Guilty x Creatures Ch. 36

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Chapter 4 of the Assassin Arc.
10.1k words

Part 36 of the 74 part series

Updated 11/03/2023
Created 08/11/2020
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Chapter 4 : Late Night

Kianna smiled viciously as she rolled the plastic base of the sterilized, medical needle back and forth between her thumb and index finger and held it up to the kiochi's face.

Hyperventilating through her nose, the kiochi whimpered pitifully as she stared almost cross-eyed at the sharp tip of the needle.

Dozens of identical needles had already been embedded deep into each of her heaving breasts. The thin slivers of metal had pierced her soft flesh with ease as the cruel dark elves would press them in, one at a time and bury them all the way up to their plastic bases. The pale skin of her bust had become a vibrant canvas as each of her breasts were dotted with dozens of points of colored plastic, which had all been arranged in rows and swirling patterns that, when seen as a whole, gave them an almost flora appearance.

"So... Are you ready to talk yet?" cooed Kianna as she pressed the tip of the needle against the kiochi's trembling tit.

"EEHHPH! HHMMMMPPHH!" cried the kiochi through her gag as she glared angrily at the dark elf and desperately tried to nod her head.

Thick beads of perspiration rolled down her forehead in an endless stream as her body was racked by both the intense torture and unending stimulation.

The captured shinoccubus had been strapped to a mock electric-chair that was made of heavy, welded metal and outfitted with thick leather belts, straps and cuffs. She was still wearing her mask-gag, straitjacket and legbinders, though now her ankles and shins had also been buckled into the cuffs attached to the chair itself. Thick leather belts ran across her lap, waist, shoulders, neck and across her forehead just below her horns. These straps held her in place and kept her pressed firmly against the cold frame of the metal chair.

Her wings, after she had once again tried to use them to defend herself against the dark elves, had taken on the appearance of collapsed umbrellas, as the dark elves had folded them up and restrained them by wrapping them in leather binds and strapping them to the back of the chair.

Along with her more stringent bondage, the kiochi's torture had been escalated tenfold by the large and immensely powerful vibrator that had been mercilessly shoved inside of her.

The vibrator was a ten-speed, triple-motor, jackrabbit style dildo that was twelve inches in total length and just under three inches in diameter. Sitting with her bottom pressed against the chairs seat had forced the monstrous vibrator to impale itself as far up into her body as it could possibly fit. And being strapped down as she was had made it impossible for the kiochi to lift herself up and escape from its unending assault against her. Set to its highest speed, the vibrator was more than strong enough to cause her entire torso to vibrate continuously.

A curved prong that sprouted out from the base of the dildo gave the vibrator a second point of attack as it jutted up over the kiochi's slit and rested, pressed against her engorged and tender clitoris.

All of this combined with her twisted biology was causing the pain being inflicted by the dark elves, which would start out as pure torment, to morph into a form of throbbing pleasure that would reverberate throughout her being before shifting again into raw tantric energy. And now drunken on this energy, the overly stimulated kiochi was forced to fight a willful battle simply to remain coherent.

"Wow. She's still refusing to say a single word." mocked Fiona as she popped open the plastic tube of another needle "How stubborn can this ninja-bitch really be?"

"You try to kill our Master..." growled Kianna as she forced her needle into the kiochi's breast "And then not only do you refuse to even answer for the crime..."

The kiochi closed her eyes and screamed through her gag as the needle slid deep into her flesh. Trembling with adrenaline, she opened her eyes to find Kianna's glowing irises staring mere inches from her face.

"But now all you do is grunt and growl like an animal!" snarled Kianna as she flicked at the base of the freshly embedded needle "You deserve this..."

Reeling from the sharp, stinging pain, the kiochi gasped through her nose and desperately tried to shake her head. Despite her best efforts, she was only able to move the minute amount that the belt across her forehead would allow.

Still able to recognize her effort to disagree for what it was, Kianna's eyes widened with anger.

"Oh! So you don't think you deserve this then!?" she exclaimed as she began to flick at the kiochi's nipple "Well, maybe you're right... Maybe you deserve worse... Maybe it's time to move on to the next target..."

