Gwen Gets Some Payback from Mr. X

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Gwen's father arranges for Mr. X to get retribution.
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Author's note: I seldom write stories in a narrative style. As a result, I often have numerous protagonists that have speaking parts. I have continued to make an effort to make it clear who is speaking at any given point. Your positive comments are always welcome and appreciated. I hope that you enjoy the story.

This story is totally a work of fiction and relates activities about which I have no personal or real-life experience.


I was startled when the rapid knock, knock, knock on my apartment door resounded through the apartment surprising both Trevor and me. We had been making out on the couch and I had no idea who might be at the door. We hastily rearranged our clothes and refastened buttons.

I rose and went to the door where a quick look through the peephole allowed me to see who was outside. "It's my dad and my brother Mike," I said as I threw a glance over my shoulder, looking at Trevor to make sure that he was decent. Then I pulled back the door bolt and opened the door.

"Daddy," I said standing aside as my daddy came through the door and into my apartment.

Although my nineteen-year-old daughter was a college junior I still worried about her living alone. After talking to my son about the videos my daughter had made, my worries seemed justified and I had insisted that Mike and I visit her immediately.

When she opened the door I entered the apartment saying, "Hi, sweetheart. I'm glad to see that you're keeping your door locked and using the peephole that I had installed. I worry about you living here all alone. Just look at you, you're... you're all flushed. What's the matter? Is everything okay," I asked, anxiously.

"I'm fine Daddy. Why are you and Mike here?" Gwen wanted to know.

"Why are we here? Since when do I need a reason to visit my lovely daughter," I asked as I smiled at her. "Truth be known Gwen, I'm concerned about what you've been up to sweetheart. I've been trying to figure things out ever since your brother Mike told me about the videos that you've been making."

Shock and disbelief registered on my daughter's face as she screamed, "MIKE! What have you done?"

From the hallway, Mike replied, "Relax Sis. Much as I enjoyed our last visit I was disturbed by what we did. Dad and I have discussed my attraction to you often over the past few years. He and I have always been able to talk about things that bother me so it was just natural for me to talk to him about what happened."

As that exchange took place, I watched my daughter's face. It had gone from the deep pink of embarrassment when she learned that I knew about the videos to an ashen shade of pale white when she was told that Mike and I had discussed the content of the videos. It was obvious that she was upset that I knew what she and her brother had done. "I need to know exactly what's been going on sweetheart," I said.

As I surveyed the room, I noticed that her friend Trevor seemed terrified, standing there like a deer in the headlights, almost frozen in place. Meanwhile, Gwen's jaw hung open in shock and she was still holding the door open. Her face was a mottled red from embarrassment, and Mike was still standing out in the hall. It was time to take charge.

"Mike would you get in here and find a chair so Gwen can shut the door. Gwen baby, close your mouth and the door please."

As I turned to look at Trevor he suddenly found his voice, "I'll just be leaving now sir since this seems like a family matter."

"Sit," I ordered. "It's certainly a family matter but I somehow think that you're involved in this up to your neck." He sat.

"Gwen, I want you to come over here, sit beside me and tell me everything from the beginning."

Obediently, my daughter came over and sat beside me on the couch. She wouldn't make eye contact with me as she said "I'm not sure I can talk to you about this Daddy."

Once Gwen got comfortable I said, "Baby girl, your brother Mike has already told me some of the story, but I need to hear it from you in your own words. I need to know what happened as well as how you feel about it so I can try to understand."

My daughter sighed loudly and seemed to deflate as she began to tell me what had been going on. She told me how Mr. X coerced Trevor and herself into making the first video. She explained that she had become excited while making that video and had acknowledged to herself that she was looking forward to making the second one.

She was adamant about not knowing that her brother was going to be injected into the second video. Still, she admitted that she had dreamt about having sex with her brother Mike more than once. Reluctantly, she conceded that having her pussy eaten by her brother was the most erotic thing that she had ever done.

By the time she was finished with her story, she had snuggled close to me as I sat there with my arm around her shoulders. I was keenly aware of her hand that now rested on my thigh.

