Government Service


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"Ok," I said. "I'll see you Monday."

Anna laughed. "Poor choice of words Harry," she said and ended the call.

I left Boston the next morning and was in my apartment in Cumberland that night. I spent Sunday basically building up my anxiety.

I was wearing my usual office clothes as I stopped at the gate in the fence around our building about 7:00 a.m. Monday morning and showed my ID badge to the guard. He waived me past. The front door had always been the only door to our building that could be opened from the outside. As I opened it that morning, I saw that a solid metal partition had been built several feet inside the door blocking access into the building. There was a floor-to-ceiling cage containing a turnstile-like device in the center of the partition. There was also a very muscular man in a uniform with a badge on his chest and a pistol in his belt. With him was a very muscular woman with an identical uniform, badge, and gun.

I showed my ID badge which the male security guard took and placed in a slot in a box on a table to the left of the turnstile. I saw about three other badges already in the box. The guard pointed to a row of lockers that had been installed against a side wall between the front door and the new partition. "Clothes in there," he said. "Everything. Even your watch. Take the key with you."

I tentatively walked to a locker which had a key in it, opened the door, and started to undress. I looked back at the two security guards. They seemed completely indifferent to the fact that a stranger was undressing a few feet away from them.

When I had all of my clothes off, I shut the locker, locked it, put the elastic band the key was on around my wrist, and walked naked back to the new entrance to our offices. The male guard was pulling a clear plastic glove on over one of his hands. "Bend over," he said brusquely. I did and felt a finger shoved into my asshole all the way to my prostate. The guard worked his finger around a little before pulling it out.

As I stood up again, the female guard handed me a piece of paper towel. "Wipe your ass," she said. I did. She pointed to a small wastebasket into which I dropped the towel. The male guard pressed a button and pointed at the turnstile. I went through and, somewhat humiliated, was back in the offices where I worked.

Taped to the back wall of what had been the lobby was a large sign saying "Office Assignments" above a list. I looked at it to see where I should go. I was not surprised, and was happy, to see that Anna was my officemate. I hadn't been sure whether KA would mix genders in the office assignments, but she knew that Anna and I were good friends.

I walked barefoot down a hall until I came to the doorframe to Anna's and my office. The door itself had been removed. Looking in, I saw that Anna was already there, sitting in a high-backed chair working at an IACG computer. Above the chair back, all I saw was Anna's head and her black hair.

I knocked on the doorframe. Anna spun her chair around, saw me, and smiled. "Hello Harry!" she said enthusiastically. "Welcome to the new normal."

I froze. Anna was completely nude. The very light brown color of her skin was uniform across her entire body. Her breasts were firm and in perfect proportion to the rest of her, although her dark nipples were pointing at me. Her stomach was flat. Her hips and thighs were splayed just a bit due to her position in the chair, but looked pretty much perfect.

Looking back up at Anna's beautiful, smiling face, I realized that she was inspecting me just I was inspecting her. For some reason, that realization made me feel good.

Anna broke the brief silence by saying, "well, let's just get this out of the way right now." She lifted her feet up off of the floor and spread her legs wide, revealing her sex to me completely. She held that tantalizing pose for a beat or two before putting her feet down and closing her thighs back together. In addition to being a genius and a wonderful friend, Anna Dowlin was drop-dead beautiful.

I managed to regain enough control to walk into our new, shared office. "How is it going so far?" I asked.

"Better than I'd expected," Anna replied, "if you discount the finger in my pussy and asshole."

"No worse than the doctor's office really," I replied.

In a slightly condescending tone, Anna said, "Women don't have prostates Harry."

I sat down in the same chair I had been using since I started at IACG. With all of the new security, I guess that new office furniture would have busted the budget. The way our desks were positioned, I was sitting only about 18 inches from Anna. I started to look at the desks to see if we could rearrange things to give each other a bit more space.

