Harvest of Blood


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The creature entered and Celdin ordered, "Speak through its lips."

Denethia mouthed the words, and the creature sucked in a breath for the first time since its death, wheezing, "Yes, Master."

"Very good, now order it to return to its place. It will obey this simple command without direct control."

Denethia did as he had ordered, causing the creature to lurch back toward the door, and shamble back to the chill cavern of the dead.

"Now, reach farther, out in the world beyond our quaint home. Find this one," Celdin demanded, revealing one of the reins of power to her. It was different from the others, stronger and more ominous. Denethia touched it with her mind and instantly knew the nature of the creature, a vampire.

"My most recent accomplishment," the Master explained, "Raised through the power I gained in bonding with you."

She could feel the malevolent hatred of the creature pouring through the link. It was intelligent — its soul bound within dead flesh — and despised the living, even as it hungered for their blood.

Through the vampire's eyes, she saw only darkness. The creature was at rest, its eyes closed.

"Command it to rise."

Denethia did so, and saw the world in shades of sickly green through the vampire's eyes. She saw the stone lid of the creature's crypt above, which shifted as the vampire slid it away. The creature rose from its grave, revealing an underground crypt. Chained to the wall nearby was a woman, lush of figure and hanging limply from the manacles about her wrist. Denethia felt the surge of hunger that emerged within the vampire upon seeing the faint pulse of the woman's heartbeat in her neck, a neck marred by partially healed puncture wounds.

"Command it to take her, to feed and take its first wife in undeath."

Denethia tasted bile, and refused to release the horrible hunger of the creature she commanded. Almost instantly, her blood turned to acid, burning in her veins. Her strength left her and she collapsed to the floor, the sharp crack of her knees against the stone utterly lost in the burning of her blood.

"You must obey me, Denethia. Through our blood bond, you will know pain beyond imagining whenever you refuse my orders. Only by accepting your fate, and pleasing me, can you end the torture."

A sob wracked Denethia's body as she realized it was true. The burning in her veins lessened as she came to grips with what Celdin had just told her, understanding that she had no choice.

"Now, order it to feed."

Still sobbing, she connected to the vampire again. The burning of her blood vanished as she obeyed Celdin's commands, but when she hesitated to give the vampire an order to feed upon grasping its reins of command, the burning started again. Ordering the creature, as Celdin had commanded, ended her pain, but not her torment.

Denethia felt the almost sexual ecstasy of the vampire as its fangs pierced the woman's flesh. She could taste the coppery blood, feel it sliding down her throat. Her nipples hardened, and wetness gathered between her legs as the creature fed, transferring the one feeling other than hatred it could experience in undeath through the link to her.

She felt the flow of blood trickle, and then stop, as the blood-sucking monster drained the woman dry. The vampire's body surged with renewed strength, and then Denethia felt despair as the ecstasy of feeding faded away. Once again, the vampire knew only cold hatred.

Weeping, Denethia lurched away from the contact with the creature, only then feeling the pain in her knees. She sat back heavily, screaming in pain and terror.

Celdin approached, "You perform well, Denethia. Only one test remains, and it shall take away your pain."

The sound of weeping emerged from the doorway behind Denethia. She turned to see Kyleria guiding a filthy, bound woman into the room. Denethia recognized the woman, barely, as one of the others who had shared her squalid novitiate. Kyleria led the woman, who was weeping uncontrollably, to stand before Denethia.

Celdin knelt down beside Denethia and pressed something into her hand. She looked down, and saw a bloodstone. Her blood turned to ice when she realized what was to come.

Celdin looked up and nodded to Kyleria, who roughly shoved the weeping brunette to her knees before Denethia. The Master then said, "End your pain, and this woman's failed existence, Denethia."

The ice flowing through Denethia's veins turned to fire as the price of her disobedience asserted itself. With a warbling scream, she thrust out the bloodstone against the woman's chest, ending the burning in her veins.

The feeling was much akin to the ecstasy of the vampire's feeding, the woman's life force flowing through the bloodstone into her. The pain in her knees vanished almost instantly, as the woman before her writhed and withered.

The power ceased to flow, and Kyleria gave the dry husk that remained of the woman Denethia had just drained an absent push. The corpse fell to the ground with a dry clatter, bits of desiccated flesh and dust rising up from it when it landed.