The kiochi's eyes went wide as she started to kick and struggle against her binds. Regardless of how much effort she made though, the heavy chair refused to even shift in its spot. Trapped and helpless, she could only beg and plead through her gag. Which was another pointless effort in of itself, as her cries fell flat against the deaf, uncaring ears of the dark elves.

"Oh yes... New target acquired..." taunted Fiona as she gleefully took hold of the struggling kiochi's nipple "C'mere little pinky. Time to pay for your crimes!"

"Hold on a sec." said Kianna as she knelt down in front of the kiochi and pressed the dildo's vibrating prong in even harder against her clitoris "I want to make sure she feels this..."

Bucking against her restraints, the kiochi couldn't help but to groan as the dark elf expertly maneuvered the unrelenting device against her aching, defenseless clit. Pushed as close to her limits as she was, there was little more she could do beyond clamp her eyes shut and make an attempt to distance her mind from all that was being done to her body.

"Oh yes..." smiled Fiona as she rolled the hardened nipple between her fingers "Definitely want her to feel this one..."

Crushing the tender nub with her thumb and index finger, Fiona twisted and pulled it away from the quivering body it was attached to. Shaking and bouncing the kiochi's whole breast up and down by the nipple in this way caused the needles already embedded within it to shift and re-pierce the tortured flesh. Screaming through her gag, the kiochi frantically jerked to the side in an effort to pull away from Fiona and escape from the incoming pain.

Laughing at her wasted efforts, Fiona pressed the tip of her needle to the very center of the kiochi's nipple and, as slowly as she possibly could, she sunk the thin metal shaft straight down into the overly sensitive bit of female flesh.

The kiochi screamed again as this new and far more intense pain iced its way right through her. Unable to resist the intensity of the stimulation that had been plaguing her for over an hour now, her eyes shot open as her mental dam finally broke, and now free to flow unimpeded, an immense orgasm immediately began to rip its way throughout her entire being.

"Whoa!" cried Kianna as she dropped back to avoid a spray of feminine fluids that was erupting out of the kiochi's tormented loins "...Seriously!? This bitch is gonna cum from that!?"

"Holy shit! She is!" laughed Fiona as she watched the groaning kiochi quiver uncontrollably in her binds "That's fucking wild!"

With eyes now open wide and unblinking, the kiochi went completely stiff as the crashing waves of both pain and pleasure that were rolling through her being, swirled together into a maelstrom of intense, inescapable stimulation. Any and all thoughts were stripped away from her as a flood of endorphins washed its way through her head to soak into her brain, dull her mind and leave her teetering on the very edge of consciousness.

"...Um, hold on a second." muttered Kianna as she watched the kiochi's eyes glaze over and become unfocused "...Did she just pass out!?"

"...Maybe?...Yeah, looks like it. Oh well, who cares." said Fiona as she poked at the kiochi's nipple with the tip of another needle "She'll wake up again eventually, and when she does, the little slut will have a fresh set of new holes in her body."

Grimacing, Kianna shook her head as the kiochi's eyes showed no response to her sister's efforts.

"What do you mean nobody cares, Fiona!" she hissed "We're not supposed to knock her out! Remember? We're supposed to make her talk. And if she passes out, we'll fail!"

Eyes going wide in realization, Fiona quickly looked up at the unmoving kiochi before glancing over her shoulder at Anton.

Still seated in his high-backed chair on the other side of the room, Anton sat at attention with his chin cradled in his hand as he watched the dark elves. Though clearly alert to what was happening, his facial expression gave little away in regards to his thoughts.

"...Fuck. You're right!" muttered Fiona as she quickly stuck the needle she was holding into a open spot on the kiochi's breast "C'mon, get her up! Quick!"

"Hey, hey! Wake up, you little bitch!" snapped Kianna as she gave the kiochi's nose a few hard flicks with her fingertip "C'mon! Let's go, wake up, wake up!"

Groaning in irritation, the kiochi blinked in confusion before going stiff at the sight of the two dark elves who were now huddled in close to her face.

"Sorry to interrupt your little nap..." hissed Fiona as her tone became low and menacing "But I don't recall either of us giving you permission to pass out..."

Glaring in anger, the kiochi's pupils constricted themselves down to thin slits as her eyes darted back and forth between the two dark elves.

Narrowing her own eyes, Kianna eased in close as she stared down the kiochi.

