Halloween Party

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Couple introduce a young woman to a new lifestyle.
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Melanie and Henry Young were your regular everyday young married couple. They had both recently turned 25 and were happy. They lived in a small, gated community in the suburbs. Henry was a successful self-employed web designer and photographer. Melanie was a housewife but also helped maintain the business books and maintain his schedule. In their free time, they would go for hikes, hang out with friends, and go on random road trips.

Many people were envious of the couple. Melanie looked like your all-American girl. She was 5'5'', fit body but not overly muscular. She had toned stomach and a very well shaped ass with a set of 38C breasts that some had accused of being fake due to how perky they always were. She had long, straight red hair that went down to her mid back. She had a nice tan due to how much time she liked to spend out in the sun. He body was speckled with freckles all over. She had the perfect pouty lips and her green eyes were hypnotic. Henry was 6'3'', fit, but again not overly muscular. He had short brown hair with a full beard of a mix of red and brown in it. He was not as tan as Melanie, mostly because most of his work was done inside. His eyes were almost a shade of light grey. It had many women swooning, much to the entertainment of Melanie. She knew that he could get any woman he wanted just with how well spoken he was and how his eyes could suck anyone in.

The couple had another side to them that very few people knew. Well, no one in the neighborhood knew. Some of their friends knew, but even most of them barely knew the truth. All anyone knew was that there was one room in their house that no one was allowed in. Everyone assumed this was a darkroom that Henry used to print actual film photos. It was much more interesting than that. One neighbor eventually was able to discover their secret and it was an encounter that changed the young girls life.

It all started when Monae was out for her usual weekend run. She lived at home with her parents while she attended college locally, saving her family on room and board. She was only 5'3'' and was very fit. She had caramel skin with long black hair that went down to her firm bubble butt. She had honey colored eyes and full lips that any man would love to have wrapped around their members. She had 36B chest that fit her frame. As it was the end of October, the weather was very cool in the mornings. Even with the cooler weather, she would run in her sports bra and a tight pair of leggings.

During her run, she had ended up meeting Melanie who happened to be out for a run at the same time. The two had never met because Melanie and Henry were usually busy when others had invited them to events. It was usually wedding shoots that had them away. The two women began to strike up a conversation while they jogged around the neighborhood. Any man that had been outside saw the incredible view of two gorgeous women in sports bras and leggings jogging in the cold air. After the run, Melanie invited Monae over for some coffee.

The two walked into the house and were met by Henry who was only in his boxer briefs sitting at the kitchen table sipping on his coffee looking at his computer. He was startled when he saw Monae walk in with Melanie.

"Oh. I'm sorry," he said as he tried to cover up. "I did not realize we were having company this morning."

"Honey, it's just as if you were in a swim suit," said Melanie. "At least you had those on. Monae, this is my husband Henry. Henry, this is Monae. She lives a couple blocks over."

Henry stayed seated but stuck out his hand. "Normally I'd stand up, but given the situation, I think that might be inappropriate."

"It's nice to meet you. Sorry for the surprise."

"Well, if I am being honest, it was a very beautiful surprise." Monae blushed and couldn't help but detect an accent in his voice.

"What accent is that," she asked as she gazed into his eyes.

"European. It ranges from British or Irish all the way to drunk Scottish."

Monae shook his hand and then regained her focus as Melanie handed her a cup of coffee. The two women retreated to the living room while Henry continued his work in the kitchen. After his coffee, Henry tried to sneak upstairs to their bedroom to put some clothes on. As he went up, Monae caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye. She could not help but notice the rather large bulge in the front of his underwear.

"Melanie is a lucky woman," thought Monae as she thought about the man she had just seen. "Could I use your restroom," she asked Melanie, realizing that her body decided she need to relieve some water pressure. Melanie directed her to the hallway and told her the first door on the right. Monae followed the directions, and when she opened the door, she quickly realized that Melanie had told her the wrong door. As she opened the door, she found a large four post bed that had chains all over it. On the wall there were various whips, paddles, and other sex toys. Against one wall was a large X with cuffs. The walls were painted black and the sheets and padding were all red. She could see the lights in the room were all black lights, or at least they were for the moment. As she closed the door, Melanie had come up behind her with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry," said Monae, feeling embarrassed at what she had discovered.