Despite her revulsion, Denethia continued to feel the ecstasy of the woman's life giving her power, through the bloodstone pendant. Celdin took the stone from Denethia's hand, and then hung it around her neck.

"Congratulations, Denethia, your testing is ended."

She didn't even hear the last words, because she looked at the corpse, a woman murdered by her hand, and fainted.


Once again, Denethia awakened in her room. This time, she was not alone when she regained consciousness. Kyleria and Celdin sat on the foot of her bed, watching her rouse from her faint.

Celdin spoke as soon as Denethia was obviously cognizant of her surroundings, "As I said, your testing is ended. Your first reward hangs between your breasts, the bloodstone that will give you power and eternal youth. Now you shall receive the second, greater reward of our bonding."

Denethia felt a surge of arousal, coming from both her Master and the dark-tressed woman who sat opposite him. They both rose and shed their robes, as Denethia's body reacted to that shared anticipation of sexual satisfaction. Celdin's cock stood erect and throbbing, and Kyleria's nipples were likewise stiff upon the full globes of her breasts. Wetness shone faintly on Kyleria's nether lips, and the woman's scent of arousal increased the building desire within Denethia.

Denethia found she could not resist the sensation rushing to her, and from her, through the link of the blood bond. Her hand moved between her legs, cupping her sex beneath the robe. It was soon not enough to touch her aching heat through the cloth, and she had to rise up from the bed, pulling off the clothing that felt as if it were stifling her now. The scent of her own arousal mingled with Kyleria's in the room as she bared her body to the cool air.

Once she removed the obstructing robe, Denethia immediately reached down to quell the burning need in her loins. Celdin grabbed her wrist, blocking her questing fingers from their goal.

Denethia croaked, "Please, Master!"

Celdin did not answer, but instead pulled the wrist he restrained down to her side. He followed this by doing the same with her other wrist and speaking words of magic. She felt her hands bound by magical power at her sides.

Denethia writhed, rubbing her thighs together in an effort to quench the fire between them. Kyleria stood and crossed her hands behind her back, Celdin binding them there with the same spell that restrained Denethia. Kyleria then climbed up on the bed at its head, Celdin pulling on Denethia's legs to move her and make room for the other woman. Kyleria knelt behind her, increasing the miasma of aroused female flesh that already filled Denethia's lungs.

When Celdin reached down to part Denethia's thighs, she snapped them apart on her own, bringing a smile to his lips. The arousal flowing between the three was too strong; Denethia could no longer bear to remain untouched. Denethia whimpered, "Please," repeatedly, staring at Celdin's throbbing erection and willing it inside her.

Celdin stroked his organ, asking, "Please, what, Denethia?"

She erupted in a sobbing scream, "Please take me Master!"

A growl emerged from Denethia when he fulfilled her request, slipping his cock between her virgin lips. A sharp gasp followed as his hard flesh pierced her maidenhead, pushing into her well-lubricated depths. While the pain she expected was there, the ecstasy shared with Kyleria and Celdin through their magical bond overshadowed it. The pain flowed with the pleasure, becoming a part of it, the blood of her virginity's sundering mixing with her juices coating Celdin's thrusting manhood.

Denethia's eyes closed tight as her body stiffened — shot through with violent jolts of pleasure. The musky scent of womanly arousal increased, and she opened her eyes a moment to see Kyleria had moved forward, centering her sex directly overhead.

Denethia's eyes closed again as the ecstasy overwhelmed her senses. It felt as though the energy flowing through her, centered in her throbbing clit and painfully stiff nipples, was about to tear her apart. Her breasts jiggled from Celdin's powerful thrusts, which steadily pushed her open on each penetration, allowing him deeper into her clinging sheathe.

The sound of three simultaneous screams rang out and echoed off the walls when Denethia came. Again, she felt the eruption of wetness gushing from her, and a similar flood washed over her face from Kyleria kneeling above. Celdin's hot semen exploded into her depths, spreading its heat throughout her body.

All three continued to scream, gasp, and quiver from their orgasms, Kyleria collapsing down and smothering Denethia in her soaked sex.

"Taste her," Celdin gasped out.

