Grace Ch. 17

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Grace and I move into a new phase of tutoring.
5.5k words

Part 17 of the 20 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 12/20/2021
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Thursday was busy as everyone got caught up after the snow day, juggling assignments and due dates and missed meetings. It flew by, fortunately, and just before three, I was pulling into Grace's driveway. Lindsey let me in with a smile and a brief kiss and I made my way into the kitchen where her daughter was sitting and scrolling through her Instagram. She tucked the phone away when I came in and got her stuff out, all business.

For the next hour, we worked steadily to make sure Grace knew what was going on in class. She was still struggling to keep up, so we went over the class work again and again until it began to sink in. It took her a painfully long time to process things, but once she had them, she did seem to understand and remember them. Anyway, after an hour she zipped off to her lacrosse meeting with a smile and a finger wave.

Lindsey was sitting on one of the kitchen stools looking at an iPad when I stood up and got my things together. I walked over to her and pulled out the stool beside her. She looked as put-together and beautiful as usual, and the comfort between us had softened some of her brittleness. She smiled as I sat down and turned the screen toward me.

"Grace is passing Law and Government," she said.

"Allelujah!" I laughed. "She actually has done a lot of work this semester that she didn't do last time around."

"I think she needed some...motivation," Lindsey said slyly.

I laughed at her innuendo and went right along with it: "Well, I like to call it a comprehensive tutoring service for the struggling learner!"

She laughed, then resumed her mock-serious tone: "Tell me, Mr. Robertson, is it normal to reward student progress with sex?"

"We don't like to use the word "normal" when speaking of our students," I opined haughtily, "because every student has a unique set of circumstances."

"Oh, I see!" she chirped, sounding remarkably like Grace. "Some students need just oral sex, and some need a finger in the butt!"

"Well, I wouldn't limit myself to JUST those options, but those are both valuable forms of extrinsic motivation."

"Wow!" she cooed, "You must have studied for a long time to get so smart!"

I nodded wisely: "I like to think of myself as a life-long learner."

"Do you realize," she said, dropping the repartee, "that a month ago none of this had happened and Grace was failing and I was a frustrated wreck?"

"I think it's been an amazing month all around," I answered sauvely.

She smirked at my tactful answer, then added "Me, too!" as she leaned forward to kiss me.

The kiss was heartfelt, but she pulled back after a few moments, shaking her head and smiling.

"I can't get all revved up!" she complained. "I've got a parents' group this evening and I have to get things ready."

"Duty calls," I said with a shrug.

"One serious question before I kick you out, though."

"Shoot," I said.

"Do you think once a week is enough for Grace to stay on top of things? I'm not trying to cheap out, but I don't want to monopolize your afternoons or have her start to think that she doesn't have to do it on her own."

"I get that. I think once a week would be fine. With Grace, I mean!" I added suggestively.

"Damn right once a week isn't enough for me!" she said with a smoldering look. "But seriously...Gracie is going to start lacrosse soon, and it's going to eat into her time after school. Do you want to meet later on, or do you want to do weekends?"

"Let's play it by ear. I can do whatever she needs."

"Academically, I hope you mean!" she said with a snort.

"Definitely," I said in what I hoped was a reassuring voice. "I haven't forgotten why I'm actually here, ya know?"

She grinned, knowing she'd gotten me.

"I know. You're the consummate professional. Hold on, though...I'll grab you a check."

"Whatever. I know where to find you!" I answered with a smile.

"And I can always drop it off..." she said tauntingly.

"Very true. But my goodness will the neighbors gossip!"

"Fuck 'em," she said briskly, standing up and grinning widely. "Got any plans for the weekend?"

"I was going to ski, but my friend in Maine has to work all weekend, so no."

"Poor baby. Grace has indoor practice on Sunday."

"Well, I'd hate to have you rattling around this big house all by your lonesome!" I said. "Do you want to come to my place and drop off a check, or should I come to your house so you can give it to me here?"

She giggled at the raunchy tone I had used and then pouted adorably: "Gee...I'll have to think about that!" she said breathily.

"Let me know," I said in a normal voice, leaning down for one last kiss.

"Will do."

I smiled as I drove home.

