Hairy Christmas!

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An injured sister needs her brother's help shaving.
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This is a true story. Life, spouses, and jobs have caused my sister and me to leave our hometown. We live on opposite coasts now. We try to get together for the holidays.

When we do, we laugh heartily as we recalled that memorable Christmas Eve when I helped her out of a hairy situation. It led to great taboo sex - incest and anal! Of course, discussing that event re-kindles our passion and we fuck again.

All characters are over 18.

^^^A Christmas Eve^^^

"You look hot," Dorian said.

"I'm not warm. My face is red because I'm embarrassed to be naked in front of my brother."

"I didn't mean you're blushing. I meant you're a beautiful woman. You have a pretty face and a great body."

He studied her unclothed body. His eyes were drawn to her breasts. They were full and round and had large, dark nipples that commanded his attention. He stared at her boobs and said, "I never imagined that my sister would stand before me in the nude and show me her body."

"Me neither," Athena said. She had a look of chagrin on her face.

^^^ A Friday in November - Six weeks earlier^^^

"Oh my God, Athena! When did you stop shaving your pits?" Crystal asked. "You're as hairy as that sweater you're taking off!"

The twenty-eight-year-old was changing out of the top she'd worn to work for something more suitable to go dancing with her BFF. The women were in the hairy girl's bedroom. Athena had lifted both arms as she pulled a cashmere sweater over her head. The black hair under her arms was over an inch long.

Athena laughed and said, "The last time I shaved was September 1st. That was the day before Flint left for his four-month work assignment in Germany. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant, went to his place, and fucked like rabbits."

"You haven't shaved for nearly three months?" Crystal asked. She had a look of horror and disbelief on her face.

"Yes. What's the point? My boyfriend is out of town until January and it's winter. It's so friggin cold here in Minneapolis that I'm wearing pants and long sleeves every day. I won't be putting a dress on until May. Who will see the hairy me?

"You're a stewardess. Your job requires that you wear a dress. I'm in IT. I interact with people by phone and email. I can wear what I like and I dress for warmth."

"It would be nice if I could wear pants to work," Crystal said longingly. "When the cold winter wind blows up my skirt and hits my pussy, it's bracing." She laughed.

"Uh-huh," Athena said, nodding.

Athena pulled up the right leg of her pants and showed her friend her hairy leg.

Crystal gasped.

"You know I'm Greek. We are naturally hairy. You blond girls of Scandinavian descent are so lucky."

"We have hair."

"Yes, but light-colored hair is not as noticeable as my dark hair. You shave your legs, what? Once or twice a week?"


"I have to shave every other day. If I don't, everyone notices. Not only was I cursed with black hair, but I have fast-growing, black hair. If you postpone shaving your legs for one day, is it an issue?"


"This is my first vacation from shaving in fifteen years! I started shaving my legs and pits at thirteen. Two years later, when I started dating, I began shaving my pubes. I have to shave every other day to keep on top of things. Year in and year out. I'm loving this break!"

"I understand," Crystal said.

"I'm giving myself until after Christmas. I'll be hairless when Flint returns the first week of January."

^^^December 23rd in the St. Croix River Valley, MN^^^

"I love this place," Athena said. "It wouldn't be Christmas without our family trip to the Afton Alps. Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad."

"You're welcome, dear," her mother said.

"Get your gear on," her father said. "We came here to ski."

"You two go," the mother said. "I'll unpack and wait for Dorian."


Two hours later, the father and daughter returned to the cabin. Athena's right wrist was wrapped with an elastic bandage.

Her twenty-four-year-old brother, Dorian, was sitting with his mother on the sofa. They turned toward the door. The mother remarked casually, "You're back early."

She saw the bandage. Her smile disappeared. She hurried to her daughter and asked, "What happened?"

"I fell and sprained my wrist and thumb."

"You poor thing. Let me help you get your coat off. Dorian, make your sister some hot tea." She pulled off her daughter's hat and helped her remove her coat.

Her husband said, "The doctor took an X-ray. Nothing is broken. He recommended that she take it easy and ice it a couple of times a day. She should be better in a couple of days."

Dorian made four cups of tea and brought them over to the sofa where his family had congregated. He placed them on the table and said, "Did the bunny slope get the better of you again, Sis?"

"Har. Har!" Athena answered. She picked up a spoon with her left hand and stuck it into the sugar bowl. She spilled sugar on the tray while attempting to put it in her cup.