Revulsion swept through Denethia, pushing away the hot glow of pleasure permeating her. Almost instantly, the painful price of her disobedience replaced the heat of release that filled her. The stinging fire faded as Denethia thrust out her tongue into Kyleria's dripping cunt.

Celdin's cock, which had been softening inside Denethia's clinging grip, surged to hardness again as Denethia lapped Kyleria's pussy. Celdin barely moved, but he and Denethia both moved rapidly toward a second climax even as Kyleria's screams of pleasure mounted.

Denethia's scream of release this time allowed the bittersweet flood of Kyleria's juices to fill her mouth. She choked, and then swallowed, continuing to lap until exhaustion forced her to collapse on the bed.

Eventually, Celdin and Kyleria left, leaving Denethia to weep alone for her lost innocence.


In the years that followed, Denethia felt the sting of disobedience frequently for a time. Her soul screamed in betrayal from the murders, and worse, that Celdin ordered her to commit. Her stomach knotted and roiled when she considered the perverse sexual acts Celdin's commands forced her to engage in, only to experience the ultimate, overwhelming ecstasy each time. She awoke weeping in the night frequently as the memories intruded upon her dreams.

In time, her soul was stifled, shoved deep into a locked corner of her mind. She learned, killed, and stole with ruthless efficiency during her waking hours, but the horrors returned to her in the night, still.

As the years passed, she realized that her power was greater than that commanded by any of the other apprentices. In truth, she could summon up power that even the Master could not call forth. Only the blood bond prevented her from fleeing from the living nightmare she endured, day after day, forced to participate as Celdin's greatest tool in his harvest of blood.

She winced each time Celdin ordered her out into the world, narrowing her eyes against the burning stare of the sun outside her prison. Celdin sent her to kill those who sought to prevent him from raising an army of the dead. Denethia obeyed his commands and murdered innocent wizards and clerics, deemed a threat because of their proximity to places where his dead army awaited commands. Other wielders of the dark magic fell to her power — their bodies, souls, and Art given to Celdin to increase his already vast knowledge and power.

Through the bloodstone, she sucked the life from innocents to preserve her youth, never aging through decades of service to her fell Master. Never would he allow her body, which he so desired, to fall victim to the ravages of time.

Now she sought a great prize, the books of a legendary necromancer. The black wizard had discovered the secret of eternal life through becoming a lich — those frightful undead creatures of supreme magical power — and the forces of light had sought him out to destroy him. They had succeeded, at the cost of their own lives, the location of the dead archmage's lair lost to the ages.

Someone had discovered that lost treasure trove of dark Art, and it was Denethia's task to retrieve it.

The minor bone wizard who had discovered the lair fell to an almost absent blast of Denethia's magic, leaving behind little more than a bloody smear to mark his confrontation with her. She approached the bookshelves she could see in the next room of the ancient necromancer's cavern lair, her stride quick and a desire to finish this task driving her.

Reaching the library, an enormous tome resting upon a stand in the center of the room immediately drew her eyes. Magical lights, undimmed by the centuries, lit the stand and book in a glow not unlike that of the full moon, a pale bluish-gray.

Denethia approached the book, and immediately recognized it for what it was. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared, the means of escape from slavery written upon the pages before her. A bitter smile crossed her face as she considered the hurried command Celdin had given her before dispatching her. Kill the fool who has stumbled into Necron's lair, gather up the dark wisdom of the ages, and return with it to me.

His command lacked the usual care Celdin exercised when issuing orders to his most powerful slave. Celdin sensed that she outmatched him, and thus carefully managed her every action through detailed commands. In anticipation of attaining Necron's knowledge, he had made a mistake.

Denethia sat down before the vast tome, the bitter smile on her face growing wider by the moment.


Denethia closed the door to her room, her hand clasped protectively over a small bottle within a pocket of her robes. It was not part of Necron's horde, and thus there was no compulsion for her to turn it over to Celdin as she had all the other items from the ancient necromancer's lair. The potion was of her own making, though the undead wizard's tome had provided her with the knowledge to brew it.

Falling into her spell casting, Denethia warded the room against intrusion. She knew Celdin would be unable to break her wards, and in moments, he would be unable to command her to allow him entrance.

