Guess Who?

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A accidental Gloryhole and a case of mistake Identity.
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Nathan's phone was off. He had left his job early today, in secret, to surprise his girlfriend Lacy with a shelf in their walk-in closet. Unfortunately, Nathan had also accidentally smashed a waist-high baseball-sized hole from their paper-thin bedroom wall into the guest bedroom with a hammer. He was ashamed to call Lacy at work to explain. Tired from the labor and frustrated with his mess-up, he fell asleep before patching it up. He didn't even open his phone to see the message that her friend Irene was coming over to visit.

Lacy informed Irene there was a spare key under a potted plant and that she and her boyfriend would be getting off at about the same time. She also told her she left a message to her boyfriend explaining that her friend was coming over.

Irene confessed she was feeling horny after a long dry spell and asked Lacy if she had any toys she could borrow. Lacy told her she had a boyfriend for that. Irene thought about asking if she could borrow her boyfriend in a half-joking way, but reconsidered.

Lacy told her friend she'd bring her back something about 9 p.m. to help her relieve her stress and that she could sleep in their guest bedroom until then.

Irene hadn't seen her friend since Lacy had gotten a new boyfriend and wanted to meet the cute guy.

Irene had traveled a long way and was feeling pretty tired. After Lacy told her where to find the guest bedroom, Irene walked past the couple's closed bedroom door. Unbeknownst to her, Nathan was sound asleep inside. Irene didn't notice the hole in the wall since it was hidden by a pillow on the guest bed. She quickly changed into her black nightie and was asleep the second her head hit the pillow.

She woke up horny a few hours later. She found herself searching the guest bedroom for a vibrator, dildo, hell, even a cucumber would do. She was that desperate. The ruckus woke up her friend's boyfriend.

He assumed it was his girlfriend in their guest bedroom. His girlfriend was usually horny when she came home, and needed a good hard fuck to help her sleep. The idea alone made him hard.

Irene came up empty-handed. Unaware anyone was home, she grumbled," I NEED SOMETHING TO FUCK."

Nathan thought it was his girlfriend that said this, even though it seemed like she was doing a silly voice. Finally, Irene searched the bed for a toy only to discover a hole when she removed the pillow. She made a curious 'hmmm' noise. Nathan was glad his girlfriend wasn't angry at him. It was dark inside the opening. Sitting on the bed, she curiously reached her hand through. He saw her grasping arm and decided to give her something to find.

Irene was shocked when a dick slid into her palm. Curiously, she felt its hardiness, length, and width. "Oh, wow. This must be Lacy's boyfriend's cock," she secretly realized.

"Wait, is this what Lacy meant when she said she'd bring back something to help me relieve my stress?" she wondered.

She glanced over at her smartphone and saw it was pasted 9. Irene didn't know that something had come up at the office and Lacy had had to stay late. She was instinctively stroking the cock, while her free hand slipped between her legs.

"I guess they are both home and she is loaning out his dick, " she assured herself. "Then why am I about to finger myself when I got a perfectly good cock right here?" she reasoned.

She withdrew her hand, but before vanishing back through the hole, she made the 'follow' motion with her hand. She put her mouth to the opening and breathed seductively through it. Not needing any further encouragement, Nathan approached the wall and slid his cock through it. Inch by inch, it emerged from the wall before her. She backed up slightly to judge its full size. She looked at it hungrily

"Is this for me?" she asked rhetorically.

She got down on all fours on the bed facing it. Carefully, she wrapped her hands around the base of the cock. It pulsated under her warm touch. She angled it into her mouth. "This is gonna need to be nice and slippery to fit inside me," she reasoned. Her face was pressed against the hole in the wall as she tried not to gag.

Passionately, she bobbed back and forth. When enough time had elapsed, she withdrew, leaving his cock drenched in her silva.

With her legs bent forward, she quickly spun around and lifted her nightie before once again using her hand to guide his dick into a moist orifice. She had trouble at first fitting it in. The lack of sex had made her really tight.

On the other side of the wall, Nathan was astonished at how tight his girlfriend's pussy felt. Her hips pushed slowly against the wall as he sunk deeper into her. Only when her ass was pressed firmly against the wall did his penetrating thrusting begin. She savored the feeling of his cock filling her up. It was the perfect size for her. Not too big. Not too small. His head caressed her g-spot.

"Thank you, Lacy," Irene said, overjoyed.

He was still pounding away 20 minutes later when she heard the front door quietly open. Irene sat up with her back against the wall. The cock continuously fucked her, unconcerned about this new position. Her black nightie flopped down, incidentally concealing the cock plunging into her. The door to the guest bedroom soundlessly opened.

