Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 24

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Some slaves can't stay out of trouble.
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Part 25 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 10/26/2021
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Angie was home when we arrived. I asked her if she got her implant. She nodded, "Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing to have to strip nude right there in the hallway where everybody in the waiting room could see me. But the implant itself was like the one I got when I got enslaved. Well, I've had one before that. Mom, I mean Katie, insisted I get a contraceptive implant when I left home to move into the apartment. I'd taken oral contraceptives but not really had a need if ya know what I mean. Kate said she did not want to risk me forgetting to take a pill. At least I won't have to worry about using pads and tampons anymore." she offered, shrugging. I had nothing to say to that myself.

When Lenore got home, she went to our bedroom to change clothes like she usually did. "You do not seem too talkative." I observed. "Is something wrong?" She shrugged and said she had a little talk with her cousin Marge when she took Angie for her appointment. "Damn. Don't tell me you had a run in, she spanked your butt, took your pubes off again and now you are feeling all submissive." I said. I did not try to hide my aggravation.

Lenore frowned. "Yes and no. I had a little run in with Marge but none of the rest happened." I asked what did happen to affect her mood. "Well, whenever family goes to the clinic, Marge makes a point to see them personally even if they are just there for something routine like getting a script refilled. She was amused to see Joanne bald and asked me for the story so I told her. Anyway, I told her my contraceptive implant would be expiring in the next couple months and asked her when I should start on oral contraceptives. That resulted in an explanation of why I did not want another implant. She asked if I had talked with Mom about the possibility of getting pregnant and she asked why she had not been consulted either. That should have been the case according to her."

"Why is your fertility status any of their business?" I asked. "You are an adult."

"That is what I said and it almost got my butt into trouble." Lenore reported. "Marge told me in no uncertain terms that it is a family matter until and unless I am married. She told me my sister was in the same boat not even a year ago. My sister is lesbian and married to a woman as you know. She has never bothered to get an contraceptive implant for obvious reasons. Just the ones to stop her period. But there was a big family discussion about her getting pregnant from a sperm donor. I was not privy to that. Both she and her wife are watching their biological clocks click down and are considering one or both getting knocked up. In their case it is a deliberate deed, not something that can slip up. Marge reminded me that until or unless I am married, the possibility of my getting pregnant is a family decision." I asked if they said the same thing when she got married before. "Nope. Marge called me in for an exam and then just shot the implant into my butt while I was in the stirrups. She told me nobody in the family thought Doug was worth a shit and they suspected the marriage would not last so they were making sure he did not accidentally get me pregnant. Marge and Mom had discussed it and made the decision but I was not in the loop. I probably would have agreed with them as I was not at all ready to be a mother."

"And you cannot cut yourself free of that kind of control from your family?" I asked.

"Well, for what it is worth, Marge told me they, as in the family, think you are great and if we decided to get pregnant even if we were not married, they'd probably be okay with it, but they'd need to talk to you first." Lenore said. "Look, I know I should be an independent woman. Able to make my own decisions and all that. But that is not me. I am what I am."

The single phrase 'I am what I am' hit me. Unbidden, "I yam what I yam and that is ALL that I yam!" came out of my mouth. Lenore looked at me and asked, "huh?

With unbidden tears in my I eyes I recounted how as a little boy, my father obtained a collection of every episode of a cartoon he had liked as a child about a sailor who ate spinach to get strong and prevail over his provokers. It was an effort to get his young autistic son to accept who he was. And be all he could be. I remembered asking Dad if I ate spinach if I'd be as strong. He said no, but if I ate ALL my vegetables it would help me grow and find what MY strengths were. This was at a time, I only liked certain foods in my diet and would only eat those items. I did not even realize at first I had deficits. That changed overnight when I began to interact with other kids. I was different. I actually did learn I enjoyed veggies and I did look for my strengths and worked on them. I'd eventually learn to accept myself for who I was."

"My Dad told me the Popeye cartoons meant a lot to my grandfather growing up as well. My grandfather had pointed out the idea taught by the cartoon was that a not so muscular guy or a guy who was often rejected by his love and others around him could come out on top in the end. All he had to do was accept himself for who he is." I explained. Lenore suddenly engulfed me in a hug. When she finally let me go she walked out of the room without a word.