Three days until the harvest festival, the day my foolishness brought me here. How appropriate, she thought bitterly.

Lying down on the bed, she pulled the vial from her pocket and removed the stopper of waxed cork. Draining the potion within, Denethia sat the bottle on her bedside table even as the black magic spread through her body. She shuddered and writhed, the magic tearing through her like a pack of ravening wolves.

Denethia stiffened as the magic culminated, her body twisted and contorted on the bed.


Celdin paced outside Denethia's door, as he had numerous times these last three days. He could not break the wards, and he could not sense Denethia through the wards. His first command upon her emergence would be to forbid her from doing this again.

He was just about to stomp away for the fifth time this day when he sensed the wards falling away. Turning immediately to the door, he threw it open and walked inside.

Denethia stood nude beside her bed, smiling in his direction, "Hello, Master," she said to him in mocking tones.

"You will never place wards around this room, or any other, preventing me from reaching you again," Celdin snarled.

Denethia laughed and gestured, slamming the door shut behind Celdin, "Of course, Master," she responded, the final word full of sarcasm.

"It seems you need a reminder of your place, Denethia," Celdin growled, angered by her mocking tone.

Denethia walked toward him, her hips swaying sensually, and her fingers teasing her nipples, "I know my place." A scowl darkened her face as she reached him, and her tone turned menacing, "Do you know yours?"

Celdin started to growl another retort, appropriate punishments flitting through his mind, but then something pierced the fog of anger in his mind.

He could not feel Denethia through the blood bond.

Her hand shot up and grabbed his throat. Her grip was impossibly strong, cutting off his breath and holding him in place as she let the illusion wrapped around her slowly fade.

Celdin's eyes opened wide as Denethia's soft skin turned leathery, pulling tight against her bones. Her lips pulled back from her teeth, giving her features the terrible grimace of the walking dead. The lustrous glow of her blonde hair faded, the tresses now hanging faded and limp from her skull. Her withered hand released its grip on Celdin's neck, but a grip far stronger than her hand paralyzed him now — the aura of fear and power that surrounded her, and washed over him like a tidal wave.

Reaching up with one clawed finger, she pressed it deep into the leathery flesh of her shriveled left breast. A gray-green glob of ichor oozed from the wound, running through the crevices in the wrinkled flesh.

Grabbing the back of Celdin's head, she pulled him to her breast, forcing his mouth over the foul wound. He clawed and struggled, but could not break her grip. He held his teeth tightly clenched, but the caustic liquid oozing against his lips caused him to open his mouth involuntarily in a scream of pain. A squeeze of her other hand spewed forth the fetid fluid, filling his mouth. He coughed and gagged — his mouth and throat burning.

Denethia held him against her until he went limp in her arms, and then dropped him to the floor.

"As long as we both shall live," Denethia rattled from her dead throat.

Breaking the wards over the entrance of the cavern with a thought, she sensed all who still lived fleeing from her terrible presence. No other could see her, but her aura spread through the cavernous complex like a fog, demanding flight of any rational being. When they all had left the cavern, running as fast as their legs could carry them, Denethia restored the wards.

The dead came to attend to her, gathering about her as she walked the halls to Celdin's study, to claim it as her own. Once there, she sat at his desk to await his resurrection as a vassal lich under her command, three days hence, with the patience that only the unliving could possess.

From near and far, the undead product of Celdin's magic moved toward the cavernous complex, her grave beneath the earth. Her revenge was complete — Celdin's harvest of blood was no more. She would destroy his vast army of the undead, and he would serve as her slave forevermore.

The tiny vestige of humanity lingering within Denethia was content.

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LaRascasseLaRascasseabout 11 years ago
Revenge is sweet

Denethia suffered, she suppressed and then she changed. The tiny vestige of humanity saved her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I wish the author had gone into more detail about the "perverse acts" she was forced to perform - and also things she did to him in revenge!

Still, great story.

cittrancittranabout 11 years ago
Turnabout is fair play


DavidHard8DavidHard8over 11 years ago

This isn't the sort of story I'm into but it was just so well written I couldn't stop reading it. Keep on writing.

