Gwen, Trevor and Friend

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College girl exhibitionist and boyfriend are exploited.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, or non-consensual sex.


My mind wanders as I sit in the front row of my Psychology class listening to Professor Smalls drone on and on. He stands directly in front of me but he isn't looking at the class. He's looking directly at me and I know exactly what he wants. Without conscious thought I allow my legs to part exposing my pussy with its light dusting of blond hair. I'm wearing a short tight skirt and no panties as usual.

I smile as he stutters momentarily losing his train of thought. His eyes are riveted on the widening gap between my thighs. As my legs part farther my skirt slides up my thighs making it easier for me to reward him with an even better view. I repress a small chuckle realizing that I just secured an "A" for today at least.

For as long as I can remember I have felt an uncontrollable urge to expose my body to men. Mostly strangers that I do not know and will probably never see again. Sometimes, like today, I desire the excitement and thrill that I feel when I expose myself to men that I know and will, most certainly, see again. I've even exposed myself to some of my male family members.

I suppose it all started with my dad. I wanted his approval so much but it never seemed forthcoming. Yet my brother seemed to receive dad's approval almost effortlessly. Maybe it was a male thing. My dad was in the military and my brother wanted to follow in his footsteps. They seemed to have a bond that I would forever be denied.

Then my dad was killed while on a mission in Afghanistan. My whole world was disrupted and I was devastated. My mother was stressed to the limit and seemed unable to cope. My brother's solution was to join the military himself as soon as he graduated from high school. I began to act out by wearing clothing that allowed me to easily expose my ripening body in public.

I cannot explain the rationale. It simply felt good to be desired. I guess I just needed male approval. At the time I was much too young to be interested in getting fucked but knowing that I was desirable made me feel good about myself. I was comfortable and satisfied with the situation until I began dating Trevor.

I found Trevor easy to talk to and before too long I had revealed to him my need to expose myself in public. Rather than being appalled, as I had expected, Trevor embraced the situation and began to suggest additional ways that I could find gratification. After trying a few of his suggestions solo I finally invited him to watch and even take photos of my encounters.

It was only a short time before I realized that I felt more comfortable knowing that Trevor was nearby as my escapades became more and more risqué. That's when things began to go wrong or so I thought.

One time, rather than go out, Trevor had asked me to pose naked for him and to let him take some photos. By this time I had known him for a few weeks and had grown to trust him so I did not hesitate to agree. It would be the ultimate rush to allow myself to be photographed totally nude. I knew that there was a risk when I agreed to let him take photos but I trusted him.

There wasn't any sex involved but he took all the common photos that you would expect. After I was undressed he took several head shots that included my tits. Then there was the full body shot with me standing with one hip shot out and a seductive look on my face.

After that he had me lay down on the bed with my legs spread exposing my pussy. While there he had me pull my pussy lips wide apart which was actually the most humiliating of all the photos. Trevor also took photos of me with my knees pulled up, legs spread and feet flat on the edge of the bed. For the final shots I pulled my knees up to my chest, spread my thighs wide and, once again, pulled the lips of my pussy wide open. This was the most erotic shot since it showed my ass hole, pussy, tits and my smiling face.

Over the next few weeks I thought no more about the photos. That is until the letter arrived. It was in my mail box yesterday when I came home from school. I had no idea what it could be and assumed that it was just another of the advertisements that I always get.

Imagine my surprise when I opened it and found a glossy computer printed copy of the last photo Trevor had taken of me with my pussy lips pulled wide apart. The photo was sharp and my face was clearly recognizable. At the top of the photo just above my head someone had added "Free Pussy" in bold white letters. A white space had been added at the bottom and my full name, address and phone number had been added in black text.

I found a slip of paper in the envelope with a cell phone number and the words "Call me!" To be honest, I was frantic but rather than call the unknown number I called Trevor immediately instead. I only had one question. "How the hell did this person get a copy of my photo?" Well, maybe two questions. "Who the hell is it?"

