Great Scott!


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Danielle's voice went "oh, oh OHHHHHHHH" and then a scream -- the scream put Bobbie in the fight or flight mode, and she bolted silently off the porch and walked on unsteady feet down to the dock. As she approached the dock, she saw a young woman walking toward her that she didn't recognize.

The girl smiled and said, "Hey, Mrs. Miller! I'm Rocky, well, Rochelle -- Danielle's old roommate at college -- thanks so much for letting us stay with you! Your home and this lake are beautiful!"

Bobbie tried to clear her head as she looked at the young girl in front of her -- her mind was still back at the cabin and the shock of what she saw there, and no words came out of her mouth. She tried to smile weakly at Rochelle.

"Hey, are you okay, Mrs. Miller? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

Bobbie smiled inwardly at the irony of the joke -- Casper the black ghost, she thought to herself...

Finally recovering, she managed to eke out a greeting to Danielle's roommate, but her voice was trembling.

"Oh, Hi Rocky -- Danielle has spoken about you several times -- it's nice to put a face to the name. How have you been?"

Over the next few minutes, they exchanged pleasantries before Rocky asked her if she needed help getting everything out of the car?

Bobbie shook her head and said everything was on the porch but that she didn't want to go in because Danielle and Scott seemed to be "busy" at the moment.

Rocky laughed and told her that Scott and Danielle were ALWAYS busy getting busy and if she waited for that to stop, she'd be sitting on the porch all night.

Bobbie nodded politely but inwardly was wondering just how deep the rabbit was going down this hole.

As if she was reading her mind, Rocky took Bobbie by the arm and sat her down.

"As you know, Danielle and I were roommates at school through our sophomore year -- I had been dating Scott myself during my freshman and part of my sophomore years and Danielle heard plenty of "getting busy" while they were together, so it's only fair that she puts up with it now."

Bobbie looked at the young waif in front of her with a confused expression. "Wait, Scott was YOUR boyfriend and now he's dating Danielle? Are you okay with that?"

Rocky nodded and said that it was her decision to stop dating Scott and then told the aunt that the sex was always amazing, but that Scott was not the kind of guy you bring home to mom and dad and eventually, they decided to part ways when Scott started hitting on Danielle.

Bobbie grinned lightly and thought to herself, "Not the type to bring home to mom and dad before TODAY".

Rocky then told her that Scott was sort of unusual and somewhat difficult as a boyfriend. He was smart as hell, polite, articulate and a lot of fun. But he also took a somewhat bohemian attitude when it came to monogamy -- he didn't feel that people should only have sex with their significant other but should be free to explore with anyone they chose -- whether it be someone else' s girlfriend, wife or whatever.

She told Bobbie that at first it seemed exciting and fun to experiment with this alternate lifestyle, but when Scott started actively pursuing Danielle and even went as far as to suggest a threesome between himself and the two roommates, Rochelle put her foot down. She didn't want to share Scott with her roomie, and she didn't want to ruin the friendship between herself and Danielle.

So, she told Scott to go have fun and they would go back to being friends.

What she didn't expect was how hooked Danielle would be to black sex with Scott -- she went from shy and conservative to addicted to his style and sexual prowess. She told Bobbie that Scott and Danielle were averaging sex 2-3 times a day and it became commonplace for her to walk into her apartment to find them banging on the kitchen table or fucking on the sofa.

Rocky said for the sake of the relationship, it would be best for Scott and Danielle to get their own place to keep the sanity and their friendship intact.

Bobbie listened in a bit of awe to the story before blurting out, "Is he that good in bed?? That satisfying?"

Rocky laughed and said it would be an understatement to say he was the best sexual partner she ever had and that she missed the multiple orgasms for months after Danielle moved into their own place. She also told Bobbie that Danielle and she had decided to label Scott a "Hyper-Intuitive Empath".

Bobbie tilted her head questioningly and asked for an explanation.

Rochelle said, "Have you ever met anyone that is super sensitive and in tune with other' s emotions or feelings? That they know you so well that you don't have to say a word and they know exactly what you're feeling at the moment -- whether it be scared, excited, lustful, sad, or even hungry? That's one definition of an empath."

