Happy Homecomings


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Starting to sound exasperated, Ray pinched a nipple between thumb and forefinger and pulled it slightly up from her chest. "No, I meant these."

"You mean flashing Clem? Fireworks? That was barely sparklers."

"Sparklers, my ass. These are M80's. Even with a bra on." The hard-bodied man rose to his knees alongside the well-endowed chest. He gave her nip a quarter twist. "Weren't you worried about other people seeing?"

"I was. That's why I didn't pull my bra up as well." She sounded frustrated. "I know it was crazy, but just then I really wanted to show them off." Ray released the twist and relaxed the pull, and she let out a luxuriant sigh. Then her mouth curved into a slightly wicked smile. "Savannah Slim was so cocky, and I wanted to see if he'd go all googly-eyed the way you do when I walk topless around the house."

Her husband now pulled both nipples upwards, but lightly. "And he deserved a treat after such fancy shooting?" he said with one raised eyebrow.

"Not only him," she said while giving him a look. "The German boy deserved to see them too, after you accused him of running a crooked game." She gripped her D's at their bases and squeezed them upward. "Do you think he would have liked that?"

Ray released his pinches, bent down and gave each hard nub a quick lick. Then he chuckled. "I think he would have given you the giant stuffed tiger to go along with your unicorn."

Chapter 38

"You always tell me how much you like them," she said. "Should I show them off more? Would you like that?"

Of course, there was no way in real life that Amber could show off her assets more without causing unintended, and potentially serious consequences. When you worked daily among a throng of teenaged boys, you couldn't honestly expect them to rise above their hormones. She already knew she was a hot-for-teacher archetype and several boys crushed on her each semester. For her to dress in a way that displayed her assets to their full potential, the way she had when she was an undergrad, would be foolish and cruel to the boys, and damaging to her standing as a professional who could be trusted with the welfare of children. So, her daily work wear was demure, without being boring, and included bras that left a whole lot to the imagination about the real size and shape of her breasts.

Over summer break she could relax a little bit, but really not by much. Some people in a small community are never off duty. Your pastor, your doctor, your children's school principal; their behavior away from the job would always reflect back on their standing on the job.

"It was so warm today," she mused as her hands continued to climb her hills and attack their peaks. "It would have been nice to have worn that light blouse with nothing confining my girls. I bet it would have been alright; probably most people wouldn't even have noticed."

Ray laughed out loud as he leaned over to his right and grabbed something off the top of his nightstand. He continued chuckling as he straddled her midriff. "I'm sure you're right. Nobody would have noticed at all." He flipped up the spout on the plastic bottle and began to drizzle baby oil over her smooth, round globes, like an Italian chef adding olive oil to a dish.

Amber saw that her husband was already half hard, and the tip of his cock shone with precum. She reached out and smeared the goo gently around the head. Then she brought the finger to her mouth and sucked. He grew to three-quarters hard.

"Even bouncing around under that thin blouse and getting your big nipples rock hard from rubbing against the material, I'm sure it would have been fine." He dribbled a thin stream of baby oil along his shaft.

She smoothed the oil all over his brutal, yet delicate member, bringing it to full hardness within two strokes. She pressed his manhood against her sternum with her right hand and used her left to press her left breast up against its side.

Ray put the bottle back and his hand took over from hers in holding his straining cock down. Amber's newly freed hand moved to her right breast, and she pressed her big tits together to give him a nice chest-pussy to fuck.

Ray thrusted slowly, loving seeing the head of his cock emerge from the soft embrace of her flesh. He noticed that while her palms pushed her mounds together, she reached up and trapped her solid nipples between her first and middle fingers.

"No, nobody would have noticed," he growled. "Nobody except every man there, and all of them would have been imagining doing what I'm doing right now."

"Will you do it in Croatia? Will you do it in front of Hue and Clem?" It definitely sounded more like a request than a question.

"Yes," he declared. "After seeing these beauties out in the open all day, I bet they'll be begging me to fuck 'em for them." His stroking sped up. "Squeeze them tight, baby, squeeze them tight."

Amber did as she was told, crushing her oiled mams together to give his big rod maximum friction.

