Grieving Time Pt. 06

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Brian has a date with Patricia and a surprise.
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Please read from part 1 first.

Hope you enjoy the story.

A short part to keep it rolling on.

from Part 5

Later that morning he was quietly sitting by himself, and thought to Jennifer, "Jenny dearest, what is happening to my life. I am loving most of the new things, but parts are scaring the hell out of me. How come I went from the little kid brother and favourite uncle, to being this man in the middle of the females in my life. What should I do about it all? Please give me a sign of what I should do. I miss you and would dump it all, if only you could be with me again."

He sighed, closed his eyes as a single tear made its way down his right cheek.



It had been a wonderful evening for Brian and Patricia, from the meal at the restaurant to the open air concert. He was currently on his way home after dropping Patricia at her place. Neither were yet ready to take the plunge into sex, so it was just hugs and smooches before parting. She had made a date with him for the following weekend with a suggestion that she might be ready for more. He wasn't worried, as he was unsure if he was yet ready for more. Unlike being with long term friends, this woman was clearly in the realms of romance, and maybe lead to a long term relationship. Something this serious would need careful consideration before he could commit, needing to put aside his feelings for his past wife into the proper context. He knew he should have moved on, but had trouble letting go.

Arriving home, all was quiet except for the noise of the garage door. He made it to bed without encountering anyone and laid there thinking about life, love and relationships. he found it no surprise to be eventually joined by Ashley, pushing him over to the middle as she climbed onto the bed.

Giving him a quick kiss to his cheek, she mumbled, "Hope you had a good time. It's late, tell me in the morning."

He smiled as she rolled to her side facing away and resumed her sleeping. It was almost as though moving from her bed to his was the same as rolling over in her own bed. She was soon relaxed and huffing her breath. He tried going to sleep only to be disturbed again as Diana laid down onto the other side of the bed. He had not moved from the middle which gave her enough room to easily join them. She too gave his cheek a quick peck and rolled away to carry on sleeping.

He amused himself with the thought, "Like mother, like daughter."

Strangely enough his next thought was that the sun was bright. He had fallen asleep so easily with two other bodies crowding his bed. He considered how, not so long ago, he had awoken many times during the night because of another person disturbing his rest.

His next thought was, "How the hell do I get my arms back?"

He was still on his back but each woman was cuddled into his side with a leg and arm draped over him. He had an arm under and around them, holding each to him causing loss of blood flow and numbness as their body weight rested on his upper arms. His shoulders must make a decent pillow as both were sleeping soundly. His morning woody was somehow in an open area, poking up in the space between all the arms and legs sprawled over him. He just had to hope it would go down so he could exit the bed without being 'exposed'.

Almost as if she could detect him being awake Ashley spoke softly into his left ear, "So, did you have a good time last night? You got home fairly early."

In his right ear he heard a faint groan then a whisper, "Yea, you were a bit early. Not complaining though, slept much better here."

He chuckled softly before responding, "Morning girls. Yep, 'twas a good night. Had a good sleep too, but it's time to rise 'n shine."

Both women groaned at this and Ashley sleepily complained, "But it's so comfy like this."

Her comments were backed up by Diana, "It sure is. Go back to sleep Brian, I could stay like this for a few hours more."

He had another chuckle, then noticed his cock was quite a bit softer and not as prominent as before. He was starting to get feeling back in his arms with the progression of pins and needles as the women had moved a little. With the feeling of touching back in his fingers, however, he could feel the smooth skin on their backs through the silky texture of their nightwear. Coupled with the tingling of the blood returning to his arms made it felt extremely erotic. Almost like touching them was causing the sensations in his arms. These thoughts, he decided, were not conducive to getting a floppy dick, so he made the effort to extricate himself from between them, going straight to his bathroom. They were gone when he returned to his room and he could hear the other bathroom in use.


Life settled into a strange rhythm for Brian, his sister and niece for the next month. More often than not he would have one or both in bed with him. They never joined him at the start of the night, only after he had been lying down for a while. Often he was already asleep and would only notice the company upon waking in the morning. He would often be spooning someone with his erection clamped between their thighs. Nothing was ever said and whoever had his cock against her slit would masturbate herself to climax on him. He never entered them and never actually came when held near their womanhood, although some mornings it was a close thing and their back or butt would be sprayed with his spend. By breakfast time it was as though nothing had happened, like a secret dream never to be mentioned. The two women were now back working at the shop and he noticed Ashley was with him mostly on the nights before she was working. It was as though she needed her courage recharged before facing the public. Diana was not quite as needy, but was always there when Ashley had slept in her own bed. Sometimes he had the two of them in bed, but Ashley seemed to take precedence for his attentions.

Brian was now also in a routine of visiting Veronica and Christina each week, meaning that twice a week he could completely empty his balls. This gave him the tolerance to hold it in during his morning wake up cuddles. It was getting harder to keep his trysts secret from Ashley, still uncertain how she would react. The three also knew they could not keep meeting forever as his relationship with Patricia was becoming serious.

