Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 07

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Bas goes to court and faces a conservatorship.
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Part 8 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 10/26/2021
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Robin interrupted me in my office to tell me she had talked to the slave girl's professors. Neither girl had missed a significant exam and could ask a classmate for the lecture notes. "I told both of them they better study hard if they hope to pass." she said. I commented she seemed a little more relaxed today than she was yesterday. "I was still pretty upset you wanted to evict me Saturday. I'm just looking out for you, Bas. I really think you need to be in the program. You need the structure. This past week or so you have really been impulsive almost to the point of recklessness. You have to admit that. From never having hunted before, now you are out shooting and butchering deer. You buy a group of slaves. You move a woman who you did not even know the week before into the house." I pointed out I let her move in without knowing her. "Well that was because Joanne insisted. She knew what you needed and you agreed to accept her judgment. You fully agreed you needed somebody to look after you. To help you manage. Didn't you?" I said I needed a purpose, a direction and I now have that. "Well, your going off on Joanne and me and saying you were going to kick us out because you suddenly changed your mind about our supervision was a little over the top. Another example of being impetuous. I'm glad you changed your mind and let me stay."

I curbed my retort that I had not changed my mind about their idea of 'supervision'. I was angry they still planned to paddle me. Over the top? Was she nuts? I suddenly realized what was going on. Robin was hitting all the key notes Joanne had discussed with her. She was likely recording this conversation. I noticed she did not mention my paddling her Saturday afternoon. I'm sure if Lenore had not videoed them apologizing for their behavior and accepting the punishment she would have pushed that issue as well. It would have made me look cruel, maybe even border line criminal. "I like you living here, Robin. I know your living conditions before were not very good. I'm happy to help you out." I said.

"Well, I'll be helping you just as much." Robin said. "I'll keep you on the right track like I have the past couple weeks. You need me, right?" I nodded but did not say a thing that could be recorded. The conversation ended when Sonya came to tell me she had supper cooking and would be ready in a half hour. She said she wanted to inform me so I could plan my time accordingly. Then she handed me what was left of the money I gave her to buy groceries. I wondered if that would stay on Robin's recording or be edited out.

I walked outside to call Lou to tell her about my conversation with Robin. While I was outside I saw my nephew, Richard drive away. I asked Lou if I should ask Brenda if she has a copy of her contract. She told me to be very careful to not tip my hand. I assured her I would.

Brenda answered the door quickly. I had not talked to her since the morning she had warned me about signing the contract. "I hear you bought slaves and moved a woman you just met into your house. Pretty fast work on the girlfriend." she said as a greeting. "Lots of changes." I chuckled as I said news travels fast. "Richard and I were invited to the Atwell's house for lunch yesterday and it came up in the conversation." she explained. I asked her if anything was mentioned about my signing the contract. "Nope. You aren't really going to consider it are you?" I told her I was under a lot of pressure from Joanne to agree and sign. She frowned.

"Do you happen to have a copy of your contract?" I asked. She asked why I wanted it."I had one and got angry and threw it away. I wanted to look it over in private without asking Robin for another copy. I don't want her and Joanne to think I am going to sign. I want to read it more carefully though." She said Richard locked her original in their safe and she no longer has access to it. But she had already made a copy and hid it in her desk. She got it. "Don't tell anybody you gave me this." I said.

"Oh Hell, no!" Brenda said. "I should have shredded that copy to keep from getting caught with it. I'm careful to not step an inch out of line. I ask permission to do anything. Marianne has Richard convinced he needs to be tough on me for a while then let me have more privileges as I earn them. I came home one day to find them going through my room inspecting it for 'neatness'. My drawers and nightstand are none of their damn business. I know they were looking to see what I had in there. I'm not supposed to have any privacy. I came close to losing my temper. But I know she would have insisted he spank me on the spot." I asked her if he spanked her often. "Not since the day I told you about at Gary's house. I've been careful. I almost messed up once. I needed some female products and ran to the store without telling Richard. He was waiting for me, ready to paddle me until I explained." I told her I better go before Richard got back. I did not want him to see me with the contract "Yeah. Gary was really adamant that the contract be kept private and not to let anybody know about me being in the program. I'm guessing that even extends to you since you have not signed yet. Gary would insist I get paddled if he found out I even made that copy. Any excuse for somebody to get spanked is fun for him. He's a fucking perv." I locked the contract in my car. After dinner, I planned to drive out the Hacienda to give it to Lou.