"So fucking beautiful," the man nearly whined. "Gonna cum, gonna cum all over your big tits!" Ray stroked short and sharp in the valley of her bosom.

"Yes, yes, yes. Give me your cum," begged Amber before craning her neck forward with open mouth and protruding tongue. Then it was there, but it wasn't. She felt the jet of spunk hit her in the throat, but on the outside. His angle was too low to get into her mouth. But it gave her a damn fine pearl necklace.

Chapter 39

The next day, Sunday, as Amber and Ray talked about their Croatian vacation over breakfast, they both found themselves surprised that it was still nearly two weeks away.

"It's only July 2nd," said Ray. "We're not leaving until the 13th."

"When I was dressing this morning," said Amber as she dished up omelets, "I found myself picking out the clothes I wanted to bring on the trip and thinking about which suitcase I wanted to put them into."

Ray chuckled. "Yeah, they might be a little creased by the time you unpacked at the resort. But I'm feeling the same way. I've met with Clem the past two weeks, working out details of the trip. And then we had the coincidental meet up yesterday, with its preview of things to come." He waggled his eyebrows. "So I'm like you, thinking we'll be heading out in the next day or so. But we still have to get through the week ahead and the awards ceremony the week after that."

Fortunately would be too strong of a word to use, but at least the days ahead were busy enough that the Sempelses weren't sitting around thinking of nothing else but their upcoming trip.

Work continued as the week before, although now, Ray's report writing went up as he finished his evaluation appointments with the redeployed troops. Amber put the finishing touches on her end-of-year reports and began evaluating the school's projected teacher vacancies and candidate applications.

For people in the military, a long deployment could play havoc with their family lives back on the Homefront. Here, Ray and Amber were lucky that they didn't yet have kids and that Amber was a mature professional with a well-paid job and support structure of her own. It enabled them to avoid many of the struggles of young soldiers and their spouses who were away from home for the first time.

For Ray, the worst thing he had to face was their income taxes. His deployment to a combat zone introduced some tax benefits, including an extension beyond April 15th, but the taxes still had to be filed. Ray picked up a package of information from the post legal office and he and Amber spent several of the next nights figuring out the forms and special rules for their situation. In the end, it appeared their refund would be the largest they'd ever received. They decided to put the windfall to immediate use and upgraded their accommodations at the resort.

The two also kept up with the exercise regimens they'd developed over the past year. Where their workouts meshed, they did things together, otherwise they still planned the times to overlap to minimize their time apart.

And of course, they made love. And fucked. And talked. Their reunion had started off unusually hot because of the strange situation they were in with Clem and Hue, but even without that, a highly sexed, deeply loving couple had a lot of missed time to make up for.

They talked again about Amber going off her birth control immediately, since their breeding session had been so hot. But they decided waiting until after the vacation was still the best idea because they both planned on giving up alcohol as soon as they started trying to fall pregnant. And alcohol would likely be helpful in lowering any inhibitions that might interfere with their rookie foray into the world of Exhibitionism and Voyeurism, or E&V as they'd seen it called on Internet sites.

Talking about that dirty weekend led to Amber being labeled a bad girl by Ray since she was so obviously aroused by the subject. This in turn led to her first real spanking at Ray's hand. They were both surprised to find they liked it enough to add it to their expanding sexual repertoire, albeit on the "occasional" list.

One night, when Ray found himself absolutely slurping to keep from drowning after a particularly well received round of cunnilingus, he asked if she really was getting wetter or was it just him having lost his perspective. Amber said she'd noticed it herself. She said that while she had tried several different toys and techniques to "keep herself in shape" for him while he was away, she hadn't reached the levels of wetness alone, that she had during some of their welcome home sessions.

This expanded to a discussion on the subject of squirting, supported by more Internet research. Which in turn led to a long wine-fueled porn-watching mutual masturbation session that ended in very nice orgasms, but no squirting for the woman not on the screen. In the end they agreed that if it was going to happen it was going to happen all on its own, not with her actively trying to get there.

And Ray found out that Amber's pink vibrator did feel pretty good inside his ass. Although nowhere near as good as his cock felt inside of hers.