"Oh good, you are up. I didn't want to wake you if you were asleep," Lacy said sincerely.

"How could I sleep with what you got me? I'm loving it so much," Irene said in true bliss.

Lacy gave her a puzzled look. "I haven't given it to you yet." She held up a small white bag with the logo of an erotic gift shop on it.

"I stopped off and got you some things to help you relax," Lacy announced eagerly. She reached into the bag and pulled out a vibrator. "You can sit back and let this thing take over," Lacy said happily.

"Wait... so you didn't..." Irene began in a worried tone.

"Didn't what?" Lacy asked, confused.

Irene suddenly had to suppress an orgasm ripping through her body. "Nothing...Never mind," she said in a strained voice.

Unphased, Lacy shrugged her shoulders and revealed the other thing she got her. She showed it off like she was being the best hostess in the world. "A 7-inch wall-mounted dildo," she spoke cheerfully. "Just in case you are feeling more 'proactive' about getting laid," she grinned brightly. "Just press it against the wall and pump away," she said pleased.

'Way ahead of you there,' Irene thought.

She plopped the two items back in the bag.

"I hope my boyfriend is awake. I could use some lovin' myself," she confessed.

'I can guarantee you he is definitely awake', Irene said to herself.

Lacy held out the bag to her friend. After a moment, she was puzzled why Irene didn't move and just take it.

"You're still horny, right?" Lacy asked, feeling ignored.

That problem is being solved, Irene thought guiltily.

Irene leaned forward in a way so her ass remained in place, both to hide the dick inside her and the fact it felt so good.

She gingerly took the bag from her hand. "Thank you so--grunt --much.

Lacy glanced at her suspiciously.

"I'm gonna spend some alone time with my boyfriend," Lacy stated.

Oh, shit. The gig is up if she goes in there and sees him slamming against the wall,' Irene panicked.

"I'm sure he's sound asleep and doesn't want to be woken up," Irene stalled.

"He loves the way I wake him up," Lacy assured her with a devious smile.

"Maybe he'd like a sandwich or something first?" Irene made up a desperate excuse.

I don't know if he'll finish in a few more minutes, Irene doubted.

"How about making him a four-course meal?" Irene suggested without much hope.

"You are acting strange," Lacy pointed out. "Why are you leaning against the wall like that?"

Lacy finally noticed the slight rocking motion of her friend's hips. She looked up at her friend who was futilely trying to suppress her 'o' face.

"Wait a minute..." she realized something. She is trying to hide an orgasm. But how? She didn't bring any toys with her on the plane and didn't say she brought some here,' she concluded.

Lacy crawled up onto the bed, much to Irene's horror. Her hand reached out towards Irene's crotch.

"You don't want to look under there," Irene forewarned her.

More determined than ever, she lifted her nightie. She thought she'd find a sex toy buzzing away, but didn't know why she'd hide it. They were honest with each other about things.

Seeing her boyfriend's cock plowing away shocked her.

"Is that my boyfriend's dick?" she spoke in an angry whisper.

With the truth revealed, Irene let out a loud groan as she climaxed hard.

Irene clamped her hands on her friend's shoulder for support. "Oh, my god. He fucks sooo good," she freely admitted.

"I know.." his girlfriend said in a growl.

"Why are you fucking my boyfriend? And why is he fucking you?" Lacy interrogated.

"I thought this was the 'bring something back to help me relieve my stress,'" she quoted. "I was gonna ask if I could jokingly borrow him while on the phone with you but chickened out. Then he pops his cock through this hole in the wall and it was like you read my mind. I thought you were both home at 9." Irene disclosed.

"I made a detour at the Erotic Boutique to find some toys for you. I wanted to make you happy. But it took a while to get what I wanted. I didn't get back till 9:30." she explained, annoyed.

So it was all an innocent mistake on her part. She partially blamed herself for inviting a horny friend over and bragging about the passionate lovemaking to her friend on the phone weeks earlier.

"So my boyfriend just decided to make a gloryhole for you?" Lacy said skeptically.

Irene shrugged.

Lacy glanced down at the hole surrounding his dick. "Well, he didn't do a very good job. It looks like he just smashed a hammer through a wall," she analyzed.

Her eyes refocused on his dick spreading Irene's lips apart. She and Nathan had talked about spicing things up with another woman, but Nathan was reluctant about it. He didn't like the idea of one-night stands with strangers: too many unanswered questions.