Angela_LeibachAngela_Leibachalmost 12 years ago

This was great. I love stories where the woman gets her own back at the end. Plus, necromancy is awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

From begining to end I was glued to the screen, great story.

ellyneiellyneiabout 16 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Very good

Very good work. Although you didn't invent anything new to the genre, it is a great work. You managed to write it in an interesting style, with unexpected story turns. While the characters belong to the.. 'simpler' ones that I've seen, they definitely do not lack motivation, development and thought, unlike many other stories.

Although considering the length of the tale, making them all full fledged, with both good and bad character traits, fears and drives as would be proper simply isn't plausible.

Only mistake that I can see is relative shortness of the story. The plot goes very fast, essentialy at 'breakpoint' pace. Should you care to, the basic plot is enough for a novel or two. The world would also deserve more use, because, even based just on this story, it has depth.

It may sound strange, but I don't event count the times that I've seen interesting settings outlined, used once and then abandoned for another malused planet.

I hope this won't be one of them.

JennyloJennyloover 16 years ago
Dark Treat

Anyone that could "yawn" at this tale has to be envious of the obvious talent of this author. Beautifully written, I'd pay for this story, that's how good it is...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Yet another vampire story. Next...

MunachiMunachiover 17 years ago
very creepy

and of course i had to read it late at night, just before going to bed... i hope i still can sleep now...

great story!

Black TulipBlack Tulipover 17 years ago
Dear spirits

I will have to read something else before I'll be able to sleep. Even though the horror was more than I would like normally, I had to read on.

I'm glad you let her get her revenge, but did you have to make the cost that high? * sigh *

Very well written.

Good luck.

Black Tulip

nyte_byrdnyte_byrdover 17 years ago

...and great! Wonderfully well-written. The kind of story that you can't stop reading once you've started.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Generic Fanfic

This is just generic fantasy fan ficiton.

The story is adolescent and the writing is, well, just plain silly in many places, and uninspired in most others. I felt like I walked in on a freshman masturbating in his dorm room after he hosted an all night pizza-infested role-playing game session.

There is a saving grace and a ray of hope. The characters had pulses of heart and humanity. I would like to see this story (and this author) grow up.

D, if these characters and this story were set in a non-fantasy setting, with no magic, but dealing with deeper and more metaphoric themes of love, death, innocence, servitude, freedom and revenge, you might be forced to rise to the ocassion as an author.

Selena_KittSelena_Kittover 17 years ago

I grew weary of "fantasy" stories and stopped reading them years ago... but damn if you didn't draw me into this world and force me to read to the end!! :) I'm impressed... that takes talent, I truly enjoyed the read/ride!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

A bit long but very well crafted. I would have liked to have seen at least the begining of the lady's revenge past the enslavement of Celedin.

R. Richard

duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago
Halloween Spirit - Captured!

This horror story is enough to chill your bones even on a hot summer's day. The character of Denethia is one of willing obedience as she is forced to do things that drive her to the edge of insanity. What a perfect Halloween Story. Terrific Write!

TE999TE999over 17 years ago
Grimly fascinating

The imagery in this story is nothing short of superb. You can smell the stench of death in the air as you read. A definite contest winner. Cheers!

sacksackover 17 years ago
You are a masterful writer....

Because normally I find this kind of thing overdone, with many "cheap" effects. However, this is the real deal...aptly drawn characters, oodles of suspense, grisly macabre elements, it's got it all! Good luck in the contest!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Couldn't stop reading!

Wow! Hot and horrific! Perhaps the darkest sort of BDSM? I'm not a big horror story fan, but I really enjoyed reading this! ~Good Luck in the Contest~

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

This story is like WOOOOOOW absolutely perfect.And great ending too

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Original and delightfully horrifying!

I loved it!! I hope you do well in the contest.

elfin_odalisqueelfin_odalisqueover 17 years ago

Simply wonderful characterization and atmosphere. Great erotic horror with a shard of humanity.

Good luck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
dark dark dark ... niciad

This one really got me into the holiday spirit. Your range is just as amazing as everything else, you make us see and feel it all, from the warmth of a fireplace, to the cold of the grave.

way to go.


LadyCibelleLadyCibelleover 17 years ago
Simply said....WOW!

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Any comments or questions pertaining to that review can be directed to that thread: http://www.literotica.com:81/forum/showthread.php?p=18265130#post18265130

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