Good Intentions


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"When we talked last time, were you serious about letting me have a room here?" she asked. "I mean, like, for real. Like I could stay here."

"Of course I was serious. I'm not about to tell my own sister she can't be here."

I saw some of the tension leave Anya as I answered her, and the corner of her lips twitched upward in what was nearly a smile.

"Good, 'cause I have some clothes and stuff in my car to bring in," she said.

"I see. Am I to assume there's been some kind of trouble?"

"No, I'm not going to need to you to beat anyone up for me if that's what you're wondering. I just made some decisions, and believe me I thought hard about them."

"Such as?"

"Such as, and don't you dare tell me you told me so, but like maybe moving in with my boyfriend wasn't something I should have done," she said, glaring at me as though daring me to say 'I told you so' even after her warning. "Ex-boyfriend now, I suppose," she amended after a brief pause.

"You broke up?"

"It seemed like the right thing to do."

"And so of course now you need to move out. You understand I don't have a second bed or anything. I have plenty of space, but... my furniture hasn't finished adjusting to that yet."

"That hasn't been much of an issue for us before."

We shared a look, and without having to ask I knew exactly what she was getting at. That she was suggesting we share my bed, at least temporarily, was obvious. It was the things that went along with it that I was less certain about, but her expression told me all I needed to know.

"You want some help with the stuff in your car?" I asked.

"Mm-hm, I wouldn't mind," Anya said. "I have too many bags for me to carry all at once. It'll probably be two trips even with you helping."

"Why do I feel like you were planning on moving in before you even asked?"

"Because I was." She stepped closer to me and kissed me, backing off just before I could get my hands to her waist and pull her even closer. "I knew you wouldn't say no to me."

"How could I?" I asked rhetorically.

I followed Anya to her car and helped lug her bags back inside. It felt far too similar to not so long ago when we'd been moving my things in, and I wasn't in any hurry to do that again, but for my sister I didn't mind so much. Sure there'd be more to come, I couldn't imagine she'd be abandoning everything she couldn't pack in one trip, but it all meant she'd be living with me which was a pretty significant upside.

The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. It was kind of strange that I hadn't seriously considered it before, except of course that until very recently I'd had no clue it was even a viable possibility. It wasn't as though I could have known what Anya was thinking; for all I'd known, she might have been happy where she was.

My apartment was intended to be a two-bedroom place, and as such we put Anya's stuff in the other bedroom that I hadn't already moved in to. Honestly, I was kind of glad to have her use some of the space since I really didn't need it all. If not for the awesome location, I probably would never have taken the apartment to begin with. I just didn't need so much room all to myself.

There was a limited amount of organizing Anya could do with her clothes and other assorted possessions at this point. Mostly they'd all just have to stay in their bags, or be strewn across the floor if she so chose, but she spent some time sorting through it all anyway. I watched for a couple minutes while she tossed unimportant bags in the corner and left more crucial ones easier to access, and I didn't say a word even though I wouldn't have bothered.

"I didn't take much time to plan this part," she finally said, apparently sensing my question. "I'm not a hundred percent sure what's in each bag. I just wanted to make sure I had everything I needed."

"I never said anything," I said.

"No, but you were obviously wondering why I was sorting through clothes when I have nowhere to put them."

"That's true, I was. Can you read my mind or something?"

"Like I want to know what's going on in there. You're just not very subtle is all."

I grinned and walked up behind my sister, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You might like what's been going on in my brain," I told her. "You've been in there a lot lately. For a while now actually."

"Mm-hm, I do kinda like that you've been thinking about me."

I pushed Anya's hair away from her shoulder on one side and kissed her neck a couple times. She leaned her head to the opposite side and exposed more of her skin to me, which I took as a sign to continue.

"Would I be right in guessing some of those thoughts have been kind of naughty?" she asked.

"That's sort of the way things have been going, isn't it?"

"I guess it probably is." She turned around and took a half-step back so she could look at me properly. "How did it happen though? Lots of siblings are close without it ever getting to be more than that."

"I have no idea," I answered honestly. "It just happened."

Anya nodded slowly, then abruptly moved in and kissed me. I kissed her back, and for a moment I simply enjoyed the feeling of finally being certain what was going on between us. I loved my sister, perhaps more than I should, and I knew she felt the same for me. If nothing else, the way she kissed me would have been evidence enough of that. It communicated some things better than words could manage most of the time.

Wordlessly I led Anya to my room which, being so new to me, was far tidier than it would probably ever be again. It seemed appropriate somehow, for two big changes in my life to coincide that way. Like some bigger, better part of my life had just begun.

"It's a little early for you to be taking me to bed already," Anya said, teasing me while she tugged on my shirt.