Finally, she looked up at me saying, "Daddy, I don't want you to do anything crazy. No one was hurt by what we did. Mike was just caught up in the situation like any normal healthy male." As I said that I felt my father tense so I quickly went on. "Okay, he's my brother but Daddy, I liked it and so did Mike."

I said, "Baby girl I love you and don't want to see you used by anyone. I don't have any issues with Trevor as long as you want him around and he treats you well. From what I understand he is almost as innocent as you are. Mike is something else entirely."

"As for your brother, I have known for some time that he struggled with an attraction that he feels toward you. Of course, he loves you and you have grown to be a beautiful young woman. That has made it hard on both of us especially the way that you used to parade around the house half-naked. Your mother would have known what to say to you but she's gone, I could never find the right words so I just tried to ignore it."

"Now and then Mike and I would discuss his feelings for you. I've got to admit that I know where he is coming from. You had much the same effect on me then and you still do now. I'm as concerned about my response to you as I am about your brother's. Truth be known I'm more than a little jealous."

Gwen leaned forward so that she could look me in the eyes and said, "Exactly what does that mean Daddy?"

Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. Her penetrating blue eyes bore into my own as she waited for my response. I was flustered by the situation and the sudden change in positions. It seems that now my daughter was in charge.

How in the hell does a father tell his daughter that he has imagined himself having sex with her numerous times? How do I tell her that I have wanted to and even tried to see her naked on many occasions? How can I explain that, like her brother, I have a raging desire to possess her sexually?

"Finally I just admitted the truth, "Baby girl, I am as bad or possibly even worse than your brother because I enjoyed it every time he came to talk to me about his feelings toward you. Each time he explained what he felt for you I knew that I felt the same."

"Oh, Daddy do you mean that," Gwen asked.

The most I could do was nod.

It was as if a tremendous load had been lifted from my daughter's shoulders. She gave me one of her million-dollar smiles and leaned forward to plant a kiss right on my lips. "Finally," she exclaimed.

That was when I gave in. I pulled her towards me and hugged her tight savoring the feel of her fresh young body.

After a moment I released her and took a deep breath. "Wow," was all I could say at first. When I finally found my tongue I took in her lovely face as she studied me waiting to see what I would say. "I think we need to be very careful about what we do about this whole situation."

When I faced the truth it was obvious that I hardly had a coherent thought in my mind. If I just went with what I wanted to do the answer was easy but I still needed to come to grips with the realization that I wanted to fuck my daughter.

Finally, I said, "Honey I want to watch the two videos that you have made. Your brother told me about them but he would not show them to me. He said that had to be your decision."

Gwen looked at me. Her eyes sparkled with mischievousness and anticipation as she said, "I want you to see the videos Daddy. I think of you often too and I want to sit with you and enjoy your reaction as you watch them."

My reaction! My erection would be a much better term. I could not take my eyes off the screen as my lovely daughter's charms were revealed when Trevor undressed her. I almost shot my load into my pants as I watched her part her soft full lips and begin to suck his dick.

I was overcome with envy as I watched her spread her thighs wide and then guide his raging hard cock between the lips of her pussy. Trevor was enjoying what I had coveted for some time. As I watched Trevor push his dick into my daughter I was stunned to feel her hand move and come to rest on my cock which was hard as a rock.

Moments later, Trevor filled her womanhood with his cum. I raptly watched my daughter's pussy as it was filled with cock and cum and that was when I felt her squeeze my shaft. She squeezed it one time and then she squeezed it a second time. That was all it took to make me lose all control. My daughter held my cock as I ejaculated in my pants like an overstimulated and undersexed teenager.

Suddenly the video changed and I was enthralled as I watched my daughter being stretched spreadeagle on the door naked. Then my son entered the scene and enjoyed the thrill of pleasuring her by eating that lovely pussy. I couldn't believe it but my cock was hard once again. This time Gwen was actively stroking her hand up and down the length of it. It hardly mattered that she wasn't touching me because my cock was still in my pants. When she came on the video I almost lost it once again. I think that she did too.

