Gorilla and the Metalhead Pt. 12


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Carlos finished his paperwork, and approached a table where four people were sitting. He knew Adahlia, but he didn't know the other three. Introductions occurred.

Shadow was drinking red wine like it was blood. He was a goth, into hardcore old-school stuff like early Christian Death. He sported spiky dyed black hair, a pierced septum and eyebrow, a brace of bracelets around his left wrist, and at least one cheap ring on every finger. His nails were painted a deep, blood red. He hosted a goth music show on Atlanta college radio. Freyja, who was Adahlia's best friend, sat next to Shadow, a glass of beer in front of her. Carlos noticed her hands -- he'd never seen longer fingernails in his life, and he imagined what they'd feel like tickling his balls. Her nose was pierced, her lips were a deep red, and she had some serious ink around her neck. And next to her sat Angelique, previously Andrew, who was transitioning. She was heavily into death metal. She had a small online following under the name MetalSuckTM -- the trans metal chick who uploads clips of her sucking her own dick and cumming all over her own face. She couldn't believe she was sitting at the same table as Carlos. She'd sucked herself off so many times imagining it was Carlos's cock twitching inside her mouth, but Carlos knew nothing of Angelique's online presence.

Carlos took a seat, and Adahlia poured him a shot of vodka. He looked around the table. "Am I the only one drinking the hard stuff?" Carlos asked.

"For now ... yes. Now fuckin' drink it."

Carlos lifted the shot glass, tilted his head back, and opened his throat. The fiery liquid burned on the way down, and his facial expression said it all. "Fuck," he whispered.

They talked for a while about the operations of Eternal. Carlos knew some of it, having been here countless times before, but he knew almost nothing about what happened behind the scenes except the effort it took to put a band on stage. The others explained about deliveries of drinks and other supplies through the loading dock, maintenance of the stage and PA equipment, and so on.

Carlos took as much of this information in as he could, but there was something else on his mind that he wanted to talk about.

"Hey, Adahlia?"


"I need to tell you about Boipussy."

The others at the table turned to face Carlos, not quite sure how to interpret this statement.

Carlos filled the stunned silence. "I mean the band that's playing here tomorrow night. You said they're called Boipussy."

Adahlia wasn't sure where Carlos was coming from. "Yeah, OK, so what about them?"

"I've seen them play before. Interstate. And they fuckin' rock. They're gonna destroy tomorrow night."

"Awesome!" replied Adahlia. "Tell us about them, so we know what to expect?"

Carlos took a breath. "OK, so they're a metal band, a five-piece, and when I saw them play, the singer played the entire set like he was being fucked in the ass by an unseen presence standing behind him. I couldn't work out what was happening, but just before their last song for the night, he unbuckled his jeans and pointed his ass to the crowd. He played the whole show with a fat buttplug in his ass."

Gasps all round. Adahlia's jaw dropped. After she recovered, she poured Carlos another shot of neat vodka. He threw it back.

"They put on a kickass show that night, and I messaged the frontman the next morning. His name's Ace. Fuck, he's hot. I'd fuckin' love for my dick to be his buttplug for a night. I told him about my own band, he looked us up online, and when he responded, he said we should organise a show one day."

Adahlia turned to the other three people at the table. "Carlos is the frontman of Ass To Mouth. They've played here a few times."

"I know," said Angelique. Fuck, she wanted Carlos in her pussy so bad.

A lightbulb went off above Adahlia's head. "OK, so you said you know the lead singer of Boipussy, and he said that he wanted to play with you?"

Carlos raised his eyebrows suggestively. "Yeah. And I'd love to play with him, too."

"Well, I didn't mean it like that," Adahlia coughed, though she wouldn't put anything past Carlos if this guy was as sexy as he said he was. "Do they know A2M is an Atlanta band?"

"I might've mentioned it in my message, but I can't remember. In any case, even if I did, maybe Ace forgot."

"Hmm. I know it's short notice and this is completely unexpected, but what would you say to a double bill? A2M and Boipussy? It's their show," she explained, "so you'd have to play first, but ... what do you say?"

"What about my shift tomorrow night?" he asked. "I mean, I've only just started working here tonight ..."

"Fuck it, we'll cover for you," Adahlia interrupted. "Eternal lives and dies on gigs. If you can make it happen, it'd be a fuckin' glorious night of metal, and we'll get the word out on socials."

Carlos grinned. "Fuck yeah! But I'm gonna need to make some calls like right now, so don't force-feed me any more vodka until I'm done."