"Listen closely, you little bitch." she whispered as she pointed her ears straight back in anger "If you're actually ready to talk now, then blink twice."

The kiochi went still for a moment before her eyes went wide. Eager to comply, she started to take quick breaths in through her nose as she clamped her eyes shut twice in quick succession.

Staring at her for a moment, the dark elves glanced at each other before smiling wickedly.

"Wow. Looks like she's still not ready to cooperate yet." said Kianna as she shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Nope. Guess she's gonna need a little more convincing after all." smiled Fiona "Oh well! We'll just have to try again after a few more needles. Another box aught to do it... Or maybe two..."

Crestfallen at the sight of the snickering dark elves, the kiochi's shoulders slumped in defeat as she clamped her eyes shut and groaned in misery.

"Okay girls." said Anton "I think I've seen enough of this."

The dark elves both jumped in surprise and went stiff as Anton spoke from right behind them. With their ears pointed straight upwards they slowly turned to face him.

Standing just behind them with his arms crossed over his chest, Anton's face showed neither anger nor disappointment. Yet despite this, the dark elves couldn't help but to become uneasy as they looked up at him.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that when given the chance... You two can certainly be sadistic..." said Anton as he stepped between them and nodded slowly as he took in the state of the kiochi "Not that it shouldn't be expected of course. Considering you two are dark elves after all..."

The kiochi's tired eyes showed her apprehension clearly as she stared warily up at Anton.

"...So then. At this point. Do either of you actually feel as though you've achieved any real control over her?" asked Anton as he glanced at one dark elf and then the other "That was your goal after all."

Grimacing, the dark elves turned to look at each other as they laid their ears down submissively behind their heads.

"...No." they both mumbled in unison.

Anton began to chuckled as he shook his head.

"Well, at least you're both going to be honest about it." he said as a grin spread across his face "And honesty, is something I can always appreciate."

The dark elves smiled sheepishly as they let their ears rise back up to their relaxed positions.

"...Unfortunately though, I'd have to agree with your assessment." said Anton as he watched the kiochi flinch in pain with each breath she took "I wouldn't say that "under control" would be an accurate label for this kiochi... Not yet anyways..."

Huffing through her nose, the kiochi went to narrow her eyes in anger but stopped short as she noticed that the dark elves were both glaring at her. The hostility faded from her eyes and her expression went blank as she watched the dark elves irises begin to glow with a very faint but undeniable red light.

"...Hm, maybe you do have a bit of control after all?...Or at least the foundation of it." mused Anton as he shifted his gaze from the seemingly cowed kiochi to each of the dark elves and back "Let's see if we can build on that foundation."

Seeing him moving towards her, the kiochi began to cry out in protest and struggle in her binds as Anton leaned forward and reached out to her. Slipping his hand in between her soaked legs, Anton turned the control dial on the vibrator down until, with a tiny clicking sound, it shut off completely.

Despite herself, the kiochi couldn't help but to immediately go limp and with eyes swimming in relief, groan in what sounded like a thankful manner.

Chuckling at her spent expression, Anton stayed bent forward as he watched her breathing slowly even itself out.

"Well, I'd say you both have some skill at causing fear and desperation. But I don't think that either of you understand what it takes to truly have control. This isn't your fault of course. You can't be blamed for not understanding something that you were never given the chance to learn about." he said as he cleaned the moisture away from his fingers by wiping them across the leg of his pants "Pay attention. Because now is your chance."

The dark elves both took an involuntary step back back as Anton stood up to his full height and, while letting his aura spread out to fill the area with his presence, loomed over the sitting kiochi.

"Control, true control, is a matter of dominance..." said Anton as he and the kiochi stared into each others eyes "And domination, is a game of finesse. Brute force may be enough to create fear and desperation. But it will take more than that to achieve true control... For you see girls, the truth that you need to understand. Is that true control is not something that can ever just be taken."

Turning away from the kiochi, Anton grinned as he faced the two wide eyed dark elves.

"Whether it is through trust..." smiled Anton as he raised his right hand and cupped Kianna's chin in his palm.

The compliant dark elf made a small noise and folded her ears back so their tips pointed down and away from her head as Anton lifted her chin and used his thumb to gently caress her cheek.