"Nice going," her younger brother said in a smart-alecky tone.

"It's okay, dear," her mother said. She grabbed the spoon, put two scoops into her daughter's tea, and stirred it. She turned to her son, gave him a stern look, and said, "Dorian, your sister is going to need some help for a few days. Be nice and give her a hand."

"Yes, mother."

"I mean it," his mother said re-emphasizing her demand.

"Yes. I hear you, Mom. Whatever Athena needs."

That night they stayed in and had a quiet supper. Dorian drank heavily and fell asleep on the family room sofa. He stumbled to his bedroom an hour after midnight.


The next morning, as they were eating breakfast, the father said, "It's a great day for skiing. The conditions are perfect."

"Go and enjoy yourself," his wife said. "I'll stay here and take care of Athena."

The father put his cup of coffee down and said, "Honey, you enjoy skiing so much and it has been so long, it would be a shame for you to miss out."

Athena entered the room. She was wearing a cotton pajama set with leggings and long sleeves. Over her sleepwear, she had a robe. She said, "Miss out on what?"

She went to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup using her left hand. It shook as she poured the hot liquid. Her brother walked in wearing PJ's and slippers. He looked like he'd had a rough night. He said, "Sis, pour me a cup, please."

"You better do it yourself. I almost dropped the carafe. Pouring with my left hand is difficult."

"Okay." Dorian got his coffee and put sugar into both cups.

"Morning, children," the mother said. "I was telling your father that he should go skiing and I would stay with Athena."

"Mom, I don't need looking after. Go. Have fun. This is your vacation too."

"I don't know," the older woman said.

"Mom. Go. You love to ski," her son said. "I drank too much last night. I'm in no condition to be on the slopes. I'll stay and keep the invalid company."

"There. It's settled," the father said.

The parents went skiing. The adult children lounged in the cabin.

An hour later, Athena got a call on her phone.


"Hey, Athena. It's Crystal. I'm at the airport and I just saw Flint. He told me his team finished the project and he got to come home early. He's planning to drive to Alpine Alps and surprise you.

"Oh, shit! I'm a hairy beast!"

"I was worried that was the case. Babe, you've got two hours to get rid of your Sasquatch look."

"Thanks for the heads up, Crystal. I owe you big time."

"What are friends for? Bye."


Athena hung up and went straight to her bedroom. She gathered up the necessary supplies and went into the powder room. It was the main bathroom in the cabin. It had a two-person sink, a toilet, and a large walk-in shower. She washed in the shower and then lingered, getting her body thoroughly wet.

"That should be enough time to soften the hair," Athena said. She propped her right foot on the shower bench, applied shaving gel, and picked up her razor. She began working around her ankle.

"Ow. Ow," she cried out. "Damn it! I can't do this with my sprained right hand." She switched to her left hand and said, "I've never shaved my legs using my left hand. I'm super flexible. I find it easier to bend, stretch, and twist my body than to use my non-dominant hand. I only use my left hand to shave my right armpit."

She frowned and said, "But I've got no choice today."

She began.

"AHhhhh!" she screamed bloody murder. Blood rushed from a cut on her right ankle.

Dorian was startled by the scream. He came to the door and said, "Hey. Are you okay?"

Athena shouted through the door, "Yes. I'm shaving my legs and I cut myself." She continued to shave. She went slower this time.

"Ouch! Fuck!" She nicked herself again.

Dorian chuckled and said, "What's the problem? You've been shaving your legs for years."

She began to cry. Through her sobs, she said, "Since I hurt my right wrist, I'm having to do it left-handed. It's awkward. The herky-jerky motion is cutting more skin than hair."

"Why don't you stop?"

"Flint is back in town. He's on his way over."

"So? He'll understand."

"I don't think so. One look at me and he'll run away."

"You're overreacting. A little stubble won't upset him. He'll be so horny he's not likely to notice or care."

"It's not a little stubble. I haven't shaved since he left."

"Are you kidding? You've gone nearly four months without shaving your legs?"

"Yes. Except that it's worse than that. I haven't shaved anything. My legs, my pits, my girl parts. Nothing. And I'm 100% Greek so you have an idea what a hairy beast I am."

"Holy shit!"

"Yes. Holy hairy shit."

"Want me to call one of your girlfriends? Or see if we can get you into the spa?"