She continued, "From what we read, an empath usually falls into one of three categories:

• physical empaths

• emotional empaths

• intuitive empaths"

"Scott is definitely a physical empath -- he can pick up a lot of the physical aura others are feeling within their bodies...When they're chilly, Scott feels it. When they're enjoying a specific touch, he knows it immediately. When someone touches a part of your body that makes you uncomfortable, he feels it too. He senses what others are feeling as if it were his own body they were touching."

"And being super sensitive to this touch thing makes him the ultimate physical lover -- he will sense IMMEDIATELY if he touches you a certain way if you like it or not and change his strategy based on those signals you put out."

"And you know, how sometimes you like something one time, but don't like it the next? Well, if you liked him kissing your breasts one time, he's going to do it again...but if the next time you cringe as he touches you a certain way, he changes his method instantly to something else -- that's the intuitive empath in him."

Bobbie gasped at her words and felt herself start to tremble lightly before Rocky continued.

"He's sort of like the ultimate sex toy. Or like masturbation -- you know what feels good to you when you masturbate, so he feels that and adjusts to make you feel amazing. He doesn't have the biggest cock I've ever had and he's not the hottest, sexiest guy I've ever been to bed with, but fuck, Mrs. Miller -- he knows exactly what a woman wants!"

Bobbie felt herself nodding in agreement to her words, never having met the young man. She felt herself moisten thinking about someone with this much power."

She said, "Rocky, if he's all this and sliced bread too, why in the world aren't you still with him?"

Rocky laughed and said she asks herself that same question from time to time but said there was a chink in his armor.

"Scott is great sexually, is fun, smart and generally amazing to be around, but he's also childish, immature and can be selfish. Scott wants what Scott wants and to hell with how it hurts other people. He loves sex and if he finds you attractive, he will pursue you. He doesn't care if you're married or engaged or in love with his best friend, he will flirt and seduce and keep working on you until he's deep inside you. "

Bobbie looked at the young girl in disbelief, so Rocky said,

"Be warned, Mrs. Miller -- you're EXACTLY the type of woman he likes -- you're smart and petite and have a great ass. It doesn't matter to him that you're Danielle 's aunt, a mature, married woman in your 40's. If he gets you in his sights, he will pursue you until you're in his bed. And it will be the best sex you ever had, and you may hate yourself afterwards, but you'll go back for more."

Bobbie shook her head before speaking, "You make him sound like the Devil incarnate -- Pure Evil!"

Rochelle laughed and said, "Haven't you always wondered what it would be like to have sex with Satan? You'd find out just how physical and amazing it would be. To be ravaged by a wild animal who 's primal desire is to fuck you so hard that you will never forget the experience!"

Bobbie and Rochelle talked a little more before deciding to go meet the Beast as they walked up to the cabin.

When they got there, Scott and Danielle had finished their afternoon activities, showered and were bringing things into the house as though nothing had transpired earlier.

Danielle hugged her aunt and then turned to Scott and said, "Scott, this is my favorite relative in the entire world -- Meet Bobbie"

Scott grinned and reached out to shake the older woman's hand and then pulled her in for an intimate hug...

Bobbie wasn't expecting such a greeting and started pulling away slightly, causing Scott to tense up and look into her eyes...And in a moment of clarity, Bobbie saw what Rochelle was talking about -- she saw the Devil Beelzebub himself -- and Scott sensed her fear, her trembling excitement and could smell the dampness that had mysteriously appeared between her inner thighs, damping her thong. And he grinned wildly.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Miller...Thank you so much for opening your home to us and for being so supportive of Danielle. I owe you one!"

Bobbie thanked him for his kind words and started to relax a little -- once the initial shock of the meeting was over, she found herself looking at how he interacted with Danielle and Rochelle, how helpful and clever he was, how smart he was. She loved his accent and found herself daydreaming about his cute little ass and dark skin.

"This is how it begins" she thought to herself.

The rest of the day involved Bobbie, Danielle, Scott and Rochelle cleaning and getting the house back in shape for the guests that would be coming the following weekend. The three college students were a huge help and Bobbie was impressed with both their stamina and work ethic. What would have taken Ethan, and her three days was done in less than six hours and by the time the sun was setting, everything was in order.

