Grand Hunt


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It started becoming harder to fly. In part that was because we were so high that the air was starting to thin, but it also had to do with my concentration. The closer and closer my orgasm came, the harder it was to stay focused on flying.

'I should probably take us down,' I thought. 'It's too dangerous to let go up here!'

Yet, despite what my brain was clearly telling me, I refused to listen. The demon part of me was in control and I was slamming into Kathy as hard as I could.

"Are you ready for me to cum?" I growled into Kathy's ear.

"Yes!" she cried.

My double orgasm took control. Suddenly we were plummeting from the sky! My wings were wrapped around Kathy holding her as close as possible. My hands were on her breasts squeezing, and my cock and tail were in pumping cum into her pussy and ass!

"Drew!" Kathy cried in fear and pleasure as her third orgasm took her.

We started spinning, but nothing that happened could stop me from finishing what we started! The wind screamed past as I continued to cum and Kathy's orgasm rolled into another without pause.

It was the most intense orgasm of my life and I thought it would never end! My whole body felt like it was being ripped apart and put back together again, in the most intensely sexual way possible!

I realized that we were going to crash into the ground if I didn't do something soon, but at the moment it meant nothing to me! Kathy's pussy and ass were already filled to overflowing, but I continued to pump more of my cum into them.

"Drew! I love you!" Kathy cried as another orgasm took her.

"!" I got out as I finally started coming back to myself. I was barely able to focus when I realized we were second from crashing into the ground. At this rate, not even my demon body would survive the impact! Not that it mattered. If I killed Kathy, I wouldn't want to live anyway.

"Hang on!" I cried, which was silly in a way. Kathy's back was to me. She couldn't hang on to anything!

My wings snapped open and I felt the weight of her body against my arms and tail. The force of it all strained my muscles to the limit and possibly beyond, but I refused to lose my grip on her.

We skimmed a patch of trees before I was finally able to regain control of our flight. I was exhausted and slowly moved Kathy around so that she was facing me once more.

"Are you okay?" I asked, seriously concerned.

"Can we do that again?" she asked excitedly. I shook my head as I took her smile in. "That was the best!"

"Another day," I laughed gently. "I think it's time we land."

"Okay," she said sounding a little disappointed. I shook my head and began to promise her more fun once we reached her place. I figured I'd be ready by then. Yet, before I could get the word out, I saw her frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing," she said, but then added, "Only, you've changed again."

"Have I?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes," she answered. "For one thing, you're horns are even larger than before. They'll probably give your father's a challenge now."

"Really?" I asked in surprise. My father had magnificent horns. If mine were half as impressive as his, I was one lucky demon!

"Really," she replied, looking over what she could see of me carefully. "And I think you may have grown an extra row of teeth. You'd better be careful with those! They look sharp!"

"Anything else?" I asked.

"It's hard to tell in this position," she shrugged. "Let get on the ground and I'll look again."

I landed as carefully as I could and only stumbled once before we were both on the ground. The parking lot was now completely empty except for our car.

"Your color is different again," Kathy said as I worked the kinks out of my body. "Actually, not so much the coloring as the pattern. The new one is very impressive."

"At least I haven't grown again," I joked. "Much bigger and I'd be too big for you to handle!"

"You're already too big for me to handle!" she teased back. "But it is fun trying!"

"Let's go home," I smiled.

"Not yet," she replied. "I'm not done telling you what's changed."

"You mean there's more?" I asked. I felt odd and I couldn't place why, but nothing Kathy said so far could explain it.

"Well, you wings are a lot bigger than before and look far stronger," she said, giving me a look.

"Maybe tomorrow," I sighed, knowing what she was thinking. She looked at me and laughed.

"I'd like to get going. Anything else?" I asked, holding my hands up and spinning slowly, letting her see me.

"Oh my!" she cried when my back was to her.

"What?" I asked. "Is there something different about my tail?" Suddenly I knew that the feeling I was having did have something to do with my tail.

"Not really," she smiled excitedly. "I mean, maybe it's a little longer, but it was pretty long in the first place, so it's hard to tell."

"Then what is it?" I frowned.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" she grinned.

I sighed and made the end of my tail move in front of me. It was surprisingly difficult, but I caught it in my hands. It looked fine. Maybe it felt a little stronger and certainly it looked a little darker, but generally it was the same. I felt Kathy touch part of my tail, but I continued to focus on the part I was holding.

