Haylee and the Spanking Machine

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Haylee survives her punishment with help from a nice guard.
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Haylee Johnson sat in her car outside the Punishment Center. She hadn't slept well, tossing and turning on her friend's couch, as she wondered what was about to happen. Unlike most people sentenced to corporal punishment, she had no idea what was in store for her when she went inside.

Her life had been turned upside down the last month. Everything had been going well before then. Last spring, she had been elected Rush Chairman for her sorority Gamma Alpha Gamma. When she came back from summer break for her senior year, she was excited for the challenge of organizing all the festivities to add a new generation of freshman to the sisterhood, plus she knew it looked good on her resume.

Everything had gone well through the early rush period. The house had hosted socials and hundreds of girls had went in and out of the house's doors meeting and greeting all the sisters. After a couple of hectic weeks, the sorority had extended invitations to twelve young women who all accepted. For the rest of the semester they would be probational members, or probies, of the sorority and would join as full members if they met all the requirements.

The requirements weren't even that bad. It wasn't like what the fraternities do with their pledges where they treat them like slaves or make them drink too much or wake them up in the middle of the night for trips to the gym. The sorority probies only had to follow a dress code a few days a week like wearing the sorority's colors on Mondays or sundresses on Fridays and they had to learn the history of the sorority.

It was during one of the history quizzes that Haylee had gotten herself into trouble. All the probies were sitting on the floor of the main room of the sorority house while the sisters sat on the couches or stood over them. They were split into four teams and Haylee and the other officers were taking turns asking them questions like when the sorority was founded or who was the Vice President seven years ago. The questions got harder and harder because the girls were meant to fail, eventually, but this group of probies was smart and lasted a long time until one group, the team of Taylor, Jessica, and Morgan, couldn't remember the year that the sorority moved into its current house.

There were "ooos" from the assembled women, because Haylee had talked up the mystery punishment that would befall the team that got the first one wrong. The three freshman who had lost were ordered to stand in the center of the room while Haylee revealed the news. She presented a wooden paddle, painted in the sorority colors, pink background and lime green Greek letters.

The three freshmen could guess what would happen as soon as the paddle was shown to them, but they were still made to stand there with their peers and sweat while Haylee talked. Haylee told the story of the paddle which, supposedly, had been in use for a few decades. Haylee told it the same way that she had heard it when she was a freshman, though she doubted its veracity. She knew it was a silly tradition, but the girls were never hit very hard and it built community among the probies and gave another link to sisters who had graduated years before.

Haylee, herself, had never been spanked when she joined the sorority. She had always been a good girl, fastidious about always following the rules. Still, she thought it was a benign, if a little silly, tradition that helped some of the tight-laced eighteen-year olds to loosen up and live the fun college life.

Taylor, Jessica, and Morgan were all athletic blondes wearing today's uniform: a pink sorority t-shirt and short jean skirt. The sorority wasn't the most elite sorority and accepted a lot of different types of people. Haylee was black and rounder than she'd like, but that had never stopped her from climbing the sorority ranks. The three freshmen, though, had drifted together as they were the most stereotypical sorority girls of all the probies this semester.

"So, any volunteers for first?" Haylee had asked.

Taylor had raised her hand asking, "What do I do?"

"Turn around and grab your ankles."

Taylor complied and assumed the position with her ankles together and her knees just slightly bent.

Haylee kept to the script that she had seen each of the last three years, turning to the sisters, she had asked, "What am I forgetting?"

"That's not her ass! That's her skirt!" the president, Jocelyn, responded.

"Right. Taylor, roll your skirt up so I can have a good target."

Taylor, who, in fact, had a slight smirk on her face, stood up and pulled her skirt hem up over her hips revealing a black thong and toned round cheeks. She bent back over giving the sisters behind her an eye-full of only a triangle of black fabric covering her pussy and a string disappearing into her crack.

