Hands on the Wheel Ch. 05


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As he was driving back down 101, it finally occurred to Ivan that Jeremy seemed to know altogether too much about what was going on with him and Fumiko. He later learned that Sarah had recruited Jeremy to help orchestrate the reunion between the once-star-crossed lovers; his attempts to show irritation at their meddling were met not with contrition, but rollicking disbelief.

When Fumiko and Ichiro returned to Vancouver, Ivan flew up each weekend (they became long weekends, sometimes Thursday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon). In short order they felt like a family, too happy to mourn their lost years. Five months after the Disneyland trip, Ivan asked Fumiko to marry him; she was comfortable enough by that time to respond with a crooked smile and feigned cynicism. "Well duh, what took you so long?" She then destroyed the illusion by leaping into Ivan's arms. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!"

Ichiro was drawn by the outburst. Proving that the satsuma doesn't fall far from the tree, he attempted a dry response by declaring he couldn't understand why his mother was acting so excited about something he had known all along was going to happen, then spoiled the effect by rushing over and hugging them both.


The investigation of Sarah's sexual assault and rape took months. Very few of the men involved were college students, positive identification was difficult; only 3 of the 21 identified participants were students. At first the four men who rented the apartment where it took place—none of whom was a student—said they hadn't been there, claimed they had let some friends use it for a party but had other things to do that night. They were reluctant to name the "friends", but when the police started talking about how many felonies they could be charged with if they continued to stonewall it, their lawyers advised them to name names.

Once a few had been identified, more started talking, each trying to show that they didn't do nearly as much as the others. The interrogators were skilled, however, and once DNA evidence began piling up, plea bargaining began in earnest. It was pointed out that serious felonies would be brought against the ones responsible for the additional drugs found in Sarah's system—she had admitted that she voluntarily took the initial Ecstasy pill—and responsibility could include protecting those who actually provided them; it didn't take long for the others to rat out the three who gave her the drugs.

In the end, there was enough evidence to find all 21 guilty of various degrees of sexual assault or rape if they went to trial, so they told their lawyers get the best deal they could; the 3 who gave her the additional drugs were charged with more felonies, and against the advice of counsel chose to go to trial. Jail sentences ranging from 3 to 12 months were meted out to 12 of the 21, which proved to be less than time served by the 3 who couldn't make bail; the other 9 accepted bargains for sentences from 5 to 11 years in state prison with the possibility of parole. The 3 convicted of additional drug charges were sentenced to 15 years in prison, with no possibility of parole until they had served 10.

Emily Dickinson, Sarah's roommate, fared better. She was in therapy for almost a year, went back to school for two years to get her MSW, then put in the required 3000 hours of supervised counseling and received her LCSW certification. After working with victims of sexual abuse for three years, she founded a non-profit called #luv&care4u that operated a residential treatment center for young women traumatized by violent sexual abuse.

Startup money came from a crowdfunding website she established. The foundation's long-term survival was underwritten by ongoing grants from several major corporations, led by Golkonda; a consortium of private universities; and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Fourteen years after Emily founded #luv&care4u, when it had grown to nine treatment centers across the country, with plans underway to open six more, Emily was awarded a $750,000 MacArthur Fellowship.

She never married.


Ivan and Fumiko decided to be married in Palo Alto; her mother had lapsed into dementia and wasn't able to attend. Jeremy called in some favors and arranged for the wedding to be in the Stanford Memorial Church. Ivan and Fumiko envisioned a small, intimate gathering, but Sarah and Vicki enlisted Jeremy and Ichiro to put the kibosh on that foolish notion.

In a frenzy of planning, social networking, and brazen arm-twisting, the women put together a simple ceremony that included a world-renowned organist, string ensemble, four herald trumpeters, and almost 400 guests from the United States, Canada, and Japan. The frustrated couple threatened retaliation, but were so besotted throughout the ceremony they somehow forgot their threat.

Ivan, with Sarah's full support, successfully insisted on one counter-traditional detail: no alcohol was served at the reception. The caterers laid in case after case of Martinelli's sparkling apple juice, O'Doul's, and a variety of soft drinks—including a sixer of Coke Zero just for the head table.

Despite the dry occasion, the toasts were satisfactorily maudlin (but ribald), the hor d'oeuvres and buffet roundly praised, the occasion joy-filled. The lone nod to frugality was the decision to hire a DJ rather than a band or orchestra. For the traditional first dance, Ivan and Fumiko made no attempt to hide their tears as they danced to their favorite Willie waltz:

At a time when the world,

Seems to be spinnin'

Hopelessly out of control,

There's deceivers and believers

And old in-betweeners,

That seem to have no place to go.

Well, it's the same old song,

It's right and it's wrong,

And livin' is just somethin' that I do.

And with no place to hide,

I looked in your eyes,

And I found myself in you.

