Guess What I Saw?


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Holy hell. I wanted to feel her mouth so badly. But so far, my resolve was holding. Barely.

Then she tried playing with the balls of the dildo as she sucked. When she cupped them, the back of her hand rested against my own swollen, heavy sack, and each movement of her fingers sent shock waves through my hypersensitive loins. I don't think she realized it, because the moment I gasped out "Oh, wait, Kelly, you're..." she jerked her hand quickly away and looked up at me with wide eyes.

She had to have seen, in my face, the battle being waged between my will and my body. Her look changed from worry to amused desire when she realized she hadn't done anything wrong. Oh no, it was TOO right. And she knew it.

She never took her eyes off mine as she reached around behind me and grabbed my behind in both her hands. She had obviously been listening to my suggestions about what to do with her hands. Then she pulled my pelvis toward her, impaling her mouth with the dildo and crushing my hips against her face. I moaned uncontrollably. She repeated the motion several times, picking up speed and ferocity with each stroke.

I could take no more of that. I pulled away a little and begged her, "Oh, Kelly, you've got to do something else with your hands. I, I just can't take that. Too much..." I trailed off.

"What else would you like me to do with my hands, Mr. Mac?" she asked in her most coquettish voice.

I knew I couldn't handle her burning touch any more. I would lose total control.

"Maybe you could, you know, maybe NOT use them for a while. You could, uh, maybe put them behind your back, or..." - I paused in deliberation – "maybe you could touch YOU instead of me. I, uh, I mean, guys like to watch you touch yourself, too." Not only did I sound stupid, I knew I shouldn't have said it as soon as it popped out. The line I had drawn in my mind about what was acceptable and what wasn't acceptable was blurry at best, but I knew watching her touch herself while we were in the same room was over that line. I can't explain why. I hadn't really had time to think about it. It was just a gut feeling, a "rule" made up on the fly.

Kelly didn't seem to mind my inarticulate splutter or my lines in the sand. She put her hands behind her back, thrusting out her pert breasts, and resumed sucking "my" cock. We both knew by now that she was giving ME a blowjob, even if we were using a proxy cock. It was all just a way to follow "the rules."

But following the rules didn't change what was really happening. My little neighbor was sucking me off.

After a few minutes with her hands behind her, she began to let them roam over her body. She caressed herself through her thin baby blue shorts, never actually fingering herself, but brushing lightly over inner thighs and hips. Then her hands began to wander up her body, lifting her light cotton tee-shirt as she went.

"Oh, Kelly, no." I couldn't keep the pleading tone from my voice. "Please. You have to keep your shirt on. We can't be undressed. Please." Again, I had no logical reason, but I knew my resolve couldn't take much more.

She looked up again, and I think there was amusement in her eyes, knowing she had me wrapped around her finger. She never stopped bobbing her head on the shaft of the dildo, but she did stop raising her shirt up. Instead, she slipped her hands up under it, and I heard her moan around the cock as she played with her nipples. Her eyes closed, and her expression became rapturous as she soaked in all the sensations.

I watched in a state of tortured rapture, myself. My heart pounded, my breath rasped. I realized, with a sudden electric awareness that slashed through all my thoughts and feelings, that I was going to cum from this. Like, right that moment! The orgasm had already started spreading its fingers throughout my body, and were beginning that inexorable clench that would squeeze the hot white cum from my balls in a final eruption. That, I was NOT ready for. I pulled quickly away.

"OK, Kelly, OK, I have to stop. We have to... I can't" Seeing puzzlement crease her brow, I felt the need to explain. "For real. I have to stop now. I'm going to cum, Kelly. I... I can't. You have to stop." I managed to step away, senses reeling, and sit on the edge of the couch.

She sat beside me. I could see she wanted to say something, ask me something, but couldn't find the words.

Finally, with a quiet intensity, she said "But Mr. Mac, I WANT you to cum! That's why I'm here. I really want you to be my first."

I was stunned. So, this wasn't just about me teaching her...

"NO, Kelly! No. No..."

"Please! Don't say no!" It was more of a command than a request.

"But Kelly, why? Why do you want to do this with me? You have a boyfriend, and I KNOW he wants you."

"Yeah, I know Jimmy wants me. I want to be with him, too. But I want you to be the first. You have always been so good to me, and ever since that day I saw you in the window, I've wanted this. I, I've loved you for years, Mr. Mac." Her eyes shied away at the admission of her feelings. "I know you and I can't be together forever. But, just for my first time, I want it to be you. Jimmy can wait." There was passion and a strange, cold determination in her voice now. Her cheeks were aflame.

"Oh, Kelly..." I didn't really know what to say. I was mostly stalling. "It's not right. I mean, my wife, Jimmy... your PARENTS, for Christ's sake!"

"It IS right. It's my choice. And as for all them? They'll never know. I swear. Please?"

She leaned over and kissed me. I knew I was lost.

I kissed her back, and her sweet soft lips parted to welcome my probing tongue. She was an amazingly good kisser, too. I was a little surprised at that, but I can't really say why. In any case, she took my kiss to be assent, and sank to the floor in front of the couch, slipping her body between my legs as she went.

