Halloween Hijinks

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Two girls seduce and enslave a young man!
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Hello readers, as always a disclaimer, this story started as an RP I did with an online associate. However, the story is MOSTLY the intellectual property of the author to the exclusion of all others.

Characters in this story are all eighteen years of age or older.

This story is not intended to be viewed by anyone under the age of 18, if you are under said age please return when you are of age.

This story features kinky content of the female-dominated variety if that is not of interest to you or offends you, I recommend seeking other content.

This story includes bullying. The author does not condone bullying in any form.

Please be sure to rate this story, even if you hate it, favorite it if you enjoyed it, and subscribe to me for more kinky content. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Now for our feature presentation....

It was a dark and stormy night, but Jules had a lot of good things going for him. He was a junior at a great college that was close to his home. He lived in the dorms freshman year, but had moved home since, not needing to be on campus regularly. His classes were going well enough. His mother and step-father gave him plenty of space and he could live in their beautiful home. He got along well with both of them. He had friends and hobbies on the weekends. His biggest problem was his bossy, bitchy, bratty, and hot step-sister Tiffany.

His mother and step-father were away on some trip abroad and because he was 21 and Tiffany was 18 they were more than capable of staying safe and managing the house on their own. Technically Jules was supposed to be in charge. He was the older sibling, the good student, the golden boy, and the one who never got in trouble and was always responsible and respectful. Tiffany was more of a rebel and a partier, and while her parents had enough of a handful ensuring she behaved, Jules was having even a tougher time.

Jules' struggle with Tiffany wasn't just because she was forceful, bossy, and more self-confident than her timid and reserved brother. Tiffany's attractiveness led to Jules having a bit of a crush on his younger step-sister, as did most of his friends. Tiffany loved this and enjoyed antagonizing him by dressing a bit on the naughty side when his male friends visiting, throwing them off from their work or whatever geeky movies or board games they would normally be engrossed in.

Jules had dark hair and was a bit overweight, not obese, but the freshman fifteen was clearly more than only fifteen pounds and was showing on his body, as was more weight from sophomore year. Having never been athletic in any way, and Jules didn't see a practical way to shed the weight. He was fine with being pudgy for the time, deciding to wait to shed the pounds until graduation or a break in the school year.

It was Halloween night and Tiffany was out at a party with her friend Annabelle. Jules and his friends were considering a party, but it was rescheduled at the last minute, so he simply decided to get work done, wearing a fez, a bow tie, and a tweed jacket, hoping he could show up as the Doctor for the party, just doing his best to participate vicariously. He decided to work on a paper he had to do for his anatomy and physiology class. The class was challenging and he wished he had chosen chemistry to fill his science requirement. Chemistry was mostly just a math class, and while he was more a whiz at English, he understood math more than the human body, the class reminding him how little he used his own. Despite that, his nature as a good student meant he would get through this class and could study subjects more in line with his major.

It was only 9 PM and the front door flung open. Tiffany and Annabelle had come home far earlier than he expected. While his costume showed off his geeky nature, Tiffany and Annabelle had put their sexuality on display.

Tiffany was a smaller blonde with a slender, but athletic body. She was naturally quite pretty and her sexy schoolgirl outfit only added to that. Her friend, Annabelle, was taller and curvier, and even more fit, and while Tiffany's breasts were maybe a B cup, Annabelle had DDs and loved it. Tiffany was wearing a schoolgirl outfit that no school would allow with black stiletto heels.

Annabelle was wearing her cheerleader uniform, the actual uniform, but had made some alterations to sex it up, including hot pink stiletto heels, which she loved to wear, but not to practice. Annabelle was a total flirt and a bit of a female supremacist. She didn't dislike boys, just saw them as typically inferior to girls, and most acted idiotically around her, reinforcing this belief. She had a bit of a crush on Jules due to how he almost never broke character, but also was frustrated that he was either oblivious to her flirting he was and how indifferent he seemed toward her. Jules didn't always get signals and found Annabelle to simply be another of his popular sister's popular friends.

Jules saw Tiffany as Regina George, bossy, bratty, and bitchy behind her attractive façade. He saw Annabelle as Karen Smith of her friends, a slutty airhead who was actually a pleasant person. However, Annabelle wasn't particularly unintelligent nor particularly slutty. She was actually quite intelligent and a bit naughty. Jules mistook her flirty nature for signs of both, but was misguided in that estimate.