Chapter 40

Tuesdays just seemed to be a key day as the Sempelses rode the current of their lives toward the whitewater of the erotic rapids ahead. (Or was it a dangerous waterfall?)

Ray's final two counseling sessions with Clem Evans had been on Tuesdays, during which the 20-year-old Corporal and the 33-year-old Captain had not only talked about each other's mental health but had also laid out ground rules for their upcoming shared vacation at a nude beach resort in Croatia.

The 4th of July, possibly the most symbolically important day of the year to a U.S. soldier, had happened on a Tuesday. And now, one week after Independence Day, came the most consequential Tuesday of this post-deployment period. Corporal Hue Lan Pham was arriving from Fort Hood, Texas.

She was flying into Frankfurt International on a military contract flight that carried rotating soldiers in and out of Europe. Clem had reached out to the Sempelses for their advice on this one. He had a couple of options. He could let Hue simply grab the contracted shuttle bus over to their post and meet her at the reception center. He could hop a train to Frankfurt and bring her back east the same way. Or he could borrow one of the beater cars that moved around the young enlisted corps and drive up to get her. With either of the last two options he could also book a Frankfurt hotel and stay there overnight with her before returning to base for the awards ceremony on Wednesday.

Amber resolved the quandary quickly and simply and with no room for debate.

"We'll go get her together."

And so it was that while the early summer sunrise was dawning, the three of them drove northwest in the Sempelses' Volvo XC60 for the trip to Frankfurt.

Hue Lan was arriving early morning European time, which meant an overnight flight for her. Amber had also decreed that they wouldn't stay in Frankfurt but would return to their own post to give their visitor the best chance to rest up and adjust so she'd be in decent shape for the following afternoon's events.

Where she would stay on post was one point where Amber did not get her way. In her mind it was obvious that Hue Lan (and probably Clement) would stay in their guestroom. However, Ray thought this could turn out very bad, with suppressed desires, bubbling fantasies, and jet lag leading to some out-of-control situations. Fortunately, he didn't have to express his opinion because Clem said that the command had come through and provided a suite for Hue in the VOQ. The Visiting Officers' Quarters were obviously for officers, and suites were generally for Colonels and above. However, seeing as Corporal Pham had one of the more amazing stories of all the reward recipients, the Brigade Commander, with the Division Commander's concurrence, had designated her a DV, a Distinguished Visitor, and put her in a Colonel's suite.

The airport arrival itself was a unique situation, where Ray's low-profile approach won out. All the arriving passengers would have to make it through Customs and Passport Control before entering the arrivals hall. The hall would be a raucous gaggle of military family members and sponsors trying to find their arriving loved ones and new troops among all the traveling Germans and other Europeans. Plenty of the Americans in the crowd would be from their post.

At first, Amber had said no one would think twice about a couple of guys who'd served with Hue downrange going to pick her up from the airport. Ray had agreed with that in principle, but said, why do something that would stand out in people's memories if they saw the four of them together again over the next few days. Especially if thinking about their upcoming joint vacation caused them to give off unintentional signals of inappropriate closeness between an officer and a couple of junior enlisted people. Besides, Ray had argued in his most persuasive point, wouldn't Amber prefer to meet Hue Lan for the first time outside of the crush of arriving passengers?

In the end, they decided Clem would go alone to meet Hue in the arrivals hall while Amber and Ray waited at a bakery and coffee kiosk in the main terminal to avoid running into people they knew. Vice principal and physician's assistant were pretty high-profile positions in the garrison, so lots of people from their post would likely recognize one or both of them.

The flight's arrival was called, and Clem headed off, while Ray and Amber ordered café latte and a latte macchiato respectively and sat down to wait. Baggage claim and passport control were not quick processes. In fact, the married couple considered ordering another round as they waited, but in the end just got bottles of sparkling mineral water, which they swished around in their mouths in an effort to reduce their coffee breath before popping mints.

Chapter 41

Frankfurt airport was always busy, with hundreds, if not thousands of people moving through every hour. But there was no missing the uniformed Army Sergeant leading a bunch of clearly American people, mostly young males with short haircuts, through the terminal and out to where the contract buses waited to take them to U.S. Army posts and Air Force bases across the Federal Republic.