Little did he know he was banging someone he had never even met.

"I'm gonna have a 'talk' with him," she announced determinedly.

Irene took a firm grip of Lacy's arm. "Can't you just give him ten more minutes?" Irene pleaded.

"You're asking me to let you keep fucking him?" she asked incredulously.

Irene nodded hopefully.

"But that dick is for me," she grumbled. "What am I supposed to do for ten minutes?" she pressed her.

Irene gladly pushed the erotic boutique bag into her hands. "Use these," she added.

"I WANT the real thing," she said, irritated.

"What straight girl doesn't?" she asked, rhetorically.

"How about we switch places in ten minutes?" Irene offered.

"Make it five and we have a deal," Lacy agreed.

"I want to know why he thought it was ok to fuck you," Lacy stated.

"Oh, fuck. You are so tight tonight, Lacy," Nathan boasted.

"Ooops," Irene said embarrassed.

"That explains that," Lacy conceded.

"I don't know what you did but keep doing it," he yelled from the other side, pleased.

"That would be a month-long abstinence," Irene admitted. "I wouldn't recommend it," she finished while looking at her friend.

"Alright, time is up," Lucy affirmed while looking at her smartphone. Irene was just about to orgasm again when Lucy pulled her away from the wall. Nathan's dick sprung up suddenly free from its confines.

"HEY! Where did you go?!" he yelled, disappointed.

Completely undressed, Lacy moved into the spot her friend was in. She backed up on all fours, allowing him to slip effortlessly in.

"You feel... different..." he said with a tinge of sadness. But that didn't stop him from enthusiastically plowing away.

Irene pouted, disappointed.

"Now, you can watch me get fucked. Like I had to watch you," Lacy taunted.

"I don't want to watch. I want to get penetrated" Irene whined.

With his dick still inside her, Lacy leaned back against the wall. She picked up the discarded wall-mounted dildo. She signaled for her friend to get closer. "Come on. You want something in you, right?" she offered.

Irene shrugged. She wanted someone to cure her horniness. She moved into an identical position against Lacy. She felt Lacy's rock-hard nipples pressing into her back. Holding the dildo, Lacy's arms wrapped around her friend. Irene felt a ripple of excitement when Lacy's left hand gently pried her pussy lips apart. The right hand inserted the rubber dick, causing her to gasp. Deeper and deeper she drove it in, compelling her friend's legs to tremble.

"Tell you what. I'm gonna fuck you at the same speed and depth he is fucking me. Deal?" she suggested.

Irene simply nodded.

With all her wetness, the sex toy easily slipped in and out of her. True to her word, Lacy matched the speed and depth of her boyfriend, a nice and steady pace. In no time, Lacy's hand and the dildo were dripping wet.

But Irene wanted it hard and fast. It was gonna take her forever to have a giant orgasm at this rate.

Irene tilted her head back and whispered. "Pound me hard and faster," she begged.

"I can't. He might notice the shaking," Lacy rejected.

Irene took several minutes until she found a solution. "Ram me harder," Irene said out loud, trying to sound like Lacy.

"What are you doing?!" Lacy spoke in an angry whisper.

Hearing her plea, Nathan happily sped up. He thought it was a strange request since his girlfriend liked a steady pace usually. Savagely, his cock spread her lips apart fucking her with wild abandonment.

Irene leaned back to whisper in her ear. "Now, you can go faster," she said deviously. Impressed by her friend's underhanded ploy, she matched her boyfriend's thrusting speed. It didn't take long for shock waves of orgasms to ripple through the women. It was becoming overwhelming for Lacy, but Irene was enjoying every second of it.

"Is this good enough for you?" Lacy asked competitively.

"I...still...want...the...real...thing," Irene was able to pant out. Frustrated, Lacy withdrew the dildo, much to Irene's disappointment. Seeing a solution to both problems, Lacy rose off of her boyfriend's dick while he was in mid-thrust.

"What gives?" the women heard him complain on the other side of the wall.

"Go ahead. It's all yours," Lacy invited her friend before stepping aside.

"Really?" she asked, surprised.

"You've got 5 minutes before I walk over there and tell him the truth. So you better hop on it," Lacy gave her ultimatum.

Lacy stepped off the bed and turned around to watch her friend with arms crossed.

Seeing she was on a time limit, Irene moved to the hole in the wall. She backed her ass against the wall in a doggy-style position. Much to both their joy, she effortlessly slid him inside again.

" feel tight again," Nathan said, puzzled.