I took another page out of Derek's book on how to run a household with slaves. I wanted dinner to be a time we all talked a little about our day. A time to communicate.and share concerns or news that might affect us as a group. Of course I was not about to disclose everything and I knew at least a few of the others would not either. While we ate, I asked Rene and Carol how their first day back to school as collared slaves went. "Humiliating." Rene stated. 'Of course, several times I had to explain what I did to get collared. Some of the girls were nice but a few thought it funny. I was really careful to not be off on my own like Caroline said. One girl who I never got along with said she wants to talk to you about renting me for a night." she added morosely. Carol asked her if that was that "red-headed bitch, Gretchen" Rene nodded.

"Well, you did piss her off when you went dancing with her boyfriend." Carol said. Rene replied it wasn't like she screwed him or something. "They had a big argument and broke up over it. She blames you. Watch out for her. She will provoke you if she gets the chance. She's just crazy enough to try beating your ass. And you know what will happen if you fight back." Rene nodded. Lenore told them to remember what Caroline said about situational awareness. I asked Carol if she had any problems today. "No, just some teasing. Asking me if I'd been turned into a three hole slut yet. I sort of expected it."

"Make yourselves sandwiches or pack some leftovers each night for your lunches and meet up to eat together." I suggested. "I put your cell phones on my account today so they are activated. I also uploaded the limited version of the collar app. You can locate each other whenever you want. Call Robin if you need backup. Don't forget your collars can alert us if you get into trouble. But don't hit the button unless it is an emergency. Campus security will get pissed over false alarms. And guess what. So will I. But use it if you have to. Robin, did you get your phone on my account?" She replied she had. "I thought we might as well have all the phones on the same account." I said as a logical explanation. I also wanted no trouble for monitoring her phone calls but I did not tell her that.

"Okay, I have an announcement." I said. "I am making Sonya the household manager. She is going to schedule duties. That means everything from cleaning to cooking. She will ask for input for meal planning. So work with her for ideas of things to eat. If you live in this house, you will work. Lenore and I will pitch in when can but we will not be on the schedule." Robin shot me a look but did not challenge me that I put her into the same category as the slaves as far as work was concerned. "I am going to model this household after Derek's. I may buy a few cars later so there will be more transportation. Right now I cannot afford it. That is one of the things I want to talk to Derek about. I'm sure he knows a guy to get a car or two. He has contacts for everything else." I added.

I asked Sonya if she had anything to say. "Uhh, no. I know you three have to study. I was there myself back in the day." she said. "I'll start working up duties tonight. I'll need to know when you have exams or anything special going on so I can adjust work assignments. I cooked tonight so Rene and Carol, you are on cleanup. I know you have exams coming up and you are behind in your studies but doing the dishes will not take long."

Lenore and I drove to the Hacienda. "That went relatively well." she said. "Of course Robin is pissed at you for putting her in with the other girls." I nodded. "You are gonna have to watch that girl. Don't say anything to her that can be used against you." I agreed.

Lou was thrilled to see Brenda's contract. "Actually this one is not quite as restrictive as the one they gave you. No automatic renewal. This is a different notary signature but the same stamp. It supports Helen's thoughts that Atwell used a secretary's stamp at his firm and had somebody else sign. Is it okay if I keep this?" I told her I was hoping she could use it.

"Do you think we can get Brenda out of that contract?" I asked. Lou told me in general, contracts do not have to recorded to be enforceable, but she believed contracts concerning conservatorships did because of the legal oversight and since this was an alternative program she thought it would fall in the same category but she would have to check to make sure. She warned me to not tell Brenda she did not have to comply anymore. "Did you see anything in there where Atwell said she could be indentured? Or was that bullshit?"