For the next few weeks, things were normal and busy in the Grace-Lindsey-Steve world. I worked with Grace after school on Thursdays and she ran out the door right at four o'clock. I had Lindsey over on the weekends twice and enjoyed a long Thursday evening exploring the sprawling house and trying to have sex on a yoga ball in the third-floor studio. All-in-all, it was a good situation.

When lacrosse practice began in earnest, though, things got complicated again. Grace was tied up from 2:30 to 5:30 every day after school and so tired she could barely focus on work after dinner. The first Thursday I went over, I had to jolly her through a seriously basic assignment about members of Congress and she seemed grumpy and unwilling or unable to get her mind onto the task. Lindsey told me later that Grace was super-stressed about being a captain and whipping herself into a frenzy over little things that matter so much when you're a kid in the moment but seem like nothing from an adult perspective.

"What she needs," Lindsey said one day, "is a life coach, not a tutor!"

"Wow!" I said with a wince. "I can take rejection, but the way you just said "tutor" hurt me to my very soul!"

She punched my arm, knowing that I was kidding. Before she could object or add anything, I jumped in with a suggestion.

"Actually, I do a lot of organizational tutoring as well as history stuff. If you're cool with the change, I'll shift my focus a little bit to see if I can help."

Lindsey nodded and pulled me down for a kiss to seal the deal.

The next Thursday, I stayed after school and caught up on grading. After that, I grabbed some dinner at a local deli and headed over to Grace's house. Lindsey's car was not in the driveway or garage, so I made my way inside and settled into the usual tutoring spot. Grace sat beside me and after some small talk, I explained the new life coachidea to Grace. She seemed guarded, though, and I asked her what she thought. To my amazement, she didn't answer...she just got up and walked away into the kitchen.

I gave her a minute, but then got up and followed her. She was standing in front of the fridge with the door open to block me from her field of view.

"Grace," I said softly from behind her, "what's up?"

"I don't know," she whispered without turning around.

I took a step closer and put a hand on each of her upper arms, squeezing gently.

"Yeah, you do," I murmured. "You're busy and you're stressed and it's hard to keep up with everything you have to do."

I felt her shoulders shake at the same time I heard a sob. She spun in my grasp and buried her face in my shirt, clinging to my waist and hiccuping as she cried. I held her gently and stroked her back, murmuring soothing noises. After a while, she seemed to slow down and breathe more normally. When I heard her sniff, I knew she was done and pulled her back from me a little bit. She looked up with wide, teary eyes and sniffed again.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, starting to look down.

I caught her chin and pulled it up. Then, because of our history, I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and smiled down at her.

"It's okay. You're stressed. There's a lot going on right now."

"It's not just that," she whispered, resting her head on my shirt again.

"What else?" I asked her quietly.

"I know it's stupid because I'm passing Law and Gov and I should be happy, but...".

"But what, Grace?"

"But we haven' know, done anything but work for like three weeks."

"Are you worried that me seeing your mom is messing up what we have going on?"

She shook her head and wrapped her arms more tightly around my waist.

"It's not that," she murmured indistinctly into the fabric. "I just want..." she began before her voice trailed off.

"Want what?" I prodded.

She took a deep breath to compose herself and raised her eyes to mine.

"I just want to feel like I did before with you."

With that thought in the open, she seemed to gain confidence.

"I know I need to do the work and it's been really hard with lacrosse starting and all. But I kind of realized that I need something else besides help with Law and Gov to make it okay."

"Well," I answered reassuringly, "your mom and I were talking about working on some organizational stuff and me being more of a life coach than just a history tutor."

"I know about THAT," she said somewhat dismissively. "We talked about that and it's a really good idea, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about US!"

"Oh," I replied intelligently.

"Yeah. Oh." she said with a smirk.

"And if you want to help me be more organized and less stressed, Mr. Robertson, then I think you should find some way to help me relax and clear my head so I can get everything done."

I grinned down at her and tugged her body tighter against me.

"What did you have in mind, young lady?"

"I think a massage would be nice," she answered quickly, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, that falls outside the usual range of services we provide here at the Robertson Life Coaching Tutoring Center, but I'm sure I could make an exception for a good customer!"

"I'll pay extra!" she said with an impish grin.

"I'll think about an appropriate fee," I intoned pompously, trying not to laugh. "Where should we do this?" I asked more prosaically.

"Oh, I think my bed is a good height," she replied innocently.