He went out for dates with Patricia twice each weekend, and they talked on the phone and messaged almost daily. Brian was beginning to think he might have to break things with his female friends. He and Trish had not discussed anything about where they stood together and definitely nothing along the lines of being steady or exclusive. Physically they had not progressed beyond passionate kissing and some groping through their clothing. He found he didn't need to push her to have sex as he still had his own outlet. However, he was feeling guilty that at some level he was cheating on her.

He had attempted to talk about his concerns with Veronica and Christina but their thoughts left him more confused. They knew he was with them both and they were happy enough to share him, having had a threesome together. They agreed with each other that because he was not in a sexual relationship with Patricia then he should not be worried about anything. He then got the idea they would be unconcerned about sharing him with her anyway. To their thinking what difference is there between a three-way and a four-way, or even more-ways, if they were all happy about it and no-one was missing out. He had not specifically told them about his mornings with Ash and Diana, only that they were needing his company a lot whilst sleeping.

The one person he had always gone to to discuss personal problems with, apart from his late wife, was Ashley. He was getting near to the point when he would need her advice, even though he knew what he should do. In his own mind he had transferred his loss of Jennifer onto the support that the sexual relationships with the two women, plus having his sister and niece with him. With the two in his home he felt like he now had the family, a wife and child, he had been denied when Jennifer died.

It was nearing the end of February and despite some inferred promises from Patricia she had not actually made any moves towards having sex. He was wondering if she was really a cold fish and if he could have a long term relationship with her. Sex was not the most important thing that a couple can share, but the intimacy it brings can enhance their feelings towards each other. He also thought more about what Ashley was doing with him in the mornings. It may not be outright penetrative sex, but it is classified as a sexual act. She must also know that her daughter is doing the same thing with him, and in some convoluted thought process be okay with it. He wondered how she would take to the knowledge of him having regular sex with her friends.


Then just when Brian thought his social life was settling, the three terrors would rise to strike at his heart. Diana, Emily and Faith were all starting university lectures the following week and they had orientation week to get familiar with the campus. The final day of the week was an organised information day and get together with an open air concert that they wanted to attend. Being the older mature adults that they keep telling Brian that they now are, insisted he had to attend it as well. Their reasoning included how he was their big brave knight in shining armour to protect them from harm, to how he had gotten his qualifications there and would be able to show them around.

He did have a great time with them as they never let him feel his age by including him in their fun. They seemed to need to show him how grown up they were by displaying as much skin as possible. Their short skirts and small tops were not enough display, they kept finding all sorts of reasons to bend over in front of him. This had to be done by bending at the waist with legs straight giving him a nice rear view of their entire legs, sometimes as far as showing a partly clad pair of lower butt cheeks peeking at him. Their perky little boobs always seemed to have trouble being hidden within the tops, especially when they would bend over facing him. He could even tell that Faith had a naval piercing, her pink lacy bras matched her panties colour and were really sexy. Emily had her buttoned shirt tied at the waist and he knew her naval was piercing free, but there was that delicate butterfly tattoo over her left breast made of bright colours. It was placed just in the right spot to not be covered by her skimpy black bras. She too had matching black panties that had no chance of covering her sweet butt. Diana was the difficult one as he could not see any obvious bras showing and her nipples were drooped enough to be held against the inside of her top when she bent over. If it wasn't for a stray gust of wind he would have sworn she was commando as well. A breeze lifted her skirt just enough during one of her bend overs to show a smudge of bright yellow triangle at the top of her butt crease. Her cheeks looked otherwise bare.

He did enjoy the day, although he had to spend a lot of it with his hands in his pockets to disguise the obvious bulge. It was made worse when each girl had to clear off some lint or whatever they thought it was that seemed to always cling to the front of his pants. The swipe at his groin always brought out a big smile from the swiper. Brian found that he was getting used to their playfulness and missed it if he was left alone for more than five minutes.

Standing to listen to the bands playing was another experience for him. Of course being the younger crowd, sitting was not something they thought of doing. So they stood together within the crowd that had gathered. Many were dancing but most just watched and listened. The three girls seemed to have a roster system and would rotate on a regular schedule. He never had to move, except for his arms as each girl would put her back to his front, and pull his arms around her so he was hugging from behind. He was embarrassed to start with, but they never said a word about his erection pushing into them from behind. They may not have said anything but they certainly let him know they could feel it, as they ground their butts into his groin. Had he not been having regular drain-his-balls sex he could have gotten really embarrassed. The grinding of perky arses onto his erection was bad enough, but they made sure his arms were as close to their breasts as they could be without actually cupping them in his hands. He got the close contact of their breasts, with or without bras, nudging against the sides of his hands or pushed into his wrists. They would wriggle and squirm against his arm to make sure he could feel their boobs rub against him. Then just as he would get acclimatised to this they would swap around and a new partner would start with him. He could easily have pumped a few loads into his pants that day.