"I think that was to scare her into submission." Lou said. "Unless that was a separate document. If it was, it is not valid. It violates the indenture laws. Of course if she does not see a lawyer to ask she might never realize any of this. I think the plan is just to scare her into obeying any order without an argument. This Atwell is a piece of work." I guess 'piece of work" was the general outlook on the whole affair.

Derek asked me when I was coming out to shoot another deer. I said I considered it tonight but got busy with all this other stuff. "Set your priorities, boy. Meat is important. You gotta feed all them women you are collecting. And I mean food AND your pecker." Then he started laughing. "We still have plenty of time. I am going to get Sarah up in the blind to shoot a few this week. You still have three left on your license?" I nodded and said, I'd get Lenore to get a license so she could shoot a few and told him I bought two freezers that were to be delivered tomorrow. "Well, let's fill them up. I checked the trail cameras this morning. There were a couple new bucks feeding this morning. Decent size. We need to do our part to prevent a population explosion. I'd rather have that meat in our freezers than rotting on the side of the road after being hit by a car." I knew his banter was to get my mind off a dire situation.

When I got home, I checked to see if my phone surveillance had picked up anything interesting. There was one call between Robin and Joanne. Robin was angry with me and wanted to vent. She said, hotly. "I would not have minded if he had only asked me first. I agreed to help out around the house. That is fair. But putting me with the slaves is bullshit. He is just pushing my buttons deliberately."

Joanne told her to relax. "Bas does not always think about asking first. He makes a decision and just charges forward. Mom could bring him up short with a word. All she had to say was, let's talk about this and he'd sit and listen. Try that." Robin asked if I went along with whatever Christine said. "Nope. Sometimes he had a good reason for whatever he wanted to do and she'd change her mind and let him do it, but they always talked." Robin said she'd try it. She just hoped her dad would get the paperwork finished. "He said it should be a day or so. I'm going to have to drive over and sign everything. We'll present it to Daddy along with another contract for the program. He'll have to decide which one he wants. He's not going to like either one but the program is better for him. I really think it is in his best interests to take him over. You are gonna have to think about how you want to run the house. If you keep the slaves or not. Of course Lenore will have to go. She will just undermine our authority. I'm sure he loves having her in his bed. I'd like to get her into ours to play with. Other than that she'd serve no purpose. I'm sure we can take care of Bas' sexual needs. Well, on OUR terms. Are you still going to lock up his stuff in a cock cage?"

"Oh yeah. More than ever now." Robin said. "He's gonna have to be a VERY good boy to get any sexual relief during the week. Obey and he gets his rocks off. Disobey and he gets spanked. He'll learn to do what I say like a good little boy." Joanne laughed and said she was glad Robin did not control her pussy. Robin giggled and said "Maybe we could buy a female chastity belt. And have a contest to see who wears it for the week and who is top girl." Joanne giggled.

"Well that answers the big question." Lenore announced after listening to the recording. I asked her what question. "The one about whether they were looking at getting your money. They aren't. What both those girls want is to be in charge. I'm thinking you spanking them Saturday really galvanized them to take control of you. You took them down a few pegs and they want payback." I guess my facial expression revealed my thoughts. "Don't worry. Lou will handle it. We are gonna keep you out of trouble."

I was in my computer room the next morning working on another of the turbine programs. This one made the others work together. I heard the front door bell. Sonya had already answered it when I came out. The delivery men were there. Sonya took charge and showed them where she wanted the two freezers. I watched a few minutes and then returned to my office. I was sure I had made a good choice putting Sonya in charge of the household.

"We need to talk, Bas." Robin said, shortly after one that afternoon. I asked her about picking up Rene and Carol. "They have a class. I'll take care of them. My concern right now is you. You are not going to like this." I was sure I would not like it just based on her demeanor. "Joanne has decided to move forward with full conservatorship since you refused to accept the easier, quicker option." Robin said. "I have a form here to record all your firearms. Each one has to be listed with the correct type, like rifle, pistol or shotgun, with the caliber and serial number."

"Why is that wanted or needed?" I asked. "I have it all filed but that is very private information."