"Only if you plan on sleeping," I said. "I hadn't planned on that just yet."

"Oh yeah? What were you going to do?"

She pulled my shirt up over my head as far as she could, and I finished the job of removing it when she couldn't reach any farther.

"Apparently I'm going to take my clothes off," I said.

Anya had immediately gone for my belt and had it undone before I could free my arms. I grabbed her wrists as she tried to pull my pants down and she pouted at me.

"I was only helping," she said. "You're the one who said you wanted your clothes off."

"It doesn't have to be as fast as possible," I said. "There's no rush."

"I know, I just want you to know I'm serious. I'm not going to stop it this time, not like I did last time when you spent the night."

"You were right to stop it then. You had good reasons."

"Yeah, maybe I did. But I don't anymore."

"What about that I'm your brother?"

Anya mock-glared at me. "Whose side are you on here?"

"I wasn't aware there were sides to take. I was just sayi--"

I was interrupted by a rather forceful kiss from my sister, evidently intended to make me shut up.

"How 'bout you start an argument later if you really feel the need," she said.


Together we lay down on my bed in a general mess of lips and hands and increasingly bare skin. Clothing started coming off again, but slower now as Anya seemed to have been persuaded that she really didn't need to prove anything to me, and was much more willing to take her time.

For a while all we did was explore each other's bodies, a process that became easier and easier as clothes were removed until finally we each had only our underwear. When I got to Anya's bra I was just a little hesitant, but I got over that quickly enough and soon her naked breasts lay before me. I'd seen most of her body before in one way or another, but now there was something new and very, very interesting.

I didn't think too much of it, but I must have developed too much of a fascination with my sister's breasts because it caught her attention.

"Why are you staring at my boobs like that?" she whispered.

"Because they look nice," I said.

"I'm sure they do, but you're not even touching them."

"Sorry, it's just that what we're doing now, and what we're about to do, it's pretty huge for us, you know?"

She took my hand and guided it to her breast, holding my palm against her flesh until she was sure I would keep it there on my own.

"I know this is big," she said. "But it's good. It's what we want, right?"

"Right. I just don't want to go too fast and fuck something up."

"Mm-hm, I guess I can understand that. But I just really want this to all finally be real. No more waiting and wondering."

I pressed my leg between hers and she spread them enough to allow me some access. I could tell exactly when my upper thigh rubbed against her pussy by the way her facial expression changed all of a sudden.

"This feels real, doesn't it?" I said.

Anya bit her lip and nodded, even while her hips rocked back against my leg involuntarily. I didn't know what her panties were made of, but it was something smooth and sufficiently frictionless that her pussy slid easily back and forth on me. Unfortunately that lack of friction meant it wasn't doing much for my sister, and a small amount of frustration began to creep over her face.

I moved my hand down to the top of her panties, then slipped my fingers underneath them. I had seen her pussy before of course, what felt like a very long time ago, but this was my first time touching it in any way. Anya's frustration vanished as soon as she felt what I was doing and her eyes told me not to stop.

Her slit was already wet, though I didn't explore just how wet it was at first. Instead I ran two fingers up and down either side of her pussy lips, teasing her a little bit more and gradually building the amount of stimulation she would experience. I knew it wouldn't be enough to satisfy her for long, but I didn't intend to keep at it long enough to really frustrate her. When she seemed to be getting to that point, I changed tactics and rearranged my fingers so a single one was pressed right against her opening. With only a small amount of force needed, it slid right in and just like that I was finger-fucking my little sister.

Anya seemed perfectly happy to let me do exactly what I was doing. Her eyes were closed, but her lips twitched appreciatively every now and then when I did something she really liked. She even moaned softly when I added a second finger.

She didn't remain completely passive for too long though, and her hands found their way to the waistband of my underwear purely by touch. She rubbed my cock through the material for a bit, throwing off my concentration in the process, before pulling my underwear down over my erection and letting me finish kicking my last bit of clothing off my feet.

I was already pretty much fully hard, even though up until now I hadn't been getting much in the way of stimulation. Anya changed that as soon as she got access on my bare cock. Her fingers caressed the sensitive skin of my shaft and toyed with the tip where they spread around the precum that leaked out. I hadn't noticed at first, but she had her eyes open now and they were fixed directly on my erection as she observed the effect she had on me.

"You ready?" I asked quietly, though I still managed to startle Anya who had been in a world of her own.

"Mm-hm. Are you gonna...." She trailed off, but it wasn't hard to guess what she was getting at.

With my hand already in Anya's panties, it was easy enough to grab them and start to remove them. She shifted a bit to take her weight off where her legs met the mattress and help me take them off completely, leaving the two of us naked and ready for the next step.