Irene looked at Lacy and shrugged her shoulders in a 'nothing I can do about that' expression.

Lacy glared at her but said nothing.

Irene took no time slamming her ass against the dick as fast as possible. She grunted wildly with each rapid insertion. Lacy spent the time watching the timer on her smartphone, only glancing up when Irene climaxed loudly. The timer soon went off, much to Irene's dismay.

"TIME'S UP!" she notified her friend.

Irene was able to increase her pounding knowing that the ruse would soon be up.

Lacy entered the bedroom to see the front of Nathan's body pressed against the wall his hands behind his back like he was handcuffed.

"Hi, honey. What are you doing?" she asked in a cheery voice.

He turned his head to look at her.

"Well, I'm obviously fucking yo-" he said matter-of-factly before the confusion set in. He did a double-take, Quickly looking at his girlfriend then at the hole in the wall. "If you are here, then who am I fucking?" he said, dumbfounded.

"That's my friend, Irene," she answered.

He quickly withdrew from the wall, infuriating Irene.

"HEY, I WAS USING THAT!" she yelled.

"You can come in now, Irene," Lacy instructed.

"Probably going to be the only way I'll get dick now," Irene grumbled from the other room.

Standing nude in the center of the room, Nathan was still startled when Irene appeared in the doorway. Instinctively, he tried to cover his erection with his hands. His girlfriend, still staring at him, sighed with slight annoyance.

"Not only has she already seen your dick, but she has felt it too," Lacy pointed out.

"Inside me," Irene added mischievously.

Hesitantly, his hands dropped to his sides.

"So, that's what the rest of him looks like," Irene said with approval. "I mean you showed me pictures of him, but not without clothes." she clarified.

Irene took a step forward, ready for him to continue where they had left off. Nathan nervously took a step back. She stopped and frowned.

He turned to his girlfriend. "Who is this?" he demanded.

"I sent you a message on your phone. She is a friend of mine. She had a 2-day layover from a business trip and I invited her to stay here. I even told her where to find the spare key because I thought you would still be at work," she explained.

"I turned off my phone so I could build you-" he explained.

She gestured at the opening in the wall. "Your own personal gloryhole?' she interrupted, sounding judgemental.

"No," he corrected, embarrassed. "I was trying to build you a shelf that you wanted." He pointed to the pile of wood and toolbox by opening. "But I underestimated the thinness of the wall," he ended.

"Oh, well that was nice of you," Lacy said in a softer tone. "But you really should have called a professional," she lectured.

"I'm glad he didn't," Irene chimed in.

Lacy gave her a side-eye.

"It's been a long day, so starting tomorrow I want you to fill up that hole," she pointed at the accidental Gloryhole.

"I hope that's not the only hole he fills up," Irene remarked.

Lacy gave her an eye roll.

"So as long as you are giving him orders, can you tell him to finish fucking me?" Irene suggested.

"WHAT? NO!" he objected.

"Why not?" her friend pouted.

"Yeah, why not?" Lacy ganged up on him.

"Because..." he began. "She isn't you," he finished with awkwardness.

"Because she doesn't look like me?" Lacy assumed.

"Well, that's not exactly.." he disagreed.

"Did you enjoy fucking her?" she pressed him.

He casts his eyes downward.

"Yes..." he said, guiltily.

"I see the problem," Irene spoke up.

"You do?" Nathan said, relieved.

"And I have a solution," she boasted.

The couple gave her a quizzical look.

But she ignored them and checked around the room till she spotted their closet. Opening it up, she quickly pulled a business tie off a hanger. She dangled it in front of the couple while wearing a devious grin.

"We are gonna tie him up?" Lacy asked with enthusiasm.

A worried look crossed Nathan's face.

"There is an idea..." Irene considered."But I was thinking we could just blindfold him," she clarified.

"So he will have to guess who is fucking him?' Lacy said, aroused by the thought.

"Like we did with his improvised gloryhole," Irene noted.

"You did what now?" Nathan said, puzzled.

"Some times you were fucking me and sometimes you were fucking your girlfriend," Irene disclosed.

"That explains so much," he realized. "I was unknowingly having a threesome," he concluded.

"I want to blindfold you with this tie," Irene proposed.

"Ummm... honey?" Nathan said unsurely.

"We should be accommodating for our guests," Lacy assured him.

Irene stepped behind him and Lacy grabbed a nearby chair and set it in the middle of the room. With the blindfold securely in place, they led him to the chair. After he was seated, the women looked at him with devious grins.

"I can't see anything," he reassured both women by waving a hand in front of his face.