Despite his low esteem in both girls, Jules admitted that he fantasized about both regularly. This was especially true about Annabelle.

Jules was a bit perturbed they were home so early. He was trying to get work done and wanted peace and quiet, not two girls doing cheer routines and playing loud, trite pop music. Jules was a fan of Mozart and would have to put on headphones to drown out the rambunctious girls. He was fortuitous and took some solace that the girls didn't bring boys home and were not drunk and were actually relatively sober.

That was better than alternatives he had seen where Tiffany and her friends came in drunk and he had to clean up the barf. He was a bit angry that bratty, bitchy, bossy Tiffany had borrowed his car without permission. Had he not been busy that would have been something he would have fussed about, not that Tiffany would listen, this was not the first time she took his car without asking, nor would it be the last.

Tiffany also had her own car, but, being older, Jules had the better car and Tiffany always wanted to rise above her station. The fact her golden boy brother had a fancier car than her simply did not sit well. His car wasn't especially fancy, just newer and better than her car was. She was always borrowing it without permission. She regularly returned it dirty and with very little gas in it. If any.

"Hi girls, back so early?" said Jules.

"Like you care?" said Tiffany in her cocky demeanor, "I see you're still here doing your work, what else is new?"

"Hi Jules," said Annabelle. She waved cutely and bended a bit forward giving him a view of her ample cleavage. Jules immediately felt his penis become erect.

"Hi Annabelle," Jules says in a friendly tone before sarcastically adding, "Nice to see you too, Tiffany."

Tiffany rolled her eyes, then flipped him off before heading upstairs to her room. Annabelle lingered downstairs. She could tell Jules was staring at her for a moment, but pretended she didn't notice."

Annabelle strolled over to Jules exuding confidence, making sure her tits bounced and hips swayed a bit. Jules was fixated by the gorgeous girl in front of him. She leant down next to him, giving him a great view of her chest, "what are your studying, nerd?"

"Anatomy, especially female muscle structure, strength, and growth," he stammered a bit, intimidated by Annabelle's raw sexuality. She had made passes at him before, but was clearly becoming more aggressive and the effect was not lost on Jules.

"Sounds boring, Annabelle rests her breasts on Jules' shoulder, but this looks interesting," Annabelle promptly grabbed his cell phone, "mind if I hold this?"

"Hey that's mine!" said Jules, "Give it back!" He tries to snatch at it, but is not nearly fast enough as Annabelle took it out of his reach.

"If you want your phone back, why not just take it?" said Annabelle with flirtatious mischief in her voice. She wedges it between her tits with a sexy smile and then spreads her arms and says, "Go on!"

Jules reached out to grab the phone as Annabelle pushes her breasts together, but not enough to fully keep the phone in place. Jules clumsily reaches for it only to accidentally clasp one of Annabelle's plump breasts.

"Hey, that's not you phone," says Annabelle teasingly, slapping his hand away. Annabelle bursts into a fit of giggles as Jules turns bright pink.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" said Jules, "I was just trying to get my phone back, I swear, please just return it to me"

Annabelle readjusted the phone in between her breasts and continued her laughing.

Jules was confused by Annabelle's brazen sexuality and finally said, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Annabelle suddenly stopped laughing and said, "Are you serious right now?" The beautiful brunette rolled her eyes and contemptuously returned Jules' phone back to him, removing it from her ample cleavage. She flatly said, "Let me know if you want to feel up some tits again." Annabelle winked at him before walking upstairs, her breasts and bum bouncing with each step.

Jules was incredibly hard, but very confused and embarrassed. He ultimately resolved to go upstairs and try to get a better read on the situation. He brought his laptop up, placing it on the desk in his room then walked across the hall to Tiffany's room, the door was closed, so he knocked before trying to open the door finding it locked.

Tiffany opened the door and said, "What the fuck do you want now, bitch?"

Annabelle sat behind on Tiffany's bed she put her phone in her cleavage and pressed her breasts together winking at Jules.

"Hi Tiff, can I please speak to Annabelle?" asked Jules maintaining his composure.

"Fuck off, we're busy," said the pretty blonde getting ready to slam the door on her step-brother. Jules stopped the door from closing and tossed his phone gently to Annabelle before exiting with a flat, "I'll be in my room."