"My girlfriends can't get here in time. Flint's flight has landed and he's on his way. Please call the spa and tell them it's an emergency."

"Will do."

Dorian found the number and made the call. He came back to his sister and said, "Bad news, Sis. They have a full crew on the weekends. Tuesdays are considered a low day. They only schedule two attendants, who can't do more than get you towels and tea, and one esthetician. She could wax you. Unfortunately, she's out sick."


"What about Mom?"

A few seconds later, Dorian heard a cell phone ring. He followed the sound, went into the kitchen, and picked up the ringing phone. He answered it, "Hello."

He heard his sister's voice say, "Damn it! Mom left her phone!"

She was out of the shower and holding a towel to her body and her phone to her ear.

Dorian spoke into the phone, "Is there anything I can do?"


Athena sighed heavily and then said, "Yes. I'm embarrassed to ask, but I need help. Would you shave me?"

"No," she added quickly. "Forget I asked. It would be too embarrassing for both of us."

"Remember when I was on the high school swimming team?" Dorian said. "I did fairly well my senior year and I got invited to the state finals. I was psyched and wanted to do my best. The serious swimmers on our team shaved their legs and chest. I decided to do it for the state meet."

He laughed and said, "Remember me knocking on your door? I had pieces of toilet paper stuck to my chest and right legs where I'd nicked myself. I asked you to show me how to shave safely."

Athena laughed, "You look like a guy who'd tried to run through a barbed-wire fence. You had so many cuts."

"You helped me then. I'll help you now."

"Thank you. I'll unlock the bathroom door. Bye."

She hung up and unlocked the door.

He shut his mother's phone off and put it on the kitchen counter. When he got to the hall bath, he knocked.

"Come in."

He opened the door. His sister stood on a bath mat with a towel pressed to her body. Her long, black hair was fashioned into a bun. He saw her pretty face was filled with trepidation. Her big brown eyes looked at him with a wide-eyed, questioning stare.

The towel covered her from her bosom to mid-thigh. The parts of her legs that he could see were covered with long, black hair.

He smiled to offer comfort and jokingly said, "If I didn't know better, I'd say those were my legs."

"Yes. They're pretty bad." She dropped the towel and exposed her olive-colored body. Her face was bright red as she said, "You need to know how bad the situation is."

She spun around slowly giving him a view of all of her. When she faced him again, she interlaced her fingers and put them behind her head to show him her hairy underarms.

"Wow!" he said.

Dorian's jaw dropped. His eyes moved from her pits to her tits. They were firm, high, and plump. Her brown nipples were erect.

His eyes scrolled down her body. She was fit. He saw her narrow waist. She had a trail of dark hair extending from her belly button to her vagina. It thickened and spread out as it went south to form a gigantic 70s bush. The hair was so thick and dense that it prevented him from seeing her pussy.

Her plush, black pubic hair extended two inches down the inside of each thigh. Her legs were as hairy as his.

When she had turned around, he saw the back of her legs were as furry as the front and she had hair peeking out of her butt crack.

"You look hot," he said.

"I'm not warm. My face is red because I'm embarrassed to be naked in front of my brother."

"I didn't mean you're blushing. I meant you're a beautiful woman. You have a pretty face and a great body."

He studied her unclothed body. His eyes were drawn to her breasts. They were full and round and had large, dark nipples that commanded his attention. He stared at her boobs and said, "I never imagined that my sister would stand before me in the nude and show me her body."

"Me neither," Athena said. She had a look of chagrin on her face.

He ogled her a bit more. Then he cleared his throat, took a breath to regain his composure, and said, "How should we do this? Where should I start?"

"'Why don't we start by shaving my legs? Normally, I put my foot on the edge of the tub. Here, I'd use the shower bench."

"Okay. I guess that means I'm joining you in the shower. "


Dorian pulled his sweater over his head.

"What are you doing?" his sister asked with alarm.

"Sis, if we are both going to be in the shower, we both should be naked. The water would ruin my shoes and sweater. And if I stayed dressed, I'd feel like some dude in a CMNF video."


"Clothed male, naked female. It's one of the thousands of genres of porn like naked cheerleaders, women with big tits, old men with young women, or gangbangs. To mention a few of the classics."

"Oh, I guess I've missed that one," Athena said. She gave a nervous laugh.