Amber had gotten to her feet when Ray pointed out the gaggle of Americans, but it took almost five minutes after the last of the group exited the terminal before she spotted the lanky figure of her Southern Stud approaching from the arrivals hall. It was another half minute before the general crowd thinned enough for her to spot the short, dark-haired woman at his side. Amber had linked her arm through her husband's to anchor herself, but when Clement and Hue Lan broke free of the terminal crowd she couldn't hold back anymore.

The tall, black-haired Caucasian beauty bounced on the balls of her feet twice before unwinding from her husband's arm and skipping the final ten yards to the warrior couple who had brought that husband back home to her. As she ran, Amber grinned widely at Clement Evans, but her poorly hidden main focus was on the small, but extremely fit, black-haired Southeast Asian beauty at the Georgia boy's side.

A wide smile broke across the lovely face of the 22-year-old Vietnamese American as she took in the undisguised joy in the tall woman's face. When Mrs. Sempels finished hugging Clem and turned to her, Hue Lan didn't hesitate in opening her arms wide.

Anyone seeing the two women wrap their arms around the other would have supposed they were BFF's rather than basically complete strangers who had only spoken together over some Skype calls a few months back. Objectively, the situation was even stranger for Hue Lan. Anyone would understand Amber's excitement at meeting the hero who had helped save her husband, but Hue hadn't even really known Captain Sempels all that well, let alone not knowing Mrs. Sempels at all. For example, she still didn't know that Mrs. Sempels was the woman who had fucked her husband in a public restroom and would now be going on a sexually-charged vacation with Hue and her quasi-boyfriend.

Clem had, however, told Hue about Mrs. Sempels' fan-girl crush on the warrior princess. He'd also told her about the welcome home kisses the Captain's wife had bestowed on Clem and the other members of the transport security detail. Her combat fuck-buddy had admitted that the kiss had curled his toes a bit and had almost certainly more-than-curled Franklin Johnson's, who Clem was pretty sure was still a virgin. Now having seen in person just how hot the older woman was and feeling how good her body felt in her arms, Hue Lan hoped she might get such a kiss too.

On the drive up to Frankfurt, Clem had again assured the Sempelses that he still hadn't identified them as the couple from Farewell Day, nor said anything about Amber flashing him at the Independence Day carnival. But as he watched the two women hug, Ray couldn't help but think that Hue must know that Amber was the woman she'd be going on a naked vacation with. But Clem continued to put the lie to that when Ray closed up their little group.

After Amber finally released the woman and Ray gave Hue Lan a much more boring hug, Clem spoke up.

"Well, this seems a bit redundant now, but Mrs. Amber Sempels, may I introduce Miss Pham Lan Hue of Houston, Texas."

Amber looked over at Clem and then back at the young woman with some confusion.

Hue rolled her eyes, but also looked pleased. "He's practicing saying my name the Vietnamese way in case he ever meets my family."

"In case--?" Clem started to say, but Hue kept speaking to the woman.

"In Vietnam it's Family name, then Middle, then First. But in the States, we just go First, Middle, Last." Turning her head to Clem, Hue added with emphasis, "Just like other Americans." She'd clearly had to deal regularly with people assuming she wasn't American because she was full-blooded ethnic Vietnamese. But she tempered the chiding when she turned her face back to the taller woman and said, "He's such a sweet boy. If I ever do bring a Westerner to meet my family, he might do."

"Well, Hue Lan Pham," said Amber while staring deep into the dark eyes. "I am so glad to finally meet you in person."

There was a palpable tension which only crested higher when Hue said softly, "Clem mentioned something about a welcome home kiss?"

"A welcome home and thank you kiss," replied Amber before lowering her mouth to the other woman's. As the delightful softness of Hue's lips registered, thoughts and images flashed across Amber's mind. She thought this stooping position must be how it felt for Ray when he kissed her. Then she remembered the kissing role-play she and Ray had done while talking about Hue and Corinne Joya, which made her want to put her tongue into the small woman's mouth.