I looked to the stars,

Tried all of the bars.

And I've nearly gone up in smoke.

Now my hand's on the wheel,

Of somethin' that's real,

And I feel like I'm goin' home.

And in the shade of an oak,

Down by the river,

Set an old man and a boy,

Settin' sails, spinnin' tales,

And fishin' for whales,

With a lady that they both enjoy.

Well it's the same damn tune,

It's the man in the moon.

It's the way that I feel about you.

And with no place to hide,

I looked in your eyes,

And I found myself in you.

And I looked to the stars,

Tried all of the bars.

And I've nearly gone up in smoke.

Now my hand's on the wheel,

Of somethin' that's real,

And I feel like I'm goin' home.

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AnAncientAnAncient2 days ago

I think this story deserved 6 stars.

Fumiko was under the impression that Ivan did not really love her, so she didn't try and contact him.

The main focus in the story was about Love & Anguish, so the technical details are far less important.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

re: Lanmandragon What's to understand? Everybody is entitled to an opinion. Are you against them or just the ones that don't align with yours? It appears you're the one with a problem.

LanmandragonLanmandragon4 months ago

Magnificent! I really don't understand the petty moaners who pull a good story through the mud just because it doesn't fit their personal world view.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ok, everybody 'fess up; when you read the lyrics at the end there, you had Willie Nelson's voice in your head, right? What a great album, The Red Headed Stranger.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why didn't Fumiko ever contact Ivan about his son over 9 years? He did not know her email or phone number (though he could have used a PI), and didn't have much motivation after getting married to Jean. But she had a real, strong motivation and could have reached out to him via his company. He also soon became a well known tech player. Worse at there get together in the restaurant, she said nothing. The loving reconciliation is marred by her having the means and motivation to contact him but not doing so because she was butthurt he did not contact, not knowing he did nit have the info to reach her and then went through a bitter marriage and worse divorce. Jean was a psychopath.

bobareenobobareenoover 2 years ago

I was hoping the cliche of the child would be left out. Nope. Fumiko, having his son, wouldn't find him through his employer? Not too hard for her to do, as opposed to raising a child alone, it seemed to be a pretty large plot hole. Then the time spent at Disneyland, "The most plastic place on earth!" was a little too perfectly trite. I enjoyed the writing, didn't enjoy the excursions into Woodley's self wrought depravity and the tale of "Woodley" to explain her name choice wasn't worth the space it took. Seemed the storyline demanded Woodley/Sarah not fall in love with Ivan simply because there had to be a return to Fumiko, not because there was any real reason. Despite all, 4 stars, a good writer with some poor/nonsensical storyline choices.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyalmost 3 years ago

Very good story. Lost some sleep by not putting it down and finishing the read. Very thoroughly enjoyed! Thank-you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good taste. Over-large meal

You get points for mentioning Tuba Skinny (isn't Eika Lewis grand?) and Louis Prima's outstanding work in Disney's first Jungle Book (the second one was preachy and boring).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
a bierce

I liked the story but your name was what caught my attention---- I bought a book by ambrose bierce or better known as bitter bierce--- he had some of the craziest stories I have ever read-- I some times wish I still had the book----- just wondered if you got your name from him

baulloyder68baulloyder68almost 4 years ago
Very Good

I really liked the story but all that technical jargon in the beginning really was sort of annoying. Anyone that isn't a computer guru would not know what the hell was being said. I do love very long stories. Anyway Five*****

DarkerBindingDarkerBindingalmost 4 years ago

Thank you sir for all the work you put into this. It was thoroughly enjoyable and I liked how you wove Woodley's story into the yarn. I have enjoyed each of your stories that I have read so far and hope that you will ignore the ignorant comments that seem to be a staple of this site and know that many here truly appreciate what you do, working for free, to give us something to enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

If your in college and hook up with a girl that wants sex, you could get charged with sexual assault. Your life is now ruined, at 19 or 20. So beware, just because she says she wants to have sex, and probably is as drunk as you are, you could end your life.

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 4 years ago
Like an Asian meal

I enjoyed this, and your gentle hand in combining harsh with soft, sweet with sour, gingery with bland, spicy with cool, and taking a long time over the meal, with little side dishes to tempt and refresh the palate as it goes on.

I really enjoyed it

Well done, sir! 5*

etchiboyetchiboyover 4 years ago
@anony 4/17/18 — Re.: Fumiko not in further romance in Japan

You dont know Japan or Japanese. She had an out of wedlock child — as far as Japanese are concerned, she is damaged goods. And with a foreigner makes it DAMAGED goods.

I know a woman, because of the shame her grandfather (equivalent to a euro-baron) suffered in WWII was unable to marry. Her family wouldn’t let her marry below their rank (she had been shown romantic interest by an American while she was studying in the US, but that was a definite no-go by parents), and anyone equal or above within their society would not marry her because of the shame her grandfather brought into the family. She was born because her parents were already married during the war (before the shame). None of her siblings ever married. So, her family name dies with her and her brother and sisters.

