Grandpa's '55 Chevy Ch. 06

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Grandpa's Chevy goes home.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/01/2021
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The morning went by quickly. Most of the paperwork Gabe had to do was on the Chevy ( and on the computer), tallying up the hours and parts costs. The deposit check she had given him easily covered his parts and sub costs. That's how he did business so if there was a problem with a customer all he would be out was his time. He felt fortunate that he never had that problem so he kept doing what worked. He had done the same thing with Mindy but things had changed over the last weeks, hadn't they? They'd changed A LOT!

Gabe usually gave his friends a break, no mark up on parts and a slightly reduced labor rate but this was a very different situation. He felt odd charging the woman he loved for labor. So that's why you're not supposed to mix business and pleasure. It makes sense now but that was his business, she came to him and she signed a contract. But if he didn't charge her for his labor he could probably write it off as a loss or a donation on his taxes. He'd call his tax guy before making a decision.

He saved and closed the program and headed into the shop to look at this '32 project. He put it up on the lift and brought out the power washer. Starting the process all over again excited him with the possibilities every time.

Washing the underside of the truck brought no surprises and showed the usual problems. Gabe swept up the truck's decades old dirt and washed the dust out the shop bay door, rolled up the hoses and put the washer back under the workbench. The clock on the wall said eleven fifty five, time to head up to the house. When he came into the kitchen Mindy had sour dough grilled cheese sandwiches in the frying pan.

"I hope this is okay for lunch," she said and he assured her that was great as he headed for the refrigerator.

"Love it! What would you like to drink?" he asked.

"Diet Coke, please." Gabe grabbed one for her and a beer for him and put them and two glasses, one with ice, on the deck table. When Gabe returned Mindy was putting the grilled cheeses and potato chips on plates. She picked up the plates, he got a couple napkins and went to the deck.

After lunch they put on their hiking shoes and headed down the hill. The trail wound along near the top of the valley along an elevation contour line so it was flat and Gabe loved watching Mindy's 'contour lines' as he walked behind her. The views of the valley from the trail were breathtaking and they had hiked a couple easy miles before turning to go home.

As they walked back it seemed to Mindy that they should be getting close to the house but she had no idea where to leave the trail. Gabe faked fear that he didn't know either. He stopped teasing when he saw concern in Mindy's eyes, assuring her he'd played along the trail since he was a child. Gabe pointed to a barely visible path and she climbed up the steep bank, sure enough popping out right at Gabe's driveway by the shop. They walked hand in hand up to the house and when Gabe opened the garage door he saw Mindy's car in its spot, feeling a sense of completeness.

The rest of Monday was low key as they each worked to pay the bills, knowing the other was near. Late in the afternoon Gabe heard Mindy's car start up at the house and he walked around the corner of the shop to see her backing down the drive to him. She stopped and got out, giving Gabe a deep kiss and very tight hug, pressing as much of her as she could against him.

"I have to leave for the airport but I'll see you at noon sharp tomorrow?" she asked, knowing he would be there.

Gabe answered, moping exaggeratedly, "Yeeeaaahhh, I suppooooose."

She laughed and kissed him again, getting back into her car. Once again, Gabe was releasing his dove, this time more confident she would eventually come home to stay some day.

"See you tomorrow! I love you!" she said to him as started up the drive.

"I love you, too!" Gabe shouted as she pulled away, this time sure of it.

That evening Gabe dug through his freezer, pulled out a chicken pot pie and put it in the microwave. Seven minutes later he had an upside down pie, spreading into a plateful of delicious, bubbling, steaming hot carbohydrates. He brought it into the living room and found some car shows he had recorded and ate while he watched. After the third show he started feeling tired so he cleaned up his dishes and headed up the stairs to his empty bed. Again. He showered, obviously it wasn't nearly as much fun without Mindy. Nothing was as much fun without her. He climbed into his empty bed and all he could think of were the things he loved about her and was finally able to get to sleep.

Monday was a day of de-construction which meant disassembling the '32. It was a simple vehicle and came apart easily. He pulled the front fenders, grille and radiator off, giving him access to the 8BA flathead V-8 engine. There was a dual carb manifold and headers on it which told him there may be some more to this engine but he wasn't as familiar with flat heads as newer engines. With his engine hoist Gabe pulled it out and set the engine in the bed of his truck. After he tied it down, he headed to Johnson Engines to drop it off for a rebuild. By the time he got the engine lifted out of his truck and the heads were pulled off for a preliminary inspection at Johnson's the afternoon was pretty well gone. Gabe was thinking about Mindy so much he couldn't focus much on work anyway.