"Sorry, Bas. But when you are put into a conservatorship, you will not be able to touch any of those firearms again. Your concealed carry permit will be voided. I am not sure if just locking the guns into a safe where you can not get to them will be enough or if Joanne is going to sell them." She looked at me close to see my reaction. I reacted honestly, knowing Lou would protect me.

"Take my guns?" I growled. "That is fuckin' bullshit! I've had most of them retooled to my own specifications."

"It's your own fault, Bas." Robin explained. "Under the conservatorship, you are considered incompetent, unable to make reasonable decisions and therefore potentially dangerous. Like a felon. If you get caught with a gun you can be fined or even enslaved if you are a repeat offender. In the program, you can keep them. Of course, you'd need permission to go shoot or hunt. But that is easy. You'd just have to ask. Well, you'd also have to been good to deserve it."

I was angry. "So you and Joanne are going to try to force me to accept your control. Even if I don't want it, you are gonna force me."

"The question is NOT IF we are going to be in control." Robin said."It is how. And we know you need us in charge. If we have to push you or as you say, force you, so be it. It is gonna happen. One way, you have no rights. The other way, you keep those rights, but have to ask us for permission to do things. And permission will be granted based on your conduct."

"That is so totally screwed up!" I exclaimed. "And of course you don't care this is not what I want. Not what I think I need. Plus you want the ability to discipline me any way and any time you decide."

"Joanne and I both agree it is what you need, Bas." Robin said. "Do you want to call her? She is coming over here tomorrow to sign all the papers. If she can get a couple matters covered she will be here tonight. And yes, you will be subject to discipline from either of us at any time. We will be able to take away privileges or whip your bottom when we decide you deserve it."

"And you really think you can get away with this bullshit?" I said hotly. She told me to watch my attitude. She was already adding up reasons to blister my ass.

"Yes. We have a great case. I told you about some of our points. Your erratic, compulsive behavior." Robin said. "Plus added to that is your online activity. I mean I'm surprised your cock does not have callouses on it based on all the porn you've been collecting. I'm sure you jerk off all the time to those pictures and web sites."

I asked her what she was talking about. Of course I had some links to a few story sites, like literotica, but that did not include pictures, nor was it excessive.

"Oh, Bas. I found SO much more on the computer when I moved in. Hundreds, if not thousands of photos of nude women and even some of men doing all kinds of perverted things. You know, some of the girls in one of those files looked VERY young. Almost barely past puberty. But I am sure, you would not have kiddie porn. The girls were probably ALL over eighteen and only made up to look really young."

I told her I had no idea of any pictures, let alone pictures of young girls. "Oh, don't worry. I am going to protect you. I deleted those files off the office computer. I did keep them on a flash drive though. Didn't I read somewhere where a file can be examined and the computer it came from can be identified? IP address or some such thing?" I was angry. "Let's call Joanne."

"Daddy, I'm shocked you have or rather had porn on the computer in Mom's office." Joanne said. Then she giggled. "Don't make Robin and I use that against you in court. You'd just be humiliated. Us being in charge is gonna happen."

"I cannot believe you would trump up so many lies just to get me to accept you being in charge! " I exclaimed. "I raised you! I thought you loved me as much as I love you!"

"I DO love you Daddy." Joanne said. "But your stubbornness has pushed us to take some excessive measures. Robin and I are going to take over. You need us in charge. You are just too impulsive. I don't really care about spanking your ass. I just want to be in charge of what you do and where you go. And your finances of course. I need to keep you out of trouble. You have to choose. Accept the program and keep many of your rights, under our supervision. Or fight and lose them." I knew this conversation was recorded but I was still upset. I left the house and drove away. "Did he really just storm out?" Joanne asked Robin. Robin said I did. "Well, I am taking notes. He is not going to be able to sit down the first week we control him. And I am taking his car keys away."

I listened to the rest of that conversation when I got home. It did not last much longer. Robin called her father. "You should have seen the expression on his face when I confronted him about all the porn I found on the computer." Robin told Gary. "It was a really good idea. I did everything you told me. I uploaded them onto the computer. I destroyed the original drive and then looked through the files quickly like I was checking what was there. Then I saved it all on a fresh drive to show what computer it came from and then deleted the files from the computer. Where did you get those files, anyway?"