"Um, Drew?" Kathy called. I looked at her. She was grinning widely and holding up the end of my tail.

I frowned and looked down. I was holding the end of my tail as well. That didn't make sense unless...

"I have second tail," I said slowly.

"Yes, you do!" Kathy said, continuing to grin.

"My father only has one tail," I said dumbly.

"In that case, I feel bad for your mother!" Kathy joked. "Because if this new tail works the same as the old one, don't plan on getting any sleep tonight!"

"You're insatiable!" I laughed.

"You married me," she shrugged.

"Yes, I did," I said as I hugged her and smiled warmly.

"Happy Halloween!" she suddenly laughed, obviously thinking about everything that happened today.

"Happy Halloween!" I grinned, and then couldn't help but ask, "Trick or treat?"

"Definitely treat!" Kathy said, smiling sexily and brushing the end of my tail along her cheek. I moved my other tail and she caught the end of it as well. She rubbed it along her other cheek.

"We're not going to make it back to your place at this rate before dawn!" I laughed.

"So?" she asked with a tilt of her head as she continued to play with my tails. Kathy moved one to her breasts and the other lower. Her eyes were lust filled and promised more of the wanton behavior I found myself suddenly craving. I let her play with the ends of my tails, but I also wrapped her in the rest of them.

"Well, that's just unacceptable!" I grinned and launched myself into the sky. I was rewarded with a squeak of surprise from Kathy as my tails lifted her off the ground easily.

"Jerk!" she snapped. "You could have warned me!"

"Where's the fun in that?" I laughed, teasing her body with both of my tails.

"When I get you home, I'm going to..." she began.

"Promises! Promises!" I laughed, to which she said something rather rude. I laughed even louder and added, "If that anyway for a pregnant woman to speak?"

"Just hurry up!" she cried. I could feel her excitement growing. It matched my own. My tails continued caressing her body. Kathy only took it for a few moments before adding, "That's it! I'm not waiting until we get back. I don't care if half the town sees us!"

"We'll be there in a few minutes!" I laughed, but clearly my new wife was unwilling to wait.

Kathy wrapped her legs around my waist and grabbed hold of my cock. It was already hard, but then again, I'm not sure it ever fully softened after my last orgasm! My new wife directed my cock between her legs. I loved the feel of it pushing past the entrance to her pussy!

"Is it my imagination," Kathy moaned. "Or is your cock getting bigger along with the rest of you?"

"Oh, it's getting bigger!" I grinned, pushing more of it in her.

"That's what I thought!" she gasped and squeezed down on the part of my cock inside of her. "I want to feel you cum in me again!"

"You first!" I groaned.

"Want to bet?" Kathy asked as she grabbed hold of my horns and shoved her big tits into my face. I didn't bother arguing any more. Instead, I brushed my teeth against her thickening nipples and made her gasp even louder!

Kathy used her grip on my horns to push herself further onto my cock. I was surprised by how much she took! My new wife seemed serious about making me cum first.

'We'll see about that!' I thought, accepting her challenge.

I pushed my cock as deep as it would go. Kathy helped me, pulling me close with her legs. There was still plenty of cock left outside of her pussy, but she couldn't possibly take anymore! That didn't stop her from using my horns to bounce up and down on my cock. It felt amazing! For some strange reason my horns were incredible sensitive to Kathy's touch and she knew it.

I flew as fast as I could, which with my new wings was surprisingly fast, but I didn't think we'd make it back to her place quickly enough. I could already feel my orgasm threatening. I also noticed I was getting higher and higher as we went. I knew it was my body telling me what it wanted, but I wasn't sure either of us would survive another orgasm like the last ones we had!

Somehow Kathy was able to let go of my horns and grab both ends of my tails. She looked at me with lust filled eyes and smiled wickedly as she teased first one and then the other with her mouth. She knew what she was doing and I once again felt a moment of intense pain and pleasure, only this time it was twice as strong!

"Get ready to cum!" Kathy cried out triumphantly, looking at the now exposed ends of my tails. She no longer teased them. Instead, my new wife worked first one and then the other into her mouth.

I didn't know if I was going to win, but I was close enough to no longer care. In fact, I would probably have cum already if my body wasn't demanding something else, something more! I could feel us climbing higher in the sky. Whatever weakness I felt after the first time was gone.

"You're close!" she whispered sexily. "I can tell!"

"No!" I growled. I wasn't ready yet!