She called that evening after she brought her parents home from the airport. They were excited to see her and they talked about their trip non stop as Mindy drove. She was glad that her dad hadn't yet noticed that his car was missing. "So, are you missing me?" she asked.

"DUH!" he said.

She laughed, "I'm missing you too." They talked for quite a while and the conversation was flowing easily again. They were both tired and ended their call, happy to get together the next day at noon.

Gabe woke in his bed alone. He really didn't like that any more and it almost seemed that even though he and Mindy were more together their number of nights together was static. He was willing to give it more time to see if they continued to grow closer and the over-nights went up. He went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal on the deck and, as everything had been, it wasn't as much fun without Mindy.

After he ate Gabe went upstairs and got ready for the big reveal. He hadn't driven grandpa's car yet so he wanted to put a few miles on it himself before giving it to Mindy's dad. He left home at eleven and pulled out on the road, rowing through the gears as the exhaust burbled out the back. The Chevy drove the country roads flawlessly, never giving Gabe any concern. He stopped to fill the tank and get a soda to drink. When he got back in the car he dropped his head to his chest, embarrassed to have missed a very important upgrade... cup holders!

It was eleven forty five when he pulled onto the shoulder of Rt. 20 a short distance from Mindy's folks' house. He waited ten minutes and then drove down the road, pulling into the gap in the blackberry bushes at 20809.

Mindy and her parents were sitting on the porch, about to have lunch when they saw the Chevy rolling up the drive. Her dad got up and walked to the end of the porch and looked at the empty space behind the garage where his wagon was supposed to be. He looked back at Mindy who was smiling at him and jumping up and down like a little girl.

They came together and hugged each other tightly. Gabe could see her saying something to him and they all quickly walked down the steps toward the sparkling '55. Mindy was walking her dad around his car as Gabe opened the door and got out. She was showing him all of the improvements that had been made, from the radial tires and lowered stance to the power disc brakes.

Gabe stood back and let her run the show. She brought her dad over and introduced him to Gabe, "Dad, this is Edgar Gabrielson and he's the genius who did all of the work on your car." Her dad shook his hand very tightly and his eyes were watering when he said his name was Dave Wilson, her mom introduced herself as Ellen.

Gabe was confused that Mindy introduced him as Edgar but she quickly swept her dad off to show him under the hood. When she raised it Dave's eyes got huge at the sight of all of the polished pieces. She explained the conversion to electronic fuel injection and ignition perfectly and showed him the wiring that she had helped run. Dave was mesmerized by the changes made to his car. Gabe told him he could drive it anywhere with the modern components he added.

Mindy looked at her dad and excitedly said, "Let's go for a ride!" She called her mom over and they all got in the car, Gabe and Mindy in the back seat, her dad and mom up front, everyone talking about how beautiful the interior was. Dave started the car and was shocked at how quickly it started. He lamented about all of the problems he's had with it over the years.

Gabe said, "I'm familiar with the old fuel injection units and that's why I went all electronic. Makes it trouble free and bullet proof so you can drive it anywhere. "

They were surprised by the seat belts when Mindy told her parents to buckle up. After they clicked in, the wagon pulled out on to Rt.20 and Dave smoothly shifted the four speed as Mindy, her mom and dad were all wiping away tears remembering grandpa.

Enjoying a twenty minute ride they ended up back at the house. Dave pulled in through the berry bushes and stopped near the porch. They all got out and heaped praise on Gabe for his miracle. Dave opened the hood again, continuing to ask questions about how the new fuel injection works. Gabe explained that the old carb that used to be on the side of the plenum is now a throttle body and the injectors were run by computer.

Mindy said, "Edgar, we're about to have lunch. Would you like to stay?"

Gabe answered, "Thanks, I'd love to!" and they walked to the porch, Dave turning around every couple steps to look at his dad's old wagon again. Mindy's mom directed Dave and Gabe to sit at the table as she and Mindy went in the house. Dave continued to chatter about his 'new' wagon and how beautiful the paint looked.

