Grace Ch. 10

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Grace gets revenge on her mom.
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Part 10 of the 20 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 12/20/2021
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Grace and I stayed on the wide couch in the sunroom for 20 minutes after we finished making love. All too soon, though, she had to get up--my cum was threatening to leak out of her and make a mess. Cupping herself with a slightly embarrassed grin, she padded off into the family room to get to the bathroom, leaving me alone to collect my thoughts.

First and foremost was "Thank god I finally got to do that!" I'd been Grace's teacher all fall, and spent a lot of time being annoyed with her or fantasizing about her sweet ass and sultry lips. When I became her tutor, things heated up right away thanks to her mother's blunt instructions. My second visit was capped by a "thank you" blowjob that created some serious awkwardness between us. The next weeks were better, but I was also spending a LOT of time sleeping with Grace's mom Lindsey. That was great in itself, but there was one complication: they apparently shared a lot of girl-talk about me. Amazingly, Lindsey had told me Grace was turned on by the whole situation and gave me a free pass as far as sleeping with her daughter. She'd even gone so far as to invite me over on a Sunday when she knew Grace and I would be alone! I silently blessed her twisted little heart.

Grace came back in, still naked but looking a little ill-at-ease. I diagnosed her issue--post-coital awkwardness--and jumped right into a solution.

"Come on!" I said briskly. "Let's go steal a robe for me from your dad and get one for you--it's too cold to be walking around the house like this!"

She giggled, glad of an activity and the chance to return some modesty and normality to the situation. She had, after all, been very open and sexual with me, and although she showed signs of amazing natural sensuality, she was still a kid. I smiled when I thought of how my own 18-year-old self would have handled a situation like that!

I followed her into the family room, then up the stairs to her parents bedroom. She stopped at the doorway and let me go in first. When I looked back at her to see what she was up to, she grinned wickedly.

"The robe is in the bathroom over there...I think you know that, right?"

I laughed and admitted I knew the way. Stepping quickly inside, I found a white folded robe that fit me and belted it snugly around my waist. When I turned back, Grace had vanished. I crossed to the doorway and saw her coming back down the hall belting her own pink fleece robe. She grinned as if she'd been caught doing something wrong, then fluffed out her hair over the collar.

"Come with me...I want the rest of my coffee!" I said kindly, still trying to soothe her jangled nerves.

She nodded and followed me down the stairs, through the family room, and into the sunroom. We each grabbed our cup, but instead of sitting down on the "scene of the crime" couch, I turned and led her back into the kitchen. Not to our tutoring table, but to the couch where I had my first encounter with Lindsey. I sat down and Grace joined me. I took a sip of coffee and turned toward her, ready to talk. Charmingly, she mirrored my action, then realized her flat white was cold, stopped abruptly, and set it aside.

"Let me just say this right now so we can move on, okay?" I began.

"Okay," came her whispered response. Her gaze held mine seriously.

"What we just did was completely amazing. I never imagined you and I would end up like that, and I feel like the luckiest man in the world right now."

I was laying it on thick again, but I had my reasons. She smiled a little bit but stayed quiet.

"And...we still have to find a way to work together, you know?"

"I know."

"So as much as I could spend every minute I'm with you dreaming about your body, or doing something about it, I think we have to figure out what's okay for today and what's okay for the future. Does that make sense?"

She nodded, thinking about the implications.

"Do you want to think about it for a little while and do some work, or do you want me to leave?" I asked quietly.

"I think..." she began uncertainly. "I think we should do some work," she said after a long pause for reflection.

"Okay," I said with a tight smile. "I think that's a good idea. We'll talk more later."

With that, I stood up and went to the fridge. I took out two bottles of water and walked around the large granite island to the table. I pulled our two chairs out and sat down, turning the other to an angle with my foot. Then I smiled at Grace and gestured with my head.

"Come on," I said easily. "Let's do some work while we're all relaxed and happy!"

She giggled, came over, and sat down.

"So your mom says you have an essay to write," I began. "Did you pick a topic?"