"It's not your fault. I mistakenly told you the wrong door, and it appears that we forgot to lock that one."

Monae did not respond at Melanie's nonchalant response. She simply went across the hall into the bathroom. Melanie could tell that Monae was intrigued at the room. She went back to the living room and sat back down sipping her coffee. She couldn't help but think about how beautiful Moane was and how much fun it would be to corrupt her. Moane returned shortly and thanked Melanie for the coffee. It was obvious that she was shocked at what she had seen. Melanie decided to invite Monae to their Halloween party they were hosting the Saturday before Halloween.

"Is there a theme to this party," asked Moane, curious after what she had seen.

"Well, we have a bunch of friends who are geeks and nerds so this years theme is celebration of all things geek."

Monae smiled because she was a little bit of a geek herself. None of her friends at school were into anything geeky, except anime, which she was not into.

"I can think of something," Monae replied.

Melanie gave her all of the information for the party. She also told Monae that they will be having an open bar and if she wanted to join in then she could stay in their guestroom. Monae thanked her and then left for her house. Soon after, Henry returned downstairs.

"Did our guest leave," he asked as he looked around.

"She did. She may have gotten a shock when I accidentally told her the wrong door to the bathroom and someone forgot to lock the other door."

Henry thought for a moment before his eyes went wide. "Oh. Oops. My bad. In my defense, I was not expecting anyone to be coming to the house today."

"Fair enough."

"How did she react?"

"She seemed shocked, but also intrigued. She is a very beautiful young woman."

"What is running through that mind of yours?"

"What makes you think anything is running through my mind," she asked with a devious grin.

"Because I know you all too well."

"Well, I am allowed to imagine that young woman tied up and us getting to enjoy all of her."

"That is a wonderful image that would be incredible, but we have no idea if it will actually happen, so don't get your hopes up."

"Well, she might be coming to the Halloween party."

"Nice. Let's see if she is as freaky as you want her to be."

The couple laughed and then went about their day. Over the next week and a half, Melanie had a couple more runs joined by Monae. They chatted about Moane's college classes and her major, which turned out to be computer science and web design. This led to talking about Henry and his job. They discussed setting up a time for Monae to join him and watch what he does to see if it truly is something she would be interested in doing. They talked about the Halloween party and Monae mentioned that she had found the perfect costume. She did not reveal what it was as she wanted to keep it a surprise.

The day of the party, Henry and Melanie spent the day setting up their house, making many trips to different stores, making sure that they were stocked up on plenty of liquor, finger foods, and more liquor since their bar was running very low. An hour before the others arrived, they both changed into their costumes. They decided on dressing as their favorite couple from The Legend of Vox Machina, Vex'aliha and Percy. Henry looked stunning in a long blue coat with glasses that framed his face perfectly and the well designed firearm that was synonymous with Percy. Melanie was in a very sexy and tight fitting brown leather corset which came up just under her breasts with a white top underneath it. For the bottoms, she wore a light blue skirt that was slitted on both sides, giving everyone a wonderful view of her sexy smooth thighs since her calves were covered in the knee high boots she had on.

Shortly after the start of the party, there was a knock at the door. Melanie went to answer it and was stunned at what she saw. Standing at the door was Monae in a very tight green body suit that had a large cutout in the chest with stings of black running across it. It gave a perfect view of her ample breasts. Her legs were covered by black stockings and she too was wearing knee high boots. Her face was covered by a mask the same color green as her body suit.

"Jade from Mortal Kombat," said Melanie in recognition. "I love it. I'm glad you could make it."

"Thanks. I love the Vex outfit. Let me guess, Henry is either Vax or Percy."

"Percy. Come on in. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"What do you have?

"A full bar. Come on. Let's introduce you to people. I will make sure everyone keeps their hands to themselves, which might be hard. Especially for me. You look stunning."

Monae blushed. She looked over Melanie and under her mask, she licked her lips. The two walked through the house and met with the other guests as they made their way to the bar where Melanie saw Henry dressed as Percy bartending.

"Oh damn," Henry said out loud as Monae and Melanie approached. "Guys are going to be in trouble here. The ladies too. Me most of all. Sorry. Started rambling. What can I get you?"

"How good of a bartender are you," asked Monae.

