Good Neighbors Ch. 020

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Spending the night at a high rise.
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Part 21 of the 189 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2021
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(This one is a short one that continues what happened at the high rise. Thank you for reading.)

I woke up a few hours later after our hot fuck in the high rise. As I looked next to me, I saw her beautiful form laying there peacefully. I slid out of bed to grab some water. I took a long drink before refilling the glass. As I thought about the last few days, I smiled. I never thought after losing my wife to cancer that I would be happy again. I thought about the offer I made to her a few days ago for her to move in with me. I started to debate whether to bring it up again or not. I decided to wait on it just to see what she was thinking.

I slid back into bed beside her and kissed her forehead. I could feel her hands sliding up my body as I pulled back. I loved her hands. They were the right combination of softness and roughness. I started rubbing her back before an idea crossed my mind. I reached into my luggage and found what I was looking for. I then carefully took her hand and cuffed it to the other one. The soft click of the cuffs woke her up.

"What the hell?" she asked before looking at me with her eyes partially closed.

"Hello, my pet," I said, a bit more confident.

"Is this a punishment?"

"No, my pet. I just want to be able to do what I want to you before you stop me."

I scooted to the end of the bed and spread her legs apart. I kissed from her knee to her inner thigh slowly and sensually before stopping altogether. I could hear her breathing harder as I started again doing the same motion except using my tongue instead. I stayed away from her pussy on purpose. As I leaned closer, I could feel her gasp when I finally contacted her lips. My lips kissed her slowly. I kept slowly kissing as she moaned before I heard her start to beg.

I pulled back and carefully moved the blankets off the bed. She started to pout a little before I grabbed her foot and started kissing down her leg again. I remembered to take my time. I attempted to make that night about her. I wanted to seduce her and make her climax a multitude of times. I wanted to reward her for taking good care of me that week. I kept teasing her slowly. I could hear her breathing getting a bit faster as I teased.

I plunged my tongue deep inside her as I wrapped my arms around her legs. She moaned super loud as she felt her first climax. I kept licking, allowing my tongue to stab her many times while she moaned and thrashed. I wanted to drive her to a second one and tease her more. I needed her cum. I wanted to claim it as mine like I claimed her in the past. But I wanted more. I wanted to feel like she marked her territory, like she showed the world that I was hers the same way.

It was when I felt her approach her second one that I plunged my tongue a little lower. I could hear her curse loudly as I started licking and tongue-fucking her anus. She started thrashing a bit more until I flipped her over on her knees. Her hands were beneath her, so I took advantage and started to slap her ass. Like clockwork, she began to count out the smacks. I felt honored that she was so good at slipping into that headspace at a moment's turn. By the time I finished her spanking, her cheeks were red.

I leaned in next to her face and kissed her.

"What would my pet like right now for being such a good girl?"

"Fuck me, Master," she whispered.

I looked at her and smiled.


"Your choice, Master. I am yours to fuck. Please just fuck me, Sir."

I slid in behind her and started to slide into her pussy for a few strokes. After I felt that she adequately prepared me, I slid into her ass ever so slowly. I found the tie still on the bed and slid it over her head until it fell to her neck. I could hear her moan louder as I pulled it a little bit. She started thrashing against me. It began to get overwhelming.

"I'm gonna cum, my pet."

"Fill your ass, Master!!"

I followed her directions before we both collapsed on the bed. I quickly undid the cuffs and the tie. She kissed me before she smiled.

"This is why I love spending the night with you, Romeo."

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Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

The training seems to be progressing nicely. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

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