With the two videos finally over I excused myself and went into the bathroom to clean up the mess in my pants before it soaked through and became obvious to everyone other than Gwen and me. When I returned I said, "Tell me about this Mr. X character. I think it's about time that we talked."

"Daddy I don't want you to hurt him either. He has been sharing the money that he earns from the live streams and purchases of the videos with me. I've been using it for my college expenses. It helps a lot and I'm afraid that if you hurt him he will stop sharing the money for what we have already done."

I looked at my daughter and her expression showed real concern. "Okay honey," I said. "I won't hurt him but I intend to find him and have a serious discussion. Give your brother all of the information that you have on him. Show him your phone and see if he can trace the phone he has been using back to him."

Gwen handed Mike the phone and told him, "He originally used Trevor's phone for the first video but he may have made a mistake and used his phone to call me once or twice. I don't know but maybe you can tell. You've always been the geek in the family."

"Thanks, sis," Mike replied as he took the phone from her, sat down, and began to work.

Meanwhile, my daughter came back over and sat beside me once again on the couch. "Daddy," Gwen said. "I know that some people might think that what we did isn't right but I need for you to understand that I found it a turn-on. It was so erotic when Mike ate my pussy. I doubt that I would have been able to allow him to do that if I had not been restrained but I haven't felt so excited in a long time. It just felt so good. I'm not sure that I want to give that up and I think that you should know that I feel the same about you."

It boggled my mind to think that my lovely daughter might be offering herself to me sexually. I'm human. Let's face it, I've looked at and lusted after her for ages but I never could have brought myself to take the first step and, yet, here was an opportunity I simply was not man enough to pass up.

"Sweetie," I said. "You must know that I love you dearly. You and your brother are the most important people in my life. With your mother gone, you two are all that I have left. Still, I'm not sure that I can take the next step. Lusting after you in my mind is not the same as placing my hands on you or touching you sexually. Separating the idea of sex with my daughter from your desirability as a woman and a sex object is not something I'm sure I can do. It's not something I'm sure that I want to do. Still, the sin of having sex with my daughter is such a big part of the eroticism of the act."

"Daddy it's a lot for me too so maybe it would be for the best if we take some time to consider the ramifications of any action that we take. I'll make it easy on you. When I'm ready I'll take the first step and then it will be your choice to continue or stop."

Just then Mike broke into our conversation shouting, "I found him! He lives over on Overholt Street. It's only ten blocks or so from here."

"That's it then. There's no time like the present," I said as I stood to leave. Trevor rose as if to join us and I said "Trevor you stay here. This is about family business now. Mike and I will give him a call. I'd appreciate it if you would take care of my girl."

"Yes sir," Trevor responded as Mike and I went down the hall to my car.

Meanwhile, with beer and chips in hand, Mr. X had just settled down to watch the ball game when the phone rang. He picked up his cell phone and immediately recognized Gwen's number. "Hi Gwen," he answered. "What's up?"

He was startled when Gwen said, "My father and brother are on the way to your place. They should be there in just a few minutes."

"Coming here," Mr. X stammered. "How could they be coming here? They don't know where I live. Wait! Wait! How did you get this number?"

On the other end, Gwen chuckled, "It turns out that my brother is pretty good with the geek stuff. He found your real number on my phone and traced you down. My father has seen the videos. He knows all about what we have been doing. We had a long talk and now he wants to talk to you."

"I've got to get out of here," was Mr. X's first response.

"No, you don't," Gwen said. "He's not going to hurt you. I told him that I enjoyed what you made me do. I even told him that I enjoyed it when you had my brother eat my pussy. Shit, it makes me hot just thinking about it. Anyway, I think he wants me as bad as my brother does, and that makes me just as randy as I can be. Besides, I don't think you have enough time to go anywhere. Just ride it out and see where things go. Bye!"

The beer, chips, and the game were all forgotten as Mr. X heard his doorbell chime. Talk about it being game time he thought. He just hoped that it wasn't more like a boxing match and he was the one that got knocked out or beat up.