"I bartended for four years while in college. What is your poison of choice?"

"Liquid Marijuana."

"Someone is looking to get a little drunk tonight," said Melanie.

"I will probably be taking you up on that offer of the guest bedroom."

Melanie smiled as Henry hand Monae and her a drink. He then grabbed his glass and raised it up. "To new friends and adventurous nights."

They clinked their glasses and soon it was apparent that Monae was not a rookie when it came to drinking as she downed her entire glass quickly. Henry quickly made her another one. Melanie then took her to mingle with the others. The night went on and many of the single men present were trying to approach Monae and hit on her, but she did not seem interested in them. She was truly enjoying Melanie's company. Soon, the party whined down and the only occupants of the house were Melanie, Henry, and Monae.

After picking up the mess, the three grabbed another drink and sat down in the kitchen. In her inebriated states, Melanie decided to ask a question that had been brewing in her mind for quite a while.

"So, that room that I stumbled into the first day I met you two."

"Again, sorry about that mix up," said Melanie.

"Do you two use it?"

"Not everyday, but yes, it does get used. Why do you ask," asked Henry, sipping on his drink.

"It intrigued me. I, like many other women, was very into the Fifty Shades of Grey books. I think we all fantasized about being in a room like that."

"What about it intrigued you," asked Melanie.

"The idea of being tied up and not being fully in control. Maybe some of the spanking stuff, but I have seen some things online that I would never want."

"We don't do any of that extreme stuff you see online," said Henry as he took off his coat. "She is not into any of that."

"I love being tied up and chained up as he pleasures me. It is so much more intense. He does do some spanking and whipping, but nothing to extreme."

"I've had some very naughty dreams involving that stuff," said Monae.

"Would you like to see it when it is actually lit up," asked Melanie. "It is so much hotter when it is all lit up and setup."


"Let me go set it all up real quick," said Henry as he stood up and walked out of the room.

"What does he have to setup," asked Monae.

"He is going to make sure it looks as it should. He is a bit of a perfectionist. If he is going to show something off, it is going to be perfect. He is probably making sure everything is in it's right place and he just put something in specifically for Halloween so he will ensure it looks right."

Soon Henry came back and beaconed the two women to follow him. He stood at the door waiting for them to join him.

"Monae, welcome officially to the playroom," said Henry as he opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, Monae walked in and was amazed. The room was lit up with black lights. Everything had a glow to it. She noticed something that she had not seen the last time she had seen the room. On the wall across from the foot of the bed was a series of ropes that were tied up into the shape of a massive spiderweb. It was made of pink ropes that glowed brightly in the lighting. The rest of the room had a sexy feel to it.

"This looks amazing," she said as she walked around looking at everything. She noticed multiple cameras in the room. "You take pictures in here?"

"Oh yes," said Melanie. "It is something he is really good at and it allows me to look back and get turned on even more.

"That sound hot," said Monae as she looked at the X-Cross against the wall. She was feeling the material of the cuffs. She could feel herself getting turned on just being in the room.

"Want to experience what it feels like," asked Melanie as she came up behind Monae. The feeling of Melanie's breath on her neck caused Monae to feel moisture build up below. The alcohol in her system allowed her to feel more adventurous.


Melanie ran he hands down Monae's body. Monae turned around and placed her back to the X. Melanie slowly ran her hands up Monae's left arm before reaching her wrist. Melanie took the cuff and tightened it to Monae's wrist. She followed the same motion with the other wrist.

"How does that feel," asked Henry in a deeper voice as he stood off to the side while Melanie enjoyed herself.

"Really good," said Moane in a soft voice. She was extremely turned on and was enjoying her first experience in what people usually referred to as a red room. She looked at Melanie and noticed a hunger in her eyes. The green eyes glowed in the room. She watched as Melanie licked her lips. She then turned her gaze to Henry off to the side. His eyes looked almost pure white in the lighting. The couple was looking even sexier than before.

"Do you want more," asked Henry.


"What would you like," asked Melanie.

"I don't really know. More," responded Monae.

"Well if we are going to give you more, we may need to get you out of that outfit," said Melanie. "Is that what you want?"