He disappeared into a quiet corner of the room. He apologised to his bandmates for his late-night calls, and unfortunately he woke the bass player up, but by the end of the task, he'd received three positive answers. Pete was nearly asleep when he answered his phone, needing to be at the office in the morning, but as soon as he realised tomorrow night was Friday night and he didn't have to wake up the next morning, he jumped at the chance to play.

Carlos returned to the table, grinning. "We're in. Double bill."

Adahlia beamed. She loved watching Ass To Mouth rock the house, and while she'd never heard of Boipussy until recently, Carlos's enthusiasm about them was more than enough to excite her. She already knew that tomorrow night was going to be off the fucking chain. "In that case, my colleagues and I respectfully retract our intention to send you to the emergency room with alcohol poisoning tonight. We reserve the right to put you within easy reach of death some other night," she joked, "but we wanna see you destroy this room tomorrow night." She raised her tattooed fingers as devil horns and stuck her tongue out. Carlos looked at Adahlia's tongue and wondered how much of his DNA was still in her mouth.

Carlos felt like he was in heaven. "I'm not done yet. Pour me another shot, bitch."

Adahlia's black fingernails reached for the vodka bottle. "My duty and my pleasure."

She raised her beer, they clinked glasses in salute, and Carlos emptied his shot in a single gulp. He stood up. "Gotta go." He placed the palms of his hands together in a gesture of thankfulness. "I'm so glad to be a part of Eternal. I feel completely at home here..."

Adahlia interrupted: "You won't think that when you're run off your feet on a busy night."

Carlos continued: "... but I need to make sure I'm ready for tomorrow."

"We get it," Angelique said. "Can't fucking wait to see you on stage tomorrow."

As Carlos locked eyes with Angelique, he noticed her poke her tongue into the corner of her mouth. Her suggestion was unmistakeable. Carlos said his goodbyes and hailed an uber. Sitting in the backseat, he texted Gorilla, who was lying in bed in Oklahoma City, watching trash TV.

Carlos: hey i know its late but r u up

Gorilla: yeah but you're interrupting me right in the middle of celebrity masterchef

Carlos: is that a joke

Gorilla: yeah ... some fuckwit cooked eggs in a microwave, this show is fuckin toast

Carlos: you still in houston

Gorilla: nah im in oklahoma city 2nite

Carlos's uber pulled up out front of his building.

Carlos: wait a second just getting out of an uber

Gorilla waited patiently as Carlos made his way up to his apartment.

Carlos: u hookup 2nite?

Gorilla: nah but i had one of those days

Carlos: one of what days

Gorilla: i felt horny as fk but i didn't want to meet anyone so as soon as i checked in at the sleep inn i hooked my laptop up to the motel wifi and i had a huge goon session

Carlos: how many times did u cum

Gorilla: 5 I think

Carlos: WOW fuck man i havent cum that many times in a day since i was in high school

Gorilla: the last nut was dry but it still felt good

Carlos: what were u watching

Gorilla: compilations of bear porn with lots of closeups of anal penetration, nipple sucking and facials

Despite the vodka, Carlos's cock stood up. He'd love to watch Gorilla jerking off to porn.

Carlos: wanna watch u goon dude

Gorilla didn't respond, and Carlos felt the urge to continue the conversation.

Carlos: had my first shift at eternal 2nite

Gorilla: how did it go

Carlos: good but i feel a bit drunk right now because they wanted me to drink with them when we closed, must be an initiation ceremony but i escaped

Gorilla: yeah i know what that feels like, except for the escape part

Carlos: hey u remember that band boipussy

Gorilla: yeah

Carlos: they're playing at eternal tomorrow night and we're supporting them, and that's why they let me off the hook

Gorilla didn't respond, and Carlos wasn't sure why. After a few minutes, he texted again.

Carlos: u still there big guy

Gorilla: yeah

Carlos: what's up

Gorilla: have a good time 2mrw nite, sorry i can't be there ... im gonna hit the hay, im due at the wheel early again see ya

Carlos wasn't sure how to interpret this unexpected end to the conversation. He went to his fridge, opened the door and popped the top off a beer. He knew Gorilla led an exhausting, tiring life, yet something about the way he tapped out of their conversation concerned him. He sat on his small balcony, staring out at the city as it buzzed and hummed beneath him, thinking.

What the hell was going on between Gorilla and himself?