Resting her arms on my thighs, she bent her head and lightly nibbled my hard cock through the tight fabric of my jeans. She ran her open hands over me, moaning softly as she felt the hot, throbbing flesh beneath the denim. Then she unbuttoned my fly and tugged my boxers out of the way. She smiled hugely and her eyes shone brightly as she looked up at me. I was watching as if in a dream.

"Are you ready?" she asked, and before I could answer, the head of my cock was in her mouth.

"Oh my god. Kelly!" It burst from my throat in an airy rush. She moaned, vibrating against the sensitive skin of my head, and swirled her tongue around, exploring all the curves, folds, and textures she had only seen through the panes of glass 'til now.

I was transfixed by the vision of her sucking me. My cock, disappearing into her sweet, young beautiful mouth, was beyond description. Her ponytail bobbed softly with her movements, and the sunlight slanting through the window brought out the red highlights in splashes of color.

And have I mentioned, she was GOOD? I haven't? Well, she was. Frightfully good.

Like her kiss, her mouth moved over my shaft with an expertise beyond her years. I don't mean she seemed practiced, or that she had extraordinary technique. No. That's not really it. It was that she seemed to be able to listen to my body, to sense what I was feeling, and to respond instinctively. When she reached up and began to massage my balls, she seemed to know just the right amount of pressure to use, and how to tug on them so I rode the finely honed edge between pleasure and pain. Or, more exactly, between pleasurable pain and too much pain.

She stopped going down on me just long enough to take my hand and help me stand up. She slid my jeans down the rest of the way and let them pool around my ankles. Then, she ran her palms up my body, under my shirt and over my chest. I felt a momentary pang, an acute awareness of our age difference, when her hands passed over my belly. Now, I'm in pretty good shape for a man my age, but the years have taken their toll and I'd be lying if I said I had rock-hard abs. Kelly, on the other hand, has played soccer and softball all her life. While she's not a waif by any stretch, her body is firm and strong. And 18.

She seemed to sense my discomfort, and let me know she didn't care if I wasn't perfect by saying "Your cock is even nicer than I imagined, Mr. Mac." She said all this while nuzzling and licking along its length and lightly rubbing her fingertips over my nipples. As they hardened under her touch, she playfully tweaked and pinched them. Each time she did, my cock jumped and throbbed, and she responded by licking in time with the movement.

Oh my god. She was perfect.

And then came the clincher. As she had done with the dildo, she grabbed hold of my butt – bare flesh against flesh this time – and taking my dick between her lips, pulled me into her throat. She went slowly, and our eyes were locked the whole time. I shuddered as I entered her inch by inch. I felt the head of my shaft against the back of her throat, then pressure, and then exquisite tightness as she took me all the way in. She held me there for a moment, looking at me, and her eyes watered just a little, but she didn't gag. Then she just as slowly withdrew, leaving my shaft glistening wet. Her chest was heaving with excitement, her breath catching in her throat.

"Is that OK?" she asked between gasps.

"Oh my god, Kelly! It's wonderful. Amazing!" And I wasn't exaggerating. My wife gives great head, and I've had a few girlfriends who were very good, too. But Kelly was absolutely blowing my mind. I don't know if it was because this was so wrong, so forbidden, or if it was because she was so young, lovely and GOOD at it. Maybe it was just because she wanted me so much. I don't know. Probably, it was all those things. But she was,without question, the best I've ever felt.

Encouraged by my words, she went back to work, alternately taking my deeply into her throat, and working magic with her tongue around the head. She stopped playing with my nipples, which disappointed me at first, but when she slid one hand under her shirt and the other down her shorts, I didn't mind at all. I began to thrust my hips in and out as she played with herself, and she just opened and let me in. She did fine, whether I slid just to the back of her mouth, or shoved my full length down into her tight throat. She gagged a little if I did too many deep strokes too quickly, but she never protested or pulled away, and I was careful not to get too carried away.

I was getting very close again, and I knew I was going to cum a gusher because of my extended torment. I was getting lost in my own sensations, when I realized Kelly was cumming! She let out a squeal and groaned, and her body locked up and convulsed in orgasm, her fingers dancing like lightning inside her shorts. I pulled out of her mouth to let her finish, loving that perfect O her mouth makes when she gets off.

She had barely gotten over that tidal wave when she took me in her mouth again. I held still now and let her control all the motion. I tried not to rush, holding back as long as I could because I wanted this to go on for as long as possible. But I was climbing ever nearer what I thought might be the most intense orgasm of my life. My vision was getting dark around the edges, and I kept catching myself holding my breath.

And then, I heard the garage door go up.

Holy fuck!! Monica was home!

I frantically pulled at my jeans, trying to get them back up and buttoned over my impossibly hard cock. Kelly had heard the door, too, and was making sure her clothes were smoothed out and her hair was OK. Just as I heard the door into the house open, I noticed the dildo still on the coffee table! I tossed it under the edge of the couch, and then there she was.

I was sure Monica could hear my heart pounding. Maybe she could even see it, because it felt like it was moving my ribs with every explosive beat. Kelly stood rooted to the spot.