Showing her seeming ability to read minds, Anna said, "Don't bother trying Harry. The desks are bolted down. I suppose that was done to keep us positioned for the camera." Anna pointed to the ceiling where a half-ball of glass or clear plastic was now installed.

Anna took a deep breath and said, "Harry, you do look great naked. You obviously work out."

"Thank you," I said. "I've known since I met you that you are an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Seeing you now only reinforces that conclusion."

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before we finally got to work. Anna and I had worked primarily with each other before the security breaches and shut down. Together, we were able to remind ourselves what, exactly, we had been working on before that shit had hit the fan.

Although it was a thrill anytime she got out of her chair, Anna's easygoing attitude towards our situation, coupled with her natural warm personality, soon got me at ease working naked with her. I got another, in some ways greater, shock about an hour later. I was walking in the hall, turned a corner, and almost bumped into KA. I took a step back as she asked, "Are you surviving Harry?"

I was too stunned to answer immediately. I had always just thought of KA as the boss, but I didn't really think of her as a woman. Seeing her nude, I had to confront the fact that Karen Alexander was a very attractive woman with a very good body. I couldn't help but look.

Karen, of course, realized what I was doing. After letting me look for a moment, she softly said, "You're not bad yourself Harry. Apart from seeing me and, I assume, Anna in a new way, are you managing?"

"Yes," I said, "a little bit better than I had expected."

"That seems to be everyone's reaction," Karen replied. "I'm gratified that only two of the team quit rather than work naked." Karen paused. "One thing we didn't really think about is lunch." Before, everyone had gone out somewhere for lunch. "I don't think that any one of us wants any more cavity searches than are absolutely necessary," Karen said. "I've talked to security and they are ordering in pizza for us today. We'll all meet in the lunchroom at 11:30. Would you tell Anna?"

It was just 11:30 a.m. as I followed Anna's splendid bare ass into the old USDA lunchroom that we'd never really used. There were boxes of pizza, a bowl of salad, paper plates, plastic utensils, and cans of various drinks on a table. I followed Anna in getting some food. We sat down on a bench next to some of our colleagues. The entire IACG staff was relatively young, so the room didn't have any beer guts or woefully sagging breasts. I was surprised to realize that, naked, we were a reasonably attractive group of people.

When everyone had pretty much finished eating, Karen stood up. I was reminded again that Karen was a lovely woman, not Anna by any means, but quite a bit better than average.

Karen said, "I want to thank you all for coming back to the IACG despite the conditions which have been imposed on us. It seems that everyone is handling it pretty well. Does anyone have any suggestions so far?"

Greta, one of the DIA people, stood up. "I understand that the body cavity searches are something which we have to live with," she said, "but Mr. and Mrs. Schwarzenegger out there are just painful. Can't we get someone to do this who has some slight degree of compassion and appreciation that they are fingering another human being and not some crash-test dummy?"

Karen replied, "I agree that it is unpleasant. I'll talk to DOD security to see what we can do."

The following day at lunch, Karen reported, "I took Greta's concern about the body cavity searches to my contact at DOD security yesterday just after lunch. Apparently, he had to send that up a chain of command. He called me back just before I walked in here." Karen looked at a small notepad. "As you know, body cavity searches of everyone coming in and going out are a condition for us to stay in business. The two guards out front, whose names are Jack and Claudia by the way, are the 'only personnel available for this assignment.' However, and I'm not sure this helps anything, I was told that body cavity searches may be performed by one member of our staff on another so long as one of Jack or Claudia observes the search. So, if there is one of us whom you'd rather have putting their finger in you, you should ask them."

Anna and I were getting back up to speed on our work pretty quickly. About 4:00 p.m. that same day, Anna interrupted our work to say, "Harry, I've been thinking about what Karen said at lunch. Are you ok if you and I search each other?" Anna paused, before adding, "Please. It does mean that we'll have to get here and leave at the same time each day."

The most beautiful woman I had ever met, by a substantial margin, had just asked me if I'd agree to stick my finger in her pussy and her asshole twice a day every workday. What do you think I answered?