I pulled free of Kathy's embrace and shifted her so that her pussy and ass were only inches from my face. We were doing a midair sixty-nine position.

"Hey!" she cried. "That's cheating!"

I growled at the scent of her excitement and thrust my face between her legs in answer. My tongue snaked deep!

"You're forgiven!" Kathy cried, taking my cock in her hand and stroking it. I could feel her tongue brush against my balls a moment later and I groaned. My new wife cried out again and sucked one of my balls into her mouth! We flew higher and moaned into and around each other's bodies.

I pulled my tongue free from Kathy's pussy and directed the end of one of my tails to take its place when we reached the same height we did the last time. Yet instead of dropping, my body strained higher. I realized that my larger and more powerful wings could take us a lot higher. Of curse, the thin air was already making it hard to focus, but neither one of us stopped what we were doing.

I raked my sharp teeth against Kathy large, full ass before spreading her cheeks wide and pushed my tongue deep. I only tasted her there for a short time before I pulled out and let my other tail have her ass. It was almost time!

Kathy was stroking my cock as fast as she could as she sucked on my balls. She was rough, but that was okay. A demon wasn't built the same way as a human and my balls could take a lot of abuse. Of course, Kathy seemed determined to reach their limit!

"Drew!" Kathy gasped when we just about reached the limit of my wings abilities. "Can't...breath!"

I once again spun Kathy around until she was facing me. My tails were still embedded in her pussy and ass. I pulled the one in her pussy out and pushed my far thicker cock in.

"Cum for me!" I demanded in a voice that sounded even deeper than normal.

Kathy looked at me and her eyes grew big. I knew I was beginning to change again, but I didn't care! I pushed my cock completely inside of her pussy and she screamed and came. She didn't beat me however, because I started filling her pussy at the exact same moment!

"This is impossible!" she gasped, fighting for air. "I can't fit all of you in!"

I didn't bother answering. I knew she was right, but I also knew that I wanted her to take my cock completely. My wanting is what made it happen. I could feel it even if I couldn't exactly understand how I did it!

I pulled Kathy into a kiss and grunted when the end of my tail in her ass let loose its torrent of cum. My second tail whipped around and I trailed my kisses to her neck to give it room. Kathy didn't realize it, but she was breathing better now. My new wife opened her mouth and accepted the end of my second tail with a moan.

I bit Kathy's neck and actually drew blood this time, but I wasn't worried. First, it wasn't a lot of blood. And second, the scratch healed moments after my teeth moved on. Again, I couldn't explain what I did and had no idea how it worked, but it did and at that moment, it was enough!

Kathy grabbed my horns and her touch was like a sexual fire! Although I couldn't look at them, I could see the dark glow my horns gave off. That had never happened before!

I grunted and started filling her mouth with cum. The first triple orgasm of my life should have been more than I could bear, but if anything, my body just begged for more! And more is what it got!

Kathy was rubbing my horns lustfully as her first orgasm rolled into another and I filled her body with my cum in three separate places. The dark glow around my horns grew brighter and suddenly I felt another presence in my mind. It was Kathy!

My wings snapped wide open in shock and we hovered for a moment, looking at each other with our eyes and so much more! It was the most incredible feeling in the world! I knew Kathy loved me, but now I could literally feel it as if it were my own emotion. She could feel the same from me.

"It's time!" I cried, my voice deep and demanding.

'Yes!' Kathy cried, not needing to use words for me to hear.

At that moment I knew everything about her, her fears, her hopes, her deepest and darkest secrets! And the scary part was that she knew mine! Yet, despite what we learned about each other in that moment, the love we felt remained strong. In fact, somehow it grew.

I wrapped us both in my wings and we once again plummeted from the sky. Our orgasms continued in a way that no human or demon ever felt before! I knew it and therefore so did Kathy. My thoughts were hers and hers were mine. We shared a complete bond of mind, body and soul!

I'm not sure how long we fell like that, but it felt like an eternity! Our bond blocked everything from our reality except each other. We shared each other's love and lust, and so much more!

Despite the perfection of the moment, I could feel when the time came to end it. I pulled my tails free of Kathy and secured her with them before snapping open my wings, and fighting to stop our plummet. We were close to the ground and it wasn't easy, but this time I knew I could do it.

We swooped down and I landed in Kathy's backyard. I was carrying her and she looked half passed out. I didn't blame her.