Haylee delivered three quick whacks, pop. pop, pop, to her backside leaving her no worse for wear. Jessica and Morgan soon survived their semi-embarrassing moments, revealing pink and sunflower covered panties, respectively, and Haylee moved on, thinking nothing terrible had happened. The three of them didn't seem bothered and they said it was "fun" and "exciting." In fact, using their need for more rigorous study as an excuse, Taylor, Jessica, and Morgan were the first to be given a "Big," a sophomore who would be their friend and confidante, which was supposed to be a big honor.

The rest of the night had gone off without a hitch, but the next afternoon everything had went to shit for Haylee. She was done with classes for the day when there was a knock on the door of the sorority house and a sister called Haylee down to talk to a police officer. Apparently one of the probational members, not Taylor, Jessica, or Morgan, but one of the girls who hadn't been spanked had made a complaint to the university and the university had called the police.

After that, everything had gone way too fast for Haylee to remember the details. The spanking had been on Thursday, she had talked to the officer on Friday, and on Monday she had been ordered to deliver herself to the local police station for questioning. Rumors had been spreading over the weekend and the sorority had cancelled events over the weekend. The three girls who had been spanked promised to defend Haylee as well as Jocelyn and the Vice-President, Tara, who were also implicated, however two of the probies, Mary-Catherine and Juana, quit and everyone guessed it was one of them who had complained.

Haylee had immediately called her dad after speaking to the police officer on Friday, so on Monday she already had a lawyer. Initially, she had been threatened with sexual assault and battery, but none of the three girls who she had spanked agreed to cooperate with the police. However, they still had her on hazing, which was a crime by itself and the two girls who complained wanted to charge her with sexually harassment because they were made to watch.

Haylee's whole life was flashing in front of her during this whole process. Sexual assault and battery could have sent her to jail and even sexual harassment could have landed her on a list where it would be hard for her to ever get a good job. She studied Psychology and Education; she was going to be a teacher. No way they were ever going to let her near children with that on her record.

Plus, her entire social circle was disintegrating. The national board of Gamma Alpha Gamma, a bunch of alums, who really only cared about collecting dues and getting donations, suspended her and the other two officers from the sorority without ever hearing their side of the story. She couldn't stay in the house after that, which is why she was staying on a friend's couch for the rest of the semester. So far, she was relieved the school wasn't threatening to kick her out in an effort to be tough on hazing.

Luckily, after a bunch of negotiations with the prosecutors, Haylee's lawyer had worked out a deal. In exchange for the dropping of the sexual harassment charges, Haylee agreed to be a part of an experimental punishment group. In the last couple years, the Punishment Codes had been implemented across the country, subjecting low level criminals to embarrassing and painful corporal punishments. Haylee had been warned that she could be subject to these and she had been threated by the prosecutors that they would recommend high level punishments like electroshock punishment. Instead, though, Haylee was going to be subjected to an unknown punishment that was in development. Her lawyer had received assurances from the court that the severity was similar to what Jocelyn and Tara had received which was a caning to their backsides.

Other than that relative level of severity, Haylee had no idea what was about to happen as she locked her car and headed toward the entrance. She knew that criminals usually received a giant stack of papers with directions for how to dress and what to expect, but all she had gotten was a date and time.

The Punishment Center in this little town was really the refurbished basements of the courthouse, unlike the newly built Punishment Centers made of granite and marble that existed in some of the bigger cities. Even without that pomp, it was scary. She shivered, and she didn't think it was the fall weather that was beginning to set in.

She had tried to imagine what might be in store for her, but she wasn't very creative when it came to this kind of thing. She couldn't figure out what was like a caning but still experimental. Copies of the punishment codes were online, now, and she'd learned that spanking, whipping, cropping, and flogging were already on the books, so she expected them to be testing some other implement.

"You're about to find out," she told herself, as she walked to the door, "It's a little late to figure it out." When she entered, she was met with two guards standing next to a giant machine with a gray arch.