Tiffany closed the door and locked it again and flopped down next to Annabelle saying, "what'd that perv give you his phone for?"

"I don't know," said Annabelle, "your brother is such a weird, perverted nerd. Maybe I'll go check on him, return the phone, and get him out of our hair and figure out what this was all about." Annabelle completely knew what the phone was about.

Tiffany took a few selfies on her phone while shrugging, "whatever, were you flirting with the dweeb again?"

"I thought I was being subtle enough to you....I just find it so funny how flustered he gets, the geek actually grabbed one of my tits by mistake and flew into a panic. I flirt with everyone, is it so bad if I do it to your step brother?" asked Annabelle.

"He's such a ridiculous perv. You should see how he sneaks peeks at me, his own step-sister. He's too lame and awkward to pick up on your hints, unlike me," said Tiffany with a flirtatious wink.

Annabelle had always been openly a bit bisexual, unable to contain her overt sexuality in any company. Tiffany had become a bit bicurious lately and had truly enjoyed a chance to explore her desires with Annabelle and wanted more. Both girls were heteroflexible more than anything else, but enjoyed their time with other girls.

Annabelle kissed Tiffany on the cheek and said, "How about I go into your brother's room for five minutes and give the little bitch his phone back...what would you like me to do with him?"

Tiffany kissed Annabelle on the mouth briefly, "Be a problem for him. He gets so mad whenever I borrow any of his stuff. See what you can take and bring it back here. Then we can make out."

"Don't I already have his phone?" asked Annabelle.

"Yeah, but it's locked and he gave it to you," said Tiffany.

"Suppose I get caught taking his stuff," said Annabelle, "how should I handle it?"

"Show him your tits," said Tiffany laughing, "he'll probably faint right there."

Annabelle joined her in the laugh and cracked back, "is that what you do, Tiffany?"

"Gross!" exclaimed Tiffany pointing toward her throat, but laughed at her friend's joke, "My pervy step-brother will never see my tits. I just tell him to fuck off and I leave. He's too much of a pussy to stand up to me."

"I'm surprised you haven't just made him your bitch by now," Annabelle said smiling mischievously, "older or not, why do your parents leave him in charge?"

"You're speaking my language, girl," said Tiffany, "but if I bully him too much the little bitch will rat me out."

"Then we just need to do something to stop that," said Annabelle, "I'll cook something up." Annabelle realized that if she dominated Jules and let him know that Tiffany was in charge of him too, he wouldn't rat his step-sister out. Annabelle was pure female perfection and sexuality to him and he would be easy for her to control. She could exploit his perverted lust for his step-sister as well. She loved it, she could have both Jules and Tiffany as her lovers, and create her own miniature microcosm of how the world ought to be: confident, hot, popular girls ruling over geeky boys.

Annabelle was filled with delight in this prospect and decided to postpone seeing Jules instead shoving Tiffany down on the bed and making out with her forcefully. After several minutes of rolling around on the bed Tiffany mounted Annabelle and gave her a bit of a lap dance, moaning loud and obnoxiously. Annabelle joins her in the cacophony of ecstatic moans and it is audible from across the hall.

Jules, still trying to work, decides he's going to go across the hall to stop the noises he's mostly confused by, noises he finds disruptive. He also was eager to see the sexy Annabelle again. He knocked on Tiffany's door. Tiffany hearing his knock only moaned louder to drown him out. Tiffany also takes a selfie of her and Annabelle, both partially undressed now making out on her bed. She texts it to her step-brother saying "look who actually has a chance with Annabelle....or your step-sister, I know about your pervy crush on me, loser!"

Jules might not see it yet, but when he got his phone back, he would see. Tiffany took several selfies of her amorous connection with her best friend just to humiliate her brother.

"Whatever is going on in there, keep it down. Mom and Dave--your father--put me in charge, and I say quiet down!" said Jules, although he didn't sound powerful or confident, more whiny than assertive.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, not letting Jules ruin her erotic moment said at the top of her lungs, "go fuck yourself!" She then returned her attention to her sexy best friend.