He wondered what it was in life that he truly loved; the things that made life worthwhile to him. He loved music, obviously, especially when it was loud and raucous. He loved his guitars, he loved being in a band, he loved the sound of a loud, enthusiastic cheering audience, and he loved searching through the sweaty crowd for someone hot to fuck after the show. He loved to fuck men, and before he met Gorilla, he was mostly a top, but he'd recently grown to love the feeling of a thick, wet chunk of meat pistoning inside his ass. But most importantly in life, he desperately loved his mom. He'd do anything for her, and he knew his mom felt the same way about him. He remembered the first time he told his mom he liked boys and not girls, and he knew he'd never forget her warm, tight, unconditional embrace for as long as he lived. Looking back, Carlos sometimes wondered if his mom knew even before he knew himself.

Did he love Gorilla? He wasn't sure. People say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Gorilla was hundreds of miles away, but Carlos wasn't missing him right now, but maybe that was because he was excited about tomorrow night. Were they just good friends, or was there something deeper there, waiting to be uncovered and explored?

He couldn't ever remember loving any person other than his mom. He had no siblings, and he couldn't remember his father. He'd had a few short-term semi-relationships with other guys, but they'd all sputtered out or nose-dived long before shit got real. And after a while, he learned how to protect himself by not getting too close, so he could walk away without having invested too heavily. He'd grown a hard emotional shell which wasn't easy to penetrate. And he'd never had a relationship long enough to justify cohabitation, which meant ever since he moved out of his mom's place, he'd always lived alone.

Maybe Gorilla felt some kind of connection too, but if tonight's interaction was anything to go by, it felt like Gorilla was withdrawing. Carlos was all set to have a massive night tonight at Eternal, and he wished Gorilla was able to share it with him. It wasn't his fault that Gorilla was endlessly ricocheting across the contiguous 48 states.

Or maybe Gorilla was giving him space to enjoy the night.

He also wondered if Gorilla felt excluded, as if he was outside Carlos' circle of metal. He'd told Gorilla that he'd fucked Pete, and maybe he suspected he'd hook up with Ace after the gig. Maybe Gorilla wasn't sure where he'd fit in Carlos's world.

Carlos knew he needed to talk to Gorilla about this shit, but he knew he wouldn't have an opportunity until after tomorrow night's gig.

For now, he decided to enjoy himself tomorrow night, putting Gorilla out of his mind. Saturday morning might be a wreck, but he planned to call Gorilla on Sunday.


Carlos woke with a start late Friday morning, and the first thought that ran through his mind was whether he needed to be at Eternal before lug-in time. He worked there now, and maybe he was expected to spend a few hours behind the bar before the show? Through a semi-hungover fog, remembered Adahlia's words about his second shift -- 'fuck it, we'll cover for you'. His panic subsided, and he collapsed back onto his pillow.

He wondered where Gorilla might be, and how well he was coping with his solitary life on the road. He knew Gorilla was in Dallas last night, but their text-based conversation had ended abruptly before he learned where his sexy trucker's next destination was. Eventually, he went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Gorilla had checked in at the warehouse, loaded his rig, and was on the road heading east, bound for Jackson.


Carlos showed up at Eternal's loading dock around five o'clock, ready to unload his guitars, his amp, and his pedals. There was no sign of any other musician.

The sound guy approached him at the dock. He took a cigarette out of his pack and lit up. He looked nervous. "Hey, Carlos," he said, narrowing his eyes as he blew the smoke away. They shook hands. He offered Carlos one of his cancer sticks.

Carlos declined. "Hey."

"What's going on tonight?" asked the sound guy.

"We're supporting an interstate band."

The sound guy looked impatient. "Yeah, yeah, I know who's playing and I know the running order," he exhaled, "but ... you're the only one here so far, and I'm getting worried. Are you gonna do a solo show?"

Carlos smiled nervously. He'd never had to hold the fort on his own. "Fuck. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

The sound guy put his cigarette between his lips and sucked hard. He looked Carlos up and down, and knew he'd much rather be sucking on something else.

The awkward silence was punctuated by an armada of vehicles piling into the dock.

The first car carried A2M's bass player and other guitarist. After greeting Carlos and the sound man, they began unloading and setting their gear up on stage. The second vehicle was Pete's van. He parked, but he had nothing to unload other than his sticks and a few stray pieces of percussion. He was following the longstanding convention that the headline act brought their own drumkit, and drummers of the support acts used the same kit. It meant only a single set of drums needed to be set up, not multiple ones.