Melanie walked up to the tied up woman and before she removed the cuffs, she leaned down and pressed her lips to Monae's. Monae did not fight it at all. Very quickly, both of their tongues were exploring the others as Melanie's hands began to explore Monae's body. After a few minutes, she released the cuffs and they were both joined by Henry. Monae turned and kissed Henry. While she was exploring his mouth, Melanie was untying and unzipping Monae's outfit. Henry and Monae broke their kiss so that the outfit could be removed. Soon Monae was standing naked in the room. This allowed Henry and Melanie to see Monae's dark nipples that were hard and erect. Below she had a thin strip of hair above her pubis, the rest shaved smooth.

"You are beautiful," said Melanie as she held the young woman next to her. "Can Henry take some pictures? I want to be able to masturbate to this later."

"As long as I get copies."

"Of course," said Henry as he walked over to the table with his cameras. "Melanie, why don't you put her on the X again. Make sure to get the feet this time."

Melanie walked Monae back over to the X and quickly, Monae was strapped to the X and was now at the mercy of the apparently very kinky couple. She watched as Henry took some pictures of her while Melanie stripped out of her outfit. Henry just continued to take pictures, including having Monae move her head to get different angles. Melanie then came into the frame naked as well. Melanie admired the woman's body. Her tan skin shined in the black light somehow and the now visible nipple piercings glowed bright. Melanie walked up and ran her hands across Monae's stomach.

"Is this what you want?"


"I'm going to enjoy you like this. Do you want to feel me enjoy you?"

"Yes please," said Monae, almost in a whimper. She then gasped as Melanie's hand ran down to her very moist pussy lips that were fully exposed. Melanie started kissing all over her body causing Monae to moan loudly. She moaned louder when Melanie's mouth found her nipples. Melanie's hand was rubbing inside Moane's tender lips below, rubbing against her clit. Monae could not move, but she didn't want to. She was in pure bliss. She opened her eyes to see Henry had removed his shirt and pants, now standing only in his underwear. He was still taking pictures, but it was obvious that he was turned on.

"Oh fuck," cried out Monae as she looked down to see Melanie kissing around her pussy lips. Melanie ran her tongue around the outside of the pussy, teasing the young woman. Melanie teased for a while before finally running her tongue across Monae's clit. Henry was close, getting shots of Melanie enjoying herself and Monae as she moaned and slightly struggled as she wanted to move her hands and legs, but could not. Monae simply closed her eyes and moaned loudly as Melanie licked her now soaked pussy, inserting fingers up into her as the clit was being slowly licked.

"Holy Fuck," screamed out Monae as whatever damn was holding her fluids back was shattered. She experienced something she had never felt before as she began squirting all over Melanie's face and hand. Melanie did not stop and instead began licking and fingering faster, causing the orgasm to keep going and getting stronger. She then felt Henry's mouth on her left nipple, causing her orgasm to intensify.

Eventually, Melanie stopped her assault on Monae's pussy. She stood up and kissed Monae deeply, allowing her to taste herself. Monae was in extreme ecstasy. She slowly gained her bearings after becoming very lightheaded from having an orgasm like she had never had before.

"That was incredible," she said as she caught her breath.

"That was just the beginning," said Melanie. "But I guess you could use a break since you haven't done this before."

Melanie undid the cuffs and led Monae to the bed. She laid her down and then laid next to her. It was at this point that Henry stripped out of his underwear, allowing Monae to see his impressive cock. It was thick, maybe 7 inches long, and very hard. She watched as Melanie crawled over the bed, across Monae, to take Henry into her mouth. Monae watched as Melanie slowly slid her mouth up and down and as Henry looked down and smiled.

Monae was still recovering from her extreme orgasm, but watching Melanie pleasing Henry, she wanted to return the favor to Melanie. She adjusted herself and spread Melanie's legs, not going for the prolonged foreplay, but spreading the pussy lips open and running her tongue deep in Melanie's lips. As she was savoring her first taste of another woman, she watched as Henry removed himself from Melanie and then readjusted Melanie's positioning. Monae stopped her snack briefly to allow Henry to attached the hand and ankle cuffs to Melanie, restraining her onto the bed. Monae then was adjusted and bent over the bed, directly in front of Melanie's pussy. Her face was easily able to be buried into it. She then felt her ankles get cuffed to the floor. She looked back at Henry who was smiling at her. She knew what he was planning and she couldn't wait.