Then Trevor dropped the bomb. His phone had been stolen and contained not only all of my photos but my contact information as well. Whoever had the phone must be someone that knew one of us or had seen us together and made the connection. It really would not have been too hard. We made arrangements to get together this afternoon before I make the call.

As soon as Trevor came in I jumped on him. "What the hell is going on? I didn't want to let you take those pictures but, like a dummy, I let you talk me into it."

"I never shared them with anyone. Damn it Gwen! It's not my fault that someone stole my phone."

"I trusted you and you let me down. What am I going to do now? Someone has nude photos of me and I'm afraid that they plan to use them against me. Look at what they sent me" I said as I thrust the photo at him.

I almost hit Trevor when he said "I don't know what you're complaining about. You look great in the picture. Besides, I thought you got off showing yourself to strangers."

"Clearly this isn't the same. He has my name, address and phone number and he is clearly threatening to give out these photos. What I don't know is what the cost will be to keep him from doing so. What does he expect? Meanwhile all you can say is that I look great?"

"Calm down Gwen. Let's do as he asks and give him a call. We could both go crazy trying to figure out what it is that he wants. Go ahead and call him. Put the phone on speaker so that I can hear too."

I picked up my phone and keyed in the number that came with the picture. After three rings a pleasant male voice said "Hello Gwen. I'm glad that you decided to call. I really didn't want to send out that picture before we had time to expand our relationship."

I hardly heard what he said. "Who is this?" I demanded.

His chuckle was maddening as he said "We'll get into that later Gwen. Is Trevor there with you?"

"Yes I am. How did you get my phone?"

"You were very careless Trevor. Do you remember having lunch at that little café on Center Street? I think the name was Lucy's Luncheonette wasn't it? Anyway you walked off and left your phone on the table. I just took advantage of your carelessness.

"The first thing I did was to look at the pictures. Wow! What a surprise to see the lovely Gwen laid out for my enjoyment in all her naked glory. Of course I did not know what her name was then but it really wasn't hard to find out. I knew your name and by asking around I found out who you hung out with. When I saw you with Gwen I only had to follow her home and once I had her address it was easy from there. People are really stupid about what they keep on their phones."

Gwen said "I've had enough of this useless chit chat. What is it you want from me? Haven't you already got enough? You have photos of me naked. Embarrassing as that is I can't imagine what else you could want."

"Gwen I'm sure that your imagination can do better than that. I've read a number of the texts that you and Trevor have shared. I know that you get it off exposing yourself. Well we are going to work together. The three of us are going to have a lot of fun. I'm going to make the rules and set the agenda and you and Trevor are going to do as you're told. You know what will happen if you don't cooperate."

"You've got my pictures. If I do anything else you'll only have more ammunition to use against me. That seems stupid to me. Why would I want to make things worse?"

"I'm not going to respond to that and try to insult your intelligence. You are absolutely correct but you are overlooking one thing."

"And what the hell might that be?" I said in the most sarcastic tone possible.

"It's simple. You like showing off that lovely body. Let's be honest. You are the complete package. You are a natural blonde with long blond hair and a light dusting of blond curls highlighting your lovely pussy. Your tits aren't huge but they are full and those puffy nipples of yours are to die for. You're not glamorous but you have a girl next door appeal and that light dusting of freckles across your cheeks and nose are adorable. There's just one problem."

"And what might that be?"

"You're not aggressive enough."

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"You enjoy exposing yourself but you are too conservative. Maybe you just aren't creative enough or possibly you're concerned about your safety. Well I can assure you that I will not be conservative with you. And you should feel safe because both Trevor and I will always be there to insure your safety. I really hope that you will enjoy yourself but you are going to do what I say or else I'll have men knocking on your door constantly. I hope you understand that it's nothing personal. You are just a tool that will allow me to enjoy myself. I hope that you will enjoy yourself at the same time but that is just incidental. Do you understand?"

"Yeah I understand. I can't say that I like it but I understand. So what's next? Do you fuck me or what?"