Pete noticed Carlos standing next to the sound guy. He waved at him, and Carlos waved back.

A minibus swung across the intersection, careering towards the venue, pulling up with a screech at the dock. The vehicle briefly swayed from side to side at the force of its deceleration.

Carlos watched as five men disembarked. "You Boipussy?" he shouted.

"Yeah bitch, we are," a voice hollered back. Carlos instinctively knew that this was Ace, but Ace had no idea who's voice he'd replied to. Ace assumed it was the sound guy, worried about their tardy arrival.

Carlos watched the band climb out of their truck. Ace's long, blonde hair waved in the breeze as he stepped down onto concrete. He stretched his limbs and stifled a yawn. He was wearing a metal band t-shirt one size too small, a denim jacket, a pair of tight jeans that squeezed his scrotum, and a pair of sexy Converse sneakers. Ace had no idea who their support tonight was, or even if there was one: he and his four bandmates were just here to play a show and hopefully win some new interstate fans.

The members of Boipussy lugged their gear in and set up on stage. They didn't have enough time to do a full soundcheck, so they ran through the basics. Amps plugged in, powered on and miked up? Check. Guitar effects pedals circuit working as expected? Check. Foldback loud enough? Yeah, kind of. Check. Drumkit miked up? Check. Vocal mics working? Check. The sound guy would have to adjust the levels on the fly while the support act was on stage. Ace didn't know, but the sound guy was already very experienced in mixing the support band's sound.

Ace's usual pre-gig routine included taking a photo of the front of the venue they were playing in so he could upload it to his socials. He walked outside and padded down the venue's front steps before turning back to take a pic. He looked up at the billboard. In bold capital letters, he saw BOIPUSSY. Underneath, in slightly smaller lettering, he saw ASS TO MOUTH. He remembered someone from that band -- was his name Carlos? -- had emailed him a few weeks ago through his band's webpage. After receiving that email, he searched out some Ass To Mouth material online, and he watched a few poorly-videoed live concert grabs on youtube. He remembered thinking A2M's frontman was highly fuckable, but he hadn't thought too much about them since. He was busy with his own band.

Ace uploaded his photo, re-entered the venue and went backstage. He noticed the crowd was building, and the barstaff were busy. He opened the door to the green room and saw members of his own band talking to other musicians -- he assumed the men he didn't know were from A2M. An unopened bottle of high-dollar bourbon sat on a table, waiting to be consumed. He ripped the lid off with his teeth, grabbed a glass, and poured himself a triple. He threw it back neat, and it burned on the way down. "Is there a dude called Carlos in here?"

Carlos was sitting on the floor in a quiet corner of the room, not talking to anyone. He held his backup guitar on his lap, unplugged, strumming through riffs and chords to warm his fingers up. He looked up. "Yeah."

Ace walked over. "You got a second? I need to straighten a few things out with you before the show."

Wordlessly, Carlos stood. Ace walked out to the loading dock, and Carlos followed. Carlos had the sense to jam a wooden crate behind the back door so they wouldn't accidentally get locked out.

"Nice to finally meet you," said Carlos. "What do you want to talk about?"

Ace got directly to the point. "If I understood our earlier email exchange correctly, you're into men, right?"

"Yeah, I am," Carlos leered, leaning in, "and I'm especially into men like you." Carlos took the liberty of fishing a hand through Ace's blonde mane.

Ace moved forward, cupping Carlos's face with his hands. Their mouths opened and their tongues smashed together.

"Fuck," breathed Carlos, "I wanna fuck you so bad, but we're due on stage in ten minutes."

"How much time do you need to fuck me, bitch?" Ace asked. He unbuckled his jeans and bent forward, exposing his pre-lubricated boipussy, before going down onto all-fours. The garbage stink of the loading dock filled their nostrils. Carlos's cock stiffened, and Ace guided him in.

Ace moaned as he felt Carlos's cock sinking deep inside. There was no time for pleasantries, this was purely about getting off before the show. Ace jerked himself off as he felt Carlos cock pounding him. He looked back over his shoulder. "Cum inside me," he pleaded.

Ace groaned as he jerked himself off, his load splattering hard onto the loading dock concrete. Carlos's cock twitched, firing thick bullets deep into Ace's wet hole. "Sorry, dude, I have to go," he apologised as he pulled his deflating dick out of Ace's ass and packed it back into his jeans.

Ace looked longingly over his shoulder, but he knew the truth of what Carlos had said. He stood up, and Carlos's fresh load dribbled down his leg.