"Put your belongings on the belt," the female guard said without even looking in Haylee's direction.

Now realizing that it was a metal detector and an x-ray machine, Haylee followed directions. She placed her purse with her belongings on the conveyor belt and then eyed the archway.

"Belt, wallet, phone?" the guard queried.

"It's all in there," Haylee responded tilting her head toward her purse. The guard shrugged her shoulders and flipped a switch and the belt started slowly moving through the machine.

The male guard had walked from behind the x-ray machine and was now standing on the other side of the arch. He waved her into what Haylee now realized was a body scanner and she put her arms in the air as the machine whirred around her.

In a few seconds, the guard motioned her forward and ordered her to spread her arms out like a scarecrow. He patted over her billowy sweatshirt and then down her black yoga pants. His hands skeeved her out as she thought he hesitated under her armpits on the sides of her ample breasts and again on her round hips. "Why does he even need to touch me? That's what the machine is for," she caught herself, "Just listen to directions and everything will be easy."

"You're good to go, miss. Remember your purse."

In front of her was reception window, which she approached. The woman behind the window smiled at her, "ID, please."

The twenty-one-year-old handed her license over and confirmed her identity.

After tapping on her keyboard for a minute, the receptionist returned her card and pressed a button eliciting a buzzing from the door a few feet away from the window, "Go through there to the waiting room. Someone will greet you on the other side."

Walking through the heavy metal door, Haylee entered a sterile waiting room, reminding her of doctor's office. There were twelve plastic chairs fastened to the floor arranged in two rows facing a door on the far wall. She sat down in a chair in the middle of the front row and wondered why she was alone. She expected there to be a Punishment Center worker or other criminals awaiting their punishments. "Maybe they're not busy," she wondered, figuring that made sense for an experiment.

Haylee sat nervously for a few minutes and just when she thought she should go back to the receptionist, the door in front of her opened and a middle-aged man came through carrying a clipboard. "Sorry, about the wait," he said. "Please fill out these forms and let me know when you're done."

Relieved that somebody had finally walked in, Haylee accepted the clipboard and got to work. The questions were mostly medical history and many repetitive questions where she confirmed that she was who she said she was and that she didn't have any mental illnesses that impaired her judgment. Haylee took her time. She didn't want to make any mistakes, nor rush into her punishment.

After ten minutes spent filling out the forms and five minutes double checking, she caught the employee's eye.

"Are you done, then?" the man grumbled.

"Mm hmm," Haylee mumbled and nodded.

The man leafed through the sheets on the clipboard for a few seconds and then ordered, "Come on through the door, Ms. Johnson."

Haylee went through the portal with the employee walking behind her. It was a hallway with what looked to be multiple offices and she was directed into the second door on the right. Haylee opened the door and saw a dour looking man sitting behind a wooden desk. "Hello, Ms. Johnson," he said, "You can have a seat."

Haylee jumped as the man closed the door behind her with a bang and sat down in the chair in front of the desk. Butterflies filled her stomach as she realized she was now alone with this strange man.

"You are Haylee Johnson, correct?"

"Good, now recite this back to me," he said, handing her a laminated note card.

"I am Haylee Johnson, and, under the threat of perjury, I have not taken any substances that could change my mood or cognitive functions."

"Alright, I know that you are a special case, so I have a little more to explain than when the average person sits in front of me."

Haylee didn't speak as her anxiety continued to grow. Suddenly, she was regretting agreeing to an experimental punishment. "What if it's worse than what would have happened before or if something goes wrong?"

"You've been sentenced to a private, short term physical punishment, like many people, however you are going to undergo a method of punishment that is still in development. That means that there are a few different procedures."

Haylee nodded along with him silently.

"This is a new method of carrying out a J23, which is a flogging to your naked buttocks and thighs."

Finally, she knew what was going to happen. Haylee sniffed and blinked, trying to hold back tears.