God help me, I didn't think it would work, but for the next hour, we talked through her essay on the First Amendment, flipped pages in the textbook, and called up assignments she had done or redone with me over the last few weeks. Don't get me wrong--it was still excruciating to watch her puzzle over things she had learned twice already, but we made a start. After 60 minutes, she had an outline with examples and she looked completely spent. She spent longer and longer spells gazing out the back window at the snow-covered lawn. I passed the time while she tried to focus by letting my eyes roam over her body, my mind replaying the scenes from the sunroom over and over.

Before she could totally shut down, we reached a good stopping point and I stood up. Then I thought of a way to put her at ease for the transition.

"Grace, I'm really sorry," I said, "but I'm getting hungry and I need to hit the bathroom. Is there any way you could find us something to eat?"

She looked at me thoughtfully, then smiled.

"I could make bagels!" she said brightly.

"That would be great. I'll be right back."

I went to their downstairs bathroom--one of the two that I knew about, anyway--and took a leak. Then I used a damp hand towel to give myself a quick wipe just to be fresh and clean in case things got interesting again. When I returned to the kitchen, Grace had two bagels toasting and two glasses of orange juice waiting on the counter. I picked mine up and smiled at her domesticity.

"Thank you," I said simply. "That smells great!"

She almost purred at the compliment.

"No problem!" she chirped, sounding like her normal self. "I usually make bagels for myself, but my mom makes better breakfast."

A shadow crossed her eyes at the mention of her mom. Fortunately, the toaster oven dinged at that moment and she could busy herself with putting the bagels onto plates and getting out butter and cream cheese and knives. After a few minutes, I was settled on one of the high leather stools at the island, chewing meditatively. Grace joined me and took a bite herself. We hadn't said a word since she brought up her mother.

"Hey..." I said when I finished my bite, "you're too much of a grown-up to pretend there's nothing going on, okay? Let's just jump right into it."

She nodded and said "okay" in a quiet voice.

"Are you worried about what your mom will think of all this?" I asked.

"Not really," she said candidly. "She pretty much knows that I was thinking about...doing something with you."

I smiled and answered her somewhat ruefully: "Yeah...I noticed you guys have a really close relationship!"

She smiled a secret little smile. "We do lately!" she admitted.

"So what's worrying you?" I asked.

"I'm not worried," she said with a puzzled look on her face. "I think I'm kind of weirded out because...because you're sleeping with my mom and now WE slept together."

I smiled to cut the tension a little bit, then worked my way right into a response.

"It IS a strange situation, isn't it? I think it's pretty new to all of us."

She giggled. "That's for sure!" she chirped.

"But you knew last week what was going on, right?"

She nodded.

"And you teased the HELL out of me when you were going out to dinner, remember?"

"I remember!" she admitted softly, a sultry smile playing across her beautiful lips.

"One last thing, then. You asked me this morning if I thought about you when I was making love to your mom, and I said yes. You told me that was exactly what you wanted to hear. So now I have a question for you that may help clear things up: how did that make you feel when I said it?"

"Sexy," she answered immediately. "And I kind of felt like you really wanted me for ME, you know?. For me."

"Grace," I said, turning to her and taking both her hands. "I DO want you for you. But we both know that we can't be going out like boyfriend and girlfriend or anything, right? I mean, how would it look if I took you to the prom?"

She snorted at my unexpected question.

"I see what you mean," she said. Her voice was quiet, but she was still smiling.

"And you said that I'm making your mom happy, right?"

"Uh-huh," she answered, unsure of where I was going with all this.

"So if you and I can find a way to work together, and you can figure out a way to be okay with me seeing your mom, I think we're all grown-up enough to move forward from here without any more complications or any hurt feelings. Know what I mean?"

She was still for a long moment while she worked through the convoluted situation in her mind. Then she nodded once, decisively.

"I know what you mean, Mr. Robertson," she said with a smile. "I'm sorry I've been having a hard time and acting funny--I know I've been teasing you a lot and I don't mean to get all...weird now that we've, you know, hooked up."

"Hey--like I said, it's a unique situation!" I told her reassuringly.

"It IS pretty bizarre," she said with a laugh. "And there's something I thought of just now that will make it okay, I think."

"What's that, Grace?" I asked. It was my turn to feel puzzled.

"Come on--I'll show you!" she grinned, slipping off the stool.