I felt Anya's hand on my cock again as I positioned myself, helping to guide me in. Her body was more than ready for me, and as soon as I made contact with her pussy my instincts took over. She moaned and wrapped her arms around me, holding us as close together as she could while I buried myself inside her.

Her lips were on my neck and the warmth of her skin pressed against me firmly, but all of that had a hard time competing with the way her pussy embraced and enveloped my cock with every thrust. It seemed impossibly tight at times, yet never failed to allow me deeper and deeper until I had bottomed out inside my little sister. She gave me an extra tight squeeze as I reached that final depth, and all of a sudden her mouth was on mine, locking on like she had somehow learned how to go without breathing in the past few seconds. I, however, still needed air and had to pull my head back to get out of her reach.

An upside of putting that space between our faces was that I could actually watch Anya's reactions instead of only hearing and feeling them. She smiled at me as I fucked her, and there was such a combination of love and lust evident in her eyes that I couldn't imagine wanting to be with anyone else in the world at that moment. She was my sister, and that meant we definitely shouldn't be doing what we were doing, but that all seemed irrelevant. There was no possible argument that anyone could have made that would have made me change my mind about what we were doing.

I had no idea how much time passed while Anya and I lay tangled together, hips constantly rocking against each other as I thrust in and out of her pussy. The whole idea of trying to quantify any part of the experience seemed meaningless. Unlike most any other time I'd had sex, or masturbated for that matter, cumming was not nearly so high on my mind as it usually was. I almost would have been okay with never getting there and just continuing forever, if that hadn't been such a blatantly impossible idea.

I did eventually reach my orgasm of course, it was more or less an inevitability. Anya and I hadn't had a chance to discuss it before hand, but I sensed that cumming inside her was okay. Granted that probably had more to do with millennia of evolved instinct that my own perceptions, but it turned out she had no objections, and in fact might have been more upset if I hadn't.

For a couple minutes afterward I lay on my back, too overwhelmed by everything to move or think, or even speak. Anya was much quicker to recover that I was and raised herself onto her knees before straddling my waist. Apparently she wasn't yet satisfied, though I could have sworn she came at least once before I had finished. With some girls once wasn't necessarily enough though, as I understood it, and that could have been the case with my sister.

"I don't think I can go again right now," I said.

Having just cum the way I did, my cock was about as soft as it got. My sister's beautiful naked body wasn't enough to change that in this instance.

"Sure you can," she informed me. "You just need a little help."

Slowly, but with increasing speed and force, Anya started grinding on my cock, rubbing it aggressively with her now incredibly slick pussy. I had to admit, she was right about me just needing her assistance. My body responded exactly the way she was hoping, and soon she was grinding against a fully hard erection. As soon as she judged that I was ready, and with no real warning, she adjusted her position and lowered herself on me until I was fully inside her once again.

This time I didn't have to do anything except lie back and admire the view of my sexy little sister riding me and getting herself off. Sometimes she watched me too, sometimes she just closed her eyes and let her hips rock her to orgasm. I, however, kept my gaze on her the whole time. I didn't want to miss anything, even though I suspected I'd have more than enough opportunities to become familiar with all the various details of her body in time.


We finally crawled out of my room what felt like hours later, both of us needing food, water, and a chance to rest. Our token attempts at modesty involved me putting my pants back on and Anya stealing my shirt, which didn't quite cover her butt at the best of times. She seemed to enjoy 'accidentally' flashing me every few seconds.

Sandwiches were the very easiest meal available, so that was what we made. We sat together at my new dining table to eat, which was kind of a novelty for me all on its own. I got through about half my sandwich before I just got too distracted to continue.

"Never seen you leave food on your plate like that," Anya commented, noting my admittedly unusual lack of appetite.

She hadn't gotten much farther than me on hers, but she was always a slower eater anyway.

"Too busy watching you," I said.

"Oh? Why's that?" she said, feigning innocence while simultaneously moving her leg to expose her pussy to me for a brief second.

"No reason," I said

"Well you should eat."

She ripped off a bite of her sandwich and held it to my lips until I let her feed me. I chewed slowly and swallowed, barely tasting it the whole time.

"I love you," I said.

Maybe it was kind of an obvious thing to say at that point; she had to know it already, but I needed to say it. The way she looked at me when I did confirmed that it had been a good choice.

"I love you too," she said. "I wasn't sure whether I should say it though."


"Oh, you know, 'cause sometimes it freaks guys out. Not that I thought it would with you, but you never know." She got out of her chair long enough to give me a quick, loving kiss, then sat back down. "Besides, I knew you loved me, it wasn't anything we needed to say."

"So I shouldn't have bothered?"