Anna and I walked out through security a bit after 5:00 p.m. that day. Claudia the security guard began putting on a glove. With a smile, Anna said, "We're going to search each other. We were told that is acceptable as long as you observe."

Yeah. Sure," Claudia responded.

Anna spread her legs and bent forward as I put on a glove. Standing behind her, I inserted my gloved finger into her pussy. Anna was a bit wet. I slid my finger in as far as I could and made a small show for the guards of working it around some. As I slid my finger back out, I rubbed it quickly a couple of times on a spot on the front wall of Anna's vagina just above her pubic bone. I'd know a couple of women in the past who liked that spot. I pulled my finger out, changed gloves, and inserted it in Anna's asshole. Again, I went in as far as I could and "searched" around a little.

Once I had finished and thrown away the gloves, Anna put a glove on as I bent over. I felt Anna's finger probing past my sphincter. Unlike Jack, she was gentle, almost loving. She probed until her finger reached my prostate. She began stroking it. I began to fear that I'd get a hard-on right then and there. As if sensing my concern, Anna withdrew her finger.

As we stood in front of our lockers dressing, Anna said softly, "You, sir, give a nice body cavity search."

"You are quite talented yourself," I replied, "although you almost caused me to embarrass myself."

Anna giggled. She said, "Hey, do you want to get a drink after work?" We had done that reasonably often before, but the invitation seemed a bit more loaded now that we were nude together all day every day.

We went to what we considered the only tolerable bar in Cumberland. Looking across the barroom, I saw Greta, the DIA woman, having a drink with Peter, her IACG officemate. I turned out that Karen had done the office pairings boy-girl, boy-girl. Karen herself shared an office Brandt, a CIA man who was, in function if not title, her deputy at IACG.

It was going on 7:00 p.m. when I screwed up the courage to ask Anna if she wanted to get dinner. I was gratified when she responded, "I'd love to."

We went to one of the two decent restaurants in town. Once again, we could not completely escape IACG. Karen and Brandt were having dinner in the same restaurant that night.

Anna and I talked about a lot of things, and laughed a lot, during dinner. It was getting late for a work night when I got the bill. We looked into each other's eyes. There was a non-verbal message sent each way that said, basically, "yes, I really want to but I'm not sure if it is wise or if now is the time." We went to our separate abodes.

Things settled into a routine again, and everyone mostly adjusted to working naked. However, about a month after we re-opened, another issue arose about the surveillance cameras.

The cameras were everywhere and saw everything. If you took a dump in the office john, there was video of it on a server somewhere not in our offices. We all knew that. What got us upset was a report that came back from a highly credible source at CIA. As Karen explained at lunch, this senior CIA official interacted regularly with, and had friends at, the NSC. One of his NSC friends, who also knew Karen, reported that the video from our security cameras was sent to the White House and had become very popular viewing.

That was distressing enough, but there was more. The NSC person had been at an all-male meeting with the President where some of our security footage was shown. The NSCer had quoted the President as saying that he "loved this security video" because IACG "is the only agency in the whole government that doesn't hire fat chicks." Needless to say, none of this went over well with any of us. Karen promised to lodge a protest with her superior at the NSC.

About a week later, Karen made another lunchtime announcement. She looked pissed. "I had a phone call from the National Security Advisor this morning," she said grimly. "I was told that reports that our security videos have been shown at White House meetings are 'fake news.' However, I was also told that the President appreciates our 'apparent devotion to physical fitness' and is pleased that we 'have successfully made the transition to working without clothing.'" That made everyone else as pissed off as Karen was.

Threats of resignation were voiced at the meeting. That challenged the continued viability of the IACG, which was Karen's baby. "Friends," Karen said, "I cannot condone or apologize for his conduct. While he is our ultimate boss, we are here to serve the American people. We are doing that very well. I beg you to weigh the harm of giving an old man some sad jollies against all of the good we are doing here."