"Are you okay?" I asked in my once more deepened voice.

"Depends," she replied, nestling into my chest.

"On what?" I asked in concern.

"On whether you can do whatever you did to make me take your entire cock in again," she sighed. "That was amazing!"

"Insatiable!" I laughed, caressing her body with my tails as I carried her inside.

"You know, something in your voice makes my body react," she grinned as she reached up and rubbed one of my horns.

"Not quite ready to fall asleep?" I asked knowingly.

"The night's not over yet," she said sexily.

"No, it's not," I agreed, smiling.

My sense of smell had improved greatly during the last change. I could feel and smell Kathy's respond. I found myself wondering what else might change as I carried her to the bedroom.

I placed her on the bed and smiled down at her. Kathy sat up and looked at me lustfully. She moved to the edge of the bed and took my cock into her mouth. She could barely fit the head into her mouth, but it felt incredible!

My tails wrapped around her and moved her to all fours. She was still sucking my cock, but now my tails were both working her pussy and ass. Kathy looked up and met my eyes. Hers were lust filled and I knew what she wanted.

I smiled down at her and she tried to take more of my cock in. I felt something happen and suddenly my new bride was slowly taking the entire length of my cock into her mouth. It looked surprisingly natural and felt extremely satisfying! My orgasm took me not long afterward.

"This is some Halloween!" I moaned as I came. I continued to cum until Kathy and the bed were soaked with my juices. Kathy was too busy in the throws of her orgasm and drinking my cum to respond. That was fine with me! She was the love of my life and we both knew it. There would be time for talking later. Now was the time for something else!

I lifted Kathy with my tails and she looked at me in anticipation despite her exhaustion. What to do next? I had no idea at the moment, but I knew something would come to me. I was demon after all!

Kathy smiled and suddenly a thought entered my mind. I knew it was hers and I grinned in excitement. It seems that a human's mind can be just as inventive as a demon's when it comes to these types of things.

"That sounds like fun!" I grinned.

"Can we do it?" she asked.

"Only one way to find out!" I replied, reaching for her. Kathy fell into my arms.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Weird story. Since I am no demon, I don't know what to make of this story. Demon in love with a human? Really?!!👹🤣🤪

Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

Wonderfully entertaining story.

SatyrDickSatyrDickalmost 2 years ago


Grade A, Top Shelf story writing!

A new twist on old tropes (G. v E.) a touch of Small Soldiers (1998), humour, and a great mash-up of theology and mythology - reminiscent of 'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency' and 'Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul' by Douglas Adams and 'Good Omens' by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.


mac1729mac1729almost 2 years ago

Great story and I agree there could easily be a follow up to it

nyteramblernyterambleralmost 2 years ago

Da this one could of used a folowup chapter at least.

Cal59Cal59over 2 years ago

Suitably weird!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 4 years ago
Holly Crap!

What have you been smoking???? That's about as far out as anything I've read in a while, but good.Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Agreed. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I know it's been some time since you wrote this but it would be great to be able to read more chapters on this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Wow indeed! Inventive sexuality, inventive demonology, inventive theology, and well-written, too. There were some errors (and some consistent errors: your vs. you're, for instance), but the quality of your imagination made up for them. Thanks!

J_Reader_ComicsJ_Reader_Comicsabout 7 years ago

I thought I had read every story you had written, but I was glancing through while reading other submissions by you and found this one. I might have skipped over it for the non-human context, as I used to avoid those. However, this is one heck of a story. It has real potential for a series, that I hope you come back to it. I agree that there are writing issues that break the flow, but this piece is what almost a decade old. You're definitely a better writer than you were, as proven by Faith, Hope and Love. I just hope you keep writing and giving us these wonderful stories.


Archangel_MArchangel_Mabout 9 years ago

Wonderfully inventive and original, not to mention scorchingly hot! My only gripe is that there are a number of small but flow-breaking typos throughout the story. If you need an editor for future work, please don't hesitate to contact me. :)

I would dearly love to read a story in the same vein about an angel and a demon finding love, or perhaps a "light demon" and a "dark demon." True love, that is, not the abortive infatuation Drew had with his ex. Just a thought.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
More like this please

Fantastic story keep up the great work

zer0man13zer0man13almost 11 years ago

Holy hell this is an awesome story! I wish there was more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

It was very interesting, but I'm not one for good-vs-evil or Satan-vs-God themed stories. Fair warning to others like me.

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