That very night, Lenore summoned Angie to our bedroom. The girl was positively vibrating with sexual energy. "Guess what girl." Lenore began. "You are in for a world of disappointment. We are not gonna fuck you every which way imaginable." Angie looked at her in surprise. "You are here to satisfy us, Bas and me. Now we happen to get a kick out of trying to make sure the girl we use orgasms and has a good time. But again, that is for OUR pleasure, not yours"

I was not sure how much of a damper Lenore's statement had on the girl, if any. Angie seemed to love having every one of her erogenous zones touched. At the end she whispered in my ear, "Use me anytime you want, Boss. I love it." When I told Lenore what the girl had said, she laughed and said she'd thought that would be the case.

None of the girls writing lines failed to complete their tasks the next day. They did not even seem to feel the stress. I wondered if maybe they simply conformed to Sonya's work roster or their hands and forearms were adapting to the strain. Then I noticed Rene putting folded laundry into my dresser. I had just seen her cleaning the kitchen. It turned out she, Carol and Marianne were covering for the other girls doing part of their tasks. After a quick phone call to Lenore, I gathered the three girls doing all the work.

"It is admirable for you girls to help each other when someone is in need but writing lines was intended to be a punishment. Keeping up with their own tasks at the same time is part of the punishment. It makes the first punishing task more difficult. Do you understand?" I asked. The three nodded and looked down. "I'm sure you would not like to share ALL the punishments, would you? Marianne is already bald, in chastity and has to stay naked. Would you other two like to share?" Now I got head shakes and expressions of fear. "Good. Let those three girls succeed or fail on their own. If they flounder, they will be the ones across Lenore's lap, not you."

That night I checked out the recordings around the house. I did that on a hit or miss schedule. For the most part I heard nothing of real concern. Tonight was a bit a different.

"I'm surprised Bas noticed." Robin said. "I did not think he even looked at the work rosters. I've never seen him read them. The only time he goes near the fridge where they are posted is to get a beer. As long as the work was getting done he'd have no reason to see whose job it was."

"His mind works differently." Joanne offered. "All he has to do is glance at something and he remembers it. He might not even realize it is there in his brain until something else makes him think of it. It's how he was so good at computers. Puzzles were never a challenge for him either. He sees pieces and just knows how they fit together. He just happened to see Rene doing laundry and realized she was not assigned to that task. It is a fluke we got caught. At least he didn't paddle our butts for trying to get over."

"I don't see why he is making a big deal of it all anyway." Beth declared. "He shouldn't give a rat's ass as long as the work was covered. I'd bet normally he wouldn't have said a thing. I'll bet it was that bitch's doing. He called her and she got her panties in a twist and told him what to do. She's itching for any excuse to paddle our asses. That 'lump us all together for punishment' bullshit was just another way for her to fuck with us."

"Mom, we tried to work around them and got caught." Robin offered. "And if it was not for Angie being in the same boat as us writing lines, neither Rene nor Carol would have gone along and helped with our chores in the first place. Marianne could not cover enough on her own to help much. We tried to start writing lines at night like you suggested but the paper is kept in that cabinet in the kitchen where we are supposed to do our lines. We'd get caught for sure if we tried sneaking pages around the house. And your suggestion we snarf a couple pages and turn it in the next day as new work didn't work either. Sonya makes sure to shred them all each night."

"Yeah, Sonya has her nose up Lenore's cunt." Beth sneered. "I've never seen her ass even get swatted let alone paddled black and blue. I don't blame her for working the system. I just think the job of head girl should have gone to me or Charlene. We are older. No. The way we do things around here and us catching Hell is all Lenore's doing. Bas would not care what happens as long as the food is cooked, the beer is cold and he gets his rocks off whenever he wants."