No one stood up and quit, but there was a lot of angry muttering as everyone left the lunchroom. Anna and I went back to our office. We got back to work, but Anna seemed distracted.

Around 3:30, Anna suddenly stood up and said "Fuck it. If he wants to watch us, I want to give him something worth watching. Stand up Harry!"

I stood up just a short distance for Anna. She took a step to me, put an arm around me, and began kissing me. At the same time, Anna's free hand began stroking my dick. I got the idea quickly and worked my hand between Anna's legs. I began fingering her clit in a much less surreptitious and much more vigorous way than I did in front of the security guards.

We handled each other until Anna said, forcefully, "Please fuck me Harry." That was an invitation I was not going to decline. I sat Anna on the edge of my desk. The positioning worked out surprising well. Anna spread her legs and I entered her.

We had started as a "protest fuck," if you will, out of anger that senior officials in Washington were using security video of us in the nude for their entertainment. However, the physical connection brought to the surface the emotional connection that had formed between Anna and me. What started as an anger fuck changed into a mutually caring, and extraordinarily pleasurable, act of lovemaking. There was also a naughty thrill knowing that the high and mighty would see our lovemaking on the video.

When I was about to come, I started to pull out. Anna wrapped her legs around me. "No," she said, "you come in me." I did a moment or two later. Just after that, Anna began to moan. Her legs got even tighter around me. I could see her biting her lips hard as she grunted several times and her body shook.

Anna kept her legs around me after she re-opened her eyes. We looked at each other. I could feel her heart still beating fast when she leaned forward and kissed me again. "That was exquisite," she said.

Anna finally released me from her legs. I stepped back and gave her room to get off of my desk. "Don't worry," Anna said, "I'm on the pill."

"No worries if you weren't," I said, "that was worth any consequences."

Anna laughed. "You want to get me pregnant?"

"If it keeps us together, I'd take that deal," I said.

Anna stopped dead. She stared into my eyes for what seemed a very long time. Finally, a smile came to her face. "You really mean that, don't you?" she asked. I nodded my head affirmatively.

Karen stood up to address us at lunch the next day too. This time, she was smiling. "I got a call from my contact at DOD security this morning," Karen started. "It seems that whoever initially reviews our security tapes asked him to look at the tapes from yesterday afternoon. He told me that he was shocked to see that it appeared that every single member of our staff had engaged in sexual intercourse on premises yesterday."

Karen looked around the room smiling. "Yes," she said, "Brandt and I fucked in our office. I just asked the security man whether those tapes had been rushed to the White House. We'll see if anything happens."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great Little story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
And for the next stage...

...a Presidential visit?

rodryder44rodryder44almost 6 years ago
Security breech

Pleasant story. I had the pleasure of visiting Ft. Meade as a guest of NSA back when they recruited at college campuses in the '60 s. Now watching 'Nikita' on TV I'd lie to see it done nude. The entire office simultaneously in a fuck fest was imaginative

mybikecruisesmybikecruisesalmost 6 years ago
cute little stretch of spy story

When I was on active duty, I spent many days at that sleepy little condominium complex just outside of Fort Meade, known as Cumberland, MD. It was often used as a training center for short classes to 3 month classes. I was usually there for nuclear weapons training back in the 80s. Conversion into spook confusion camp under the last administration makes sense.

I could absolutely believe an office full of angry naked people could all have sex in an afternoon after being told that the White House and every Security Agency under this Administration was under investigation were using this offices security measures as their daily joke. All it would take is seeing one couple start doing it, and the word and legs would spread as fast as the smell of hot pussy!!!!

LupusDeiLupusDeialmost 6 years ago

"every single member of our staff had engaged in sexual intercourse"

Fun as fuck but sorry, I don't by it. It comes out of nowhere. One or few pairs may do it just so, but for everyone to decide that simultaneously a meme should have been released beforehand, probably a sad joke in that same lunchtime or something such. Alternatively there should have been chain reaction, those not yet having sex picking up sights or sounds and deciding that to be fun idea.

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