The other thing that astounded him was that the three would rebuff any advances made by any guy. Brian found himself the object of many curious or angry stares from men when they would send a bloke packing, telling him they were with Brian. They said it in such a way it was plain they meant it like they were his girlfriends. He managed to query Diana about this later in the day to be told that this was his role as their protector. They didn't need anyone but him. The three gave him funny looks as this was explained, as though he was an idiot for thinking otherwise. It got him very confused as to whether they wanted him to be their boyfriend, this was some elaborate prank, or just a bit of fun.


The Saturday night a week after the university day, Brian was to have dinner at Patricia's house. She was going to cook him her favourite dish. He was hoping that they could progress their relationship to a new level. He had overcome his concerns of whether he was cheating or not, and would take things as they happened. If they ended up having sex, or even talking about having a more physical relationship, he was prepared to stop all activity outside what he hoped to have with Trish. He was really enjoying his time with her and felt they were compatible on so many levels.

Early afternoon on that Saturday, Brian received a message from Patricia to meet him early at a coffee shop that was about halfway between their houses. He wondered at what was up and sent back a query to her. She didn't respond, nor did she answer her phone when he called. Curious and a little worried he set off to be early to meet her, hoping this was not as bad as his imagination was picturing. The cafe was a large place with two levels of customer seating and a large outdoor area in the front. He found a park in the street a short way from the cafe. He had a clear view of the front of the building, but his car was mostly hidden behind other cars. He was about to open his door when he spotted Patricia at a central table near the building entrance. Brian liked to look at her as he found her attractive, and hoped he would finally get to see her naked tonight. Just as he pushed the door open his slight change of viewing angle let him see that she was not alone. This was strange, as he thought she would have told him if she wanted him to meet someone, a friend or family member. As he swivelled to exit the car he had kept his eyes on his girlfriend out of curiosity to see who it was she wanted him to meet.

He didn't move another centimetre as there at the table was Martin, bright as day sitting to her right, both facing the roadway. Fortunately he had parked in the wrong direction, and within a string of other cars, for them to see him. Martin was talking to her with a hand resting on her forearm in a very friendly way. Brian was stunned and amazed that the woman he was serious about could be here with this animal, expecting him to walk up and be okay about it. He stayed still as his brain tried to come up with what he should do. He kept his eyes on the pair and it became very obvious that they were extremely familiar with each other. She allowed him to run his hands over her arm and shoulder as though they were intimately involved. She looked extremely happy and he had a smirk as large as the sun in the sky. When he leaned in for a kiss she moved her head forward to receive it. On the lips!

What Brian did notice was that Martin kept looking around the front of the cafe to the street, as though expecting someone to arrive. Patricia sat there with her attention solely on her companion. It all seemed odd that she would invite him, but not be looking for him. Whilst with someone behaving like they were a loving couple. Brian smelled a rat, but then he could see that she wasn't being held there against her will, and was enjoying the attention from Martin. She was patently not being solely with Brian in her love life.

This situation was beyond Brian's experience and he decided to cut and run. He did have a thought that Martin had set something up to get back at him for his interference in their married life. But his now ex girlfriend was making goggle eyes at another man. Brian knew it was all wrong, but felt unable and unwilling to cope with the drama. He liked Trish a lot, but not enough to fight like this over her attentions. If she could be so easily swayed away while they were only going out, he could not see any future together. He also knew he was cheating on their future relationship because of his sex with Tina and Ronnie, but he was male and allowed to act like a pig. Besides he was cheating only with sex even though he and Patricia had not gotten naked with each other. She hadn't even let him touch her bare body yet, so no harm no foul. Her sitting with this guy was emotional cheating, something that Brian found harder to countenance. You don't look at your companion or behave like she was if they were just friends having coffee. Gentle touching and lip kissing was not what just-friends di.

As a parting gesture he rang her while he could watch them respond.

"Hi Brian. Are you okay? I wasn't expecting you until tonight. Oh is something wrong, I hope you can still make it. I was looking forward to having my favourite meal for you, sure that you will like it too."

He could see Martin sit back and diligently look around, although he made no recognition of seeing Brian in his car. He even returned his attention back to Patricia by running his hand up and down her arm, then leaning forward to kiss her neck. She tilted her head over to give him better access then with a smile gently pushed him back to his chair. She even shook a finger at him as though berating him.

"Well Trish, I'm afraid I have to welch on dinner tonight. Something's come up and I can't make it. I also can't make it now to the coffee shop that you invited me to in your message. Sorry, I'm already late ringing you. You must be getting worried that I haven't turned up yet. My apologies, an emergency has come up that'll keep me busy for all of today."

He could see her expression and she honestly looked perplexed, "Err, I'm not sure what you mean Brian. I didn't invite you for coffee and haven't sent any messages to you. I'm at home busy preparing for tonight's dinner that now is a waste of effort. Oh that sounded badly put. It's my favourite so won't be wasted, but I had hoped for your company tonight. I had something really special planned."

"Oh damn Trish, now I feel terrible that I can't make it. Maybe I can come over tomorrow and we can do that special thing then."

"Sorry Brian, but I am going to be busy myself tomorrow. It'll give me something to plan for next weekend maybe."

"Okay Trish, anyway I have to go now to work out a personal problem. Have fun with you fav meal tonight and whatever you have planned for tomorrow."