"My goodness are you that anxious to get laid?"

"No! I just don't like not knowing what you've got in mind."

"Well you're going to have to wait for a while longer. I've really got to give this some thought. Humiliation is the name of the game. There are a lot of tried and true things that I could force you to do but I want to try to come up with something that is a little more unusual. I'll have to give this some thought. I'll give you a call tomorrow or the next day and give you your instructions. Sleep well."

Trevor wanted to stay and discuss things further but I was too upset to think straight so I sent him home.

"Sleep well?" he says. "Was he out of his mind?" I hardly slept at all as my mind churned with the possibilities. I certainly did not want a reputation around school as some sort of easy mark or slut. If he spread those photos around school that is exactly what would happen. Still my inner exhibitionist was all aflutter with the possibilities. Isn't this exactly the kind of thing that I had been doing on my own for the past few years? Of course it was but I really doubted that I was going to feel comfortable with this stranger in charge.

I managed to struggle through the day but it was no easy task. As I walked down the hallway toward my apartment I noticed a box outside my door and wondered what that could be. I bent down and picked it up and immediately noticed that there wasn't any return address and I did not recognize the handwriting on the address label.

I sat the box on the table and hung my purse on the back of a chair. I started to go into the bedroom to get into something more comfortable but curiosity was burning bright and was not to be ignored. I reached for the box and pried it open.

The first thing I found was a note which I unfolded with some trepidation and began to read.

"Hello Gwen. Here are some things that you will need. I took the liberty of telling Trevor to be at your place at eight. I'll give you a call a little after eight and we'll have some fun. I'm really looking forward to an enjoyable evening and I hope that you are also."

I placed the note on the table and took a look at what was in the box. The first thing that came out was some sort of metal contraption. I didn't have the faintest idea what this was until I found the little instruction page. It was a tripod for holding a cell phone.

The next thing out of the box was a bra like I'd never seen before. It looked to be the right size or maybe a little small. It was a lovely black lace material but there were openings at the tip of each cup. It took a moment and then it dawned on me. The nipples of anyone wearing this bra would be pushed through the holes. The fact that the bra was a little smell meant that the effect would be accentuated. My puffy nipples would stand up tall and proud if I wore this bra.

Things became even clearer when I removed the sheer white button up blouse from the box. Holy shit! If I were to wear this bra and blouse combination my nipples would be plainly visible to anyone who looked at me. There was no way that I was wearing this.

The last item was a black "A-line" skirt. When I held it up to my waist it seemed like it might fit but it was short. I couldn't see behind me but I was pretty sure that it would barely cover my ass.

While I was still contemplating the skirt there was a knock on the door. The unexpected noise startled me. Being more cautious than usual I looked through the peephole to see Trevor fidgeting in the hall. I opened the door and he rushed past me saying "I didn't want to be late or miss anything."

We talked for a few moments and I showed him the contents of the box. He was most interested in the bra. Go figure.

My mind was in turmoil wondering exactly what I would be expected to do. Would I even be able to do whatever he told me to do? I was terribly excited and very reluctant to move forward with this but it certainly didn't look like I had many options.

At about five minutes after eight my cell phone rang. "Hello" I said.

"Gwen I'm so glad that you decided to take my call. I honestly wasn't sure that you would. Did you get the box?"

"I got it."

"Good. Good. Are you ready to get started?"

"I'm still not sure. I don't know what you have in mind although the things that you sent me give me a pretty good idea."

"Yes well, I want to go slow with you. I want you to be turned on and humiliated by what I'm going to have you doing because I'm pretty sure that it will play into your exhibitionist leanings but I want to move slowly and work our way into things."

"Well I'm here, Trevor's here and you're on the phone so what do you have in mind?"

"For tonight what I have in mind is for Trevor to show me every intimate part of your lovely body. Oh I won't really be there in the room but you'll know that your phone is recording everything and sending video to me to enjoy. Before the evening is over you'll know that you've been totally and completely exposed to a stranger.