"I have a detail guy who works wonders on old paint and he really resurrected the original finish and trim"

The ladies returned with two platters of food and drinks and sat down. Ellen's fried chicken looked fabulous and the potato salad was a perfect addition. Gabe had a breast and a leg with a big scoop of salad dished out by Ellen and he couldn't think of a much better lunch. Mindy smiled at Gabe. " Mom, dad, you know the guy I've been telling you that I met right after you left?" They nodded and glanced uncomfortably at 'Edgar'.

Ellen asked, "You mean Gabe?"

"Yes, Gabe." Mindy reached for Gabe's hand. "Well, this is Gabe. I've been talking to you about this man right here and I love him dearly."

Dave smiled, looking at Gabe and said, "You're all we've been hearing about while we were on our trip but who's Edgar?"

Mindy answered, "His name IS Edgar but everyone calls him Gabe. I wanted you to know the man who rebuilt grandpa's wagon with such great skill and care. I wanted you to respect him for his abilities before you met the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with. He is a man of honor, integrity, has an open heart, tells the truth and is the sexiest man in the world to me. I have spent a long time getting my head straight so that I could be ready for him whenever he found his way into my life. He has asked me to move into his home with him and if his offer still stands I would love to take him up on it."

This time is was Gabe who had tears in his eyes.

Ellen was concerned. "This seems awfully fast."

Mindy replied, "I've waited thirty-five years for this man and I don't want to lose him."

Gabe spoke up. "Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, your daughter is an amazing woman who loves the things I love and accepts me for who I am. I am not a man of great wealth, social stature or movie star looks and I have had women in my past try to change me but Mindy has never done that. She loves having lunch on my deck and she loves all things automotive like I do. I have also been waiting a lifetime to meet her. The most fun I've ever had working on a car was wiring your wagon with Mindy." (The blow job on the front seat added to the fun, of course, but he kept that to himself!) "She has touched my soul many times in many different ways. I knew she was the one for me when she walked down these steps and greeted me right where your car is and hope that you will accept our decision." Gabe looked right in Mindy's eyes, "I know there will be problems that come up but as long as we have communication (he emphasized that and Mindy nodded subtly) we'll do just fine."

Although Ellen seemed to have concerns, Dave didn't feel the same way. "We're all adults here. You've both been through enough relationships to know what you're looking for in a partner. You know what you want and what you don't want. Gabe you want someone who accepts you as you are and doesn't want to change you. Mindy you want someone you can trust completely and who will treat you with respect. If you find those characteristics in each other then you should grab on and enjoy the ride. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Don't waste another second."

Ellen asked her last question, "When do you plan on moving in, Mindy?"


Gabe's heart almost burst. This was a HUGE leap of faith for both of them. He was learning that Mindy did important things on her own schedule but he could get used to that.

When they were finished with lunch Dave wanted to go look at his car again and had more questions so he and Gabe walked over to it. Gabe started answering his questions. Yes, those are radial tires on later, wider wheels. It has electric power steering and is adjustable with this knob... full power to none. No, he didn't have to rebuild the engine, it was good as it was. Yes, the radiator was recored, yes that's an aluminum water pump. Dave asked, "How much did this cost?" He told Dave he couldn't say but she got a sizeable discount. Dave wanted to go for another drive so he called to Ellen and Mindy that he was taking Gabe for a ride. They got in the car and Dave started smiling all over again. "I love this old car," he said.

"I do too." said Gabe. Dave hit the starter and it came to life immediately.

They barely left the drive when Dave began the conversation. "I like you Gabe, you seem like a good man but I love my daughter. Her happiness and safety are my only goals. She has not been lucky in love and it saddens me that she hadn't found it in her life. She had boyfriends and I'd hoped one would work out but they never did. I thought she found it with Paul - did she mention him?- but something happened there. She didn't give me details and I don't need to know them but it sounded like she was sharing responsibility for their break up."

"Yes, sir, she told me about their relationship and how she contributed to their divorce. She didn't sugar coat it so I believe what she told me"

"Have you been married, Gabe?"

"Yes," he responded and shared his marriage experience and why he's remained single. He told Dave that Mindy was refreshingly different and why he was confident their relationship would work.

"I can tell you're no fool, Gabe, and you look at things in a realistic light. You have impressed me with your mechanical ability and how you've treated my daughter. I wish you both well and hope this works out"

"Thank you, sir."