"Well, we tried to take Lenore down, Mom." Robin said. "We failed and look where it got us. BALD!!! And we are packed in like sardines. You and Marianne have to sleep over here instead of over at Brenda's house. And Richard is spending time with Bas or seeing his friends without taking Marianne along. She is stuck here. "

"No kidding." Marianne offered, sullenly. I could almost hear the pout in her voice. "All of a sudden I have to stay here and work. I hope that changes when school starts." Beth laughed and told her to take the boy aside and give him a hummer to keep him happy. "Mom, it's not just the sex. And I know he is not embarrassed to be seen with me because I am bald. It's like it is part of my punishment to leave me here and he is going along with it."

"Yeah, and I bet that can all be traced back to that cunt, Lenore, as well." Beth growled. "We gotta do something about her!"

"Like what, Beth?" Joanne scoffed. "We tried using Sherrie to take her down. We thought that was a sure bet given their history. I say we keep our heads down and do what we can to keep Bas happy. Lenore, too."

"Well, I've been thinking about going nuclear." Beth said. "We tried the unofficial slave thing. How about a real fucking collar? Like get the bitch on the actual auction block?" I could hear the rest gasp. "I've been thinking about how we can get some drugs, put them into Lenore's car and call the cops. She might not get a long sentence, probably only a couple years but as a real slave. That'll fry the bitch's ass. We all know how she is submissive anyway. That might be enough to take the wind right out of her sails forever. Bas would have to pay to get her back and I know with her being an accountant and able to make a good salary, her price would be super high."

"I don't care for her, but framing her is going too far." Joanne said. "And using drugs is a stupid idea. She'd be a first time offender and just get fined. Bas would pay it and take care of all the legal fees. All that would happen is we'd piss them off."

"I'm not talking about a joint or a little baggie of grass." Beth explained. "I'm talking crystal meth, a full kilo of the stuff. I overheard a young guy at work whose cousin just got arrested for meth. He only had a little on him when he was arrested so will probably get off with a fine. But he hid the main stash. He doesn't use but wanted a quick way to make some cash. Now he is scared the cops will find the main stash and he'll be in serious trouble. He knows he can't get near the stuff and asked the guy at work to get rid of it for him. Just dump it somewhere. That was the conversation I heard." Joanne asked what she was going to use for money to buy the stuff.

"Oh, that's the beauty of it." Beth laughed. "They are desperate to not get caught. I'll offer to help the guy out. Maybe I'll sweeten the deal by giving the guy a blow job. He knows Charlene and I are off limits but flirts with me anyway. Getting the stuff home might be difficult but not impossible. I could volunteer to go grocery shopping or something like that. Getting it into Lenore's car will also be easy. And the call to the cops can come from anywhere."

"Mom, that plan is so full of holes. It is not worth the risk." Robin said emphatically. "Nice fantasy, though."

"Fantasy, my ass." Beth declared. "And what risk? What can they really do to me? I'm already a lifer. I'll be a slave until I am sixty five no matter what. I can claim I was trying to get money I could hide for when I retire. I'll have to watch my fingerprints though. If I did get caught I could even testify I was working the deal with Lenore. She was the mastermind and I was the obedient slave going along. Maybe say she offered to let me grow my hair back instead staying bald. That would be the last resort and I'd only do that if the cops caught me because Bas might sell my ass as revenge. But Lenore would go down hard. I heard using a slave to commit a crime is an extra charge."

I talked this over with Lenore. We decided we needed to talk to Lou before we reacted so I met Lenore mid-morning and we walked up to Lou's office.

"Those girls really have it out for ya." Lou affirmed. "It might have worked too. Getting a slave to do the dirty work has been done before. Some slaves are willing to go along with committing another crime for minor concessions. Most are repeat offenders who don't think they will get caught. The cops aren't easy to fool. The plan to make a slave your patsy only works once. And if they prove the slave did the crime on the owner's orders, the penalties are rough. Beth is right. The law can't do much to her as she is a lifer. If she did not get involved and it was just you caught with the drugs, I could probably get you off or a very reduced sentence. That would depend on things like your fingerprints on the packaging. I could probably introduce enough doubt you were set up to acquit. But we might still have to go to trial depending on the prosecutor and he or she would offer a plea. All the normal dance. Not to mention you'd still have at least the arrest on your record."