Bobbie made sandwiches for everyone that night but promised tomorrow would be a regular dinner for all their hard work. Rochelle and Bobbie made salads and a pasta mixture while Scott and Danielle slipped off to do God only knows what in the back bedroom. She thought to herself that there were definite advantages to being young!

Rochelle helped Bobbie clean up after dinner and then slipped out for a walk before it got dark -- a short while later, Scott walked by in a t-shirt and shorts, said hello and headed out for a run. Bobbie heard the shower running and a short time later, Danielle walked into the living room in a robe, her wet hair curly with a huge smile on her face and sat down with Bobbie, who was reading a magazine.

Bobbie looked over at her niece. God, she looked young....

It was the first time they were alone together since the call Danielle made dropping the bombshell about Scott. Bobbie thought for a moment, trying to figure out a way to weigh her words carefully.

"So, Scott seems very nice, "she started, "Good looking boy!"

As soon as she said 'boy', she regretted it.

Danielle grinned and said, "Not a boy, Aunt Bobbie -- not by a long stretch. But I appreciate your kind words. He likes you too!"

Bobbie felt her heart racing a little bit -- her first encounter with Scott still fresh in her mind. She thought about how to consider the conversation.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "So Rochelle and I talked a bit earlier about you two and how she and Scott dated for a while but that they broke up when you started dating Scott? Was that awkward?"

Danielle looked at her aunt for a minute and then put her head down. "Well, I wouldn't say I was the reason they broke up. Scott is complicated -- We were all friends and he stayed over a lot when Rochelle and I were roommates and I will admit that I was more than a little curious and yes, I'll admit, jealous that her boyfriend was such a stud in bed! Sometimes Rochelle would come out of the bedroom looking pretty ragged and I could only imagine what was going on in there!"

Bobbie pursed her lips and said, "You heard them making love?"

Danielle burst out laughing..." Of course, I did. Hell, the whole building probably heard them! And if we're being perfectly honest, I wouldn't call what they were doing as making love. It was more like hard core workouts. Rochelle would be out for bottles of water between every half hour...I was more than intrigued -- between you and I, I was turned on just listening to them. She wasn't exactly shy about it!"

Bobbie nodded and said, "So if this was so amazing, why aren't they together anymore?"

Danielle looked down at the floor again. "Well, she wanted something more than sex from Scott -- she wanted a boyfriend, a committed partner, someone she could count on. And Scott was none of those things for her. So, I guess at the end of the day, she gave up the great sex for someone more stable. Scott isn't the marrying type -- he's never said he would be loyal to her or wouldn't have some other chickadee on the side and while it was fun in the beginning, she grew weary of it. And as it turned out, I was the chickadee on the side, which caused some issues for Rochelle and me..."

Bobbie shook her head disapprovingly -- "Danielle! Scott cheated on Rocky with you? How could you make that happen? You were raised better than that!"

Danielle nodded, clearly embarrassed.

"I know, I know!" she said, "Not my proudest moment. But Rocky and I talked it through and that's when we decided it was best for Scott and me to get our own place. Once Rochelle didn't have to hear Scott and I having sex, a lot of the pressure was off. She thinks I'm crazy staying with him, knowing he may not be true to me, but she gets it."

Bobbie looked at her niece like she had two heads. She said, "Danielle, this is so unlike you! I'm frankly a little shocked. You know Scott's track record -- he's made no promises, he cheated on Rochelle with you and my guess is that he's not going to be faithful to you either!"

Danielle nodded, "I understand what you're saying, and I have to admit that you're probably right -- I'm setting myself up for failure...But Aunt Bobbie, Scott is fun -- amazing in bed, smart and makes me happy. He's honest to a fault so I have no pretense that he will always be there for me, and I'm okay with that. I'm enjoying the hell out of what we have right now and have no regrets -- I know he's not the man I'm going to marry someday, but he's an amazing boyfriend for now."

Bobbie got it -- damn it, she understood exactly what Danielle was telling her, but she hated herself for accepting the logic of it. And now, she was being dragged into the whole "telling the parents" Drama. Bob and Marion are going to have a royal shitfit over this. And with Danielle accepting that Scott was a player made it even worse -- why in the world would she want to bring the family into the mix knowing it could end at any time? Love is a very strange thing.