"Or through surrender..." said Anton as he turned to Fiona and quickly took hold of her chin by firmly clamping it between the thumb and curled fingers of his left hand.

Glaring in irritation and balling her hands into fists, the defiant dark elf went rigid and pointed her ears straight back as Anton lifted her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes.

"True control, is always given..." grinned Anton as he shifted his gaze back and forth from one dark elf to the other "It is always earned..."

Standing motionless, the two dark elves were silent as they absorbed what they had just been told.

"And it will be the same with you, kiochi." said Anton as he spoke over his shoulder "You will either trust me. Or you will surrender to them... That choice is yours. And it is the only choice that we are going to give you."

Narrowing her eyes, the kiochi remained silent as she glared at the back of Anton's head.

"Now, let's see how wise you can be with your choice..." said Anton as he let his hands fall away from the dark elves.

Dropping their chins back into place, the two dark elves both grinned smugly as their eyes landed on the kiochi.

Noticing their expressions, Anton chuckled softly as he stepped between them and made his way back across the dungeon to his chair. Lifting the chair up from behind, he carried it back and set it down directly in front of the kiochi.

"Now then, why don't we try this again." said Anton as he settled into his chair and locked eyes with the kiochi "Are you ready to have a conversation with me now?"

The kiochi remained silent as her eyes tightened in obvious irritation.

"...Because if you're not." drawled Anton as he narrowed his own eyes "I can always go ahead and just let the girls finish decorating you..."

The kiochi blinked as the dark elves began to snicker menacingly. Her face softening, she closed her eyes and tried to sigh dramatically through her nose but flinched in discomfort as this action caused her breasts to move enough to disturb the needles embedded within them. With the dark elves now snickering even louder, she opened her eyes and gave Anton a tired look.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Anton kept his eyes on her as he addressed the dark elves.

"Girls, if you would, could you please release the belts from around her neck and forehead." he asked.

"Sure." said the dark elves in unison as they stepped forward together.

The kiochi's eyes darted back and forth in suspicion as the dark elves smiled broadly at her and undid the belts that held her head in place. The moment her head was free she immediately began to thrash her head back and forth in an effort to wiggle herself up and out of the rest of her binds. She froze less than a second later with her eyes wide and staring straight up at the ceiling as the pain of her bouncing breasts broke through to her consciousness.

"Wow, what a stupid bitch!" laughed Fiona as the kiochi groaned in misery.

"She really is." smiled Kianna as she flicked at the needle embedded in the kiochi's nipple and caused her to gasp in agony.

"Alright girls, that's enough." said Anton as he grinned at the smiling dark elves "I think she's learned her lesson."

"Doubt it." mumbled Fiona under her breath as she and her sister both stepped back to the sides of Anton's chair.

"Well then..." said Anton as he watched the kiochi slowly ease herself back into place "Are we finally finished with the theatrics now?"

The kiochi had a exhausted and pained expression in her eyes as she blinked at him and slowly nodded her head.

As he stared at her miserable state, Anton couldn't help but to take a bit of pity on the poor creature.

The dark elves both stiffened and turned their eyes to him as they felt his aura become laced with a calming essence. It now seemed as though a warm balm hung in the air around them, and as they eased the tension from their shoulders, they couldn't help but to feel relaxed as they were surrounded by its influence.

Desperate for any relief she could find, the kiochi breathed out slowly as she let the aura's essence freely seep into her being and ease her pains.

"...Does that feel good?" asked Anton.

Staring at him for just a brief moment, the kiochi's eyes tightened slightly as she nodded. Both of the dark elves couldn't help but to nod as well.

"Good." soothed Anton as he settled back in his chair "Why don't you take a moment. And when you're ready, we can begin."

The kiochi stared at Anton for a moment before giving him a thinly veiled look of gratitude and hunching in on herself as she let her eyes fall to the floor. After several minutes of stillness she brought her eyes back up to meet his.

"...I have several questions for you. And I'm sure you have at least a few for me." said Anton as he stared back at her "If you'll be truthful with me. Then I'll show you the same kindness. Does this sound fair to you?"

The kiochi looked up at the dark elves for a moment before bringing her eyes back to him and nodding slowly.

"Good." nodded Anton "Well then. I think we should go ahead and get the ugliest questions out of the way first. Agreed?"