"Now you're being purposefully obtuse. I'd know that you loved me even if you didn't say it, but I'm happy you did."

"Yeah, me too actually. Happy about a lot of things right now."

Anya actually blushed a little.

"Things worked out pretty well, didn't they?" she said.

"About as well as they could have. I think it would have killed me eventually if you hadn't decided to move in with me, and I might not have ever known why."

"Mm-hm, I was going a little crazy too. But now I'm all yours, and vice-versa. Wanna take me back to bed and celebrate it?"

I feigned exasperation. "Already? You're going to kill me even faster at this rate."

"Maybe, but it'll be fun finding out, won't it?"

Anya stood and took a few steps toward the bedroom. Without looking back to see if I was watching, she pulled her borrowed shirt over her head and discarded it, leaving her naked. Her hips swayed extra hard just before she vanished into my room, and I knew any protest I might have devised had just been successfully countered before it could be formed.

I sighed for effect, despite the fact that Anya probably wouldn't hear it, and followed her to my bed. As problems went, too much sex was hardly the worst I'd ever dealt with. And as long we had each other, I wasn't too worried about dealing with any real problems that might arise.

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kaotic2kaotic27 months ago

Goddammit. This kinda made me cry. I really wish it was longer. I'm dying for a good long b/s love story like this. Thank you for writing and sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Damn that was compelling stuff. I felt like I was reading an excerpt from someone's life as they went back over how things were from just before their relationship got started, up until the point where they finally consummated it. It was pretty awesome. I do wish it was longer and showed a bit of what happened next. I prefer stories that are more complete in that sense, but I cannot fault this one otherwise. Well except for maybe the whole boyfriend bit; could have done without that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hot horny believable. Wish it was longer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved the story ,loved how the brother & sister love grew each time they were together, very sexy & very HOT . Makes me wish I had a sister!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

most of your stories are very good ,but alas they are long due to your have needless and meaningless banter between brother and sister

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your dialog is so natural and believable.... The characters are always so three dimensional, warm, likable and believable.... Bridges the happy between reality and fantasy so well. One of my very favorite authors here. Probably the most prolific off really good stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

When are one of these girls going to end up pregnant, and how are the siblings going to handle the situation when it happens? Come on, Xarth, story after story your couples are having unprotected sex! A pregnancy is inevitable. Get to it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Xart is the best!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very well written as always. Thank you Xarth

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Much more detail of their feeling as he cums deep up inside her is need other wise a greet story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As always, Xarth, you have done a superb job of describing the evolution of a brother-sister relationship into one of true lovers, without losing the sense of two siblings who know each other very well and enjoy the teasing that normally exists between siblings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is the perfect story for me, I loved the build up the tribulation and finally the realization of it! Wonderful!

Radomir1Radomir1almost 3 years ago

Very good.

This is not porn. It's a romantic story about a love affair. How it begins and develops. It's a great story.

You are a true master.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The relationship evolves through uncertainty, resistance and guilt in a way that almost makes it believable. nice work!!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 3 years ago

Your stories are all so good but the big problem I have is theyre all short stories or once off stories aka there are no sequels to continue the tales... please consider doing sequels for your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
5 everyone has different tastes

For me this was about perfect. I liked the slow build up. I liked the romance. They di not go on dates but they spent quality alone time together that moved the story along in a manner I liked.

RockyStoneRockyStonealmost 5 years ago
I really like your writing

I saw you as the author and it was automatic click. I was looking for random good stories. I rather liked the way the sex was treated. It was about the love making and not the orgasm. With the slow boil of the relationship it is a natural end. If brother and sister just decide to fuck randomly, no big explosion would be missed. The sister didn't need the god of love, she needed one particular guy after she made her mind up. Time to browse through your stories again.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
least favorite

1st off, I would like to start off by saying Xarth is my all time favorite bro-sis romance incest writer. I have read most of his stories, yes, even humorous ones. If I happened to have come across 'Terribly Silly Incest' before reading any other stories from Xarth, then I would have dismissed the story after 1/2 the first page. But because I knew Xarth was the author, I read on and had good laugh and enjoyed it in a silly way.

Now on to my thoughts about this story. Just as Xarth mentioned in his comment. Sister could have made up the story about having bf to seduce her brother. Or she really did have bf. Either way, I am not big fan of a seduction by main characters employing one of our least liked emotions such as jealousy. of course, it was very subtle but it was there and it was the big part of this story. I was kind of surprised as I thought this was not Xarth's MO. I never felt negative emotions from his other stories. Perhaps, Xarth was going through emotional turmoil when he wrote this...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

As with Forever and Ever, you do this sort of thing extremely well. It’s also highly erotic.

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