"Trevor I want you to use the tripod that I sent you to set up your cell phone. Make sure to mount it sideways and not vertically. I'm going to have you stand behind Gwen as I have a good look at her fine body.

"Gwen I want you to go into your room and pick a nice set of underwear. I want my present to be tastefully wrapped."

"You don't want me to wear the bra that you sent?"

"No! That's for later. Wear one of your nicer blouses. One that buttons up the front and you can wear any skirt that you want but make sure that it's short. Come back when you are ready."

As Gwen left the room I said "Trevor we want to find some place in the room that well provide a nice background. I don't want some busy or cluttered place that will compete with the subject of our party. Where do you think would be best? Go ahead and set Gwen's phone to transmit an image to me and we will look together."

The view on the screen slowly rotated around the room. As Trevor rotated the first thing to come into view was the dining area which was clearly not a suitable background. The image continued to rotate past the front entry door and then past a couch and chair. I thought that the couch might work if I wanted them to be sitting or lying down.

As Trevor continued to turn the view swung past a wall with a fake fireplace and mantle and then continued on to show what appeared to be the door to Gwen's bedroom.

At that moment the door opened and Gwen entered the room. She had chosen a white blouse and a red and green plaid pleated skirt. It almost looked like a school uniform and Gwen was the image of a sexy school girl.

I immediately made up my mind. "Gwen I want you to stand in front of the fire place. Trevor I want you to attach the phone to the tripod and then we can move it into position. I want Gwen to fill the image from top to bottom and make sure that the image is focused on her.

"Okay that's good. Now turn on all the lights around the room. Since there aren't any behind her we can use the extra illumination to get great detail shots. That's fine.

"We are going to do this in scenes since there are only the two of you there. Maybe another time we'll have a real camera man to help out. For now just leave the phone recording. I'll be watching and I will give you instructions about what I want you to do. Feel free to talk as we go. The phone will record it all, including my verbal instructions, and then Gwen will send me the whole video. Gwen it will be your choice to give it to me and allow yourself to be viewed by others.

"Trevor for now I want you to take the phone off the tripod. Gwen is going to go back into the bedroom leaving the door open. Trevor I want you to record her as she enters the room and goes to stand in front of the fireplace. Record her as she walks into the room.

"Trev there's been a slight change of plans. Don't tell Gwen but I want you to set her phone to do a live stream rather than just recording. Let's do this!"

I watched as Trevor turned the camera towards Gwen's bedroom door just as she appeared and walked into the room. God she was hot!

"Okay Trevor now I want you to move forward until you get a good head and shoulders shot. Let's be sure to include the mantle with all the family photos."

Hastily Gwen turned to look at the photos on the mantle. There was a photo of her with her mom and dad along with a few shots of her as she had grown into the lovely example of sexiness that she was today. There was also one of her with a young man that I assumed was her brother.

She turned back to look into the camera with a look of horror on her face. "No! You can't show those pictures. That's my family. My mom, my dad and my brother are there. What if someone recognizes them?"

Her response was perfect. It was exactly what I had been hoping for. "You don't need to worry about that Gwen. The photos won't be in focus." I assured her. While technically true they would be in that tantalizing in between realm. Not clear and not exactly out of focus either. Anyone who knew who was in the photos was sure to recognize them. I was sure that Gwen would have more than a little anxiety over it and by the time she saw the completed video it would be too late.

"Trevor I want you to place the camera back on the tripod. That's good. Now, I want you to go stand behind Gwen and cup her tits."

The look on Trevor's face was priceless as he took the weight of Gwen's tits in his hands. He hefted them while massaging them gently and pinching her nipples.

"How does that feel Trevor?"

"They're full and so damn soft."

"How long have you been dating?"

"Three weeks."

"I bet she hasn't let you touch her tits before tonight has she?"

"No. She's flashed them a few times so I've gotten a glimpse here or there. I thought that I saw a nipple one time but I'm not sure. She told me that she's an exhibitionist."