"But with this recording, I can get you off easy. I'd get the charges dropped right away. But those girls will just try something else sooner or later. You have a series of options here." Lou said. "The other slave girls all seemed against Beth's idea but did not protest too much. You could let the situation go, Lenore gets arrested and then have Joanne, Robin and the other girl questioned. If they lied, they could be convicted of being accomplices at the minimum. Or be convicted of conspiracy to enslave. Joanne and Robin have a conviction for that already. With that record, a second conviction would be easy even if they simply knew the plan but did not come forward immediately. Remember the laws change a little for convicted slaves. Once the report is in the system, the cops and prosecutors will follow through. Your recording that exonerates Lenore will convict the others."

"The question here is how bad you want to burn them. Joanne and Robin have thirty year enslavements. Another conviction could not only add ten to fifteen years but it would totally prevent early manumission later. I know you have thought about setting them free when they hit the half way point in their sentence. The younger girl, Marianne would get the same, ten to fifteen years added. That would be easy and the prosecutors would jump on the case. All you have to do is sit back and wait. It is not entrapment if you seek counsel and then wait to see if the threat is carried out. It is not your obligation to prevent the crime from being committed. But like I said before, the girls are gonna think of something else. Nailing them hard now might stop them from actually trying anything in the future."

"Can we wait, do nothing for a few days and then decide?" I asked. "I'd sort of like to see how involved Joanne gets either way." Lou and Lenore agreed. I gave Lou a copy of the recording.

I was glad I had put the full cameras back up in several hot spots in the house and not relied purely on audio. It made the proof incontrovertible. I still had the problem of what to do about Beth. Not having anything to lose made her dangerous. She even seemed ready to endanger her daughters to achieve her desire to screw Lenore.

"Damn, Bas." Lenore said. "I knew making them bald would be a very harsh punishment but they planned it for me. I had no idea they would go this far to get revenge."

"They are making their own decisions." I said. "No one is forcing them." After more discussion we decided to let the chips fall where they may.

I got answers that night. "Girls, I scored the meth. Well, I should have it by tomorrow or the next day." Beth announced triumphantly. "That cunt Lenore is going down! The guy is gonna put it someplace and tell me where he hid it. He'll wear gloves and put it in another bag so none of our fingerprints are on anything the cops can trace back to us."

"Beth, I think you need to reconsider." Joanne said. "I hate Lenore too and for a couple reasons other than yours which you all know but framing her is NOT the way to go about this." Beth scoffed and turned to her daughters.

"Are you girls with me?" Beth demanded." Or are you gonna turn me in? Both girls stared back for a few minutes then shrugged and shook their heads, deflated. "How about you, Joanne? Are you gonna call Daddy or let it go and see what happens."

"I won't lie to protect you but I won't turn you in either. I just hope you reconsider." Joanne said resignedly. Beth nodded and said, 'good enough.'

"I think that is what Lou said would qualify for conspiracy. Going along with the plan." Lenore stated as we watched the video. I agreed. I felt bad about it. "We have not decided if we stop them now or let them push the matter and get their enslavements extended." I wanted to wait to see if the women would have a change of heart at the last minute. "Okay I'll update Lou in the morning. My ass is the target here. I'm gonna want a chunk of each of theirs no matter how it shakes out if they go for it. Of course, we'll lose the secret for how we know everything once the videos are used in evidence." I agreed but it was a small price to pay.

As it turned out, I did not have to reveal my video surveillance system. The next afternoon I did not see Beth around but Charlene and Sonya were in the kitchen. I asked Sonya where she went even as I pulled out my cell phone to track her collar. "Oh, Beth suggested going down to the bakery to get us a king cake for dessert tonight. I wished she had told me before we got all the way home. So I sent her back in my car." I asked if she went alone. "No. I always send our girls out in pairs at least whenever I can, ya know, for safety. She took Marianne along." I thanked Sonya and let her get back to work.

A quick check with my phone showed Beth was headed in the opposite direction of the bakery and towards the business where she worked. I decided to call Detective Kathy Bishop. I gave her a brief synopsis of what was going on and asked her if she could arrange for a police car to pull over my two slaves for a routine stop. I suggested a quick look inside the car might reveal something of interest. She agreed. I promised to explain everything in detail later.