Feeling despondent and largely incapable of standing up to his sister, Jules managed to put headphones on and managed to get at least some work done. Annabelle, despite her amorous connection with Tiffany still wanted to get somewhere with Jules, even as she subjugated him. Tiffany manages to take more photos only dropping her phone as she reaches a mind-blowing climax. After completing it Annabelle began refixing her cheerleader costume and brushing her hair and decided to go across the hall to take another crack at seducing Jules. Pink stiletto heels clacking, cleavage looking to spill out, and her skirt seemed to dance on her swaying hips, Annabelle was a portrait of powerful estrogen and Jules would be no match for her.

Jules had his headphones on so loud as to drown out the noises coming from Tiffany's room that he didn't even notice Annabelle coming on. He had undid some of his costume, the bow tie was untied and draped around his neck although the fez was still on his head.

Annabelle walks up behind Jules and removes his headphones then drapes her toned arms over his body. She then whispered in his ear, "if that's still about anatomy and muscle strength I think I can teach you a lot about both your books won't tell you."

Jules was instantly hard and blushing and said, "Uh...Annabelle...how'd you get in my room...what are you doing here?"

"What, don't you like me?" Annabelle asked coyly, "wouldn't you rather learn about anatomy and muscle strength with my body rather than your boring textbooks?" She closed his laptop. Jules tried to wriggle away from her arms, but she was too strong. Annabelle kissed him on the cheek from behind and said, "you think I'm pretty right? Your dick seems to think so!" Annabelle said noticing a bulge in his pants.

Jules was at a bit of a loss for words and said, "Um...y-yes Annabelle, I do think you're pretty, I uh-um---."

Annabelle giggled at his struggle to remain articulate, "so what's your hang up?"

"Um....you're my step-sister's friend. She's such a brat and a bully," said Jules.

"You have trouble trusting me, but I'm not a bully or a brat, right?" said Annabelle.

"You always seemed nicer," said Jules.

"That's because I am," said Annabelle, she removed the fez from his head and placed it on her own smiling. She didn't let him get up from his chair, enjoying her physical power over him, she pressed her breasts against his weaker body and enjoyed to how much power she had over him. It made Annabelle aroused to know what she could do, "Can you do a favor for me?"

"Um....sure...Annabelle," said Jules, "what do you want?"

"There's a lot I want, boy!" said Annabelle in a sexual tone, letting go of Jules, she sounded both authoritative and flirtatious, both gentle and mischievous. "Let's start with that paper you're writing, anatomy and muscle development. I can teach you things your boring textbook can't. I promise it will be a lot more fun."

Jules turned around and stood up.

"Sit down," said Annabelle firmly. Jules complied sitting down back in his chair which he rotated to face the sexy girl. Annabelle was enjoying how submissive he was to her.

"How about I show you some of my anatomy," Annabelle said playing with her large breasts. Jules was transfixed. "Or how about my muscle development?" Annabelle flexed her arms, showing quite a bit of feminine, yet very developed muscles.

"Oh please, yes!" said Jules.

"Well then you need to follow my directions. Your parents left you in charge, but now I'm in charge, got it?" said Annabelle, switching from sensual to business.

"Yes, Annabelle," said Jules.

"Good boy! Now go downstairs and sit on the couch, and wait for my instructions, I'll be down shortly," Annabelle smiled and kissed him on the cheek as he got up, slapping him on the bum as he quickly hurried out of the room. Annabelle laughed to herself; tonight was going to be so much fun. She then headed across the hall.

"That was eight minutes! You said you'd be back in five," said Tiffany.

"You timed it?" said Annabelle sarcastically.

"I missed you," said Tiffany sweetly.

"Anyway, he's eating out of my hand, feel free to steal whatever you want," said Annabelle chuckling, she threw the fez across Tiffany's room and said, "I'm going to have some fun with your brother, I'll text you to come down to give him a bit of good cop, bad cop, or good babe, bad babe," said Annabelle, she kissed Tiffany passionately on the mouth.

Annabelle then walked downstairs, she exuded sexuality and confidence. She always walked tall, although her pink stiletto heels only drove that home. Her cleavage was pretty much popping out of her cheerleader costume, bouncing with each step she took. Her face was beauty to behold. Her cheerleader outfit hugged her curves perfectly and the microskirt showed off her beautiful and athletic legs. Her dark brown hair was silky and bouncy. She entered the living room where Jules was sitting, he was rocking back and forth. Annabelle laughed to herself at how insecure and nervous he was. She may have liked him, but she still found him good for a laugh.