Quick as a wink, she was off across the kitchen. I jumped off my stool and walked quickly after her. She raced up the steps, then stopped with her hands on the newel post at the top and turned to look down at me. I paused halfway up and raised my eyebrows.

She let go of the post and her beautiful lips curved into a smile. Her hands, meanwhile, went to the belt of her bathrobe and slowly untied the knot. I stood like a statue as she let the ends go and grasped her lapels. Her smile broadened as she parted the edges of her robe and revealed a delicious peek of her body--the golden tan of her belly, the inner curves of her breasts, and of course the forbidden folds nestled between her thighs.

When she knew she had me frozen with anticipation, she took pity on me and finished her movement, stripping the robe off entirely and draping over the railing at the top of the stairs. The twisting motion threw her luscious little ass into brilliant muscular relief and raised her arm, which caused her breast to rise in profile as well. My eyes darted from spot to spot, but my feet remained glued to the step.

"Come on, Mr. Robertson. I think you'll like what I have in mind!" she cooed from on high.

"I already do!" I murmured, which drew a smile again.

My feet came unstuck, though, and I walked slowly up the rest of the steps toward her. When my foot hit the last tread, she turned and walked away, her perfect ass twitching from side to side. Every classroom fantasy about her ass came back to me, but this time there were no yoga pants in the way and I could see everything I had dreamed about last semester, the vision enhanced by glimpses of her perfect little pussy as it peeked out from her thigh gap. I followed instinctively, my cock already hardening.

She was halfway to the bed when I realized where we were--her parents' bedroom again! I grinned, guessing what she was up to at last. Grace confirmed my opinion by grabbing the comforter and the top sheet and stripping them down to the foot of the bed. Then she hopped up onto the bed and knelt in the middle, sitting back on her heels like a geisha.

"That's right!" she told me smugly. "I want to make things even between me and my mom."

I stepped to the edge of the bed, nodding appreciatively at her logic and her inviting body.

"I like it!" I said at last. "It's just as messed up as what your mom did, and I get to help!"

She laughed and held out both hands.

"Come on," she said quietly, seductively. "We've got some catching up to do."

Now that we were more at ease, I knew I could be a lot more enthusiastic this time. I also recognized that Grace still needed some reassurance in this new dimension of our relationship. With those things in mind, I crawled onto the bed and kissed her playfully. She held my face with both hands and kissed back eagerly. After enjoying that for a minute, I moved behind her and sat with my back against the rows of pillows at the head of the bed, pulling her back against my body. She came along willingly and molded herself into my, the small of her back resting against my fully-erect cock. My arms went around her and she sighed happily.

"You..." I said, kissing her neck softly, "are very...very beautiful...did you know that?"

She almost giggled, but held it in with a sigh instead. Each of my pauses was punctuated by a kiss on her neck or shoulders, and she writhed sensuously in my arms.

"That feels so nice!" she whispered, leaning down to plant a kiss on my forearm.

"YOU feel so nice!" I echoed softly, freeing my hands to stroke upward from her belly to engulf her breasts. "So nice, and so firm!" I added, giving them a good squeeze.

This time she did giggle, but she leaned back a little more and let her head rest on my shoulder. I kissed along the graceful curve she presented me, working my way slowly from behind her ear to the point of her shoulder. My palms, meanwhile, were making circles across her nipples. Leaning my chest to the side, I indicated without words that I wanted her to switch sides and she did so compliantly. I repeated my kissing pattern there and kept on teasing her breasts and nipples. When my lips returned to her neck, Grace let out a shuddering sigh.

Sensing she needed to move on, I let one hand fall away from her breast, stroking downward with small movements until it rested on her thigh. I rubbed there for a moment, then pulled back against her stomach at the same time I scooted my own ass backward a little bit to make room for her. She got the hint again and moved back once more, this time stretching her legs out in front of her. When I grabbed her inner thigh and tugged, she parted her legs for me easily.

My hand slipped up and across to lay my palm on her mound and Grace turned her head toward mine, her eyes half-closed and her lips parted with lust. I leaned forward and kissed her gorgeous lips, keeping it light and only touching them occasionally with my tongue. She raised one arm languidly and caressed my head.