"I like the way you think!" I leered.

Two minutes later, I pulled Grace's hoodie up and off as she raised her arms. Her dark hair fell in a tousle around her face and her green eyes glowed with anticipation. Her tank top was next, and she brushed her hair behind her ears and smiled as I drank in the sight of her bare torso. Her shoulders and arms were darker already from the spring sunlight of afternoon practice, making her breasts seem pale in comparison. Her nipples tightened in the cool air and I brushed each one with my thumbs as I traced my fingers along her sides. She shivered and giggled.

She was already barefoot, so I knelt and hooked my fingers into the waistband of her gray yoga pants. A smile curved across her beautiful full lips as I began to inch my hands lower, dragging the fabric along the swell of her hips teasingly. I made sure to catch the lace edge of her panties as well, so when I reached the widest point of her curves, I could just see the silky swelling of her mound coming into view. I leaned forward and kissed her belly, then as my hands continued to slide her pants down, I kissed her lower and lower. When her pussy was fully exposed, I pushed the waistband down to her ankles impatiently and pulled up on her calf, urging her to step out of her leggings. She held one of my shoulders for balance and then kicked the bunched fabric away.

"How do you want me?" she whispered as she held my gaze from above.

"God, that's a good question!" I admitted with a grin. "Let's start you out face down."

Grace smiled knowingly and turned to climb onto the bed. She paused with one knee up and looked over her shoulder, smiling as she saw me admiring her ass. Then she finished her movement and settled herself so that her head rested on her arms with her face turned toward me. The pale curve of her breast peeped out enticingly and her ass rose in a beautiful swell above her slightly parted thighs. I stood there for a minute and drank in the sight.

Shaking myself out of the reverie, I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and dropped it behind me. Kicking off my shoes, I let my dark gray khakis fall and paused to whip off my socks as well. My cock was already hardening at the sight of this nubile teenager, so I left my boxers on for the moment. There was a bottle of Nivea lotion on the dresser just beyond the bed, so I grabbed it and pumped a few squirts into my palm. Then I climbed onto the bed astride Grace's luscious ass and knelt over her. I swirled the lotion between my hands to warm it and then set my hands, palms down, onto her shoulders.

As I began to knead softly, Grace's lips parted with a soft groan of appreciation. The thought crossed my mind that I'd been in this position before, but somehow this was different. I actually did want to destress her as much as I wanted to feel her body against mine. With that thought, I spent a good ten minutes giving her an actual massage. My fingers traced the supple lines of muscle beside her spine, my thumbs stroked the knots out of her shoulders, and with the heel of my hands, I smoothed out the tension lurking just under her shoulder blades. All the things I had learned from getting massages over the years came into play as I worked to relax a very wound-up and beautiful young woman. Although I never forgot the sexual tension just below the surface, so to speak, I did my very best to soothe her body before I turned to pleasuring her.

When I finally stopped to rest my hands, Grace's eyes opened.

"Oh, my God that was good!" she said softly, smiling just a bit. "I didn't know I was so knotted up!"

"Must be all the lacrosse stress!" I said indulgently. "Let's see how stressed out those legs are!" I added with a grin as I turned myself around.

When my thumbs pushed deep to follow the line of her hamstrings, Grace's back arched in response and she groaned louder than before.

"Wow!" she muttered, "that almost hurts!"

"Sorry," I chuckled, "I'll go easy on ya!"

"No, don't! I can take it."

"Whatever you're the customer!" I replied as I got back to work.

After a few minutes, I had to move down between her feet to get a better angle. She parted her legs obligingly to make room and that brought the distracting sight of her sweet, shaven pussy into view. I steeled myself to finish the massage, but the task grew harder in conjunction with my cock as I kneaded her calves and then her ankles and feet and gazed hungrily between her legs.

When it was time to work on her ass, I knew the best position was to straddle her thighs and I also knew how perilously close that would bring my rock-hard friend to his target, so I made sure to shove my boxers down when I shifted position, effectively knee-walking out of them as I moved up. Grace didn't notice and I grinned to myself as I moved up past her knees. Just for fun, I bent to kiss the small of her back as my hands rested on her waist. She giggled and her butt arched up just a bit. I pushed down on her hip-bones and settled my weight on the backs of her thighs.