Japan is (still) a different world than the U.S. Remember, at least into the late 1990s (last time I heard any numbers) ~50% of marriages were still arranged. It was bad enough after WWII, when there was a glut of woman vs men, and women were still finding it difficult to find men to marry. Once there was gender parity again by the 1960s it became that much harder.

Heck, into the ‘80s men and women from Hiroshima and Nagasaki had trouble finding mates outside of their area because of the small uptick in cancer from the A-bomb. You or your parents moved to Tokyo after the war because that’s where all the jobs were. Someone shows some interest in you (or if you were male you showed some interest in someone). A “marriage broker” would be called. Investigation into your family. “Ah, you’re from Hiroshima? OK, it was nice meeting you. Bye-bye.”

I can definitely see Fumi not having any romantic interactions in Japan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
wolfram is a real software program


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
It’s a long and winding road. I’m glad you told it your way and let it take us where...

...your characters’ lives went.

It’s extraordinary how lives intertwine and may or may not touch more than during one brief span....or may wind and intertwine a dozen times.

The subtlety of their effects upon one another at each meeting can and often do make a mark on each, that last for a very long time after they part company.

And if two people are very, very fortunate, they meet again and the brief interlude becomes a conjoined life. Hopefully, they keep working and loving until they dwindle to dust and are lost to the world for all time.

I believe that such love carries on and warms the hearts of those they reared, knew as friends and family and worked with while they were able.

I did something here, I swore I would only do under extraordinary circumstances. I was drawn to another story of yours and enjoyed it immensely.

So, I started reading your other submissions. I liked some better than others, this series has become one of my favorite.

My general policy is to never read a story rated less than 4.40 stars. That sounds harsh, but with the massive numbers of stories here, I could retire and never put my tablet down again in mortality and still not scratch the surface. Also, most LW submissions rated less than four stars are often rough and mostly not good enough to bother.

But there have been several startling exceptions where the rating was no reflection of the story, but of the rather obtuse political wrangling going on between two or more factions submitting to LW.

I’ve only allowed myself three exceptions to my rule in the past eight years. Your case was the third.

I don’t really have time for this extra reading and commenting, but when a contributor does a consistent job of presenting a story where I come to think of the characters as people and become engaged in their ‘Lives’, I feel it’s worth it to dig in and get to know the author a little better (as best one can through their stories).

I won’t start an offline or public dialog, as I’m not much of a social animal and couldn’t hold up my end of the interaction.

But I have thoroughly enjoyed every one of your stories.

Please continue and PLEASE write them to satisfy your “raison d’etre”.

Best Wishes from the vast wasteland of the anonymous.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Lost your way

Too many detours

etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
1st chapter was very good. 2nd chapter pretty good. 3rd chapter...

...3rd chapter very good. 4th chapter ... ok. 5th stunk. Ok, not stinky, but worse than “meh”. Holy cow, the Woodley story took foreeevvveerrrrr. And, the chapter didnt gel anyway. Off the top of my head, it was rushed. This happened, then Woodley story, then this happened, then that happened, and finally this happened. Kinda dry in comparison to 1st and 3rd chapter.

Also, disappointed Sarah got siderailed. But that’s your storytelling prerogative. But you make her such an integral part of the story, then when he finds her again... ok, she’s engaged. But at the very end she kind of disappears. Did she get married? Maybe they should have had a double wedding. Or by the time of the marriage with Fumiko Sarah was already married. That would have been nice, and the last we see of Sarah is in Memchu, standing next to hubby, with her arm laying across her bulging 8 month pregnant belly. There, Sarah’s where abouts and what abouts solved.

GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonabout 6 years ago

Emily Dickinson? Wasn't she a recluse? I don't think she'd like your using her name this way...

This was well written and I enjoyed it, until I started thinking about some of the inexplicables. It wouldn't have been hard for Ivan to contact the conference organizers, find out who they hired as simultaneous translators, and at least get Fumiko's last name. It's also a bit of a stretch to believe that Fumiko would still love Ivan, nine years after he impregnated and abandoned her. And upon whom does Modern Woodley wreak revenge? Still, I found the characters well drawn and engaging, in a smart people doing dumb things kind of way.

My biggest problem was the lengthy discursions. I ended up skimming them, but then I sometimes do that when Michener writes them, too.

Oh, and to the person wondering about Ichiro's patronymic: Fumiko could understandably have done that in honor of Ivan's obviously-Russian heritage.

Well done, and thank you for posting.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

You Merrymen are running amok! Get back to Sherwood Forrest where you belong, Merrymen are everywhere! You're supposed to be robbing from the rich (those with five stars)! Get back to dropping those three bombs!

Robin Hood.

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