"Hi guys," Monica said cheerfully. "Whatcha up to?"

A totally innocent question. I think. But I was totally guilty and it seemed forever before I could think of an answer. Time was standing still. Unable to come up with anything right away, I gave Monica's cheek a kiss in greeting. Anything to stall.

Noticing the photo slide-show screensaver on the computer monitor over Monica's shoulder, I remembered that I had been editing photos when Kelly came in. That gave me an idea.

"Well, Kelly is thinking about getting into photography, and she was asking me some questions about my different cameras."

"Yeah," Kelly said, picking up the thread, "I'm leaving for college soon and I want to take lots of good pictures while I'm gone. Mr. Mac has been a great help."

"Oh, well, that's nice!" said Monica. "Tony loves photography, and I'm sure he'll talk your ear off if you give him a chance. I love to look at his pictures, but I don't want to know everything about what lens and f-stop and blah-blah-blah he used." She gave me a pointed look. "It kind of ruins the magic to know everything." She laughed, and I found myself giggling moronically now that the crisis seemed to have been averted.

"Say, Mrs. Mac. I was hoping to borrow Mr. Mac for a while tomorrow." Kelly glanced quickly at me, and then back at Monica. "He taught me a lot of great stuff today, but I'd like to go out and really try some of the things he was explaining. You know, to see if I really get it. And maybe it'll help decide what's best for me if I try a couple of his first."

Dear lord. I couldn't believe the double entendre Kelly was throwing out there! I mean, I knew Monica couldn't possibly know what she really meant, but I swallowed hard anyway. I was worrying about my heart exploding again. Damn! Here she was, asking my wife for permission! The guilt and excitement were so intense I really couldn't have said what I was feeling right then. Just a rush, like noise in my ears, you know?

"Oh sure, that would be great! I have to run some errands in the afternoon anyway, so you won't be stealing him from me." Monica laughed at her little joke, but I felt kind of funny. As you might imagine.

"OK! Great! So, I'll see you tomorrow about 1:00, Mr. Mac?" Kelly's smile beamed like a ray of golden sun.

"Uh, yeah, great! I'll, uh, I'll have the cameras and gear all ready to go."

"Sounds good! See you tomorrow. Bye, Mrs. Mac!" With that, Kelly turned and let her self out. When she was gone, it seemed a huge energy had left the room.

"She's such a nice kid," Monica sighed as she plopped down on the couch. "But you'd better be careful!" she teased. "I think that girl has a crush on you!"

"Haha!" I giggled nervously. "No way! What would a girl her age see in an old fart like me?" My voice sounded so unnatural to me, with Monica's words striking so close to home. I started to go into the kitchen for a much needed drink, and realized I had the worst case of blue balls ever. I hadn't moved since Monica came in, and each mincing step was horribly painful.

"What's the matter, Tony? Did you hurt yourself?"

"No, I'm fine. Just a little stiff, is all." Good god, have I been stiff. "Must have sat too long editing." I hobbled out, needing to get away for a moment.

That was this afternoon.

So, now you know my problem. I know, I know, we ALL should have such problems, right? But this is serious! Here it is, the middle of the night. My lovely wife is asleep, and I'm wide awake, wracked with guilt, confessing my sins to you.

Guilt, yes. But my balls haven't stopped aching, and I can't forget the sight of Kelly's sweet mouth wrapped around my manhood. Her eyes looking into mine. The taste of our one fleeting kiss. I can't forget the earnest, sincere desire when she said she wanted me to be her first. Desired ME.

I know it's wrong in every way, what I want to do. I know it is. But I have a decision to make, and it is a tough one.

Tomorrow. 1:00 P.M. Even now I am not sure what I'll do...

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You are a fantastic story teller.

maddictmaddictalmost 5 years ago
Till tomorrow then

Dude your screwed, do you remember hearing this,

"I know you and I can't be together forever. But,", Dude your a Perv. I do like where Kelly, you and this story is Head ed

DaveInSanDiegoDaveInSanDiegoalmost 5 years ago

Wow I was shaking. Kelly is so perfect. Wow.

LJJLLJJLover 5 years ago

I really really love this. Mr Macs character is so great - i love that you havent made him into the type to just go raping that teenage girl since she showed some interest, and that he felt sorry and ashamed of being caught by a girl he'd known since she was little. It made the whole thing seem more real and so it had a much better build up to the sex part (which was also super hot by the way :) )

lowkeyonelowkeyoneover 8 years ago

Your ' first submission ' ?? Well done, that was excellent THANK YOU.

sandymonroesandymonroeover 10 years ago

So hot! The desire...

tonethebonetonetheboneover 11 years ago

I truly felt as if I were feeling the pain and excitement first hand. It's every older guys fantasy to have a young sweetie desire him, but fantasy verses reality can be two different things. Which your story told perfectly. Look forward to the next installment.

MaximguyMaximguyover 11 years ago
Love it.

Right amount of angst, tease, guilt, sex. Looking forward to the next part.

Biker_TypeBiker_Typeover 11 years ago

very nice, hope there is part 2 and many more to come!

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