"We are testing out a new bit of technology. Rather than a person wielding the flogger there will be a machine that is more accurate and consistent with each blow. Because this is an experiment, in addition to the normal personnel, there is also an investigator from the Justice Department that will be watching your punishment and asking you questions. You are required to answer all of his questions. They will also be taking photographs during the punishment, but those are strictly confidential, and anything published involving the results of the study will be anonymous. Do you understand?"

Everything was getting worse for Haylee. She suspected that the machine being more accurate and consistent meant it was going to be more painful and somebody was going to be interrogating her the whole time.

"Do you understand?" he repeated, as she continued to hesitate.

"Y-y-yes," she sniffed.

"You are going to be stripped and bound for your punishment. Usually there are policies about mandatory grooming in your private areas, however I am aware that you received no information concerning that before your punishment, so any punishment usually incurred for flouting those policies will be waived. That is another part of your experimental classification. For Justice Center purposes, we are trying to ascertain certain statistics that might inform future punishment decisions."

Haylee read between the lines again. They were trying to figure out if it was embarrassing to have to shave completely for punishments or if most people were shaving anyway.

"However," he continued, "If you're grooming does not meet the requirements, you might have to remove body hair before your punishment is carried out."

Haylee's stomach dropped even lower. She hadn't been taking care of herself down there recently, with all the stress, and she knew her bush was pretty wild. Then something even worse hit her, even though she knew it was the case. "Stripped and bound," she thought. It seemed like every criminal subject to the codes ended up that way, but it still made her nauseous to hear it. Thoughts raced through her head, "Am I about to strip in front of this guy? Do I get a private room?"

The administrator behind his desk was oblivious to her internal struggle. "You must listen to directions from any technician or guard that gives you an order. Additionally, you must answer all questions from the investigator. Not following directions could lead to the submission of more charges, enhancements being added to today's punishment, or the deal you got for being a test subject being rescinded. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she answered, feeling numb. She was imagining what it was going to be like. She didn't hate her body, but she wasn't proud of it either. She looked good with clothes on, but she wouldn't be able to hide her belly or the stretch marks on her hips without them. And that wasn't even her privates. Guys liked her large breasts and butt, they looked better in clothes, too, and no girl wanted strangers examining her vagina too closely.

"After you leave this room, nobody will know your name and you're completely anonymous." He hesitated but must have noticed she wasn't talkative, he sighed, "You don't seem the type, but do you have any questions before I send you to your cell?" His finger hovered over a button that must call the guard to take her away.

Haylee shook her head. Some questions raced through her mind, but she wasn't sure she wanted to know, anyway.

The man pressed the button and, in a few seconds, a young man with a military cut and wearing a guard's uniform came into the room. "Get up, hands behind your back," he barked.

Haylee got up, slinging her purse over her shoulder. Her legs felt like jelly and the guard scared her, but she managed to stand. The guard tightened hard metal cuffs around her wrists and grabbed her by the bicep, pulling her from the administrator's office. He pushed her through a heavy metal door and the hallway that looked like it belonged in any office building had become a prison.

As the door clanged shut behind her, she was met with a fork in the gray cinderblock hallway. A sign directed men to the right and women to the left. Headed down the women's wing, Haylee could see that the left-hand wall had cells build into it with vertical iron bars. When she reached them, the guard pushed her into the first cell they reached. Surprisingly, she wasn't the first one there. A female guard in her mid- thirties with a round face and short brown hair and a man in a charcoal suit and red and blue tie were standing against the back wall of the cell. The woman smiled at her, but the man barely looked up from his tablet.

The cinderblock wall to the left of the door was bare, but there was a metal slab sticking out of the right-hand wall with a mattress atop it, and a metal toilet in the back-right corner. The guard who held her pushed Haylee roughly against the wall and held her there as the female guard walked over and stood between them and the door.

The guard didn't get any nicer walking down the wall. "When I unlock these cuffs," he growled in her ear, "Go sit on the bed. Don't make any sudden movements."