My own hands, meanwhile, got busy again. I kept my grip on her left breast, flicking my thumb across her nipple. My right hand moved into the space she had thoughtfully made for me and I laid my four fingers along her labia, cupping her pussy firmly and letting the heel of my hand put pressure on her clit. She sighed again, her breath sweet with orange juice, and kissed me a little harder.

I could feel the heat of her pussy starting to rise, and I didn't waste time exploiting it. My middle finger traced the line of her labia once more and then I curled it inside her, keeping the base of my palm against her clit. That caused Grace to break our kiss and drop her head back onto my shoulder again. After a few deep strokes, I added another finger and began plundering her young body, finger-fucking her relentlessly, grinding her clit, and pulling on her nipples. She shivered with pleasure and I felt her juices start to flow. Even after a long break, her body was ready for more action!

As soon as I felt her hips start to rock against me, I increased the pressure. I let go of her nipples and dropped that hand to her pussy as well, using my fingertips to circle her clit while I kept up the relentless driving of my fingers inside her. Careful not to leave a mark, I kissed and licked her neck up and down, loving the rapid increase in her breathing.

"God!" she moaned at last. "I'm gonna cum!"

I smiled to myself and kept doing what I was doing. If I've learned one thing in 20-some years of women, it's that you don't stop doing it if it's working! Her channel was slick and wide open. My fingers plunged into her easily, and her juices were spread everywhere, making it easy for me to make tight, fast circles around her most sensitive spot without chafing her.

Suddenly, Grace went over the edge. She grabbed my wrists in a powerful clasp and held me still as her orgasm hit her. Her stomach clenched and she hunched forward, trapping my hands and pulling her neck away from my lips. My fingers were still inside her and I felt the wild throbbing grip and release, grip and release, as a rush of juices coated my hand. She didn't say anything coherent, but I heard and felt a deep groan rumble inside her.

Slowly, almost tiredly, she uncurled her body and lay back against me. I withdrew my hands and crossed them across her flat, golden belly and reclined onto the pillows, pulling her back with me. She sighed contentedly and let me move her. When we were settled, I kissed the top of her head where it bumped against my chin.

"Holy shit," she murmured, her eyes still closed. "That was so FAST!"

"I guess the First Amendment turns you on, huh?" I said with a laugh.

She snorted at that impossibility. Then she remembered where she was and what she was laying on. Leaning forward to disengage my grip, she rolled over to face me while sitting back on her heels.

"No," she said in a low voice as her hands reached down to wrap around me cock, "YOU turn me on. I've never cum that quickly before!"

"Ah," I said with a lopsided grin, "that's the power of experience!"

She smirked as much as that poor joke deserved, then looked downward, focusing on her hands as they slid up and down my shaft.

"So what would an experienced woman do with this?" she asked archly.

I knew instinctively that she wanted advice, wanted to please me in some new way, so I told her.

"Lace your fingers together and then stroke me, Grace. Let your thumbs ride up and down that thick vein on the bottom."

A look of concentration furrowed her brow as she adjusted herself to my instructions. Her soft, slim hands began to work their magic and I smiled happily.

"Like this?" she whispered, watching my face.

"That's perfect!" I assured her.

Flushed with confidence, she stroked me for another minute, even feeling brave enough to add a few frills like an extra squeeze at the bottom or a swirl around the tip with her cupped palms.

"God, Grace...that feels so good!" I groaned, my hips twitching upward with pleasure.

"You can't cum, Mr. Robertson! That's not part of the plan!" she blurted, stopping her hands.

"Oh, right. I forgot the plan," I admitted, feigning innocence.

"Move down," she said, smiling into my eyes and letting go of my slippery cock.

I complied and she scooted herself backward to give me room. When I was flat on my back with just my head on the pillows, she circled my shaft again with a tight thumb-and-forefinger grip and pulled it down at an angle toward her face. Then she grinned up at my expectant look and slowly took me into her mouth, holding just the tip inside and licking the sensitive vee with the tip of her tongue. I took a deep breath and let out a groan of pleasure. I felt more than heard her chuckle of satisfaction because she took me deeper at that moment, lowering her head to take half of my length inside her voracious mouth. Up and down she went, not quite hitting all the good spots but who could possibly complain?