Danielle and Bobbie talked a little bit more and Bobbie shared what Rochelle had said about Scott's empath abilities and Danielle agreed it's probably what made him such an amazing lover. He was so in tune with her body at all times and loved flirting with her to the point where she'd beg him to ravage her. They were in the middle of the juicier details when Scott and Rochelle came back in together. Scott came over to Danielle and kissed her, which made Bobbie squirm a little -- she looked over at Rochelle, who smiled gently at the older woman and nodded her head.

But then he came down and sat between Danielle and her aunt and hugged Bobbie -- Bobbie shot a look at her niece who was grinning from ear to ear. So confusing.

The three young people started playing a board game -- there was no internet connectivity at the house -- that was a rule everyone agreed to early on. This was a place to unwind and get away from technology for a while. And cell service was spotty at best. There were DVDs and television, but no cable per se.

Bobbie told them she was going to give Uncle Ethan a call to check in and would be back later. She grabbed her cell phone and headed up the mountain away from the lake to where she would have some privacy and a clear signal and texted Ethan asking if he could talk.

Bobbie was sitting on a rock looking up at the stars when her cell phone rang a few minutes later. Ethan sounded tired and started telling her about what a crappy day he had -- Bobbie listened politely and waited for him to vent. After he was finished, he asked how things were at the cabin, if everything was getting in shape and then asked about Danielle, Rochelle and especially Scott.

Bobbie filled Ethan in on all the work she and the kids had carried out and then went into more detail about what she found out about Scott and the discussions she had with Rocky and Danielle.

Ethan listened politely without interrupting -- Bobbie talked and talked for quite a while and when she was finished, she didn't hear anything coming from Ethan's end and thought she lost the connection.

"Ethan, are you there?" she asked.

Pause...." Yes, I'm here -- just taking in everything you told me...Scott sounds like a real shit, Bobbie."

Bobbie said, "Well, yeah, I guess you would think so based on what I told you, but he really isn't, Ethan. He's polite and smart and can really hold up his end of the conversation. He's somewhat impressive -- I can see why both girls like him."

Ethan asked what he looked like -- Bobbie described him as "average" -- a little darker skinned, short black hair, about 6 foot, not overly muscular but fit -- she told Ethan that Scott was an avid runner.

Ethan laughed and said, "Running from girl to girl, you mean?"

Bobbie laughed and said, "Stop...he's really not that bad -- Danielle seems to love him, and Rochelle had nothing bad to say about him -- just that she wanted a more stable relationship than he could offer her. Rochelle and Danielle both said that he was very honest, and they sort of both knew what they were getting themselves into."

Ethan considered what Bobbie was telling him and then said, "Sounds like he's got you charmed, too?"

Bobbie didn't know what to say. There was absolutely some truth in what Ethan was saying but she wasn't ready to admit that.

Ethan must have been reading her mind because he said, "Is Rocky as petite as Danielle? Do they look similar?" Bobbie admitted that yes, both girls were petite, smaller breasted, smart. She asked Ethan why he asked?

"Because that tells me that Scott has a 'type' -- what he likes in a woman. And we both know that you look a lot like Danielle...has he hit on you?"

Bobbie told him that Scott was friendly and hugged her when he first met her, which surprised her. And that he was sort of touchy feelie but not in a creepy way... As she was telling her husband about Scott, she realized that her breasts ached, and she had a sort of dampness creeping between her inner thighs.

Ethan kidded her and said, "so you're already defending him, huh? Maybe this is your opportunity to try out your new black guy fantasy!"

Bobbie exploded a little louder than she intended and told Ethan "You're crazy...These kids were young enough to be their children and besides, he's with Danielle!" She added that fantasies were one thing between the two of them, but she wasn't going to do anything that would hurt their marriage or their niece 's trust.

Ethan said he understood but told her that his offer stood -- if opportunity presented itself and she found herself in a situation where she could try a black guy, he had her blessing. When he said that, Bobbie gasped and at once felt guilty. Even though nothing had happened and probably wouldn't, her imagination got the best of her, and she quickly changed the subject.

"So, when are you coming up to the cabin?" she asked.

Ethan told her that it depended on work but probably not for another week. Bobbie sighed and told him how much she missed him and loved him -- Ethan said he loved her too and would see her as soon as he can.