs?" she asked me.Obviously she already knew, otherwise why would she be here? I moved over to the living room, closer to her. I still kept my distance due to not having yet brushed my teeth.

"I know a bunch of them actually. Why?" I asked, looking at her and then at Larisa. "I'm sorry. I REALLY gotta go to the bathroom. Would you excuse me?" Avril just laughed and nodded. Larisa, on the other hand, looked embarrassed for both of us. I quick took my morning piss and drank about half a bottle of mouthwash.Not literally. I got back to the living room and apologized once again.

"Feel better... relieving the tension?" Avril asked. Man did it sound like she was flirting. It caught me off guard. Apparently, I didn't notice the hole in the front of my boxers was slightly open, letting the singer catch a glimpse of my cock. It's not my fault. Sleeping and a mid-slumber boner stretched out the fabric.

"Very much. Thanks. So you were saying...?"

"How would you like to play one song with us onstage tomorrow night?"I do believe I just shat myself.

"Are you serious?" I asked Avril, my pulse quickening. "Did... did she just...?" I asked Larisa as I quickly turned to face her.

"Yeah baby. She did," Larisa responded, not being able to contain her giant smile. I did know a bunch of her songs. I had bought all the sheet music for it. As I said before, I'm a fan. It had always been a dream of mine to be in a band and go on tour.Since a month ago when I realized how much I actually hate school and my two majors.I also felt that my other dream of being the singer for Journey was a tad impossible.Now I'd get to go play at a giant arena in front of thousands of people!

"Haha. I'm totally serious. How would you like to playFall to Piecestomorrow night. Just me and you on stage for your birthday present. It'll be a little acoustic duet."In all actuality, I wish she asked me to play Fuel by Metallica. I'd show them the real way to play that shit. Not that weak ass crap they brought to the MTV Icon show.

"I'd fucking love to!" I yelled. I was fucking giddy at this point. "That'd be incredible! Yeah. Thank you so much Avril." I was beside myself in shock and excitement. I didn't know who to thank more, her or Larisa, but I babbled to both anyway.

"Good. And call me Av. All my friends do," she said as she rested her hands on her knees, leaning forward. She looked at me with a sultry smile and an intense gaze. I pondered for a moment as to whether or not she wanted to sleep with me... based on her look.Probably not.

"Riss! I'm...!" I shouted. "...Am I getting Punk'd?"

"Haha. No love." I saw Avril also crack a smile.

"Did you do this??" I asked her.

"Yeah baby. Happy birthday." I grabbed Larisa's hands and pulled her towards me, wrapping my arms around her before she knew what hit her. I kissed her and hugged her again and again.

"Thank you so much. Thank you... both of you. This is so incredible."

"Well, before tomorrow, let me just get a feel for how good you are," Avril said as she reached over and pulled out my acoustic guitar from the side of the couch. I hadn't even noticed it sitting there. "Here Matt. Why don't we play it once here, just to see what I'm dealing with."A big thick cock. That's what.

"Yeah. Sure. Don't worry. I don't suck. Haha," I said as I took it from her. "Uh... Do you have a pick?" Avril fumbled around in her pocket for a second.

"Yeah. Here ya go," she said as she tossed it to me. Awesome. An official Avril guitar pick to add to the collection of concert memorabilia. "Okay. Are you ready?" I nodded as I got prepped. "Okay. One. Two. One. Two. Three. Four." I started playing the song. I was so nervous. I didn't want to embarrass myself, and most importantly, Larisa. After all, she organized this whole thing. I also didn't want Avril to feel like she dug herself in a hole here. I was never so nervous playing before. Luckily, I was doing pretty well. It wasn't the most complicated song ever.Do I really need to make a complicated joke here, after her song "Complicated?" I think we're all beyond that. Come on.