"Stop trying to distract me, young lady!" I scolded. "I'm just making sure your glutes are ready for some de-stressification!"

"Is THAT all?" she snickered.

"Are you complaining?" I asked in response.

"No, sir. Just making sure you're not trying to take advantage!"

"I haven't come to that part of the massage, yet!" I told her archly.

"Oh...okay!" she said happily, closing her eyes again as she smiled.

My thumbs dug into the small muscles connecting her back to the swelling beauty of her ass, spreading the tension out and away with short strokes. I had to consciously keep my cock from settling into the cleft of her buttocks as I worked, so I knelt a bit higher and used the heels of my hands to massage her firm muscles. Her groans told me it felt good and the precum glistening on the tip of my cock told me it was good for me as well. Finally, I stroked her hips with flat hands and let them roam up to the sides of her breasts. When my fingertips brushed her there, she shivered and giggled.

That seemed like invitation enough, and I knew I was ready for more. I leaned forward all the way, planting my hands beside her shoulders, and kissed the back of her neck. At the same time, I lowered myself so that my cock fell into position between her smooth, warm ass cheeks. Grace groaned happily at the sudden combination and I groaned in response as I felt her smooth skin press against mine. She turned her head a little more toward me and opened her eyes.

"Is this the taking-advantage part of the massage?" she whispered.

"Yes, it is!" I whispered back, flexing my hips to push my cock against her ass.

"Oh, good..." she admitted with a sigh. "I was kind of hoping that would happen!"

"I told you," I said as I rocked myself against her, "we had to take care of the stress first so we could get to the good stuff!"

"So let's get to the good stuff!" she said more urgently.

I pushed down with my hands and straightened my body, moving my knees between her legs carefully and settling down onto her ass. She widened her thighs to make room for me and I used one hand to push my cock down lower, tracing its tip down the crack of her ass, along her perineum, and then along the slick line of her pussy. I was dripping precum at that point and her labia were glistening with arousal already, so my progress was smooth and easy. When my crown bumped against her clit, she gasped and shifted her hips, trying to direct me inside.

Knowing it was time, I guided the broad tip of my cock toward her opening and wedged it between her lips, poised for entry. Then I brought my hand back to the bed beside her and pushed myself up. This levered my body across the fulcrum of my cock and it began to sink inside her. Her hips tilted for a better angle and my heart beat faster as her pussy opened up to me, the walls clinging tightly but not impeding my progress. In a few moments, I was buried fully inside her and I laid my chest on her back, savoring the heat and grasp that enveloped me.

"Oh, my God I've been missing that!" she moaned, bringing her hands in and lifting her head off the bed to arch herself back against me.

I kissed the point of her shoulder and whispered, "Me, too!" as I nuzzled along toward her neck.

With slow, languid motions I began to draw myself out halfway and then sink back into Grace's body, her ass providing a perfect cushion as I fucked her young, tight pussy. After a few long, happy minutes, I felt Grace squirming underneath me and focused on what she was doing. I couldn't quite see, so I lifted my torso off of her and looked down. One arm had come back up to make a cushion for her head and the other was now angled downward beneath her. I grinned, knowing that she was rubbing her clit, and began to pump into her more energetically. Her breath came faster, her lips parting with each thrust and her eyes were tightly shut as she focused on her own pleasure.

There wasn't much I could do to add stimulation, so I made sure to pull all the way out and then slide forward to fill her completely with each stroke, pausing for just a moment at the bottom to let her feel the fullness inside her. Small sounds escaped her lips each time I did this and the pause let me feel just how busy her fingers were as she occasionally brushed against my balls.

"Grace!" I whispered urgently as I pulled back. "I want you to cum for me!" I finished as I slid inside her again.

She nodded, her brow furrowed with urgent concentration.

"Just keep...doing that!" she gasped.

I groaned in assent and kept my thrusts steady, pushing a little harder to bump against her cervix at the bottom of each stroke. Her fingers flew across her clit and her hips arched up a bit more to give me full access. I smiled as I saw shudders ripple the long, sexy muscles of her back and shoulders. When I was deep inside her, I felt the flutter of her internal muscles begin and began to breathe deeply myself to hold back my own orgasm. She needs it more than I do, I thought wryly to myself as I tried to keep my brain clear.