"Most of them are creepy,"' he said. "The woman is naked and the man is fully dressed. Sometimes he acts like nothing unusual is happening. Other times, he humiliates her. Shaving you is weird enough. You being naked and me being in wet clothes would be too much. If you're nude, I should be too."

He removed the rest of his clothes. She looked him over. He was tall, fit, and hairy. He had a furry chest and belly. His stocky legs were covered with black hair. These areas were untouched. He had manscaped around his penis. The hair there was neatly trimmed.

It made his cock stand out. His penis stiffened to a full erection.

He blushed and said, "Sorry about my hard-on. Beautiful, naked women have that effect on me.

"As someone who's seen her fair share of penises. I can honestly tell you that you have a nice one. You're thicker and longer than Flint."

They went into the shower. She sat on the bench and handed him the shaving cream. He sprayed some on his hand and tentatively, rubbed it on her lower leg.

"Don't be afraid to touch me," she said. "Spread it around. I don't want to get cut. Besides, I can't get any more embarrassed than I am now. Start by doing my lower leg up to my knee. Use an upward motion, cutting against the grain. That'll give me a close shave."


He knelt and smeared the lubricant on her ankle, calf, and knee. He picked up the razor and slowly moved it. He said, "This is an awkward motion for me. When I shave, the blade is always facing me. I feel like I'm flicking it. I think I'd have more control if I could get behind you and drag the razor over your skin in a manner that I'm used to."

"Oh. Okay. The bench runs the whole width of the shower. There's no room to get behind me or beside me. I'll stand and put my foot on the bench." She stood and did so.

Dorian got beside her and leaned into her thigh. His penis pressed against her. They each ignored the contact as he shaved her. The razor moved more confidently. He made two swipes. He stopped, looked up at her, and said, "This works better for me. Is it okay with you?"

"Yes. Run your fingers over the areas you shaved to make sure you don't miss any hairs."

"Okay," He touched her leg and ran his hand up and down. "Here's a spot I missed." He re-applied some cream and re-shaved a portion of her leg. He checked his work and said, "It's nice and smooth now."

He stood and turned on the water. He rinsed the blade in the spray. He took his time and finished her right lower leg. Periodically, he'd turned around and rinsed the razor. And periodically, he'd rub his sister's leg to check his work.

He stood, rinsed the razor, and set it on the bench. He grabbed the shaving cream, sprayed it on his left hand, and put the can down. He rubbed his hands together and used both to coat his sister's thigh.

She pushed her leg out to the side to give him better access. As he maneuvered around his sister, his hard-on banged into his sister. Neither commented on it.

"Oh!" she yipped when one of his hands bumped into her pussy.

"Sorry," he immediately apologized.

"It's okay. You didn't hurt me. Just caught me by surprise. That's a sensitive area."

He shaved the top, the outside of her leg, and midway up her inner thigh. He said, "I'll do the rest of the inside of your leg when I shave your pussy. Put your leg down and I'll do the back of your thighs."

She placed her foot on the shower floor. He scooted behind her and checked out her ass. He chuckled and said, "How'd a Greek girl get such a nice bubble butt?"

"It must be from all those years I did gymnastics," she answered with a little laugh.

He poked an ass cheek with a finger and said, "Firm. Meaty. Very nice."

"Thank you. Now get back to work."

He grabbed the shaving cream and sprayed some on his hand. He spread it on the back of both legs and he shaved her thighs.

"Put your left foot on the bench and I'll do that leg."

She did.

He got more shaving cream and coated her lower leg. He repeated the process: shave, rinse the blade, and caress the beautiful woman. He made quick work of the leg hair.

After a final, gently caress to check his work, she giggled and said, "You're giving me goosebumps."

They shared a smile. She went to the shower and rinsed her legs.

When she came back, Dorian looked at her vagina and said, "I don't think the razor can cut through your thick bush. And besides, I can't see where you begin and the hair ends. I might nick an important part. Do your inner lips protrude past your outer lips?"


"May I have a look?"

She nodded. She sat on the bench and spread her legs.

He squatted between her legs and used both hands to spread her abundant pubic hair. He saw her sex. Her labia majora were small and flush with her body. Her labia minora were more prominent. They hung out of her vagina. The pink, wrinkled flesh extended half an inch or so. He touched them.

She flinched and pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Athena. Your inner lips look so soft and delicate I couldn't resist."

He stood up to get his face out of his sister's pussy. He didn't realize that that move brought his erection inches from her face. She stared at his hard cock.