Mr. X opened the door and saw two men standing in the hall. One was older, possibly in his early to mid-forties. He was slightly overweight and just a little paunchy but he had a stern and determined look on his face. This must be Gwen's father.

The second man was easily twenty years younger. This was the young man that had been in the second video, Gwen's brother Mike.

Gwen's dad said, "Hello Joe." Noting the startled look on Joe's face he smiled. "It's about time someone took advantage of you I think. To answer your unspoken question, yes we know your name, address, and even where you work. You may have just ceased being the manipulator and become the manipulated. After we've finished our conversation I will decide what to do with you."

Gwen's father noted that Joe was older than he was himself. Joe appeared to be in his late fifties or early sixties. He was slim with gray hair, a short gray beard, and green eyes. "Have a seat," I told him.

"You have this one chance to convince me not to turn you over to the police. Tell me how you became involved with my daughter Gwen and her boyfriend Trevor."

Reluctantly, Joe related how he had acquired Trevor's cell phone and found the nude photos of Gwen on the phone. He acknowledged being in awe of her beauty and the warm healthy girl next door glow. That was when he hatched the plan to ensnare them and record videos. He wanted to see more of the luscious Gwen.

Joe was single and took advantage of the porn that was readily available on the internet. He was also knowledgeable about how to record and share those recordings so it was an easy thing to set up the stream. He knew that it could be profitable and decided to share the proceeds with Gwen as an enticement to encourage her to continue making videos.

When he had finished his story I sat there for a while taking it all in. His apartment was nicely furnished and it was clear that Joe was not the type of person I had originally envisioned. I almost liked him and being single myself it was easy to relate to his sexual isolation.

"Here's my problem Joe. You have compromised my daughter with your videos. You coerced her into doing something that she would never have done willingly. Not only her nude body but her face is out there on the internet and it will be there forever. The money that you have given her is nice but it is not sufficient compensation for what you have done," I said.

"I want you at her place tomorrow night because we are going to make a video of you. You are going to be coerced, just like my daughter was, into making a video that you don't want to do. I want you to set up the same type of broadcast that you have been doing. It should go live around eight in the evening just as you have done with the last two live streams so you need to be there by seven-thirty. Do you understand?"

"I don't think so," Joe shot back. "What the hell makes you think that I would subject myself to such an indignity?"

Laughing out loud Gwen's daddy said, "Because, if you don't agree, what you have done will all be turned over to the police. We'll see how you might like being incarcerated for the rest of your life."

"You wouldn't do that," Joe responded. "That would expose your daughter and everything would come out in public."

"Well Joe, you may not know me but I am not the kind of man to bluff on something like this but there's only one way for you to find out. You have until tomorrow to make a decision. I'll expect you to be at Gwen's apartment by seven-thirty. If you're not there I'll call the police. The choice is yours."

Mike and I left the former Mr. X's, now Joe's apartment, and returned to Gwen's.

As soon as we arrived Gwen and Trevor demanded to know what had happened while we were at Joe's. I explained it all to her and finished saying, "I will need you both to be here by seven-thirty and ready for just about anything tomorrow evening."

Gwen said, "But daddy, what if Joe doesn't show up?"

Trevor joined in asking, "Did you mean it when you said that you would go to the police?"

"You all need to relax," I told them. "He'll show up and he'll cooperate." On that note, Mike and I left.

The next evening all the parties were at Gwen's apartment well before the appointed time of seven-thirty. Precisely at seven-thirty, there was a knock on the door. After checking the peephole Gwen opened the door for Joe.

Gwen's daddy said "Good evening Joe. I'm glad that you decided to join us."

The look I got from Joe made it clear that he was not glad to be here at all and his response confirmed my feelings. "I'm not so sure about this but you were right about one thing. I don't want to take the chance of going to jail."

I smiled, acknowledging his discomfort. "Whether you like or enjoy what is about to happen tonight is no concern of mine. My whole goal is to put you into the same compromising position in which you have placed my daughter. After that, you will have a clean slate as far as I am concerned."