"Please, Gabe, Dave, Dad, anything but sir,"

Gabe smiled. "Thank you, Dave"

After a couple hours of stories of Dave and Ellen's trip, reminiscing about the old wagon and Mindy and Gabe talking about their plans, Mindy told her folks she had to get going and Gabe needed a ride home, winking at him. Ellen and Dave gave Gabe a hug, welcoming him to their family before he got into Mindy's Mustang. The back seat was full of bags.

"What's all this? Gabe asked.

Mindy looked at him, "What I need for a few days before I can get everything over to our home."

It was really happening.

It was amazing how much Mindy had packed in that Mustang. They took several trips to get Mindy's things from the car, up two flights of stairs and into the closet and dresser. When they finally got settled and were enjoying a small salad and a glass of wine on the deck Mindy teased Gabe, "I don't really love you but I needed to fake it so I could spend time on your deck."

"Sounds like we might need a pre-nup," he replied. They both chuckled and settled into a quiet moment looking over the valley

Gabe had never felt so content, so complete, so loved.

Mindy asked, "So, you and my dad had a nice talk?" looking at Gabe with raised eyebrows, digging for info.

"He just wants to make sure his little girl is taken care of," and that's all he was going to say about that.

Mindy looked across the table at Gabe and he felt her stare. "What?" he asked.

She kept his eyes locked on hers. "I would love to take my man up into our bed and wrap my arms and legs around him and make love with him, feel him inside me. The first night of the rest of our lives."

Gabe got up and walked to Mindy and scooped her up out of the chair and into his arms. He carried her into the house, turned sideways to get her up the narrow stairs and through the bedroom door, placing her gently on the bed.

"Welcome home, Mindy."


Thanks for reading my story. I've enjoyed writing it and deeply appreciate the comments and encouragement. I have great respect and a new admiration for the prolific writers on this site for all of the ideas for their stories. I think I used up all of my ideas here!

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woodrangewoodrangeabout 2 months ago

very cool story and v8s

NotSomeBubbaNotSomeBubbaover 1 year ago

Great story, with a really different plot twist that worked. Thanks for taking the time to write it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I loved this story, I’ve followed it through and enjoyed both the car and emotional sides of it, many thanks for writing it @51Woodie, tbh I’m sad it’s finished, I’d have loved for Gabe & Mindy to have worked together on their own joint “forever car” and maybe a road trip after. Maybe a sequel?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You sure did a top job on this story. Im sure you could come up with another one - or 2!

MVarroMVarroabout 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing this story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find inspiration for another tale as good as this. I’ll keep looking for it. 5*

stewartbstewartbabout 3 years ago

Everyone has at least 1 story in them ... some more ... tho they aren't lucky enough to be able to write so others may share. I hope you will continue to add to the world's enjoyment.

RRC2RRC2about 3 years ago

A good strong ending to a good strong story. Thanks for the read.


Davester37Davester37about 3 years ago

A fun story, well-developed likable characters, a realistic well-described setting, and loads of great authentic details for “flavor.” I love it!

Thank you for writing, and thank you for sharing your work.

ender2k2kender2k2kabout 3 years ago
That was great

It was a wonderful finish to a well written and satisfying story. I am glad you added this last chapter. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story...looked forward to each chapter. Too often romance gets lost...thanks for something hopeful.

bigbob2406bigbob2406about 3 years ago

That was a great story. Very well crafted with believable characters. Thank you very much for your efforts.

HargaHargaabout 3 years ago

Another excellent chapter and a fitting conclusion to your story. I'm so glad everything worked out for these characters and hope they have a long life together. I never knew where the story was going and the characters where well developed. I loved the car stuff because I'm an old school gear-head and it provided an excellent backdrop for some great sex scenes. I hope you continue writing and as I earlier stated “Cars and Babes” make great subject matter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Thank you! Great read!

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 3 years ago

Really enjoyed you bringing Gabe and Mindy to life for us your fans. I have enjoyed every episode. Take a break, clear the brain and start fantasizing again. Any one who could write this story has got to have another one to share. I won't push but will definitely be looking for another offering from 51Woodie in in my follow list at sometime in the future. Please share your talent. I would pay for this caliber of material. Lots of space on Amazon. Let us know.



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